JAPANESE Alphabet Basic TEST

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INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions. If you don’t
remember how to answer in Hiragana/ Katakana
you can write in Romaji but the mark will be cut in
half. (For Section B, D, E ONLY)

Section A
Write all the word in Hiragana

(23 Marks)
Write all the word in Katakana

(23 Marks)

Section B

Change from Katakana to Hiragana / Hiragana to Katakana

1) チョコレート = ____________________________________________

2) コーヒー = ________________________________________________

3)ビスケット = _______________________________________________

4) えんぴつ = ________________________________________________

5)とけい = __________________________________________________

6)かがみ = __________________________________________________
(6 Marks)
Section C

(22 Marks)

Section D

Write the numbers in Hiragana

1) 5 = ________________________________________________________________

2) 36 = ______________________________________________________________

3) 128 = _____________________________________________________________

4) 2, 405 = __________________________________________________________

5) 76, 890 = _________________________________________________________

6) 323,409 = ________________________________________________________

(12 Marks)

Write the time in Hiragana

1) 15:56 = _______________________________________________________________

2) 05:45 = _______________________________________________________________

3) 23:23 = _______________________________________________________________

4) 10:48 = _______________________________________________________________

5) 03:04 = _______________________________________________________________
(10 Marks)
Section E

Write what you listen in Hiragana or Katakana

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________
(10 Marks)

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