SubmittedMEL2000694RachanaKARKI2 - CHCCCS002 - PJT1

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Assessment Record

Student MEL2000694 - Rachana KARKI Status Submitted

Location Funding Type
Test Trainer
Intake IS 2022 - I - Certificate III in Individual Support - International Commenced 01/05/2023
Assessment 2. CHCCCS002 - PJT - Assessment Task 2 - Project Submitted 27/08/2023
Revision 3 Assessed
Attempt # 1 Assessed By


Student Information
Unit Summary

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to support people who require assistance with basic physical movement which may be due
to incapacity.

This unit applies to workers in a range of community services or health contexts who provide front line support services within the context of an
established individualised plan.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and
industry codes of practice.

Pre-requisite units: There are no mandatory pre-requisite units for this competency.

Assessment Information

Before you commence your assessment, make sure have good knowledge and skills of the subject, clearly understand the assessment
requirements and the expectations of your assessor.

To be assessed as competent in this unit, you must demonstrate the following

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage
tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

provided assistance with moving a person in at least 6 of the following situations:

assisting a person up off the floor
assisting a person to be weighed on chair weighing scales
assisting a person to change position in bed
assisting a person to use crutches or other walking aids
assisting a person or co-worker to use a hoist or mechanical lifter for transfers
moving a person to a seated position
moving a person by wheelchair or trolley
moving a person between wheelchair or trolley and bed
moving a person to a standing position
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transfers from wheelchair to shower chair and toilet
assisting a person who is falling

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes
knowledge of:
basic body biomechanics, soft tissue joint structure
importance of maintaining skin integrity
organisation policy and procedures in relation to:
infection control as it relates to assisting with movement
supervisory and reporting protocols
legal and ethical considerations and how these are applied in an organisation and individual practice, including:
duty of care
privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
work health and safety, including manual task risk factors
risk factors and techniques used when environment or residence are not custom fitted with aids
techniques for assisting with movement, including:
actions to be taken when a person is falling
active and passive movement
assistance with repositioning
assisting a person in an emergency
assisting a person off the floor
assisting a person to be weighed on chair weighing scales
assisting a person to change position in bed
assisting a person to use crutches or other walking aids
assisting a person to walk
assisting a person or co-worker to use a hoist or mechanical lifter for transfers
moving a person by wheelchair or trolley
moving a person between wheelchair or trolley and bed
moving a person to a standing or seated position
placing a person in a wheelchair
transfers from wheelchair to shower chair or toilet
utilising mobility aids owned by or associated with the person

Assessment for this unit is a summative assessment, which requires you to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment. To
be deemed competent in this unit, you must successfully complete/ be deemed satisfactory in all of the following 3 assessment tasks:

Assessment Task 1 - Observation Observation

Assessment Task 2 - Project Project

Assessment Task 3 - Written Work Written Work

Prior to conducting the assessments, your assessor will:

Contextualise the task(s) if needed.

Ensure the simulated environment is suitable for the parameters of the relevant task(s), to ensure you will have an appropriate opportunity
to demonstrate your skills.
Ensure you are allocated the appropriate time and resources for the tasks.
Advise you:

what will occur throughout the assessment process.

when the assessment will occur.
the level of competency expected.

You can find detailed explanations for each task in the online Student Assessment pack in the college’s online platform. You will be provided with
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access to the college’s online platform to access your online Student Assessment. If you have any questions, discuss with your assessor.

To contextualise this Assessment to your industry, you can undertake the relevant tasks based on your employing organisation.

When assessing you, your assessor will establish and oversee the evidence gathering process to ensure it remains valid, reliable, fair and

After you complete your assessment, gather your evidence documents as detailed in task/s in the timeframe agreed with your assessor. Records
of all aspect of this assessment must be kept with your Student Assessment pack.

The record of assessment and its associated attachments are a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to
requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and any ASQA General Directions.

Reasonable Adjustment:

The College has policies that include reasonable adjustment and access and equity principles. Reasonable adjustment will be provided for
participants with special learning needs (such as a disability or learning difficulty) according to the nature of the learning need. Evidence
collection can be adjusted to suit individual student needs if required and will be endorsed by Director of Studies, and student.

Reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that a student is not presented with artificial barriers to demonstrating achievement in the program
of study. Reasonable adjustments may include the use of adaptive technology, educational support, and alternative methods of assessment such
as oral assessment.

How the assessor makes a decision about your results:

Your assessor will need to consider all your assessment components in a unit as satisfactory to mark you “Competent” in a unit of
If your assessor has any doubts about your assessment, she/he will collect and consider carefully further evidence to help decision
The assessor will use a checklist/ marking guide to make sure you are understanding and learning what is expected of you.

After the assessment, your assessor will:

Give you feedback about your performance during the assessment period.
If your result is NYC (Not Yet Competent) your assessor will let you know why and give you advice on how you can improve, and then,
discuss and organise a suitable date for reassessment with you.
You are entitled to 3 assessment attempts for each unit. If you are unsuccessful after 3 assessment attempts you will be required to
repeat the unit and pay the repeat unit fee. If you are found to have plagiarised work you will not be entitled to re-sit assessments, instead
you will be required to repeat the unit and pay the repeat unit fee.

Assessment appeals:

If you want to appeal an assessment outcome, you can access the College's Appeals Procedures. You will need to submit an appeal form to the
Director of Studies. If you have a successful appeal outcome, costs of reassessment will be met by the College. The recorded outcome of the
assessment appeal will be the most favourable result for you from either the original assessment or the reassessment.

Record of assessment:

Your final results of the assessment activity or process will be recorded in Assessment Summary/ Cover Sheet that is in the Student Assessment
pack and reported and given to the College's administration staff at the end of assessment period. Your assessment and its associated
attachments will be placed in your file and retained for a period of 6 months for administrative and compliance purposes as part of the College’s
Records Management Procedures.

Resources List:

In order to do this assessment, you can access:

Enhance Your Future, Learner Resource

Appropriate simulation of realistic workplace setting for assessment including access to:
use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
individualised plans
equipment relevant to the persons mobility requirements
workplace health and safety manual
infection control manual
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manual handling and lifting/no-lift policies of the organisation
equipment manufacturer's instructions
modelling of industry operating conditions, including:
using real people when using equipment
scenarios that reflect standard operating procedures and contingencies relevant to service
Online learning and assessment management system
Computers with internet access

Student Guide:

Learner Resource:

Learner PPT:



This information which is in the online Student Assessment is to be provided to each student to outline the assessment requirements
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Student Instructions
You are to read the following tasks and answer the questions that follow.

Your project will be due on:



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I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.

Student Signature:


Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment

This assessment is to be completed via the college’s online platform in a classroom or online.
You are to read the following tasks and answer the questions that follow.
Print or type clearly.
Answer all questions.
Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word
the question for you.

Questions (1 - 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)
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1. Movement report.
You are to complete the movement of one client then write a report on moving one client including identification of the following points:

a. What requirements does your client have according to their care plan?

b. What equipment will you use to move them?

c. What do you need to do to prepare the environment ready for the movement?

d. What will you say to your client prior to and during moving them?

e. What safe work practices need to be considered prior to and during the movement?

f. What comfort aspects need to be considered for the client?

g. Where equipment should be returned to after movement is complete?

h. What cleaning is required after completion of the movement?

i. Are there any equipment faults that need to be reported?

This activity may be completed on one of the movements assisted with in the observation activity.

a) He needs full assistance with day-to-day activities. He requires two staff assistants for his mobility and also needs a lifting hoist machine with
a bigger sling to transfer him.
b) Lifting hoist machine is used to move them.
c) Taking consent from the client, clearing the passage, and making all equipment ready before transferring the person should be done before
transferring the client.
d) Prior to and during movement, we'll explain all the procedures step by step making them familiar with the machine and also their role in the
movement process.
e) Safe work practices like equipment should be working properly, brakes must be on, batteries should be fully charged, and safe manual
handling practices needs to be considered.
f) Just to make sure that client is comfortable in that position and sling size by explaining the procedure and encouraging their participation.
g) The equipment should be returned to the designated storage area.
h) Disinfect the sling and the machine after completion of the movement.
I) No, there are no equipment faults that need to be reported. If required, let the supervisor and maintenance department know about it and put a
'not working' tag on it.

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2. Assistance techniques.

For each of the following assistance techniques, you are to develop checklist procedure outlining the steps that must be taken to appropriately
provide assistance to a person:

a. Actions to be taken when a person is falling.

1) When the person is going to fall, we shouldn't stop them to fall. If we try to stop them, we may hurt ourself too.
2) Remove any objects or obstacles that may pose a risk to the fallen person or to those attempting to assist them. We put barriers in between
quickly so that they can hold on to the barrier.
3) After a fall, make the patient comfortable and check the injuries.
4) Call for assistance and use the lifting hoist machine if the patient is not helping himself.

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b. Active and passive movement.

Active movement:
1. Introduction and Communication:
Greet the client and explain the upcoming activity in simple and clear language. Ensure the client is comfortable and receptive to the activity.
2. Demonstration and Instructions:
Demonstrate the movement to the client if necessary, using slow and controlled motions.
3. Encourage and Assist:
Encourage the client to initiate the movement independently. Offer minimal physical support, if needed, to assist them in completing the
4. Monitor and Feedback:
Observe the client's movements for proper form and technique. Provide positive reinforcement and verbal feedback for their efforts. Repeat the
movement as needed, allowing the client to gradually build strength and confidence.
Modify the activity to challenge the client's abilities over time. After completing the movements, allow the client to rest for a moment.
Record the activity in the client's care plan or progress notes.

Passive movement:

1. Introduction and Communication:

Greet the client with kindness and address them by their preferred name. Explain the passive movement activity using simple language.
2. Positioning and Support:
Ensure the client is comfortably positioned, such as lying on a bed or sitting in a chair.
Use pillows or cushions to provide support under limbs if needed.
3. Demonstration:
If the client can understand, demonstrate the movement using a slow and gentle motion.
4. Initiate the Movement:
Begin the passive movement by gently and smoothly guiding the client's limb through the range of motion.
Ensure movements are slow, controlled, and pain-free.
5. Monitor and Communicate:
Observe the client's reaction during the movement for signs of discomfort or pain.
Ask the client for feedback if they can communicate their feelings.
6. Adjust and Modify:
Adjust the movement as necessary based on the client's comfort level.
Do not force or push movements beyond what the client can tolerate. Record the passive movement session in the client's care plan or progress

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c. Assistance with repositioning.

1. Introduction and Communication:

Greet the client and explain the repositioning process in simple and clear language. Ensure the client is comfortable and informed about what to
2.Assess Comfort and Safety:
Observe the client's current position and assess if they are uncomfortable. Identify any medical considerations or physical limitations that need to
be considered during repositioning.
3. Gather Necessary Equipment:
Prepare any equipment needed, such as pillows, cushions, or a transfer sheet, to assist with repositioning.
4. Assistive Equipment Setup:
Place pillows or cushions strategically to support the client's body during repositioning.
If using a transfer sheet, ensure it is positioned correctly under the client.
5.Positioning Explanation:
Communicate to the client how the repositioning will be carried out.
Explain any movements they may need to follow, if possible.
6. Engage the Client:
Depending on the client's abilities, ask them to assist as much as they can in the repositioning process.
Provide clear and simple instructions, such as "bend your knees" or "shift your weight."
7. Gentle Repositioning:
Use smooth and controlled movements to reposition the client, minimizing any unnecessary friction or shearing forces.
Work collaboratively with the client's assistance, if possible.
Make sure the client's body is properly aligned after repositioning.
Check for proper positioning of limbs, head, and back.
8. Comfort and Safety Check:
Ask the client if they feel more comfortable in the new position.
Ensure there are no pressure points or discomfort.
Record the repositioning activity in the client's care plan or progress notes.
Note any observations about the client's comfort level and response to the repositioning.
Allow them a few moments to rest and settle into the new position.
9.Equipment and Area Cleanup:
Remove any extra pillows, cushions, or equipment used for repositioning.
Ensure the area around the client is tidy and free from potential hazards.

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d. Assisting a person in an emergency.

1. Assess the Situation:
Quickly evaluate the emergency situation to determine the immediate danger to the client and others.
If necessary, call for help or emergency services.(000)
2. Prioritize Safety:
Ensure your safety and the safety of others before approaching the client.
If the situation is unsafe, move to a safe location first.
3. Provide Reassurance:
Approach the client calmly and confidently.
Use a soothing and reassuring tone to communicate with the client.
4. Assess Client's Condition:
Check the client's responsiveness and level of consciousness.
If the client is conscious, ask if they are injured or feeling unwell.
5. Call for Assistance:
Call for emergency medical assistance (000). Provide clear and concise information about the client's condition and the emergency.
6. Administer First Aid (if trained):
If you have first aid training, provide appropriate assistance based on the client's condition. Perform CPR if the client is unresponsive and not
7. Follow Emergency Care Plan:
If the client has a documented emergency care plan, follow the instructions provided. Use any specific medical equipment or medication as
8. Notify Family or Caregivers:
Contact the client's family members or designated emergency contacts to inform them of the situation.
- After the emergency has been addressed, document the details of the incident, including actions taken and communication with emergency
Update the client's care plan with any changes in their condition or needs resulting from the emergency.

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Questions (2e - 2i)

e. Assisting a person off the floor.

First of all calm down and check the injury and after that place your arms on the chest and grab your hands behind their back. After that Support
the leg away from the wheelchair between your legs, lean back and shift your weight as you lift. And now turn towards the wheelchair and keep
your hands clasped around their back.

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f. Assisting a person to be weighed on chair weighing scales.

-Ensure that the chair weighing scales are properly functioning.

-Make sure the person is wearing lightweight clothing.
-Clearly explain the process and inform the client of your plan and the steps you will take.
-If the person needs physical assistance, offer your arm for support while they move to the chair.
-If the scale requires zeroing, make sure it's properly calibrated before the person sits.
-Once the person is seated correctly, record the weight measurement from the display.
-Ensure the person is sitting still and not leaning to either side this could affect accuracy.
-Note down the weight measurement accurately and legibly on the appropriate documentation.
-After the weight is recorded, assist the person in standing up safely.
-Provide support if they feel unsteady.
-Ensure that the chair and scale are clean and sanitized between each use to maintain hygiene.

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g. Assisting a person to change position in bed.

- Greet the client and explain the upcoming activity of changing their position in bed.
- Ask the client about their comfort level and any discomfort they may be experiencing.
-Ensure you have any required equipment such as pillows, positioning aids, and a bed sheet.
-Clearly explain the process and Inform the client of your plan and the steps you will take.
-If the client's bed has rails, ensure they are raised to prevent accidental falls during the movement.
-Place pillows or positioning aids in the desired places to support the client's body during the movement.
-If needed, roll up a bed sheet to assist with turning.
-If the client can assist, instruct them to bend their knees and roll onto their side and If the client cannot assist, gently guide their movements,
ensuring their safety and comfort.
-Gradually help the client shift their weight while supporting their body, allowing them to change position in bed.
-Use slow and controlled movements to minimize discomfort or strain.
-Once in the new position, check that the client's head, spine, and limbs are properly aligned and adjust any pillows or supports as needed for
-Ensure there are no pressure points or discomfort.
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h. Assisting a person to use crutches or other walking aids.

Steps to assist a person using mobility walker:

1) First we need to adjust the height of the four wheel according to the height of the patient.
2) Keep the walker close to the patient body. As there are four wheels, the walker could easily move away from the patient leading to
overbalance and fall.
3) Assist the patient to use the brakes to control the speed and distance from the patient body.
4) Patient can also sit down in the walker but it is essential that the walker is up against a wall so that when the patient sits down it cannot slide
away from under the patient.
5) Always brake should be locked before sitting down. Turn around and gently sit down. Lift the brake to release the locking mechanism.
6) Patient can also put their stuff inside it and some four wheel have baskets underneath to put the shopping stuff.

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i. Assisting a person to walk.

1) First clear the floor that may disturb and prevent further accidents.
2) If required, help the patient drop the leg from the bed and make them stand, and give them time to balance themselves. 3) Hold the patient
hand ( palmer hold), not too tightly at the stick level to help him walk.
4) Stay little bit behind him and put one hand of the caregiver on the waist of the patient to support him.
5) When the patient starts to walk, see the first leg of the patient and the caregiver should start to use opposite leg.
6) If the patient is using a gait belt, hold the gait belt with one hand and put it in the waist of patient.
7) Safely and slowly assist the patient while walking and offer them a seat if they seem difficult.

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Questions (2j - 2n)

j. Assisting a person or co-worker to use a hoist or mechanical lifter for transfers.

1.Give explanation about everything while transfers.

2. Check patient weight and clear the all obstacles.
3. Check the hoist means any damages or faults and everything is good working.
4. Help the patient into the sling. If the patient is on a bed, we need two assistance to help slide the sling under the patient’s back and then roll
back over. and same as on the other side.
5. Attach the sling to the hoist. Before lifting the patient, double-check that the attachments are properly fitted and secure.
6. Gently lift the patient over the bed.
7. Not leave the patient alone while transfers.

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k. Moving a person by wheelchair or trolley.

Ensure the wheelchair or trolley is in good condition and properly functional.

Explain the procedure to the patient and take consent from her.
Ensure the path you intend to take is clear of obstacles and hazards.
Use appropriate transfer techniques (sliding board) to move the person from a bed or chair to the wheelchair or trolley.
Maintain proper body mechanics to prevent injury to yourself and the person you're assisting.
Ensure the person is positioned comfortably and securely in the wheelchair or on the trolley.
Fasten any safety belts according to the equipment's instructions.
If using a wheelchair, release the brakes once the person is securely seated.
Ensure the footrests or leg supports are in place and adjusted for the person's comfort.
If using a trolley, make sure it is properly stabilized and won't tip during movement.
Ensure the trolley's wheels are locked before moving.
Push the wheelchair or trolley slowly and smoothly, avoiding sudden movements, make sure the person is comfortable and properly situated in
their new location.
Pay attention to the person's comfort, Maintain communication and privacy and dignity.

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l. Moving a person between wheelchair or trolley and bed.

1. Start by positioning the wheelchair next to the bed.

2. Take the footrest off and ensure patient safety by checking the wheelchair.
3. We move the wheelchair-bound patient forward and stand in front of the patient.
4. Request that they stand by pressing down on the wheelchair armrest.
5. We put our hands behind our shoulders, our knees bent, and our back straight.
6. Assist the patient in getting their feet over the edge of the bed and in sitting down.

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m. Moving a person to a standing or seated position.

Standing position:
- Stand at patient's side
- Ask the patient to lean forward and shuffle to the from of the chair
- Feet apart, one slightly in front
- Place hand in front of patient’s shoulder as appropriate
- Bend your knees and keep your back straight, ask patient to push up on the arms of the chair
- With your other hand reach across towards patient's far hip
- On agreed signal, help the patient to stand, rocking might help with this
- As patient stands, step forward beside them
- When patient is steady, position walking aid if one is used
Seated position:
-Ask the patient to step back until one leg touches the front of the chair.
-Carer steps round to face the back of the chair
- Ask the patient to place hands on the arms of the chair.
-Carer bends knees as patient lowers into the chair

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n. Placing a person in a wheelchair.

1. Place the wheelchair next to the bed and lock it in place.

2. Turn towards the wheelchair, squat, and place your hand behind your waist for a push-up.
3. Request that the patient grab the side of the armrest.

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Questions (2o - 3)

o. Transfers from wheelchair to shower chair or toilet.

1) First explain the procedure to the patient and take consent from her.
2) Lock the wheel of the chair so it does not slide and apply a sling with velcro on the waist of the patient.
3) Bring the standing machine near the patient, and look its wheel.
4) Then, keep the patient foot on the standing machine footrest swing away from the footrest of the wheelchair, and apply a sling to the patient
5) Apply the waist sling on the standing machine, and ask the patient to grab the handle of the machine.
6) Then with the help of a remote, lift the patient up, then an open lock of the standing machine, take the machine with the patient near the
shower chair and again lock it.
7) Make the shower chair ready to sit with the patient.
8) Press the down button and make the patient sit down in the chair properly.
9) Take out the sling of the patient's waist and leg and take out the patient's leg from the footrest of the machine.
In this way, we can transfer patients from wheelchairs to shower chairs.

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p. Utilising mobility aids owned by or associated with the person.

Mobility aids are used by people who are ill, disabled, have serious injuries, or are elderly patients who need to move around independently.
Mobility aids come in a variety of forms, including wheelchairs, canes, crutches, and walkers.

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3. Basic body biomechanics, soft tissue joint structure.

Conduct some research and discuss the basic biomechanics of the human body, including soft tissue joint structure

The point at which two bones lay adjacent to each other ( without the ability to move) is called a joint.
A) Types of joints are
a.Fibrous joint- Fibrous joint is joined with dense fibrous connective tissue (cranial sutures, distal tibiofibular, and cuboideonavicular joints).
b.Sutures- Sutures are immobile joints in the cranium.
c.Gomphoses-Gomphoses are the immobile joints between the teeth and their sockets in the mandible and maxillae.
d.Syndesmoses-The slightly moveable joints are those of the distal tibiofibular and the cuboideonavicular joints and they are held in place by
interosseous ligaments and are called syndesmosis joints.
B) Cartilages- Cartilaginous joints are a type of joint where the bones are entirely joined by cartilage, either hyaline cartilage or a.Synchondroses-
The primary cartilaginous joints are composed entirely of hyaline cartilage and are known as synchondroses. Eg: the growth plate
b.Symphyses-The secondary cartilaginous joint, also known as symphysis, may involve either hyaline or fibrocartilage which are slightly mobile.
Eg: Intervertebral disc
C) a. Synovial joint- Synovial joints are freely mobile joints in which the articulating surfaces have no direct contact with each other. For example:
Joints of the shoulder, knee, elbow, etc
b. Hinge - Hinge joints are the union of a convex and concave surface
c. Pivot- Pivot joints are joints that allow for a joint to rotate around a single axis. For example the joints on the hand and neck, and allow us to
rotate our hands about our wrist or our head so we can look from side to side.
d. Ball and socket-Ball and socket joints are the types of joints that can be found at the shoulder and hip, which allow humans to swing their arms
and walk freely.
e. Saddle- Saddle joints allow for an intermediate range of motion between a ball and socket joint and a condyloid joint. An example of this is the
thumb, which has a great range of motion but isn't as movable as the shoulder.

f. Plane- Plane joints are sometimes called gliding joints usually associated with the small bones of your wrists and ankles allows for movement
in many directions, hence the flexibility of your wrists.
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Assessor Comments:
(If required)


This checklist is to be used when assessing the students in the associated task. This checklist is to be completed for each student. Please refer
to separate mapping document for specific details relating to alignment of this task to the unit requirements.

Please complete below

Student Name:

Student ID No:


In completing this assessment task:

Did the Student satisfactorily provide

evidence of their ability to report on YES NO
moving a client, including:

What requirements the student’s client

had according to their care plan

What equipment the student would use to

move them

What the student needed to do to

prepare the environment ready for the

What the student would say to the

student’s client prior to and during
moving them

What safe work practices needed to be

considered prior to and during the
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What comfort aspects needed to be
considered for the client

Where equipment should be returned to

after movement is complete

What cleaning was required after

completion of the movement

Whether there any equipment faults that

needed to be reported

Did the Student provide evidence of

their ability to develop a procedure for - -
each of the following:

Actions to be taken when a person is


Active and passive movement.

Assistance with repositioning.

Assisting a person in an emergency.

Assisting a person off the floor.

Assisting a person to be weighed on

chair weighing scales.

Assisting a person to change position in


Assisting a person to use crutches or

other walking aids.

Assisting a person to walk.

Assisting a person or co-worker to use a

hoist or mechanical lifter for transfers.

Moving a person by wheelchair or trolley.

Moving a person between wheelchair or

trolley and bed.

Moving a person to a standing or seated


Placing a person in a wheelchair.

Transfers from wheelchair to shower
chair or 22:01
27/08/2023 toilet. Record ID: 17764543 18
chair or toilet.

Utilising mobility aids owned by or

associated with the person.

Did the Student provide evidence of - -

their ability to discuss:

Basic body biomechanics, soft tissue joint


Upload Evidence:
(If required)

Assessor’s Judgement:


None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Assessor Declaration
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:



Overall Assessment Outcome

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