Older People

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Assessment Record

Student MEL2000694 - Rachana KARKI Status Submitted

Location Funding Type
Test Trainer
Intake IS 2022 - I - Certificate III in Individual Support - International Commenced 20/03/2023
Assessment 2. CHCAGE001 - WW - Assessment Task 2 - Written Work Submitted 02/04/2023
Revision 2 Assessed
Attempt # 1 Assessed By


Student Assessment - Version 5. Create Date: 26 May 2021

Assessor Guide - Version 6. Create Date: 26 May 2021



This information which is in the online Student Assessment is to be provided to each student to outline the assessment requirements.

Student Instructions
1. This assessment task requires you to answer the questions below.
2. To achieve a satisfactory result, you must answer all questions correctly.
3. Do not plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught with plagiarism will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There
are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
4. This assessment task is to be completed via the college’s online platform in a classroom or online. Your submissions must be made in
written form unless reasonable adjustments are approved by your assessor.
5. Once completed, your assessment will be marked accordingly.
6. Your assessor will provide you with the feedback on your assessment result.

This assessment will be due on:



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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 1
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Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment

You are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:

Print or type clearly.

Answer all questions.
Do not plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught with plagiarism will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There
are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule

Questions (1 - 5)

MULTIPLE CHOICE Select the correct answer.
TRUE OR FALSE Select the correct answer.

1. The aged and/or their cares in Australia now have the power to make their own decision about the type of care they want.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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2. In your own words, describe what ‘empowerment’ means to the aged.

Empowerment for an aged person means having the opportunity to have a control over their decision and promote independence.

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3. An important point to remember when meeting your client for the first time includes:

a) Face your client squarely and use open body posture and appropriate facial expressions. Ensure there are no barriers between you and your
consumer, such as a desk, and that you are on the same eye level.

b) Call your client by their name, state your name, who you are and where you are from.

c) Offer to shake hands, if appropriate, by extending your hand. Some people with a disability might not be able to shake hands. Others may have
pain that is made worse by touch.

d) Speak clearly. Use eye contact if culturally appropriate.

e) All a), b), c) and d) are correct.

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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(If required)

4. By maintaining open, clear communication lines, you will gain and maintain trust and goodwill with your client or resident.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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5. How do ‘ageist’ attitudes portray the elderly?

Ageist's are people who perceive older people to be less deserving, weak, mentally slow and burden to society and in need of protection. Ageism
is discrimination based on age.

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Questions (6 - 10)

6. ‘CALD’ is the acronym for:

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

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7. It is important to ask clients how they want to be addressed.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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(If required)

8. To ensure your CALD client understands what you have asked them to do, what strategy would you use?

As a PCA, I could ask the client to repeat the instructions, which I provided them back to me.

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 4
9. Name the Act that staff with access to personal client records are to be aware of.

Privacy Act 1988

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10. A simple guideline that assists you in maintaining client confidentiality includes:

a) Client information should be discussed with friends or relatives in a social setting.

b) Confidential documents must be out of sight and reach in public areas and any identifying documents must be kept in a locked bag or case

c) Client information should never be disclosed to neighbours or family, who may be contacting the service to find out whether the person is a client
of the service.

d) Names and other personal details of clients should not be revealed in public forums such as meetings, conferences, workshops or seminars.

e) Answers in b), c) and d) are correct.

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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(If required)

Questions (11 - 15)

11. Describe in your own words what ‘positive ageing’ means.

Positive ageing means maintaining a positive mindset and attitude about life and age. Basically, it implies treating ageing positively and
accepting it as a natural part of life.

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 5
12. How can you, as a support worker, assist in prevention of decline or disablement in social and physical involvement? And what can you do to
enable your client continue to be involved in social and physical activities?

By doing early detection, which means if a person is not able to do activities that they were doing before, we as support workers need to report it
immediately to the supervisor so that appropriate action can be taken on time.

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13. How can an advocacy service assist in enabling client/residents?

Advocacy services can assist residents to express their opinion and issues. It helps them to defend their rights and consciousness.

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14. Growing old present threats to independence.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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15. It can be readily stated that loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness and powerlessness are common feelings expressed by the elderly and
that these feelings do have a profound effect on both their physical and psychosocial well-being. How can an older person take shared
responsibility for their well-being?

The elderly can contribute to their own well-being by participating in events organised by community and by expressing their emotions to their
caregiver so that their needs can be met. cloudassess.co
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Questions (16 - 20)

16. What are some of the services available to assist empower the older person? List 3.

1. Assist them to maintain their personal hygiene.

2. Assistance in their meal time.
3. Assist them with movement.

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17. What is Gerontophobia?

Gerontophobia is an irrational fear of old age.

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 7
18. It is easy for the aged to be stereotyped, what are some the myths associated with ageing? List 3.

1. Elder people are mentally slow

2. Seniors experience depression and loneliness
3. Older adults experience hearing loss

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19. Select the correct statement/ statements about the elderly/ older people.

a) Most of them are depressed.

 b) Most of them maintain close contact with family.

c) Most of them are sick and lonely.

 d) Most of them live independently.

 e) For most older adults, if there is a decline in some intellectual abilities, it is not severe enough to cause problems in daily living

 f) Personality remains relatively consistent throughout the life span.

 g) Most older people successfully adjust to the challenges of ageing.

 h) The elderly do not lose their desire for intimacy or sex.

i) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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20. Ageism is a form of discrimination. Provide an example of such discrimination.

One example of Ageism can be losing a job because of your age. Companies refuses to hire people under or over certain age.

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 8
Questions (21 - 25)

21. As the aged decline in health or physical ability, services required may go beyond home assistance for ADLs, what other services are
available that you can assist source to meet their specific needs? List 2.

1. Physiotherapy
2. Occupational therapy

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22. Describe what Palliative care is.

Palliative care focuses on providing support for people who have a life-limiting disease that cannot be cured and will likely cause them to pass

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23. Explain what ‘duty of care’ means.

A duty of care is the responsibility that applies to everyone. This legal responsibility means one should avoid any behaviours or omissions that
could cause harm to others. For instance, an aged care professional has a duty of care to properly identify and assist the elderly in order to
improve their quality of life.

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 9
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24. Clients/residents and families have the right to make complaints about services received. Who do you refer them to initially? Why?

I can advise them to file an internal report. Internally translates as inside the home or the company. Within the company, they can speak with the
manager or supervisor directly because most issues can be resolved if they are brought up at the original location.

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25. Aged care service organisations do not have to have complaint forms for a complainant to complete for making a formal complaint.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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Questions (26 - 30)

26. Complaints can be made about any area of care or services from an Australian Government subsidised service provider.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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(If required)

27. If your client/resident does not get any resolution from complaining to management, who would they then be able to complain to externally?

They are able to send the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission an official letter.

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28. An older person receiving services from a service provider or in residential care are entitled to: Select the correct response/responses

a) live in a safe, secure homelike environment, being able to move freely within or outside of the facility without undue restriction

b) without discrimination, be able to practice cultural, religious and spiritual practices

c) freedom of speech

d) be able to maintain personal relationships and maintain social activities and associations in the community out of the facility

e) be given choices

f) maintain independence even if the task holds an element of risk, and the resident is aware of and willing to accept

g) complain without reprisal

h) access to advocates

i) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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29. List 3 of the major human right problems faced by older Australians.

1. Right to adequate housing.

2. General dislike and avoidance of contact
3. Discrimination

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30. List 3 forms of ‘elder abuse.

1. Physical abuse
2. Sexual abuse
3. Financial abuse

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Questions (31 - 35)

31. List 3 signs consistent with physical ‘elder abuse’ of the older person.

1. Dehydration and undernutrition

2. Anxious and fearful actions
3. Hand and limb bruising

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32. Explain briefly in your own words who you would report an alleged ‘elder abuse’ incident to and the process the service provider is required to

Utilising the SIRS tile on the My Aged Care Provider portal, providers must submit incidents. The portal needs to be accessible by a sufficient
number of employees for providers to send reports on time.

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33. A ‘reportable incident’ is considered to fit in the privacy and confidentiality Act.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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34. When encouraging your client/residents to participate in physical activities, what would you encourage them to take into consideration?
Select the letter you agree with.

 a) Things they can enjoy with their partner, friends and family

 b) To eat healthily to help obtain the best health outcomes

c) Drink alcohol during active physical activity

 d) Have some outdoors physical activity, although where possible keep this to a minimum in the hottest part of the day.
 e) Drinking water during and after physical activity will avoid dehydration
f) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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35. Name 2 changes associated with ageing that can impact on the older persons activities of living.

1. Loss of memory
2. Weakening of bones

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 13
Questions (36 - 40)

36. What strategies can be successful to that maximise engagement and promote healthy lifestyle practices? List 3.

Strategies that can help in healthy lifestyle can be as follows:

1) Staying physically active
2) Balanced diet
3) Avoid consumption of alcohol and smoking

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37. In your own words, describe what important information you will need to ascertain about your client/resident in order to engage them in
‘tailored’ and necessary healthy practices.

Knowing about their physical capabilities is needed to provide tailored healthy practices. For example- if the client is able to do their daily
exercises on their own or do they need support with certain activities

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38. List 4 of the aids and modifications available to assist with independent living in the older person’s environment.

1. Lightweight wheelchair
2. shower chair
3. supporting cushion
4. overbed table

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02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 14
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39. It is a ‘human right’ to take risks, if the older person has full mental capabilities.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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40. List 3 chronic conditions that older persons are at risk of developing.

- Diabetes
- Chronic Asthama
- Dementia

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Questions (41 - 43)

41. Select the factor/ factors that can increase an older person’s risk:

a) chronic pain

b) side-effects from medications

c) losses: relationships, independence, work and income, self-worth, mobility and flexibility

d) social isolation

e) significant change in living arrangements e.g. moving from living independently to a care setting

f) admission to hospital

g) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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Assessor Comments:
(If required)

42. Select the correct statement/ statements.

a) Residential aged care sector incorporates any aged care facility where the clients live at all times. Clients have their own rooms and are monitored
and cared for 24 hours each day.

b) Home and community support sector incorporates ageing people who still live at home or with relatives or friends in the community and may
incorporate day care and community-based activities.

c) Both a) and b) are incorrect.

d) Both a) and b) are correct.

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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(If required)

43. Select the correct statement/ statements when working with older people:

a) Try not to make value judgements about what is right and wrong for other people.

b) Communicate and respond to the client in a professional manner regardless of your opinions about their behaviour and values.

c) Try to imagine what life is like from the client’s perspective.

d) Keep in mind that the client has the right to respect and dignity; this includes respecting their choices.

e) All a), b), c) and d) are correct.

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Before you submit your written assessment, make sure that you:

1. Re-check your answers and make sure you are happy with your responses

2. Have written your Name, Student ID and Date and signed it.

Assessor’s Judgement:


None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

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(If required)

02/04/2023 14:30 Record ID: 17764538 16
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

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Overall Assessment Outcome


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