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1. (¢) M can exist without charge, 2. (d) Spherical with centre at the centre of the dipole. 3. (d) They are independent of spin 4. (6) Vo = 1 —* where 6 is the work function, a= = Cay +0b flo 3, (a) Frequency P * an (petpe) 6. (a) Paramagnetic material 7. (b) Because F, 8. (b) 9. (b) Resistance 10. (c) 1. (a) q (0 » 8), lies in plane perpendicular to ¢ and B cen points A and $ is 3 © and so on. 12420 2A) 13. (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of b Assertion. = 14. (@) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion. 15. (c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. 16. (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of 12. (b) E (in eV) = Assertion, 17. ‘Conduction See 8 & JE,=001-005ev py | I valence ao Walence a oan (€,) oo bana (E,) ———— = ‘type semiconductor p-type semiconductor at temperature T> 0 al temperature T> 0 18, (a) (1) Threshold frequency: For every metal surface, there is a minimum frequency of incident radiation, below which the photoelectric emission does not take place no Zs matter what the intensity of incident radiation is and for how long the radiations Cc are allowed to fall on the metal, This frequency is called threshold frequency. ie — the g “ts. 2 ae Stopping potenti Iti the minimum retarding potential which should be applied across a photoelectric tube in order to make photoelectric eurrent zero. The Photoelectrons of maximum kinetic energy 2 eV can thus, be completely stopped by a potential difference of -2 V (or by «stopping potential of 2 V) () Stopping potential remains same. tt depends upon the frequency of incident radiation. ood parent Inference: Th 19, We o interference fringes oceurting in the broad diffraction peak depends on the ratio 4, ie. the ratio of distance between the to slits to the width of a sit This val isin pendent of wavelength of light. Given that d = Imm, and in dfeaction patter, the width of sit, a can be ealeulated by the wid of the central maxima, DD a yD oe n= 2d a : = 10 then we havea = Wd = d = 1 sem = 02 mm 575 20, Given: £, = 15 V;E, = 20 Vr, = 020;r, = 03.0 For cells in parallel, the emf of equivalent cells given by Ens Eon _ (SX03)s (20%02) Sears 2403 aN and equivalent resistance, r V a, = 30cm, f, = +10.em Physies~ 12 1 for second bus with object distan Image formed from first lens will act as o! y, = Wx=10 Ss = 40 em y= f= +30em or 2, R= —20 em Magnification, m = -2,letw = ~ lu} 1 _ Lez 0 Su t 22, (a) +100 Mev . tim \ MZ. y= 08 fm Ir « ry, the auelear force between nucleons is repulsive and ifr > ry up to 17213 tm the nuclear fore Is alent, Stong repukon at shorter stances ves the akes the nuclear frees fnucleus from destruction and weak attraction beyond 3 to 4 fm da it remains active near the nucleon only + xe + %5r+ an Wine Physics ~ 12 14235 a 49442 4 = 236-95 = 140 And for atomic number 0+2=s44b40 b= n-54= 38 The correct equation will be 7+ U5 xe 4 er 4 29 23, (@) When a «battery is connected with a capacitor, a potential difference between two Plates is developed. This generates an electric eld, ie, E = Y, where dis the separation ‘capacitor. The value of & continues to increase till the potential ifference between the plates becomes equal to the applic potential of the battery. A_ kc joduced, then ) Energy of capacitor, U 24, AE = -136 eV 4 125 eV =~ 1.1 eV. [136 ¢V isthe energy supplied to an electron trom he ground state to ionise a hydrogen ator] For n = 3, the energy of 2nd excited sate (x = 3) sing £, =~ 28 ,we hme £,=-38— 4 s1ey BS 0.85 eV For i 16 As AE less than energy of 3d excited state and more than that of 2nd excited state; it will go to the level of 2nd excited state (i. n = 3), —______ Physics - 12 e For wavelengt R(h-R)=# 1 R_ sxuonet0? 216 x of Ist member of Balmer series a AG) = AUG # graph has negative slope | BaVereRtir Fai en Physics ~ 12. A For Ist case 1a+n For 2nd case E2050 +9) oF From (i) and (i), we 44r= 05% 9405 > 05Sr=45-4=05 Lo ind B= 1x 4) =5¥. [From (} 26, (a) An cleetton is moving from Left 10 right, its direction in (@) magnetic fetd will be as shown in the diagram. x x x Gienth v=4x10'ms BUT = mm 9110748108 We know that, r= a 8” 16x10%10 22075 «10 m= 227 em Alo 4 Lex tos . rrr 2 ket = 15m, 1=2A. (6) Given that m AAs the weight ofthe wire is balanced by magnetic free, we have hn = me 2x15 x B= 02% 98 a 26s \scharged bya battery, conduction curtent flows through the connecting wires, due to which capacitor plates acquige elettic charges, Therefore, electric flux plates changes and results in displacement current between the 27, (a) When a capaci Plates, which i given by o Physics 12____ 28, (a) Transformer Power losses in « transformer: Various power losses in a transformer and the ways tN which they ean he minimised are: = Power Loss| Minimised by (9 Foule’s heating of the primary and) (Using thick wires of materials having secondary windings low resistivity, eg. copper. Heating of the core due to eddy| (i) Using an insulated laminated core (i) Hysteresis Tos (i) Using a material having low hysteresis loss as the core, ¢. soft iron. Flux leakage or incomplete fl ux/ (iv) Using a closed soft iron core shaped to follow field lines (any three) ‘ppd up to high value, which reduces the current in the output, «during transmission power los (PR) is reduced considerably, while such increase in voltage is not possible for direct current or (@) The given ac source of alternating voltage V = Vy sin wis connected to an inductor Integrating T= hin (we ~222) where fe () Expression for average pamer dissipation in an inductor: The small work done in sending the eleticeutrent through the inductor in small me interval dr given by dw = 11d where V= Vy sin, and 1 =f, cos or Therefore, the net work done, during one complete oye fit =e sin coe it = p= ent t= — Physies —12. pleway Iw =F or 10" c= 210 ms we or |p <= ¥ is (0) In the figure AABP ~ AAP PB Similarly AMINE ~ MA'B'F tm ~ UF MN = Alb and NE = PE, FB = PB! ~ PP Physics ~ 12 (AA similarity) w JZ a, nn Equation (i) becomes et am ~ PR -0F From equation and Gi), we AS per sgn convention Ph =u, PB =~», PE = Dividing both sides by Vala his isthe mirror formula Lineae magnification = my = S#ED* in (©) The following are the two advantages ofa reflecting type telescope over a reacting ‘ype telescope As there is no teraction, i is fee fom the chromatic aberration, The light gathering power ofthe objective must be higher to get etter resolution. ft iseasier ta handle and cheaper to make mirrors of lager diameters, or Lens Maker's Formula: Consider @ thin convex lens made of 4 material of absolute fefractive index placed ina rarer medium of absolute refractive index, Let be the Fefracive index ofthe material ofthe lens with respect to the medium suttounding it {Let us frst consider refraction of ight from the object © at surface XP,¥ ofthe lens of rads of eurvatute Ry Let be the real image formed due to teraction at surface XP,Y suming that the material ofthe lens extends beyond f, then a as be a — Physics ~ 12 sof curvatute Ry. For ion at surface XP,¥ of the lens of rad this surtace J, acts asthe vstual object. Therefore js formed at Fas shown in the diagram ay For refraction at surface, XP,Y, we have Here v = Pyl = Cf and», = Py, = Cl Therefor on (i) can be fewritten a F i on adding, we get ite ( by Given: w = —100-em; n= 1S (RL of glass: = 206m Using lens formula iat The image bs formed ata distance of 25 em on the other side of the obj — Physics = 12. a o and ¥ be the pot the pot ial diferences that must be applied across the parallel and G2 1:2), Given that ies combinations of two capacitors C, and C, (give the energy stored in two, cases are equal Kee =x Jn parallel cornbination, th . ion, the effective capacity, C, = €, + C = be ev In series combination, the effective capacity C, = 6 Uy= LeveL Oh3tev “wo Given: U, = U Hence, the ratio of potestial differences is 77-3, or E= CCentrptal free, Physien = 22—__ Kinetic ¢ i i) As Kin Ke Therefore, K vis graph is given below. | a of a sytem of J opposite charges te. a dipole Physics = 12 or LGR cireuit: Suppose a resistance R, on inductance £ and capacitance C are connected in series to an acc souree of voltage V = V4 sit (me a | + Across, phasor 7; and 7 are in the same direction. =i ads the current in phase by 22 radian, HW, = 4X, where; = inductive reactance + Across C, voltage lags behind the curent im phase by 2/2 radian. So voltage amplitude Ve =I, Xo. Consider ¥, > Vo so for LCR circuit i as shown. This asumed that, > Ve. AS 7 and 72 are in appesite direction, thir cesutant is TZ 7, Using Using pythaporean theorem, we ge ee XO where 12 = Z = effective resistance which opposes the flow of current Physics =

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