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Pg No. 63 1.


Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar

*white coat ceremony.
* Describe the professional qualites and roles of physician in healthcare system.


**1. What happened?**

Today marked a significant milestone in my journey as a medical student – the White Coat
Ceremony. Surrounded by anticipation and a sense of achievement, I, along with my fellow
students, donned the symbolic white coat that signifies our commitment to the medical
profession. The ceremony was a formal and uplifting event, attended by faculty, families, and

**2. So what?**

The symbolism of the white coat resonated deeply as it signifies the transition from classroom
learning to hands-on clinical experience. It served as a powerful reminder of the responsibility
we are undertaking – to care for the well-being of others. The ceremony also instilled a sense of
pride and purpose, reinforcing the gravity of the medical profession.

**3. What next?**

As I embark on this medical journey, the White Coat Ceremony has set the tone for the rigorous
path ahead. It serves as a reminder of the privilege and responsibility entrusted to us as future
healthcare providers. Moving forward, I am eager to immerse myself in the curriculum, clinical
rotations, and the continuous learning that lies ahead.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

1. **Personalization:** Incorporating personalized elements, such as individualized messages or

a moment for students to share their aspirations, could enhance the ceremony's significance.

2. **Interactive Components:** Including interactive segments, like a brief Q&A session with
experienced medical professionals, can engage students and provide valuable insights.

3. **Inclusive Involvement:** Encouraging the participation of family members in the ceremony

through small gestures, like a family oath or acknowledgment, can make the occasion more
**Feedback on the Ceremony:**

The White Coat Ceremony was conducted with elegance and solemnity, effectively emphasizing
the gravity of our chosen profession. However, there is room for improvement in terms of
personalization and interactive elements. Overall, it was a memorable event that successfully
marked the beginning of our medical journey.


**1. What happened?**

Today marked the White Coat Ceremony at Ramaiah Medical College, a pivotal moment in my
journey as a medical student. The auditorium buzzed with excitement as fellow students and
faculty gathered to witness this symbolic initiation into the medical profession. With a sense of
anticipation, we eagerly awaited the moment when we would don the iconic white coats.

**2. So what?**

The ceremony wasn't just a ritual; it symbolized the responsibility and commitment we were
undertaking as future healthcare professionals. As I slipped into my white coat, it felt like a
mantle of duty, a tangible reminder of the lives we would impact. The solemn oath we took
reinforced the gravity of our chosen path, emphasizing the importance of compassion, ethics,
and unwavering dedication to patient care.

**3. What next?**

Armed with our white coats and a newfound sense of purpose, the next steps involve diving into
the rigorous academic curriculum and clinical experiences that lie ahead. This ceremony served
as a motivational launchpad, inspiring us to approach our studies and future patient interactions
with the seriousness they deserve.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

a. **Personal Touch:** Incorporate personal touches in the ceremony, such as a brief

introduction of each student by a faculty member. This adds a more intimate touch to the event.

b. **Alumni Stories:** Share inspiring stories from successful alumni who once stood in the
same position. Hearing about their journeys can instill a sense of pride and motivation.

c. **Interactive Elements:** Include interactive components like a panel discussion or Q&A

session involving experienced physicians. This provides a platform for students to seek advice
and insights.


Overall, the ceremony was conducted with solemnity and tradition, effectively marking the
transition into our medical education journey. The ambiance was charged with enthusiasm, but
incorporating the suggested improvements could further enhance the experience, making it
more memorable and impactful for incoming medical students.


**1. What happened?**

Today marked the milestone of my journey into the medical field with the White Coat Ceremony
at Ramaiah Medical College. Surrounded by peers and mentors, the event was a blend of
excitement and nervous anticipation.

**2. So what?**
Receiving the symbolic white coat was more than just a sartorial change; it signified the
transition from a hopeful student to a budding healthcare professional. The oath-taking
ceremony resonated with the gravity of the responsibilities ahead, instilling a sense of purpose
and commitment.

**3. What next?**

With the weight of the coat comes the realization that the journey has just begun. The academic
rigor, clinical experiences, and the pursuit of knowledge await, promising challenges and
growth. This ceremony serves as a compass, guiding us through the demanding yet rewarding
path of medicine.

**Feedback and Suggestions:**

- **Personal Touch:** Incorporating personalized elements, like introducing faculty members
individually, can enhance the sense of community.
- **Interactive Sessions:** Including brief interactive sessions or discussions on the significance
of the white coat and the responsibilities it carries could deepen the impact.
- **Alumni Involvement:** Inviting successful alumni to share their experiences can inspire and
provide valuable insights for the incoming students.

Overall, while the ceremony was a significant step, infusing a touch of personalization and
interactivity can further enrich the experience, ensuring a memorable start to our medical

Pg No. 64 1.1
Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar
Dr. Meera
Dr. Thanuja
Dr. Shravan

*Discuss the role of physician in health care system.

**What happened?**
Today's early clinical exposure class at Ramaiah Medical College featured an insightful
interaction between two remarkable doctors – Dr. Thanuja, a multi-degreed expert, and Dr.
Shravan, a distinguished pediatric orthopedic specialist in India. The contrast in their
backgrounds and approaches was evident from the outset.

**So what?**
Dr. Thanuja's extensive list of degrees showcased her broad knowledge base and versatility,
highlighting the importance of continuous learning in the medical field. On the other hand, Dr.
Shravan's expertise in pediatric orthopedics brought a focused depth to his insights,
emphasizing the significance of specialization in delivering quality healthcare.

**What next?**
This session emphasized the multifaceted nature of medicine, urging us to appreciate both the
breadth and depth of knowledge. Moving forward, the goal is to strike a balance between a
comprehensive understanding of medicine and the specialized skills required for specific areas.

**Suggestions and Feedback:**

- **Diverse Perspectives:** Encourage sessions with doctors from various specialties to provide
students with a holistic view of the medical landscape.
- **Interactive Elements:** Incorporate more interactive elements, like case studies or Q&A
sessions, to actively engage students in the learning process.
- **Career Guidance:** Include insights into the career paths, challenges, and rewards of
different medical specializations to assist students in making informed choices.

**Thank you!**
Expressing gratitude to the anatomy department and the presenters for organizing such an
enriching session, I look forward to more opportunities for interactive learning, bridging the gap
between theory and practical aspects of medicine.

**1. What happened?**
Today's clinical exposure class featured an enlightening interactive session with two
distinguished doctors from Ramaiah Medical College—Doctor Thanuja, adorned with a
multitude of degrees, and Doctor Shravan, one of India's top three pediatric orthopedic

**2. So what?**
The contrast in their personalities was striking. Doctor Thanuja, meticulous and detail-oriented,
emphasized the importance of holistic patient care, drawing on her diverse expertise. On the
other hand, Doctor Shravan's passion for pediatric orthopedics shone through his animated
storytelling, making complex cases relatable. Despite their differences, both exemplified
excellence in their fields, teaching us the diverse facets of being a physician.

**3. What next?**

The session served as a compass for aspiring physicians. Learning from Doctor Thanuja's
meticulous approach and Doctor Shravan's passion, I'm motivated to cultivate a balance
between attention to detail and genuine empathy in my future practice.

**Suggestions and Feedback:**

- **Diverse Perspectives:** Incorporating more specialists from various fields can provide
students with a broader understanding of medical practices.
- **Q&A Session:** Including a structured Q&A session could allow students to delve deeper
into specific aspects of their specialties.
- **Follow-up Opportunities:** Creating avenues for students to engage further with the
speakers, perhaps through workshops or smaller group discussions, would be beneficial.

I applaud the Anatomy Department for this initiative, and I wholeheartedly endorse more
interactions of this nature. Thank you to Doctors Thanuja and Shravan for sharing their insights,
and to the hosts and presenters for orchestrating a truly enriching session.


**1. What happened?**

Today's clinical exposure class was a unique experience with interactive sessions featuring two
exceptional doctors from Ramaiah Medical College – Dr. Thanuja, a versatile practitioner with a
multitude of degrees, and Dr. Shravan, one of the country's top pediatric orthopedic specialists.

**2. So what?**
The contrast in their personalities was striking yet enlightening. Dr. Thanuja's extensive
knowledge across various medical fields showcased the breadth of expertise one can attain. On
the other hand, Dr. Shravan's focused expertise in pediatric orthopedics illustrated the depth
and dedication required in a specialized field. Both exemplified what it means to be great
doctors, albeit in different ways.

**3. What next?**

This session served as a compass for us aspiring physicians. Learning from Dr. Thanuja, the
importance of broadening our horizons, and from Dr. Shravan, the dedication and precision
required in specialization, we're better equipped to navigate our own paths in the medical field.

**Suggestions and Feedback:**

- **Diverse Perspectives:** Encourage more sessions with doctors from varied specialties to
expose students to the diverse facets of medicine.
- **Interactive Q&A:** Allocating time for student questions fosters engagement and deeper
- **Practical Insights:** Incorporate real-life cases or anecdotes to bridge the gap between
theoretical learning and practical application.

The initiative from the anatomy department was commendable. The contrasting yet
complementary perspectives of Dr. Thanuja and Dr. Shravan provided valuable insights. I look
forward to more such interactions that broaden our understanding of the medical profession.
Heartfelt thanks to all the hosts and presenters for orchestrating this enriching session.
Pg No. 65 1.1
Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar
Dr. Meera

*Discuss the qualities and role of physician in healthcare.
*Discuss commitment to lifelong learning
* Discuss the physicians role and responsibility to the society


**1. What happened?**

Participating in the AETCOM (Attitude, Ethics, and Communication) session led by Dr. Veena
Vidya Shankar from the Anatomy Department and Dr. Meera from the Biochemistry Department
was an enlightening experience. The seminar focused on the profound topic of "What it means
to be a doctor," with objectives centered around understanding the physician's role in
healthcare, committing to lifelong learning, and acknowledging the responsibility to society. The
session involved group activities, where we created charts to delve deeper into these crucial

**2. So what?**
The seminar facilitated a holistic understanding of the multifaceted role we are preparing to
undertake. Through collaborative chart-making, we explored the intricacies of a physician's
responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and the impact our
profession has on society. It instilled a sense of purpose and a broader perspective on our future
roles as healthcare providers.

**3. What next?**

Armed with insights from the seminar, the next steps involve internalizing these principles and
incorporating them into our medical journey. Embracing lifelong learning, understanding our
pivotal role in healthcare delivery, and being mindful of our responsibilities to society will shape
our approach to becoming compassionate and competent physicians.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

- **Increased Interactivity:** Incorporating more interactive elements, such as group discussions
or case studies, could enhance engagement and deepen understanding.
- **Integration of Technology:** Utilizing digital tools for collaborative chart-making can
streamline the process and encourage creativity.
- **Guest Speakers:** Inviting guest speakers with diverse medical experiences can provide
additional perspectives and enrich the learning experience.

In summary, the seminar was a crucial step in shaping our understanding of the medical
profession. Enhancing interactivity and incorporating diverse perspectives would further elevate
the impact of such sessions. Gratitude to Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar, Dr. Meera, and the
organizers for orchestrating an insightful and thought-provoking event.

**1. What happened?**

Attended an AETCOM seminar led by Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar and Dr. Meera on the role of
physicians. Engaged in group activities creating charts on physician responsibilities, lifelong
learning, and societal commitments.

**2. So what?**
Explored the multifaceted role of a doctor, emphasizing lifelong learning and societal impact.
Gained a deeper perspective on our future responsibilities in healthcare.

**3. What next?**

Internalizing insights for our medical journey, focusing on continuous learning, and integrating
societal responsibilities into our approach to becoming physicians.

- Enhance interactivity with group discussions or case studies.
- Utilize digital tools for collaborative chart-making.
- Invite guest speakers for diverse perspectives.

Appreciation to Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar, Dr. Meera, and organizers for an insightful seminar.


**1. What happened?**

Joined an AETCOM seminar with Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar and Dr. Meera exploring the
essence of being a doctor. Group activities involved creating charts on physician roles, lifelong
learning, and societal responsibilities.

**2. So what?**
Gained insights into the multifaceted nature of a doctor's role, emphasizing the importance of
continuous learning and societal impact, setting a profound foundation for our future careers.

**3. What next?**

Internalizing these principles, we now focus on lifelong learning and integrating societal
responsibilities into our journey to becoming compassionate and competent physicians.

- Foster interactivity through group discussions or case studies.
- Integrate digital tools for collaborative chart-making.
- Consider inviting guest speakers for diverse perspectives.

Gratitude to Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar, Dr. Meera, and organizers for orchestrating a valuable
Pg No. 66 1.5
Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar

*Discuss about voluntary body donation
*Discuss the correct procedure while handling cadavers and other Biological tissues


**1. What happened?**

Participated in a seminar led by Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar from the Anatomy Department,
focusing on voluntary body donation at Ramaiah Hospital. The session covered the proper
handling of cadavers and biological tissues, including insights on preservation methods like
formalin embalming and mummification. The discussion emphasized the profound role of the
cadaver as our first teacher and the importance of respecting these invaluable donations.

**2. So what?**
The seminar heightened our awareness about the ethical and respectful handling of cadavers,
instilling a deep sense of gratitude for those who choose to contribute their bodies to medical
education. Understanding the preservation techniques further underscored the significance of
treating these donations with utmost care and reverence.

**3. What next?**

Armed with knowledge on handling cadavers responsibly, the next steps involve applying these
principles during our anatomical studies. Recognizing the cadaver as our first teacher, we carry
forward a sense of respect and gratitude throughout our medical education.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

- **Interactive Demonstrations:** Incorporate hands-on demonstrations to enhance
- **Guest Lecturers:** Invite professionals with expertise in cadaver preservation for a more
comprehensive perspective.
- **Student Engagement:** Encourage student involvement through discussions or case studies
related to ethical considerations in handling cadavers.

In conclusion, heartfelt thanks to Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar for an informative session. Grateful
for the valuable insights that will undoubtedly shape our approach to anatomical studies and
instill a lifelong appreciation for the selfless contributions of body donors.


**1. What happened?**

Attended a seminar with Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar on voluntary body donation at Ramaiah
Hospital. Discussed proper cadaver handling, preservation techniques, and the crucial role of
the cadaver as our first teacher.
**2. So what?**
Heightened awareness of ethical cadaver handling, fostering gratitude for body donors.
Understanding preservation methods emphasized the need for respectful treatment.

**3. What next?**

Apply knowledge in anatomical studies, carrying forward a sense of respect and gratitude for
those who contribute their bodies to medical education.

- Include hands-on demonstrations for better understanding.
- Invite guest lecturers with expertise in cadaver preservation.
- Promote student engagement through discussions on ethical considerations.

Gratitude to Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar for a valuable session shaping our approach to
anatomical studies.


**1. Seminar Highlights:**

Explored voluntary body donation under Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar's guidance, delving into
cadaver handling and preservation methods.

**2. Key Takeaways:**

Raised awareness on ethical cadaver management, fostering gratitude for body donors.
Emphasized the importance of reverential treatment and preservation techniques.

**3. Next Steps:**

Apply learned principles in anatomical studies, maintaining respect for body donors.
Suggestions include hands-on demos, guest lectures, and engaging discussions on ethical

Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Veena Vidya Shankar for an insightful session, shaping our approach to
anatomical studies and instilling lasting appreciation for body donors.

Pg No. 67. 1.5

All faculty of anatomy department

*Demonstrate respect towards cadavers
*Cadaveric Oath ceremony

**1. What happened?**
Participated in a ceremony led by the entire faculty of the Anatomy Department, with Dr. Ashwini
Appaji as the HOD, dedicated to demonstrating respect towards cadavers. The focal point was
the Cadaveric Oath, emphasizing the profound role of cadavers as our inaugural teachers in
medical education. The ceremony included offering flowers to the cadavers and conducting a
Shanti Puja for the safety of their souls.

**2. So what?**
The Cadaveric Oath encapsulated a commitment to honor and learn from our silent
mentors—the cadavers. The act of offering flowers and performing a Shanti Puja underscored
the reverence we owe to those who selflessly donated their bodies for scientific research. The
event highlighted the sacred nature of our learning process and the responsibility we carry as
custodians of their invaluable gift.

**3. What next?**

The next steps involve internalizing the principles of the Cadaveric Oath in our daily interaction
with cadavers. This ceremony serves as a poignant reminder of our duty to approach our
anatomical studies with respect and gratitude, acknowledging the profound sacrifice made by
these noble donors.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

- **Student Involvement:** Include student testimonials or reflections on the impact of working
with cadavers to foster a sense of shared responsibility.
- **Interactive Elements:** Integrate interactive discussions or case studies that emphasize the
ethical considerations in cadaveric education.
- **Guest Speakers:** Invite professionals or former students who have benefited from
cadaveric education to share their experiences.

In conclusion, immense gratitude to the Anatomy Department, especially Dr. Ashwini Appaji and
Dean Dr. Shalini Nooyi, for orchestrating a ceremony that instills respect and gratitude for our
first teachers. This noble endeavor encourages us to uphold the sanctity of the learning journey
facilitated by these selfless body donors.


**1. What happened?**

Attended a ceremony led by the Anatomy Department, with Dr. Ashwini Appaji as HOD,
dedicated to honoring cadavers. The Cadaveric Oath underscored the significance of cadavers
as our first teachers, with offerings of flowers and a Shanti Puja for their souls.

**2. So what?**
The Cadaveric Oath emphasized our commitment to respecting and learning from cadavers.
The ceremony symbolized gratitude for donors, acknowledging their selfless contribution to
scientific research.

**3. What next?**

Internalize the Cadaveric Oath, fostering daily respect for cadavers. This ceremony serves as a
poignant reminder of our responsibility as custodians of their invaluable gift.

- **Student Testimonials:** Include reflections to strengthen the sense of shared responsibility.
- **Interactive Elements:** Integrate discussions on ethical considerations in cadaveric
- **Guest Speakers:** Invite professionals or alumni to share experiences.

Gratitude to the Anatomy Department, Dr. Ashwini Appaji, and Dean Dr. Shalini Nooyi for a
ceremony that instills profound respect for our first teachers.


**1. Ceremony Overview:**

Participated in a ceremony led by the Anatomy Department, under Dr. Ashwini Appaji's
guidance. The focus was on honoring cadavers through the Cadaveric Oath, accompanied by
the symbolic gestures of offering flowers and a Shanti Puja.

**2. Significance:**
The Cadaveric Oath reaffirmed our dedication to respecting and learning from cadavers. The
ceremony symbolized a collective expression of gratitude to donors for their selfless contribution
to scientific research.

**3. Next Steps:**

Internalizing the principles of the Cadaveric Oath, we aim to carry a daily sense of respect for
our anatomical mentors. The ceremony serves as a lasting reminder of our responsibility as
stewards of this invaluable gift.

**Suggestions for Enhancement:**

- **Student Perspectives:** Integrate reflections to strengthen the sense of shared responsibility.
- **Interactive Components:** Foster discussions on ethical considerations within cadaveric
- **Guest Insights:** Consider inviting professionals or alumni to share their experiences.

Expressing sincere gratitude to the Anatomy Department, Dr. Ashwini Appaji, and Dean Dr.
Shalini Nooyi for orchestrating a ceremony that fosters deep respect for our initial guides in
medical education.

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