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Introduction to Immunology and Autoimmunity

Dorinda A. Smith and Dori R. Germolec

Laboratory of Toxicology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina USA

Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks self-molecules as a result of a complex mechanisms that depend upon
breakdown of immunologic tolerance to autoreactive immune cells. Many autoimmune disorders specific recognition molecules present on
have been strongly associated with genetic, infectious, and/or environmental predisposing factors.
the surface of immunocompetent cells, in
Comprising multiple disorders and symptoms ranging from organ-specific to systemic, autoimmune particular, T and B lymphocytes.
diseases include insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus Nonspecific effector mechanisms that
erythematosus, scleroderma, thyroiditis, and multiple sclerosis. There are also implications ofcomplement or amplify the specific T- and
autoimmune pathology in such common health problems as arteriosclerosis, inflammatory bowel B-lymphocyte responses are also important in
disease, schizophrenia, and certain types of infertility. Largely of unknown etiology, autoimmune
the immune response. These nonspecific enti-
disorders affect approximately 3% of the North American and European populations, > 75% of ties serve as a first line of defense against
those affected being women. This discussion provides a brief introduction to the immune system
and tolerance maintenance, an overview of selected autoimmune diseases and possible potential pathogens and include other leuko-
mechanisms of immune autoreactivity, and a review of experimental autoimmune models. Key cytes such as macrophages, natural killer
words: autoantibodies, autoimmune disease, autoimmunity, autoreactive immunity, immunity, (NK) cells, and polymorphonuclear leuko-
mechanisms, tolerance. - Environ Health Perspect 107(suppl 5):661-665 (1999). cytes, as well as soluble mediators that include
http.//ehpnetl. complement and cytokines. A number of
autoimmune diseases demonstrate character-
istic aberrations in cytokine production, sug-
gesting that these soluble mediators may play
Autoimmune disorders result from a higher levels in sexually functionally males. a role in both the initiation and pathogenesis
breakdown of immunologic tolerance leading Recent studies have found that testosterone of the disease (8-10). Therapeutic treatment
to an immune response against self-mole- given to lupus-prone autoimmune mice with the cytokines interferon (IFN)-a and
cules. In most instances the events that initi- exerts a powerful suppressive effect on this interleukin (IL)-2 have occasionally been
ate the immune response to self-molecules disorder in both adult and prenatally treated associated with the subsequent appearance of
are unknown, but a number of studies sug- animals, and male autoimmune MRL/Ipr autoimmune diseases (11). In addition to the
gest associations with environmental and mice exhibit abnormally low testosterone lev- complex cell-cell and cytokine interactions
genetic factors and certain types of infec- els (7). In this article, we provide a brief that are necessary in the normal functioning of
tions. Approximately 3% of the populations introduction to a) the immune system; b) the the immune system, secondary factors can
in Europe and North America currently suf- mechanisms by which tolerance to self is nor- influence immune status. These include neuro-
fer from autoimmune diseases, many with mally maintained and the ways in which hormones and stress, both of which modulate
symptoms of multiple disorders (1). This these mechanisms may be broken down so autoimmune responses (12).
may be an underestimate, as epidemiologic that autoreactivity can occur; c) an overview Many immune cell populations (e.g.,
studies are not available for some of the less of autoimmune diseases and possible mecha- B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, NK cells) can
common diseases. In addition, there are sug- nisms; and d) the models frequently used to be further divided into subpopulations on the
gestions that a number of common health study the autoimmune phenomenon. basis of varying functional properties or states
problems such as atherosclerosis and inflam- of differentiation, maturation, and activation.
matory bowel disease may have an autoim- Overview of the Immune Most notable among these are the T-cell sub-
mune component (2,3). Women have a System populations, including cells that assist and
significantly higher risk of developing an The immune system is a complex set of amplify other immune responses (T-helper
autoimmune disease than men, as > 75% of cellular, chemical, and soluble protein com- cells [Th]), downregulate other immune
those suffering from autoimmune diseases ponents designed to protect the body responses (T-suppressor [Ts] cells), or destroy
are female (1). Young, postpubescent women against foreign substances, including infec- cells infected with viruses or other intracellu-
have been shown to be approximately 10 tious agents and tumor cells, while not lar pathogens and tumor cells (cytotoxic T
times more susceptible than men to develop- responding to self-molecules. Foreign or [Tc] cells ). The Th cells produce cytokines
ing autoimmune disease (4). Although the self-molecules (usually proteins or carbohy- that regulate immune function and can be
underlying mechanisms for this predisposi- drates) that evoke specific immune further subdivided into subpopulations that
tion are currently being investigated, it is responses are referred to as antigens. assist other T cells (Thl) or stimulate and
known that females and castrated males pro- Immune cells are located throughout the perpetuate antibody responses (Th2).
duce much higher levels of estrogen and body, either in discretely encapsulated
reduced levels of testosterone, and it is well organs such as the spleen and thymus or as
documented that estrogen and estrogenlike diffuse accumulations of lymphoid and This article is based on a presentation at the Workshop
chemicals may alter the immune response myeloid cells as found in association with on Linking Environmental Agents and Autoimmune
(5). Much of the evidence supporting a role the skin and gut where they are strategically Diseases held 1-3 September 1998 in Research
for estrogen in the development of autoim- placed to monitor the entry of foreign sub- Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Address correspondence to D.R. Germolec, PO Box
mune diseases comes from animal models stances. Optimal function of the immune 12233, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Telephone:
rather than human studies. In autoimmune- system requires that immune cells and cell (919) 541-3230. Fax: (919) 541-0870. E-mail:
prone mice, estrogen administration greatly products interact with each other in a sequen-
The authors thank G. Cooper and J. Blood-Siegfried
enhances mortality in both males and tial, regulated manner. The distinction for their thoughtful comments on this manuscript.
females (6). Testosterone is found in much between self and nonself occurs through Received 8 February 1999; accepted 2 August 1999.

Environmental Health Perspectives * Vol 107, Supplement 5 * October 1999 661


Immunocompetent T cells develop and T lymphocytes or NK cells. These cells lymphocytes that are not deleted in the
mature in the thymus under the influence of dampen the immune response to specific thymus (due to low affinity binding or
thymic hormones and peptides. T cells recog- antigens via secretion of cytokines with nega- responsiveness to cryptic antigens, i.e., self-
nize only antigens that have been processed tive regulatory effects, via antibody feedback antigens not present in the thymus during
into peptide fragments and are presented as mechanisms that can neutralize specific anti- normal development) are usually anergized or
bound to specialized cell-surface molecules, gens and inhibit B-cell function through suppressed in the peripheral lymphoid tissues.
the major histocompatibility complex cross-linking of surface Ig or Fc receptors, or The simplest mechanism to explain
(MHC) proteins. MHC class I molecules are by the creation of antiautoantibodies (anti- tolerance in B lymphocytes is a lack of T-cell
expressed on nearly all nucleated cells of the idiotypes) that can recognize the antigen help for self-reactive B cells as a result of suc-
body. MHC class II molecules are constitu- receptor on autoreactive B lymphocytes (15). cessful T-cell tolerance (21). However, some
tively expressed on antigen-presenting cells It has been suggested that T lymphocytes B cells must be directly tolerized. A number
(APCs) only. However, class II expression can are the primary players in the initiation and of microorganisms express molecules resem-
be induced in a variety of cell types after perpetuation of both spontaneous and bling self-antigens (molecular mimicry).
cytokine stimulation. The antigen recogni- chemical-induced autoimmune diseases Furthermore, Ig genes in mature B cells may
tion molecule for the T lymphocyte is the (16,17). This is evidenced by animal mod- undergo somatic mutation during clonal
T-cell receptor (TCR), a heterodimeric trans- els that demonstrate that autoimmunity can expansion so that they become self-reactive.
membrane molecule containing two subunits be transferred via infusion of autoreactive The fate of self-reactive B cells depends on
(either (x3 or y6). The interaction between Th cell clones and that this transfer of the affinity of the Ig receptor for its specific
antigen, the TCR, and MHC proteins is autoimmunity can be reversed by depletion antigen and on the nature of the antigen it
highly complex, and T-cell activation requires of the Th cell clones using antibodies and encounters. When B cells encounter
signaling via the TCR and other cell-surface complement (18-20). membrane-associated self-antigens that cross-
molecules. T lymphocytes develop in the thymus link surface Ig receptors with high aviditiy,
Although B lymphocytes can act as APCs, from hematopoietic stem cells that do not yet their surface Ig is downregulated and these
their primary role is to produce antibody, express the cell-surface markers CD4 (Th short-lived cells die via apoptosis. This type of
which is the effector molecule for humoral- cells) or CD8 (Ts or Tc cells). These early tolerance occurs most frequently in the bone
mediated immunity. Naive, circulating B cells T-cell precursors randomly rearrange their marrow. However, some self-reactive B cells
encounter antigen in lymph nodes or tissue- TCR genes and proliferate at a very high rate, reach the periphery. If these cells encounter
associated lymphoid tissues and become developing into a population of CD4+CD8+ soluble antigen that is monomeric and not
activated. B cells recognize antigen via (double-positive) cells. In the cortical region capable of cross-linking surface Ig receptors,
membrane-bound antibody/immunoglobulin of the thymus, these double-positive T lym- they are rendered anergic via downregulation
(Ig) molecules that act as antigen receptors. phocytes are exposed to epithelial cells that of surface IgM. This anergy may be reversible
Cross-linking of Ig molecules on the cell sur- express MHC class I and II molecules. T cells in the presence of high levels of the cell-
face initiates a signal transduction cascade that do not recognize self-MHC are deleted surface antigen CD40 and IL-4 or polyclonal
and with the appropriate stimulus from Th2 via programmed cell death, whereas T cells activators such as lipopolysaccharide and
cytokines, leads to activation and prolifera- that bind to self-MHC molecules survive mycoplasma superantigen (22).
tion. These activated B cells clonally expand (positive selection), differentiate into either Overview of Autoimmune
by repeated division, followed by differentia- single-positive CD4 or CD8 cells (depending
tion into antibody-secreting plasma cells. The on whether they bind MHC class II or class I, Diseases
reader should consult any one of several respectively), and migrate into the medulla of Autoimmune disorders are a spectrum of
excellent immunology texts for an extended the thymus. In the medulla, single-positive diseases ranging from organ specific, in which
discussion of these interactions (13,14). cells are exposed to autoantigens in the pres- antibodies and T cells react to self-antigens
ence of self-MHC molecules. Those T cells localized in a specific tissue, to systemic,
Tolerance that bind self-antigens with high affinity are which are characterized by reactivity against a
The genetics of the TCR and antibody deleted (negative selection) via TCR-mediated specific antigen or antigens spread throughout
molecules are such that an incredible amount programmed cell death. Autoreactive T various tissues in the body (Table 1). In
of diversity is generated in the antigen-
binding portions of the molecule. As recom-
bination of Ig and TCR genes occurs in a Table 1. Spectrum of autoimmune diseases and putative autoantigens.
random manner, antigen-binding regions are Disease Autoantigen
created that are reactive with self-molecules.
Thus a variety of tolerance mechanisms have Organ specific Hashimoto thyroiditis Thyroglobulin
evolved to distinguish self and nonself, and Thyrotoxicosis Thyroid-stimulating hormone
Pernicious anemia H+/K+ -ATPase
block the development, growth, or differenti- Autoimmune atropic gastritis Intrinsic factor
ation of autoreactive lymphocytes. There are Addison disease 21-Hydroxylase
three basic mechanisms by which self-reactive Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65
lymphocytes may be prevented from respond- Goodpasture syndrome Type IV collagen
ing to self-molecules: a) clonal deletion, Myasthenia gravis Acetylcholine receptor
which requires the physical elimination of Male infertility Ifew cases) Epididymal glycoprotein FA-1
Sympathetic opthalmia Interphotoreceptor retinol binding protein
autoreactive lymphocytes; b) clonal anergy, Multiple sclerosis Myelin basic protein
which requires the functional elimination of Autoimmune hemolytic anemia X antigen, glycophorin
autoreactive lymphocytes via downregulation Ulcerative colitis Catalase, a-enolase
of responsiveness, and c) suppression or inhi- Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid factor
bition of autoreactive lymphocytes via inter- Scleroderma Topoisomerase 1, laminins
action with other cell types such as cytotoxic Non-organ specific Systemic lupus erythematosus DNA nucleotides and histones, Sm-RNP

662 Environmental Health Perspectives * Vol 107, Supplement 5 * October 1999


general, ThI cytokines such as IL-2 and being reported (32,33). Abnormal antibody the periphery. Responses to and presentation
IFN-y predominate in organ-specific dis- production and autoimmunity have also of these cryptic self-peptides can be enhanced
eases, and the effector responses tend to been implicated in both male and female under certain conditions. In a murine model
occur via cell-mediated immune responses infertility and are associated with recurrent of IDDM, viral infection stimulates the secre-
such as killing by cytotoxic T cells through spontaneous abortion, endometriosis, prema- tion of IFN-y, which in turn upregulates lev-
the release of cytokines or through IgG and ture ovarian failure, and abnormal sperm els of antigen-presenting MHC molecules
IgM antibodies directed toward cell-surface maturation (34,35). and enhances presentation of low-affinity self-
antigens, triggering Fc receptor-mediated peptides (40). Some metals induce auto-
killing. Systemic autoimmune disorders are Mechanisms of Autoimmune immune disease via the creation of new
characterized by elevated levels of Th2 Disease high-affinity binding sites for MHC mole-
cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10, the A small number of autoreactive B and T cells cules on chemical-bound self-peptides, allow-
widespread circulation of autoantibodies and constitute a normal part of the immune cell ing activation of previously anergized T cells
immune complex deposition, opsonization pool, as the production of autoantibodies is (41). Expression of altered nucleolar proteins
with antibody, and cell damage via comple- frequently observed in normal healthy indi- appears to be an important step in the devel-
ment-mediated lysis. Some autoimmune syn- viduals. Tolerance is normally maintained by opment of mercuric chloride (HgCI2)-
dromes such as multiple sclerosis are not the regulatory interactions of a variety of cell induced autoimmunity in a rodent model of
easily classified, as they demonstrate both types and soluble mediators. However, under SLE (42). In addition, many drugs induce
organ-specific and systemic components. certain conditions, tolerance can be broken autoimmunity via formation of hapten-
The most common targets for organ-specific and an autoimmune pathology may result. It induced autoantibodies. Compounds such as
autoimmune disease are the thyroid is apparent that development of autoimmune penicillin and halothane induce reactions in
(Hashimoto thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis), disease is highly dependent on a permissive which hapten-specific T cells provide help to
stomach (pernicious anemia, autoimmune genetic background but that other triggering antibody-producing B cells that recognize the
atrophic gastritis), adrenal glands (Addison factors such as viral, bacterial, or chemical modified hapten but not the native form of
disease), and pancreas (type I or insulin- insult lead to altered self-reactivity. This sec- the self-protein (43-45).
dependent diabetes mellitus [IDDM]). tion is meant to introduce the reader to sev-
Systemic autoimmune disorders commonly eral of the hypotheses regarding the role that Molecular Mimicry
involve the skin (scleroderma), the joints genetics and environmental factors may play Many peptide fragments of infectious agents
(rheumatoid arthritis), and the muscle tissue in breaking down the barrier to reactivity are homologous with host proteins and induce
(idiopathic inflammatory myopathies [IIM]). with self-antigens. organ-specific autoimmune responses. A mem-
In many instances multiple autoimmune dis- brane protein on the P-hemolytic streptococ-
eases may occur in the same patient, and cer- Release of Isolated Autoantugens cus bacterium has a high degree of homology
tain diseases are sometimes associated, such as T cells reactive to self-antigens not present in with cardiac myosin, and antibodies that target
IIM and vasculitis or rheumatoid arthritis and the thymus during the early stages of T-cell the bacterium also cross-react with cardiac
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (23-25). development may escape thymic deletion. muscle and induce rheumatic fever (46,47).
In recent years it has been recognized These antigens (cryptic or hidden antigens) Yersinia enterocolitica, a bacterium normally
that many other diseases in a variety of generally have relatively low circulating levels associated with food poisoning outbreaks, has
target organs/tissues may have an autoim- or are anatomically sequestered in specific tis- also been associated with various autoimmune
mune component. In general, the etiology of sues (e.g., myelin basic protein or thyroglob- diseases. Increased levels of antibodies to
these diseases is not well understood, and ulin) where vascular and/or cellular basement Yersinia have been demonstrated in patients
multiple factors such as genetics, infectious membranes constitute an effective barrier with Graves disease or autoimmune thyroiditis
agents, and lifestyle may contribute in some that prevents access by autoreactive cells. (48,49). These antibodies cross-react with a
fashion to disease induction and progres- Induction of organ-specific autoimmune dis- variety of thyroid antigens (50,51).
sion. There is significant evidence that an ease following tissue trauma has been fre-
immune response to self-antigens is involved quently reported and likely occurs via tissue Polycoia Acivators
in atherosclerosis. Increased levels of autoan- damage that results in the availability of pre- Microbial antigens have also been implicated
tibodies to heat shock protein 65/60, gan- viously isolated antigens, as is the case in in the precipitation and exacerbation of sys-
gliosides, and oxidized low-density ophthalmia following eye injury (36) or temic autoimmune diseases. Exogenous
lipoproteins have been demonstrated in ath- orchiditis following vasectomy (37,38). polyclonal activators may mutually stimulate
erosclerotic lesions (26-28). The role of Infection with tissue-tropic pathogens such T cells that react with both MHC class II-
heat shock protein 65/60 as a candidate as viruses may induce similar autoimmune bound superantigens (peptides that activate
autoantigen is supported by animal studies phenomenon, and these infections also pro- large numbers of Th cells, promoting
in which immunization with this antigen led vide the additional stimulus of the produc- cytokine overproduction) on B cells and the
to the development of atheroslcerotic lesions tion of soluble mediators and costimulatory B cells themselves, leading to the production
in rabbit aorta (29). In addition, elevated molecules important in the perpetuation of of polyclonal Ig, some of which may be
levels of MHC class II expression and the immune response. This may be best autoreactive (52). Mycoplasma arthriditis
increased production of growth-promoting exemplified in rodents and humans who superantigen stimulates cytokine production
and chemotactic cytokines have been shown develop diabetes after infection with and upregulates MHC class II expression in
in atherosclerotic plaques (30,31). There is Coxsackie B viruses (39). human T cell lines (53) and stimulates
also evidence for an autoimmune pathology T lymphocytes with arthritis-associated
in schizophrenia, with immunologic abnor- Chemical Alteration of Self-Peptides TCR-P chains (54). In a rodent model,
malities, such as increased prevalence of As discussed above, T lymphocytes that bind Mycoplasma arthriditis superantigen stimu-
antinuclear and platelet-associated antibod- with low affinity to self-proteins in the thy- lated Th cells, resulting in polyclonal B-cell
ies, altered cytokine production, and mus may not be deleted. However, these activation and/or differentiation of antigen-
increased levels of soluble cytokine receptors T cells are normally functionally anergized in specific B cells (55).

Environmental Health Perspectives * Vol 107, Supplement 5 * October 1999 663


Genetic Factors Animal Models of Freund's complete adjuvant. The resulting

Familial studies suggest a clear association Autoimmune Disease pathology is a Th-cell-mediated auto-
between genetics and autoimmune diseases, immune disease characterized by central ner-
particularly those with an organ-specific Three basic types of animal models may be vous system perivascular lymphocyte
pathology (56). Further, although concor- employed to identify the potential of envi- infiltration and destruction of the myelin
dance rates between identical twins can be ronmental agents to induce autoimmune nerve sheath with resultant paralysis similar
relatively low depending on the disease, this responses: a) organic- or chemical-induced, to that observed in patients with multiple
may be explained by nonidentity in immune b) autoimmunization, or c) genetically pre- sclerosis (64).
repertoires because of TCR and Ig gene disposed animals (Table 2). The genetically predisposed models,
recombination, variations in receptor assem- In models where autoimmunity is induced whether naturally occurring, transgenic, or
bly, and somatic mutation of B-cell receptors. by exposure to chemical or biologicagents, for- knockout based, tend to be the most reliable
The most clearly established genetic associa- eign substances are used to initiate the and therefore have been more commonly
tion is with specific alleles within the MHC autoimmune disease state. These may indude employed in autoimmunity research (65). In
gene complex. Certain haplotypes (HLA-B8, chemicals, drugs, or biologic substances such these models, mild to severe syndromes spon-
DR2-DR5) tend to be associated with certain as bacterial or viral antigens. One of the more taneously develop, usually because of specific
autoimmune diseases [reviewed in (57,58)]. commonly employed models of this type is MHC allele mutations encoding class II mol-
However, a specific MHC haplotype is not the Brown Norway rat model, in which the ecules and often inducing functional abnor-
sufficient for development of autoimmune animals are injected with nontoxic amounts of malities of the Th cell (66).
disease, and autoimmunity-associated haplo- HgCl2. The chemical exposure produces no In each type of model the development
types are found in individuals with no clinical overt signs of toxicity, yet the rats develop an and severity of symptoms have multiple com-
signs of disease. immunologically mediated disease character- ponents in that the presence of the disease
There are also a number of non-MHC ized by T-cell-dependent polyclonal B-cell and its progression can be influenced by age,
genes that may contribute to autoimmunity. activation, autoantibodies to laminin, collagen hormonal, and/or environmental factors. In
Many studies have examined the possibility IV and other components of the glomerular addition, there is a tendency for more than
that predisposition for certain autoimmune basement membrane, and nephrotic syn- one autoimmune disorder to occur in several
diseases in the human population may lie in drome with proteinuria similar to that of the individual models. Nevertheless, a
the germline genes for the TCR [reviewed in observed in humans with autoimmune number of syndromes similar to those clini-
(59,60)]. The strongest evidence for TCR glomerulonephritis (63). cally observed in humans can be mimicked in
involvement comes from studies of sibling Autoimmunization with purified self- animal models.
pairs with recurrent/relapsing multiple scle- antigens can elicit a specific autoimmune
rosis. Siblings with multiple sclerosis shared response, particularly when adjuvants are Summary
specific TCR-j3 haplotypes at a frequency administered in conjunction with self- Many questions remain with respect to the
much higher than would be expected proteins. A frequently used model of this specific etiology of a majority of the autoim-
because of random segregation (61). TCR-ax type-experimental autoimmune encephalo- mune disorders. The exact nature of the incit-
gene polymorphisms have also been myelitis-is induced by immunization of ing antigen, the regulatory mechanisms that
associated with disease susceptibility (62). rodents with myelin basic protein with govern the onset and extent of the auto-
immune response, the mechanisms by which
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