Προσευχή για προσφορο

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Using a clean skewer we puncture the prosforo at the places in the above

diagram. While we puncture the prosforo we saying the prayers below.

Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ ελεησόν με

Υπεραγία Θεοτόκε σώσον ημάς

Αγιοι Αρχάγγελοι του Θεού πρεσβεύσατε υπέρ ημών

Σταυρέ του Χριστού σώσον ημάς τη δυνάμη Σου.

Before girls enter
 Turn off aircon
 Before girls enter, must wash their hands before they come in
 Measure flour beforehand. Tell girls 800g is measured.
Step 1: Girls sprinkle salt and yeast over. Say, “Most Holy Theotokos.”
Step 2: Cross the bowl and say Jesus Prayer.

 Can quietly whisper the girls to let…have a turn.

 Σταυρώνουμε = making the sign of the Cross over something – covers the
top to the bottom of the bowl.
 Get one of the girls to help you.


1. Say opening prayer

2. Read story
3. Would like to tell you about the Saints for prosphoro making. Say spiel.
4. Give them instructions and then while they’re kneading, chant altogether.
5. Tell them what you’ve learnt along the way.
6. Only need to let it rest for 15mins – doesn’t need to rise.
7. I found…
 The real effect is in the shaping, totally smooth and totally round.
8. Right at the end.
9. Pricking with the toothpicks. Go through the paper
 Our prosphoro is a proseuxi. We pray over the dough, over the
stamp. We are offering a prayer to God, to the Church.
 This prosphoro is an offering from the home to the Church.
We write a list of names to pray for our family.
 By putting names on a paper, you are asking the priest to call
on God to intercede for your loved ones.
1. Introduce book
 Before: This is a nice story to read to siblings, to give as a gift, to
read on Saturday in preparation for making the prosforo.
 After: Our Lord gives us all things. He gives us wheat, water and
wine. We take things from the earth that He gives us and offer
them back to God.
 Prosphora is the bread of prayer. Prosphora is made with prayer,
for prayer. Prosphora contains just four physical ingredients: water,
salt, flour, and yeast, with the fifth ingredient being prayer. The
word “Πρόσφορον” (prosphoron), means offering, since we offer it
with prayers to the Church, and the Church offers it with prayers to
2. Introduce St Spyridon and St Nicodemus of the Kiev Caves.
 Did you know that are Saints who were Prosforo bakers?
 Celebrated on September 28th and the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent.
Does anyone know?
 Prosphora-bakers of the Kiev Caves (Kiev
Monastery of the Caves), Near Caves
fulfilled their obedience of baking prosphora
for thirty years. Saint Spyridon came to the
monastery when he was older.
 The ascetic combined his work with
unceasing prayer and the singing of Psalms.
 Even during his life Saint Spyridon was
glorified by miracles. He was illiterate, but knew the entire Psalter by
 Once, his mantle caught fire from the oven. The fire was put out, but the
mantle remained whole. Saint Nicodemus labored with Saint Spyridon
and led a very strict life. Their relics are in the Kiev Caves of Saint
 The fingers of Saint Spyridon’s right hand are positioned to make the
Sign of the Cross with three fingers.
 Most amazing part was that they spent 30yrs making a prosphoro.
 One event, cloak got burnt but was totally untouched. At the end of his
life, his hand was in the sign of the Cross, as if he was σταυρώσing a
 His hand was so disciplined that even after death it was in the shape of a
cross. He had disciplined his
 Ipomoni, had to wait for the prosphoro to rise.
 Sometimes you may have beginner’s luck but after that things might not
turn out. Keep persevering. Add it to your routine. Saturday morning. Do
it b/c you want to thank God for the week!

Προσευχή & παρασκευή Προσφόρου

Δι ευχών των Αγ. Πατέρων ημών Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ ο Θεός ημών, ελέησον
και σώσον ημάς.

Βασιλεύ Ουράνιε...Τρισάγιον...Δόξα Πατρί...Και νυν...Παναγία Τριάς...Πάτερ

ημών... και το τροπάριον:

«Τον άρτον της ζωής το ουράνιον μάννα, Σωτήρ μου αγαθέ, ο πιστοίς
εδωρήσω, το σώμα Σου το άγιον το δεξάμενον σταύρωσιν, και το αίμα Σου το
της καινής διαθήκης, το εις άφεσιν αμαρτιών αναβλύσαν, λαβείν καταξίωσον».

Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ, ο ενανθρωπήσας Λόγος του Θεού Πατρός, ο Άρτος ο εκ

του ουρανού καταβάς και δια της Σης παρουσίας ανακαινίσας την φθαρείσαν
υπό της αμαρτίας φύσιν του γένους ημών, Σύ είπας: «ο τρώγων μου την σάρκα
και πίνων μου το αίμα εν εμοί μένει καγώ εν αυτώ», και «η σάρξ μου αληθώς
εστί βρώσις και το αίμα μου αληθώς εστί πόσις».

Εν δε τω μυστικώ Δείπνω μετά των μαθητών λαβών άρτον και ευλογήσας

αυτόν διεδίδους αυτοίς λέγων: «Λάβετε, φάγετε, τούτο εστί το σώμα μου» και
ενέπλησας αυτούς ζωής αιωνίου.

Τούτο ούν και ποιούσα εις την σην ανάμνησιν, καθώς τοις Αποστόλοις
προσέταξας, η Αγία Σου Εκκλησία εν εκάστη θεία λειτουργία προσφέρει τοις
πιστοίς τον άρτον της ζωής, Σε τον Κύριον «εις άφεσιν αμαρτιών και ζωήν
αιώνιον» υπό τα στοιχεία του άρτου και του οίνου.

Διο και παρακαλούμεν Σε αξίους ποιήσαι ημάς τω αλεύρω τούτω χρήσθαι του
παρασκευάζειν τον άρτον τούτον ευλογήσαι τε αυτόν όπως ζημωθή, τελειωθεί
και γένηται άρτος ο επιούσιος ταις χρείαις του σώματος. Μέρος δε αυτού τω
ναώ προσφέρητε τίμιον Σον Σώμα, δια των ευχών των ιερέων γενέσθαι, και τοις
πιστοίς δίδοται εις Θείαν Κοινωνίαν. Κατανοούντες ουν της ευεργεσίας το
μέγεθος, Κύριε, όλη ψυχή τε και καρδία τον άρτον τούτον, τα Σα εκ των Σων,
προσφέρομεν, ίνα τη μετοχή των αθανάτων μυστηρίων αγιαζόμεθα και
συζώμεν Σοι, δοξάζοντες τον Πατέρα, τον Υιόν και το Άγιον Πνεύμα, την
ομοούσιον και ζωοποιόν Τριάδα εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων. Αμήν.

Δι' ευχών των αγίων πατέρων ημών, Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ ο Θεός ημών,
ελέησον και σώσον ημάς. Αμήν.

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