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In the 4.

0 era, transferring from Earth to other planets is not an impossible issue anymore
due to the advances in technology. In my opinion, people should be permitted to travel into
space if only they know how to survive in another environment.
To begin with, although the Earth has a huge amount of natural resources, we need to fìnd
more resources because of human overexploitation. The population has grown rapidly and
their standard of living is higher as well. A good example is that people tend to use latter-day
equipment and devices, which are mainly made of metals - one of the most vital resources in
our life. Another reason why people should travel into the galaxy is for their living
environment, which is also involved in the growth of population. Our living space is more and
more polluted because of the luxury needs of people. There are many factories that are
established to meet human needs. As a consequence, a large amount of waste is released
into the environment.
Nonetheless, in order to face the sudden change in living environment, people must receive
professional guidance and training from astronomists. The atmospheric pressure in space is
much less than on the Earth, which can stop people from breathing and weaken human’s
Overall, although travelling into another space is a wonderful way to prolong human life,
experts have to give education and training to people, so that they can move smoothly into
space without horrored risks.

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