Inlges Abp

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Members: Aty Ariana, Brito Yulianna, Chang María, Guzmán Nathaly and

Maridueña Arianna

Course: 1 ¨Science¨
 Greeting
Hello, receive a cordial greeting of peace and well, today you will be presented with
examples about false friends, those words that in English are written in a very similar
way to Spanish.

 Introduction
false friends are words that at first glance seem to mean the same thing in English and
Spanish (or a combination of other languages) because they are spelled similarly false
friends are words that show similarities with the words of our own language and cause
errors, because the similarities are only a formality.

 Examples
English False friends Actual meaning
Arena Arena Estadio

When hearing the word ¨arena¨ the first thing that comes to mind is beach sand but what
this word means is ¨estadio¨ Large sports facility prepared for the practice of certain
sports, such as athletics, soccer or the baseball

English False friends Actual meaning

Fin Fin Aleta
Now when you hear the word "fin", what is the first thing that comes to mind when you
hear that word? The meaning of this word is "aleta" is each of the flattened members
that fish, cetaceans and other aquatic animals have to move in the water.
English False friends Actual meaning
Accommodation Acomodamiento Hospedaje

What do you think is the meaning of this word? Well, the meaning is ¨hospedaje¨ to live
temporarily in a hospitality establishment, especially in a hostel, or in someone else's
English False friends Actual meaning
Army Armada Ejército

The first thing that comes to mind when hearing this word is ¨armada¨ the true meaning
of the word "Army" translated into Spanish is "ejército" this is a group of air or land
forces of a nation.

 Farewell
And this has been all because of the video of false friends and how we can use them in
our daily lives, tip. -There really is no rule that allows us to escape from all false friends
in English and Spanish. The only thing we can do is have located the most common
ones to know them and know their meaning when we have them in front of us. Goodbye

 Task distribution
-Aty Ariana and Maridueña Arianna
-Chang María
- Brito Yulianna and Guzmán Nathaly

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