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Student name: Nguyễn Phước Khiêm Student ID number: 31211025272

Student name: Nguyễn Hoài Thiên Hương Student ID number: 31211021928

Student name: Trần Võ Tâm Hiếu Student ID number: 31211022093

Student name: Nguyễn Hữu Phát Student ID number: 31211024394

Student name: Huỳnh Lê Thùy Dương Student ID number: 31211021940

Student name: Nguyễn Hùng Sơn Student ID number: 31211021569


Unit name: Project Management Unit number: PMa-04

Tutorial/Lecture: Group Project Class day and time: 8:00 AM Saturday
Lecturer or Tutor name: Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Đức Nguyên


Title: Final Report

Length: 1167 words Due date: 8/12/2023 Date submitted: 8/12/2023


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Student’s signature: Huong
Student’s signature: Hieu
Student’s signature: Phat
Student’s signature: Duong

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High-performance Project Teams

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 4
I. Project Overview 4
1.1 Project objectives 4
1.2 Major deliverables 4
1.3 Technical requirement 5
1.4 Resource & Budget 5
1.5 Limits & Exclusions: 5
1.6 Milestones 6
II. Project team structure 6
2.1 Organization position 6
2.2 Project team structure 7
2.3 Responsibility Matrix 8
III. Project Activities 9
3.1 Work Breakdown Structure 9
3.2 Gantt chart 10
IV. Project network 11
4.1 AON Network Diagram 11
V. Risk & Resource Management 11
5.1 Risk identification 11
5.2 Risk assessment 12
5.3 Risk response development 14
VI. Conclusion and Recommendation 15
References 15

Executive Summary

The report herein provides a summary of the progress of conducting the final product video
from the initial stage of organisation development to establishment of the master plan for
the project. More specialised, our report illustrated the limitation, exclusion existing through
the production process and the potential risks that can happen. Thereby, the report
reflected the way that the entire team has performed to release the final deliverables.
Regarding this topic, developing and sustaining a high-performance project team in the
modern and advanced workforce environment nowaday can be considered as a prerequisite
condition for the success of any organisation. In fact, the establishment of the
high-performance project team is a crucial part for a successful project management.
Moreover, this topic introduces in detail the whole process of how to build and maintain a
high-performance project team in the organisation, as well as accentuates the role of project
manager in operating the work that leads to superior performance.

I. Project Overview

1.1 Project objectives

At the beginning of the project, we set the goal of creating a concise video, limited to a
maximum of five minutes, that would provide viewers with accurate information to
understand the steps to building a high-performing project team. By presenting real-world
examples and highlighting key concepts, the video would provide viewers with the
knowledge they need to manage projects.

1.2 Major deliverables

The main deliverables of the project:

● A concise video, ranging from 3 to 5 minutes in length, exploring the concept of High
Performance Teams
● A comprehensive presentation describing the content, methodology and workflow of
the project.
● A detailed report summarising the project's progress, including our team's workflow
and effective project management strategies.

1.3 Technical requirement

Realising the outlined objectives and deliverables necessitates preparedness, which includes
addressing the following technical requirements:
● Editors are required to possess both visual design skills and fundamental video
editing skills.
● The design and visual components of the video effectively convey the main themes
through the use of pictures and elements that merge in with the topic's narrative.
● Involves subtitles to help keep up with the content.
● Maximum duration of five minutes and be uploaded to YouTube with a 16:9 aspect
ratio and 720p+ video quality.

1.4 Resource & Budget

The majority of the project's resources are contributed by the team. Consequently, the
project's implementation expenditures are roughly nonexistent.
● A personal 14-inch display monitor and 8GB RAM computer.
● A personal phone is the recording equipment.

1.5 Limits & Exclusions:

1.5.1 Limits
The challenges our team faced while creating ideas and carrying out the project resulted in
limitations in the video, including:
● The video only covered the essentials in each part and missed out some of the more
in-depth information due to its limited time.
● Because the editor members lack extensive editing skill, the video had inconsistent
layouts and unsmooth transitions.
● The low sound quality was also caused by a lack of professional recording equipment.

1.5.2 Exclusions
Imparting knowledge to the audience in a way that is comprehensible and selecting the core
knowledge of the topic to convey. Additionally, the uploaded video is of the finest image

1.6 Milestones

Figure 1: Project Milestones

II. Project team structure

2.1 Organization position

With the purpose to enhance the efficiency and productivity of work performance, positions
of the project team are essential to be determined initially. Beside project manager, who is
responsible for managing quality and progress of the entire project, there are functional
positions in charge of specific tasks. In particular, our project team has: content creator,
copy-writer, video maker and voice artist.

Figure 2: Organisation Position

2.2 Project team structure

Due to its benefit of cohesion and cross-functional integration, our organisation decided to
apply dedicated project team management structure into our project. Through this
structure, it features the important role of project manager, and also optimising the
functional tasks of each department.

Figure 3: Project team management structure

2.3 Responsibility Matrix

The responsibility matrix represents a diagnostic tool and allows a thorough mapping of
activities, categorised by intensity of each team member's tasks and responsibilities
(Sinkovics et al., 2021), expressed by following table:

Figure 4: Responsibility Matrix

III. Project Activities

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 5: Work Breakdown Structure

3.1 Defining
With the purpose of generating high-quality output for the project and sustaining the
productive performance of the team, the stage of defining will identify the team structure,
specific roles & responsibilities for each member according to their characteristics and
technical skills. Moreover, the manager also shared about the project's goal, major
deliverables, technical requirements and general milestones that already met the customer’s
need for the project.
3.2 Planning
In this stage, the manager will indicate exactly tasks that need to be done accompanied with
methodologíe and detailed timetables to finalise the task which can ensure that everything
is kept on time and quality required. Moreover, it also sets up permanent meetings for the
manager to monitor and manage the project progress. With the target to minimise risks that
can occur and affect the performance of work, this stage also identifies, assesses and
develops responses to the incident risks.
3.3 Executing
A two-phase process first creates an initial explainer video that conveys the product's value
proposition to customers. The video is structured by usage of voiceover, text, and visuals.

Customer feedback is then rapidly incorporated into the video to better deliver the
messaging and highlight unique value to prospective partners per their key needs. This
customer-centred iteration refined the video to more effectively and concisely convey.
3.4 Delivering
The initial video concept will be shared with customers requesting their critical feedback,
including negative input, which is actively welcomed. This customer participation aims to
provide insights on improving the concept to meet their expectations and preferences. After
reviewing, key elements will be refined based on constructive criticism. This iterative process
leverages customer input to optimise the video and showcase a solution tailored to their

3.2 Gantt chart

Figure 6: Gantt chart

IV. Project network

4.1 AON Network Diagram

Figure 7: AON network diagram

V. Risk & Resource Management

5.1 Risk identification

Figure 8: Risk Identification

Figure 9: Risk Breakdown Structure

5.2 Risk assessment

Based on the Impact Scale Table (figure 10), our project will evaluate the potential risk
events that might occur during the project in the Risk Assessment Form (figure 11). In
specific, each identified risk event will assess the probability of likelihood, impact and
detection difficulty from the scale 1 to 5, 1 presented for very low and 5 denoted for very
high. Nevertheless, in order to visualise the severity of risks in the project, our project
employed the Risk Severity Matrix (table 12). The matrix is segmented into 3 areas, the red
one is high severity, yellow is moderate and green one is low risk level. And each risk event
will be arranged exactly to its area according to their identified risk level.

Figure 10: Table of Impact Scales

Figure 11: Risk Assessment Form

Figure 12: Risk Severity Matrix

According to the unpredictability of the project activity durations and the related risks, our
project has calculated the project duration will take around 30.5 days through Program
Evaluation Review Technique (PERT).

Figure 13: Table of PERT

5.3 Risk response development

As a consequence, our project has responded to these potential risks by determining the
backup plans, and individual(s) accountable for executing these responses.

Figure 14: Risk Response Matrix

VI. Conclusion and Recommendation

In conclusion, throughout the process of producing a product, our team has

concluded valuable knowledge and insights about how to operate a
high-performance project team. These experiences will be useful for further work
performance of each member in other projects. For recommendation, conducting
lessons learned from limitations that occurred during the project is such an essential
task for members to be more efficient in their own work management and to be
outstanding in other organisations, tasks that they involve in.


Sinkovics, N., Sinkovics, R. R., & Archie-Acheampong, J. (2021). The business responsibility
matrix: A diagnostic tool to aid the design of better interventions for achieving the SDGs.
Multinational Business Review, 29(1), 1-20.


Group member 1: Nguyễn Phước Khiêm

No. Group work aspect Contribution Detail

1 Sourced and appraised quality 100%

research material

2 Suggested reasonable ideas for the 100%

case analysis

3 Efficiently fulfilled assigned role 100%

4 Organisation and ensuring things get 100%

done by deadlines

5 Submitted work to an agreed 100%


6 Level of enthusiasm and participation 100%

7 Cooperated and helped the group to 100%

function well as a team

8 Attended all group meetings 100%

Total contribution to the essay 100%

Group member 2: Nguyễn Hoài Thiên Hương

No. Group work aspect Contribution Detail

1 Sourced and appraised quality 100%

research material

2 Suggested reasonable ideas for the 100%

case analysis

3 Efficiently fulfilled assigned role 100%

4 Organisation and ensuring things get 100%

done by deadlines

5 Submitted work to an agreed 100%


6 Level of enthusiasm and participation 100%

7 Cooperated and helped the group to 100%

function well as a team

8 Attended all group meetings 100%

Total contribution to the essay 100%

Group member 3: Trần Võ Tâm Hiếu

No. Group work aspect Contribution Detail

1 Sourced and appraised quality 100%

research material

2 Suggested reasonable ideas for the 100%

case analysis

3 Efficiently fulfilled assigned role 100%

4 Organisation and ensuring things get 100%

done by deadlines

5 Submitted work to an agreed 100%


6 Level of enthusiasm and participation 100%

7 Cooperated and helped the group to 100%

function well as a team

8 Attended all group meetings 100%

Total contribution to the essay 100%

Group member 4: Nguyễn Hùng Sơn

No. Group work aspect Contribution Detail

1 Sourced and appraised quality 100%

research material

2 Suggested reasonable ideas for the 100%

case analysis

3 Efficiently fulfilled assigned role 100%

4 Organisation and ensuring things get 100%

done by deadlines

5 Submitted work to an agreed 100%


6 Level of enthusiasm and participation 100%

7 Cooperated and helped the group to 100%

function well as a team

8 Attended all group meetings 100%

Total contribution to the essay 100%

Group member 5: Nguyễn Hữu Phát

No. Group work aspect Contribution Detail

1 Sourced and appraised quality 100%

research material

2 Suggested reasonable ideas for the 100%

case analysis

3 Efficiently fulfilled assigned role 100%

4 Organisation and ensuring things get 100%

done by deadlines

5 Submitted work to an agreed 100%


6 Level of enthusiasm and participation 100%

7 Cooperated and helped the group to 100%

function well as a team

8 Attended all group meetings 100%

Total contribution to the essay 100%

Group member 6: Huỳnh Lê Thùy Dương

No. Group work aspect Contribution Detail

1 Sourced and appraised quality 100%

research material

2 Suggested reasonable ideas for the 100%

case analysis

3 Efficiently fulfilled assigned role 100%

4 Organisation and ensuring things get 100%

done by deadlines

5 Submitted work to an agreed 100%


6 Level of enthusiasm and participation 100%

7 Cooperated and helped the group to 100%

function well as a team

8 Attended all group meetings 100%

Total contribution to the essay 100%


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