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Philippine Architecture College Notes from = UST, FEU UE SLU UP Dillman ae Hi RY CODE OFETHICS © ARCHITECT SPP_———NBC P0109 - ARCHI THESIS SPP DOCUMENT 202 (REPLACING THE 1979 UAP DOC 202) 1 INTRODUCTION " Applicability ofthis Document TI] Wile these implementing rules ond regulations specifically refer tothe individual” professional practice ofthe Architect as 6 natal person, the some epply tothe A orlion. subject ta fl tects “group practice" as pert of juridicel enity ie as o DTI~reqstered sole proprietorship or as @ SECregjslered perrership or mpliances with Sec 87 of R.A No 9266 {The Architecture Act of 2004) end its implementing rules and requtions ond derivalive éxquaions including resolutions of the Boord anc the Commission TI2 Foreign Architects offering services under this servie are su to ful compliances with Sec 38 of RA. Na S266 end its implementing us ane exqulations inching resaktions ofthe Board which cals for aTocal ccunterpat Architect” for ery foreign architect) end ether period issuences of the Beard end the Commission es well as procedures/requirements ofthe Department of Labor and Employment end the Bureau of Immigrtion and Departaion {governing such foreign erchtcts Therafor, «foreign exchitec practicing architecture inthe Philippines for arjecs on Philipeine soll mus Fest secure @ 3 workin colleboraion with ¢ local Ternporary/ Special Permit (TSP) end @ work permit fro the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE] and counterpart chile who is a Regstered anc Licensed Architect (RLA] uncer Philippine law POWER TIS Business Process Outsourcing {BPO} and Knawledye Process Quisourcing [KPO} frms which have been DTI- or SEC-regjslered inthe Philippines to provide services or overseas dienls ee rol authorized lo provide archtecixel services for projects laceted on Philippine soil ness thay are PRC- regjstored architectural frm satisfying Sec 37 of RA Na 9266 and is implamanting rules end requlatons [IRR] and its derivative equetions incucing resolutions of the Boers and ater periodic issuances ofthe Boerd andthe Commission, 114 The Architects oulputs described / sted under this SPP may be expanded or increased depending onthe requirements ofthe projector the Arhitecs experonce, capbillies end specializaion/s 2 Regular Design Services of an Architect 121 In requar protic the Architect ecs asthe Gwners/ Clents/ Proponents Adviser end/or Representative He translates the Owners needs anc requirements to spaces anc forms in the best manner of professional sevice 122 The Architects work starts a the inception ofthe project when the Owner uilines is requirements tothe Architect. The wark covers the various aspects of the projec. fom analysis end study ofthe needs end requirements fo the preperelion of the necessary instrumes of service. end finally tothe supervision ding projec implementation. It ends only when the general corrector or builder turns ever the completed project to the Owner 2. SCOPE OF SEAVICES Project Defnition Phase This phese involes the defrition of the requirements of the project by the Owner The Architect in tur informs the Owner ofthe technical requrerents ofthe project anc the concomitant professional fees In this phase the Architect ‘HL consults withthe Owner to escrtain the conceptual ferework end rl requirements ofthe projact and contirs such raquierets with him 112. qahes evant infomation ang dle ant te cefnton of te eqirerents of the projet nding he scope ofthe Actes serves US. reviews and eines the awner’s spoce requirments ond lraslaes them into an echt peeearn U4 prepares an intial stlement of probele contin cost 22. Schematic Design Phese This phese consists of he preprton of schemic design studs derived frm the Projet Denton Phase. ding to conceptual plans The Arcitct 721. eves the Ouners progem schedule uke, projet sie end proposes maths of projec celienes 222 preperes the ini! line drawings representing design studies leading lo recommended solion, including a general description of the projet for ‘coproul by the Owner 225 submits tothe Owner Sletoment ofthe Probble Projet Construction Cost (SPPC] besed on curent cost pararters 2 Design Development Phase Based on approved schematics anc concepiuel plans the Architect prepares 21. the Design Development documents consisting of plens elevetons, sections and other crewings, 282. oulline specifeations to fx end ilustrele the size end character of the entire projec os to type of madera. ype of structural. electrical, mechanical, sanitery, electronic and communications systems POWERED BY 2B ms ond 284 an updeled SPPCC for submission to the Ownee 24 Contract Document Phese Besed on the approved Desiqn Development Documents, the Architect: AL _praperes the complete Contract Documents consisting of detelled designs and constuction drawings. setting forth in dete the work requited forthe carcitectval, truce, electrical, lumbing/ sanitary, machanicalelecranic and communication works pranered by the Architect anc the respective professionals imhed 242 _preperes Technical Specifications describing tyne end qualty of mteriels nish, manner of construction and ine general conditions under wich the projec isto be constructed 243 submits to the Owner seven (7) sels ofall construction crewings end technical specications for purposes of obtaining tuilcing permit 244 updtes he SPCC based an changes in scope. requirements or merket conditions 245. assists the Owner in ing the required documents to secure epprovl of government authorities having uiscction aver the design ofthe Project 25 Bidding or Negotiation Phase 251. Inthis phase the Architect ‘2 preperes the Bid Documents such es forms for contract letting documents for construction fers fr inition end instruction to bidders, forms for bidders proposals, generel/ specific conditions of contac, tc bassist the Owner from the early stage of esteblshing« list of prospective Contractors to ering of the construction contac 252 For compeive bids / procurements, the Architect 2 fumishes complete sets ofthe Bid Documents for purposes of bidding in as many sets as may be required to conduct « successful bidding The said documents ae loaned to bidders t an emount sufcient to cover direct end indirect costs atendant othe preperation, packesing repradxtion end delivery of the said documents The Bid Documents er the ineleluel property of the Arhitect [Sec 38 of RA No 9266), ané must be retuned by all eniis acquiring bid documents. A bond may be requred ts asgure the return of the Bié Documents The Arcitectreleins the sole cwneship end copyright tothe said documents [Sec 38 of RA No $266], As such, bidders rust not reprackce nor use the documents for uneutharized purposes The Owner also must net use the docuens for any ether purpose other than the project for which the Owner ane Architect signed en oxpeemen, 1b helps in organizing end condh.cting pre-bic conferences, € responds to questions from bidders 4 assists the Owner in obeining propesals trom Contactors analyzes bid resus and prepares abstract of bids. nice of award, netice to proceed and ater consruction contrects 25 sri similar functions in item 252 bu negoletes with one Contrctor instead of many bidders POWERED BY 26 Construction Phase In this phase the Architect performs the folowing 261 mekes decisions on ell lams of the Ownar end Contactors on ell metas relling to the exeetion and prosress of work or the interpretation ofthe Contract Documents 262 prepares change erders, gathers and urns ove te the Owner writen guarantees required of the Canreclor and Sub-Conrectors 263 makes periodic visits tothe project site to ferilarize hinself wilh the qnesal progess end quality of work end o ascertain the the work is proceeding in accordance wit the Conrect Documents The Architect shall not be required to moke exhaustive or continuous 8~nour an-sie supervision to check on the quality ofthe work involved! anc shell not be held esponsitle for the Contractor's failure to camry out the Construction work in accorcance with the Correct Documents During such projec site visits and onthe besis of his observations, he shal repart tothe Client defects and defkiencies noted in the ‘ark of Conlacors, and shall condermn work found faling te conform te the Conrect Documents. 264 determines the amount wing and due lo the Contactor and issues coresponding Certifies for Payment for such amounts based on his cbservatons ang the Conlrecto’s Agpicalions for Payment. Thase Cerifcaes wil onsite a certifcation ta the Clan thatthe work hes progressed tothe sale ingicaled end the to his best Knowlecge the quality of work performed by the Conralor is in eccordance with the Contact Documents The Architect soll conduct the necessary inspection to determine the dle of subslartial end final completion end issue the fel Cerifcae af Payment tothe Contactor 265. Should more extensive inspection or full-time (8-hout) construction supervision be equied bythe Client ¢ separate ful-time supervisor shell be hired end aqyeed upon ty the Owner end the Architect subject tothe conditions provided inthe SPP Document on Full “Time Supervision. When the Architect is requested by the Owner to do the ful time supervision, his services and fees shall be caved separealy in confrrnance withthe applicable and

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