STT No.1 - 2018 - 19 - 3MS

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Name: Hocine Dahmani Middle School, Errich -Bouira

Level: 3 MSY----- SECOND TERM TEST № 1 Wednesday, 30th January, 2019

In 1958, Jack Kilby invented the microchip. Microchips are tiny but can store lots of
information. They helped make computers smaller. In the 1970s, computers were smaller so
people started to use them at home. In the 1980s computer games became very popular. Lots of
people bought computers just to play games.

Today, people can use smart phones to play games, email and go on
the internet. In the past, a simple computer was the size of a room. Now it
can go in your pocket. This technology is called ‘miniaturisation’.
Computers, mobile phones and cameras all use this technology .One of
the inventors who worked on it is Belgacem Habba. He is one of the most
successful Algerian researchers in the field of electronics around the
globe. He worked on the application of laser technology in
microelectronics. Prof. Habba also developed 3D technologies for mobiles and servers.
In 2012, Habba was listed among the top 100 inventors worldwide. He holds more than
1100 patents. In 2007, he was named Arab scientist of the year by Techwadi.He was also
selected as the Algerian Scholar of the Year in 2015.In addition, he has authored numerous
technical publications. He has also participated in many conferences worldwide.
Adapted by teacher from various sources

Read the text carefully and do the following activities:

Reading Comprehension (07 pts.):
A)1.Answer the following questions from the text.(2pts.)

1. How many paragraphs are there in the text?

2. What does the underlined word ‘who’ refer to in paragraph 2 ?

B) Read the text then write ‘true’or ‘false’ (03 pts.)

a) Belgacem Habba invented the microchip. ___________________________________

b) Electronic devices became smaller thanks to the miniaturisation technology ___________
c) Habba holds 100 patents.
C)Lexis :
I match each word in (A )with its definition in (B).(2pts.)

(A) (B)
1. Microchip ● created or designed something that did not exist before
● a very small piece of semiconductor, especially in a computer.
2. Patent ● an official document of the invented product.
4. Miniaturisation ● technology which makes devices smaller in size.
B/ Mastery of Language (07 pts.)
1.I combine the two clauses to write one sentence using relative pronouns:which/who.(2pts.)
a) Samsung mobile phones are a brand of telephones.
They are made in South Korea.
b) G.Bell was an inventor.
He made the first telephone in 1876.

2.Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(3pts.)

After working for IBM company in the USA for two years, I (return) to Algeria. I was a
teacher at the University of Biskra for three months only .There were no research labs in .So,
I (go) to Japan and (stay) there for 6 years.

3. Sounds:Read the verbs and tick ( ) the correct pronunciation of the underlined final –ed.(2pts.)

a) invented
b) worked
c) helped
d) returned

C) Situation of Integration (06pts.)

-Your school facebook page is organising a live Q&A interview with Prof.Habba.
-Write Prof.Habba’s answers.Use the information on the right.

1. How old are you Dr Habba? Born February 5, 1957_ El Oued

2. Where were you born? Education 1980 University of Algiers , BS in Physics

3. Where did you graduate in Algeria? 1983 Stanford University , MS in Applied Physics- CA, USA

4. What degrees did you get in the US? 1984, Stanford University, MS in Engineering.

5. What is your occupation now? 1988 Stanford University, PhD in Engineering

6. Can you name three IT companies you worked for? Career 1988 – 1990 Research fellow ,

IBM Watson Research Center, NY,USA

1991 – 1996 Assistant manager ,NEC Central Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan

1996 – present Senior fellow , Invensas Corporation, San Jose, California, USA

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