Ge117 Midterm

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South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

Nat’l Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato

Second Semester
A.Y: 2023-2024
GE 117 – Science, Technology and Society
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand each item carefully before answering. Write your answers on your TEST
BOOKLET. Erasures and changing of answers will gain no point.


Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describe the answer and write it in the test booklet.

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Science, Technology and Society?
a. They are independent of each other
b. They influence each other in significant ways
c. Society influences science and technology
d. Science and technology influence society
2. How has the advancement of technology most significantly impacted society?
a. It has eliminated the need for human labor
b. It has made communication and information access easier and faster
c. It has made society entirely dependent on machines
d. It has eradicated all societal problems
3. How does the development of science and technology contribute to societal development?
a. It contributes by increasing the average lifespan
b. It contributes by improving the quality of life
c. It contributes by promoting economic growth
d. All of the above
4. The development of technology is primarily driven by:
a. Scientific discoveries
b. Societal needs and problems
c. Economic factors
d. All of the above
5. The rise of artificial intelligence and automation could potentially lead to;
a. Job Displacement
b. Increased efficiency in various industries
c. Ethical Dilemmas
d. All of the above
6. The development of medical technology has significantly contributed to societal development by:
a. Improving healthcare delivery
b. Increasing life expectancy
c. Enhancing disease diagnosis and treatment
d. A,b,and c
7. The use of personal data by tech companies raises ethical concerns about:
a. technology
b. data security
c. learning experiences
d. technology transfer
8. How did the invention of the mechanical clock impact society during the middle Ages?
a. Improved navigation at sea
b. Enhanced agricultural productivity
c. Standardized timekeeping
d. Revolutionized warfare
9. How did the development of stained glass windows contribute to the advancement of art during the middle Ages?
a. Enhanced agricultural beauty
b. Improved lighting in building
c. Symbolic representation of religious stories
d. Increased durability of glass
10. How did the state of science and technology in the western world during the middle ages compare to other regions?
a. Western world was ahead in scientific advancements
b. Western world was on par with other regions
c. Western world lagged behind in scientific advancement
d. Western world had no significant scientific achievements
11. Which invention during the Middle Ages revolutionized book production and dissemination of knowledge?
a. Compass
b. Gunpowder
c. Printing press
d. Tide mill
12. Which technological advancement played a crucial role in the expansion of trade during the Middle Ages?
a. Telegraph
b. Steam engine
c. compass
d. printing press
13. How did the state of science and technology in the Middle Ages influence the Renaissance Period?
a. It laid the foundation for scientific advancements in the Renaissance
b. It hindered scientific progress during the renaissance
c. There was no significant influence on the renaissance
d. It led to a decline in scientific exploration during the renaissance
14. Which of the following accurately describes the shift in scientific thinking during the renaissance compared to the Middle ages?
a. Increased reliance on religious doctrines
b. Decreased emphasis on observation and experimentation
c. Increased focus on empirical evidence and questioning of established beliefs
d. Decreased interest in the natural world and physical phenomena
15. How did the invention of the printing press during the Renaissance contribute to the advancement of science and technology?
a. It led to the standardization of scientific terminology
b. It allowed for the widespread dissemination of new ideas and discoveries
c. It discouraged individual research and experimentation
d. It led to the rejection of classical scientific texts
16. Comparing the contributions of Michelangelo and Galileo Galilei, which statement is true?
a. Both made significant contributions to the field of Astronomy
b. Michelangelo’s work was more focused on artistic endeavours, while Galileo’s work was more focused on scientific
c. Both rejected the use of empirical evidence in their work
d. Galileo’s work had little impact on the scientific community during his lifetime
17. The renaissance period marked the transition from the Middle ages to modernity, which of the following best describes this
transition in the context of science and technology?
a. The shift from relying solely on religious texts to incorporating empirical evidence and experimentation
b. The shift from using scientific methods relying solely on philosophical discussions
c. The shift from individual research to collective scientific communities
d. The shift from focusing on practical applications purely theoretical science
18. Which of the following statements best describes the impact of Renaissance on the scientific community?
a. It led to the rejection of the scientific method
b. It lead to the widespread acceptance of Ptolemaic astronomy
c. It marked the beginning of modern science with the introduction of new scientific methods
d. It discouraged further exploration and discovery in the field of science
19. How did the works of Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler contribute to our understanding of the universe?
a. They confirmed the Earth-centered model of the universe
b. They proposed that the universe is infinite and unchanging
c. They laid the foundation for the heliocentric model of the universe
d. They proved that the Earth is the center of the universe
20. The renaissance was a period of significant advancement in medical science. What was one of the key contributions in this field?
a. The discovery of antibiotics
b. The description of blood circulation by William Harvey
c. The invention of X-ray machine
d. The development of the germ theory of disease
21. Which ancient civilization is known for its advancement in engineering, including the construction of the Great wall?
a. Ancient Egypt
b. Ancient Greece
c. Ancient China
d. Ancient India
22. Which ancient civilization is known for its advancement in metallurgy and the development of iron tools?
a. Ancient Egypt
b. Ancient Greece
c. Ancient China
d. Ancient India
23. How did the scientific revolution challenge traditional religious beliefs?
a. It reinforced traditional religious beliefs and rejected scientific inquiry
b. It had no impact on traditional religious beliefs
c. It introduced new scientific theories that contradicted traditional religious beliefs
d. It discouraged scientific experimentation and observation
24. How did the Copernican Revolution impact the understanding of the Sun’s position in the Solar system?
a. It reinforced the belief that the sun is at the center of the solar system
b. It introduced the idea that the sun is just one of the many stars in the universe
c. It had no impact on the understanding of the sun’s position
d. It discouraged scientific inquiry and observation
25. How did Copernicus’ heliocentric model of the solar system challenge the prevailing geocentric model?
a. It reinforced the geocentric model and rejected the heliocentric model
b. No impact on geocentric model
c. It requires scientific inquiry and observation
d. It introduced a new model that placed the sun at the center of the solar system, challenging the Earth-centered view
26. What was the main reason for the initial resistance to Copernicus’s heliocentric model of the solar system?
a. Religious beliefs that supported the geocentric view
b. Lack of scientific evidence to support the heliocentric model
c. Political pressure from the church to reject the heliocentric model
d. Personal animosity towards Copernicus
27. What was the main idea behind Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution?
a. Species are fixed and unchanging
b. Species evolve over time through natural selection
c. Species are created by a divine being
d. Species evolve through random mutations
28. Which of the following best describes natural selection?
a. The intentional breeding of organisms to produce desired traits
b. The random mutation of genes in a population
c. individual with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce
d. The process by which species become extinct
29. How did the Freudian intellectual revolution challenge the prevailing view of human behaviour?
a. It reinforced the belief that human behaviour is solely determined by conscious thoughts and decisions
b. It had no impact on the prevailing view of human behavior
c. It introduced the concept that unconscious processes and childhood experiences influences human behavior
d. It discouraged scientific inquiry and observation
30. What is the role of science and technology in the process of nation-building?
a. Science and technology has little to no impact on society
b. Science and technology are only relevant in developed nations
c. Science and technology contribute to economic development, infrastructure improvement and national security
d. Science and technology hinders social progress and cultural preservation
31. How does the development of science and technology impact economic globalization?
a. The development of science and technology had impact on economic globalization
b. The development of science and technology facilitates global trade, communication and interconnectedness
c. The development of science and technology leads to increased economic inequality and exploitation
d. The development of science and technology hinders international cooperation and collaboration
32. What are the potential risks and challenges associated with the rapid advancement of science and technology?
a. The rapid advancement of science and technology can lead to ethical dilemmas, job displacement, and security
b. The rapid advancement of science and technology always lead to positive outcomes and societal progress
c. The rapid advancement of science and technology hinders cultural preservation and traditional practices
d. There are no potential risks
33. Who is known as the first Filipino woman to be admitted to Harvard Medical School and the founder of the first pediatric hospital
in the Philippines?
a. Gregorio Y. Zara
b. Fe Del Mundo
c. Angel Alcala
d. Maria Orosa
34. What is the role of science and technology in addressing global challenges such as climate change and poverty?
a. Science and technology can address issues
b. Science and technology exacerbate global challenges and impede sustainable development
c. Science and technology impede international cooperation and collaboration in addressing global challenges
d. Science and technology provide tools, solutions and innovations to mitigate global challenges and promote
sustainable development
35. The Papyrus came from the pith of a plant called what?
a. Cyperus Papyrus
b. Cyperes Papyrus
c. Cither Papyrus
d. Cypithus Papyrus
36. What do you call a heavy flat disk made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally on an axis?
a. Ancient wheel
b. Potter’s wheel
c. Egyptian wheel
d. None of the above
37. This was an early tool invented and used by the ancient Egyptians to eradicate the land.
a. Plough
b. Aelopile
c. Antikythera
d. shadoof
38. Also known as “Hero’s engine”
a. Plough
b. Aelopile
c. Antikythera
d. shadoof
39. One of the most important technological innovations during the middle ages in terms of agriculture
a. Plough
b. Aelopile
c. Antikythera
d. shadoof
40. The first used of Paper money can be traced back in the 17th century by who?
a. Chinese
b. Indians
c. Germans
d. Europians
41. Who invented the Compound Microscope?
a. Galileo Galilei
b. John Logie Baird
c. Jacquard Loom
d. Zacharias Jannsen
42. Maria Orosa was known for her invention of what?
a. Videophone
b. Mole Remover
c. Banana Ketchup
d. Medical Incubator
43. What do you call the tendency of a child to have a sexual desire towards his/her mother?
a. Electra Complex
b. Oedipus Complex
c. Therapeutic complex
d. Psychosis
44. The personality of a man that runs on pleasure principle. It is primitive, basic, and fully unconscious part of personality.
a. ed
b. ego
c. id
d. superego
45. Who is the developed the Psychoanalysis theory?
a. Ivan Pavlov
b. Rene Descartes
c. Sigmund Freud
d. John Locke
46. The book “Origin of Species” was published on what year?
a. 1989
b. 1859
c. 1879
d. 1959
47. What is the title of the 40 page outline where Copernicus introduced his heliocentric model of the universe?
a. De Revolotionibus Orbium Coelestium
b. Ptolemaic
c. Copernican
d. Commentariolus
48. This is called a two-stage process of sweeping away the old and establishing the new.
a. Enlightenment
b. Intellectual Revolution
c. Scientific Revolution
d. Science and Technology
49. Who developed the Psychoanalysis theory?
a. John Locke
b. Rene Descartes
c. Zacharias Jannses
d. Sigmund Freud
50. What is the adverse impact of Science and Technology on the environment?
a. Resource depletion
b. Increased number of new and advanced technologies
c. People became too dependent on science and technology
d. Science and technology has improved transportations


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