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Game Review

World of Warcraft is also known as WoW by most players. It is made by Blizzard

Entertainment. It enables thousands of players from all over the world to come together.
Whether you are doing quests, farming for skills or running dungeons, you always have
something you can do. It is a computer game which is a multiplayer role-playing online game
that consists of quests and dungeons.

It is my favourite online game because it just feels so real. Imagine a fantastic world
full of magical creatures and millions of people behind their favourite fictional race and
class, talking to you and helping you conquer epic areas and fearsome enemies. In World of
Warcraft, I can be anything I want, and there are a myriad of captivating stories and small
quirks integrated into the game, such as books, pets, or even alcohol to entertain me. Every
zone has a different climate, wildlife, and characters that make me forget all my woes and
emerge into the fantasy.

Besides, it is a game that feels alive. Once I start playing, the exploration never really
ends, as new expansions arrive just when the old one starts to get boring, and with it,
months of new fun. World of Warcraft is constantly modernized by new content, zones,
game mechanics, and graphics, and as such feels equally "new" to a veteran or a beginner.

Personally, I like it because I basically cannot run out of things to do. There are so
much in the game that I could play for hundreds of hours and still not see it all. The world is
massive and fun to explore, not to mention it is aesthetically pleasing too. There are quests
to do, lore to learn, mounts to collect, transmogrifications to make.

Therefore, I would recommend World of Warcraft to all my friends as I rate it 9 out

of 10. It is extremely welcoming and beginner-friendly games. The game is equally suitable
for children, elderly, and hardcore gamers, as everyone will find plenty of content tailored
to their needs.
Cooking Disaster

It was early morning, mom had gone for grocery shopping and my sister was fast asleep,
and no one else was at home. Time to strike! I sneaked through the dining room and there
was the kitchen in front of me! I stepped inside and took in the sight in front of me -
cabinets rising high like skyscrapers, the oven occupying a majestic place beside one wall,
the dishes sparkling like diamonds. As I had not had breakfast, I decided to begin my first
experience as a chef by making an omelette. Sure, I had seen mom do it, so how could it be

I took an egg, and some tomatoes and onions. I knew the basics, so I began the work. I
chopped the onions on the work surface just I had seen chefs do it. Then came the
tomatoes. I washed them first and started chopping. This time disaster struck, and I cut my
finger. Ouch! There was no bleeding, but it was just as painful.

This little nib did not stop me and after about a few minutes of whining, I got back on my
feet. The egg awaited its fate, to be cracked in half. It took two or three attempts to crack it
open and into the bowl. The spices were next. I put the chilli powder and the salt in the
bowl with the egg and whisked it. I lighted the stove and put the big frying pan on it and
poured some oil in it and spilled some on the floor too, accidentally, of course!

Till the pouring of the batter into the pan, everything was going perfect — then I
wondered what was used for turning the egg upside down in the pan. Soon, I was running
all over the kitchen, searching all the cabinets to find the cooking spoon, all the while the
omelette was sizzling in the pan. Finally, I found the spoon and made a rush to turn over the
omelette. I managed to do that without breaking or spilling it out of the pan only to see a
very nicely browned, or rather burnt, side up!

While I was busy taking it out in a plate, someone came up behind me. It was mom. I was
dumbstruck. She was angry at seeing the kitchen in a mess, the drawers all open, and some
salt and chilli powder on the stoves and countertop. She found a fit punishment for me — I
was to eat the burnt omelette.

Sitting at the table and eating the omelette, I realised that I need to be more cautious
every time I enter the kitchen. My first cooking experience turned out to be a disaster.
Although I failed at my first cooking trial, I was happy with my accomplishment. I had learnt
to leave things to the expert chef that is my mom!
A Place I Would Like To Visit. (2016, Sep 12). Retrieved from
Place I Would Like to Visit. (2017, Jan 30). Retrieved from

New York City is the one place I would very much like to visit on our next class trip.
New York City is very large and has lots of exciting and educational activities, such as going to the
theater, museums, landmarks and shopping. New York City is located in the state of New York, only 30
minutes to Newark Airport in New Jersey. It makes a perfect place for a class trip. The tourist season
runs the entire year, making visiting time flexible. New York City is usually packed with people making
the city look very overcrowded.
Often there are so many people on the sidewalks you have to walk in the street. People are walking in
every direction. You will even see horses and…show more content…
There are movie theaters that have 25 different movies at a time. There is also laser tag.

Laser tag is very exciting and fun. The place that I would suggest is in the Times
Square area. They have a lot of equipment and a large playing area. The workers there are very friendly
and helpful to their visitors. The game is played in two parts. You play for about 10 minutes against
another team, take a break, then play for another 10 minuets. When you?re through, you can either go
on to the game room, which has everything imaginable, or you can sign up again for another laser

Another interesting activity New York City has to offer is the Big Apple
Double-decker Tour. First, the tour bus takes you to the lower part of New York City, where you will
see the business area. An interesting part of that area is Wall Street, where all the stocks are traded.
Next, you go on to midtown, where they will make a stop at Central Park. You can stay longer than the
5 minute break, and catch the next double-decker if you choose. The tour then continues on to
uptown, pointing out interesting things like Harlem and Columbia University, to name a few.

Personally, I think New York would ne a perfect place for class trip. It has many wonderful
activities such as …… landmark buildings and shopping.

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