Why Is Motivating Relevant To The Job of Engineer Manager

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1. Why is motivating relevant to the job of engineer manager?

- Motivating is important in the position of engineer manager because it helps the organization
or group stay focused and goal-oriented in order to obtain the greatest outcomes and
performance possible.

2. Are motivation techniques applicable to engineers? Cite examples.

- Engineers can benefit from motivation tactics since they help them improve and get the best
results possible. For example: An engineer is promised a better pay or a promotion or letting
him/her realize that it will make him/her better or even letting him/her know that he/she is
capable of doing the job or achieving the goals will allow the engineer to feel the need to
become focused and more inclined to have better performance and results.

3. When Maslow insinuated that needs are hierarchical, what does he mean?
- When Maslow said that wants are hierarchical, she meant that they must be met in a specific
sequence for it to function correctly. For example, you must meet physiological needs first,
followed by security, social needs, esteem, and self-actualization, in that sequence.

4. What factors are associated with employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

- Satisfaction:
Achievement, Recognition, Work itself, Responsibility, Advancement and growth
Pay and benefits (compensation), Company policy and supervision, Supervision, Relationship
with superior, Work conditions, Relationship with peers/co-workers, Personal life, Status, Job,

5. What are expectancies and valences? How do they affect performance?

- Expectancy and valence are two fundamental notions in motivation. Expectancy is the
likelihood that a given conduct will result in a specific outcome, whereas valence is the
happiness that an individual anticipates after achieving goals. Both are impacted by variables
such as the required skills, finances, and access to crucial information. Employee motivation is
determined by their desire for a reward, the likelihood of obtaining the intended goal, and their
confidence in the outcome.

6. What is meant by goal setting? What are the components of the goal setting model?
- Goal setting is the process of improving performance by creating objectives, timelines, and
quality criteria. It all begins with thorough consideration of what you want to accomplish and
ends with a lot of hard effort to get there. It's also a terrific method to imagine your ideal future
and inspire yourself to make it a reality. It can help you decide where to go in life. Knowing
precisely what you want to accomplish enables you to concentrate your efforts in the proper

7. How may an individual be motivated through job design?

- If a guy is assigned job that he likes, he will be very motivated to succeed. However, the first
condition is to develop jobs that meet the needs of both the organization and the individuals
who will fill them. Fitting individuals to occupations or fitting jobs to people are the two
strategies to encourage people through work design.

8. How may rewards be classified?

- Extrinsic rewards: Extrinsic incentives are ones that favor a payment made to an individual by
another party. They are concrete and visible rewards given to individuals or employees for
achieving a goal. They are often monetary in nature, such as a wage increase, a bonus, an award,
or public recognition.
- Intrinsic rewards: Intrinsic rewards are inwardly perceived payoffs that are self-granted.
Employees earn internal awards for successfully completing tasks or projects. These incentives
are mostly psychological in origin and are based on an individual's effort and competence.

9. In what specific activities may employees participate?

- Setting goals, making decisions, Solving problems, Designing and implementing organizational
changes, Trainings, Recognition programs, Team-building activities, Workplace parties, Learning

10. What benefits are made possible under flexible work schedules?
- Benefits for employees: Meeting family responsibilities, avoiding traffic congestion, Sense of
control, Better work-life balance, More development options, Greater sense of being valued,
Better health, Boost workplace productivity
- Benefits for employers: Avoiding potential burnout, Increase in productivity, Advantage in
recruitment, Increases employee morale and engagement, Better retention, Reduced tardiness
and absenteeism

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