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1. A transverse wave is described by the equation Y  Y0 sin 2  ft  x /   . The

maximum particle velocity is equal to four times the wave velocity if
1)    Y0 / 4 2)    Y0 / 2 3)    Y0 4)   2 Y0
2. Two strings of linear mass densities  and 9 are stretched under same
tension. A wave travelling on the lighter string towards the heavier string
gets partially reflected and transmitted at the junction. Then fraction of
incident wave energy getting transmitted to the heavier string is
1 1 3 9
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 2 4 16
3. Two waves of equal amplitude A, and equal frequency travels in the same
direction in a medium. The amplitude of the resultant wave is
1) 0 2) A 3) 2A 4)  0 and  2 A
4. A transverse wave pulse, travelling on a two piece string, gets partially
reflected and partially transmitted at the junction. The reflected wave is
inverted in shape as compared to the incident one. If the incident wave has
wavelength  and the transmitted wave  '
1)  '   2)  '  
3)  '   4) nothing can be said about the relation of  and  '
5. The following figure depicts a wave travelling in a medium. Which pair
of particles are in phase

1) A and D 2) B and F 3) C and E 4) B and G

6. A string of L is fixed at both ends. Which harmonic of vibration of the
string can make positions at lengths from either ends, antinodes ?
1) 2nd 2) 5th 3) 4th
4) length positions from either ends can not be antinodes at any
7. Equations of a stationary wave and a travelling wave are
y1  a sin kx cos t and y2  a sin t  kx  . The phase difference between
 3
two points x1  and x2  are  1 and  2 respectively for the two
3k 2k
waves. The ratio is:
1) 1 2) 5/6 3) 3/4 4) 6/7
8. A string of length L is fixed at both ends. The harmonics at which it should
vibrate to make positions at lengths from either ends antinodes are
1) 2nd, 6th, 10th ,………… 2) 4th , 10th, 14th ,………
3) 2nd, 4th, 6th ,………. 4) 4th, 10th, 14th ,………
9. A circular loop of rope of length L rotates with uniform angular velocity
 about an axis through its centre on a horizontal smooth platform.
Velocity of pulse produced due to slight radial displacement is given by

L L L
1)  L 2) 3) 4)
2  4 2
10. Two wires of the same material and radii r and 2r are welded together end
to end. The combination is used as a sonometer wire and kept under
tension T. The welded point is mid-way between the two bridges. When
stationary waves are set up in the composite wire, the joint is a node. Then
the ratio of the number of loops formed in the thinner to thicker wire is
1) 2 : 3 2) 1 : 2 3) 2 : 1 4) 5 : 4
11. Three waves of equal frequency having amplitudes 10  m, 4  m and 7  m
arrive at a given point with a successive phase difference of  / 2 . The
amplitude of the resulting wave is  m in given by
1) 7 2) 6 3) 5 4) 4
12. A stone is hung in air from a wire which is stretched over a sonometer. The
bridges of the sonometer are 40 cm apart when the wire is in unison with
a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz. When the stone is completely immersed
in water, the length between the bridges is 22 cm for re-establishing unison
with same tuning fork. The specific gravity of the material of the stone is:

 40 
 40 
3) 256 
4) 256 
 40    22   40    22 
2 2 2 2
40 22
13. A heavy but uniform rope of length L is suspended from a ceilling. A
particle is dropped from the ceilling at the instant when the bottom end is
given the jerk. Where will the particle meet the pulse:
2L L
1) at a distance if from the bottom 2) at a distance from the bottom
3 3
3L L
3) at a distance from the bottom 4) at a distance from the top
4 3
14. A certain transverse sinusoidal wave of wavelength 20 cm is moving in the
positive x direction. The transverse velocity of the particle at x  0 as a
function of time is shown. The amplitude of the motion is:

5  10
1) cm 2) cm 3) cm 4) 2 cm
 2 
15. A transverse periodic wave on a string with a linear mass density of 0.200
kg/m is described by the following equation y  0.05sin  420t  21.0 x 
Where x and y are in metres and t is in seconds.
The tension in the string is equal to:
1) 32 N 2) 42 N 3) 66 N 4) 80 N
16. The wave-function for a certain standing wave on a string fixed at both
ends is y  x, t   0.5sin  0.025 x  cos500t where x and y are in centimeters
and t is in seconds. The shortest possible length of the string is:
1) 126 cm 2) 160 cm 3) 40 cm 4) 80 cm
17. A wave travels on a light string. The equation of the wave is
 
Y  A sin kx  t  300 . It is reflected from a heavy string tied to an end of
the light string at x  0 . If 64% of the incident energy is reflected the
equation of the reflected wave is
1) Y  0.8 A sin  kx  t  300  1800  2) Y  0.8 A sin  kx  t  300  1800 
3) Y  0.8 A sin  kx  t  300  4) Y  0.8 A sin  kx  t  300 
18. A 75 cm string fixed at both ends produces resonant frequencies 384 Hz
and 288 Hz without there being any other resonant frequency between
these two. Wave speed for the string is:
1) 144 m/s 2) 216 m/s 3) 108 m/s 4) 72 m/s
19. A string of length ‘ l ’ is fixed at both ends. It is vibrating in its 3rd overtone
with maximum amplitude ‘a’. Then amplitude at a distance from one
end is:
3a a
1) a 2) 0 3) 4)
2 2
20. How long will it take sound waves to travel the distance l between points
A and B if air temperature between A and B varies linearly from T1 to T2 ?
Given velocity of sound is v   T , where  is a constant.
l 2l 2l
1) 2) 3) 4)
  T 1  T2    T 1  T2    T2  T1 
  T2  T1 
21. An elastic string of length 100 cm is fixed between two points at a
separation of 101 cm. Then ratio of speed of longitudinal waves to
transverse waves in the stretched string is
1) 1 2) 10 3) 100 4) 1000
22. A sound wave travelling in a medium has equation interms of displacement
as S  S0 sin 2 t  kx  . If bulk modulus of the medium is B, then equation
for pressure variation due to that sound is
1) BkS0 sin  2t  2kx  2)  BkS0 sin  2t  2kx 
3) BkS0 cos 2 (t  kx) 4)  BkS0 cos 2 (t  kx)
23. Equation of a standing wave on a string of linear mass density  is
y   A sin kx  sin t .
Energy contained between two consecutive nodes is
 A2 2  A2 2  A2 2  A2 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
k 2k 4k 8k
 
24. Consider the standing wave, y  A sin  x  sin  2 t 
 30 
Where x is in cm and t is in second. Phase difference (in radians) between
two particles at x  25cm and x  35cm is
 
1) 0 2)  3) 4)
3 2
25. A man standing at some distance from a cliff hears the echo of sound after
2s. He walks 495 m away from the cliff. He produces a sound there and
receives the echo after 5s. What is the speed of sound ?
1) 330 m/s 2) 340 m/s 3) 390 m/s 4) 380 m/s
26. String B has twice the length, twice the diameter, twice the tension and
twice the density of string A. The overtone of B that will be in unison with
fundamental frequency of A is
1) 1st 3) 2nd 3) 3rd 4) 4th
27. The equation for the vibration of a string fixed at both ends vibrating in its
third harmonic is given by y  2sin  0.6 x  cos  500 t  ( x, y are in cm ‘t’
is in sec). The length of the string is.
1) 24.6 cm 2) 12.5 cm 3) 20.6 cm 4) 15.7 cm
28. Two strings A and B of length, LA  80 cm and LB  x cm respectively are
d 
using separately in a sonometer. The ratio of their densities  A  is 0.81.
 dB 
The diameter of B is one-half that of A. If the strings have the same tension
and same fundamental frequency then the value of x is :
1) 33 2) 102 3) 144 4) 130
29. A sonometer wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing
waves with five antinodes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 Kg
is suspended from the wire. When this mass is replaced by a mass ‘M’ the
wire resonates with the same tuning fork with three antinodes for the same
positions of the bridges. The value of M is
1) 25 kg 2) 5 kg 3) 12.5 kg 4) 1/25 kg
30. A composition string is made up by joining two strings of different masses
per unit length 1g/m and 4 g/m. The composite string is under the same
tension. A transverse wave pulse : Y = (6 mm) sin(5t + 40x), where ‘t’ is
in seconds and ‘x’ in meters, is sent along the lighter string towards the
joint. The joint is at x = 0. The equation of the wave reflected from the
joint is
1)  2mm  sin  5t  40 x  2)  4mm  sin  40 x  5t 
3)   2mm  sin  5t  40 x  4)  2mm  sin  5t  10 x 

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