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Weather and Climate_Week 3_Session 9_G27


Why do you think people enjoy talking about Hoàng Phúc: It's a difficult question for me because i never
experience working environment. From my perspective, some
the weather? companies give their own workers two types of uniform which are
shirt and t-shirt. they have a choice to wear each of them but it
still looks good. I think that is a good solution when weather is
getting hot. ― ANONYMOUS

Should schools and colleges be closed when

it is too hot?

Tường Quân: Because I believe that weather is the basic part that
affects directly on people spirit or their activities all the day. So
people prefer to discuss weather to make sure that all things they
do on the day will not be affected by the weather. ― ANONYMOUS

Phú Tiên: I think the weather changes day by day and it is a good
topic for people to begin an interesting conservation. In addition,
the mood is affected by the weather heavily so people can show the
feelings to each other . ― ANONYMOUS

Weather actually affects our daily moods. For instance, when you
feel hot, you usually complain to others and then they share back
their feelings, too. It magically reminds ourselves many old things thao nhi: From my perspective, I think it's quite not necessary.
in our memories and make the conversation lasting in long hours. They just need to equip enough the facilities for their student to
( Yennhi) ― ANONYMOUS help them get the comfortable places to study ― ANONYMOUS

Phan Thao: That's a interested question. In my opinion, schools

and colleges should close when it's too hot because there will be a
Do you think office workers should be lot of activities at school and people have to be active. That leads to
allowed to dress down in hot climates? people being easily exhausted and lost water, that activity becomes
inefficient. ― PHAN THI THAO

In my opinion, schools and should close to protect their students.

When it is too hot, students will feel very tired and uncomfortable,
what schools should do is to give students the day off to protect
them. ― KIM TRẦN

Yes, I think students should be allowed to stay at home on the hot

days. Because almost schools in my country don't have air
conditioners for the hot weather. Therefore, students always feel
tired and uncomfortable when stuyding at school and they cannot
focus on their lessons. However, the weather is not a problem of a
school with modern facilities. ― ĐOAN NGUYỄN

What should people do when bad weather is

coming to their area?
Anh Thu: In my opinion, there are many issues that can happen
when you live in a high temperature environment. First of all, it
has a negative impact on your mental health because the weather
is really uncomfortable. Moreover, the UV light can harm your
skin and cause skin cancer. Besides, water would be rare to be
found in hot areas. For this reason, it can lead to the lack of water
for daily activities or manufacture. On top of that, there is a risk
to cause fire in this kind of climate. ― LE NGOC ANH THU

If we live in an environment where the temperature is too hot, it

will have a negative effect on our body. People will feel
uncomfortable when the temperature is too high, the body will lose
a lot of water due to sweating. In addition, too hot temperatures
will cause people to suffer from skin diseases if we do not know
how to protect the body at times of high temperature.

Trang: Vietnam is usually suffer from flood so it can affect badly to Kim Chi: In my opinion, the hot weather may cause many
the our life. In my perspective view, some people will do nothing problems. The first one is the feeling. You may feel uncomfortable,
when the flood comes as they don't want to leave their house and inconvenient, annoyed and tired when it is hot. The sunny
they will protest against it themselves. Some who are famers weather may cause some problems with your health. Staying
actively plan to fight with the storm. ― ANONYMOUS outside under the sun for a long period of time cause you a
headache, loss of water and a sudden faint. Moreover, your skin
Hồng Hải: No one can make sure how serious the bad weather is so will be seriously damaged by the UV rays from the direct sun light
the most important thing is preparation for yourselves necessary and cancer is the most dangerous disease which cause by the UV
skills to keep safe and exit from danger. In addition, we should rays. ― ANONYMOUS
access and follow the instruction of government. ― ANONYMOUS

Bao Ngoc: In my area, when everyone hears that it is going to rain

heavily, everyone will preapare carefully their food and plan to
In your opinion, is your country affected by
limit going out , they will stay at home to shelter from the rain. extreme weather?

What problems occur from living in a

climate that is too hot?

Nguyễn Khánh Dung: In my opinion, my country is suffering from

many extreme weathers, especially in the middle of Vietnam,
where I'm living. Every year, there are more than two consecutive
storms and floods lead to a lot of damages to people and facilities

Trang: Hot weather has a bad influence in the modern city like Ho Kim Nguyên : I think yes. For instance , the Cental Coast of
Chi Minh City. If the temperature reaches to 30 Celsius degree, it Vietnam often has floods. The water level is so high that people
can make people's emotion goes down as they feel annoyed. have to climb on the roofs. Because the surrounding is cover by
Besides, it is easier for houses or other devices catch the fire that is water, they just can wait for relief from all over the country.

Bảo Ngọc: It's a terrible thing and luckily i do not live in such a
place. I think people will be very tired and uncomfortable with the
hot heat,they can get irritable easily and they will not be in a
Do you think the weather in your country is
positive mood to do their daily works. ― ANONYMOUS becoming worse or better?
Khải An: To my viewpoint, living in too hot climate can make
people become impatient and tired. Furthermore, high
temperature can affect your health badly for it can cause
dehydration, overheating and even heatstroke. ― ANONYMOUS
Thành Dạnh: On my daily basis I often stay inside. However, if
that day have a brilliant weather, I will go to the beach, enjoy the
sea, eat seafood and play some water sports ― ANONYMOUS

Phú Tiên: People can stay at home every time they want so I think
it is more interesting to hang out with their family or their friends.
Especially, that is a good event for people to gather together after
hard-working days and have memorable experiences. Besides, it is
a good choice for those who are interested in taking photos.

Ngọc Anh: I enjoy going outside because when the weather is great,
I can comfortably participate in sports activities such as jogging,
playing volleyball, jumping rope. Moreover, it helps me feel better
and have more energy to work. ― ANONYMOUS

Truc Linh: I think it denpend on my mood on that day, but in

I'm now living in Ho Chi Minh city so that I can feel it's getting generall I prefer to staying at home rather than going outside.
hotter and hotter. Moreover, people living in the middle Vietnam Because, no matter how good or bad the weather is, I always have
have to suffer more natural disasters such as floods, forest fires to deal with the crowded people outside and I don't like that.
and droughts which terribly destroy agriculture. If we don't try to ― ANONYMOUS
find solutions, we 'l regret in the future ( Yennhi) ― ANONYMOUS

Hoàng Phúc: I prefer going outside when the weather is great. I

Gia Mẫn: I think the weather is getting worse and worse. think most of people tend to go out as well. It makes us feel
Rainstorms, droughts and floods appear more and more, making it comfortable instead of angry when it's bad outside. Working in
impossible for people to grow crops and earn a living. More good weather is also more productive. ― ANONYMOUS
seriously, they are also dangerous to human life. ― ANONYMOUS

Quỳnh Anh: As you know, currently, the world has to suffer from
In my opinion, not only the weather in my country but the one of the most serious pandemics that have been appeared in
weather in the whole world is getting better. The main reason is most countries - the COVID-19. Therefore, although Vietnam
that covid 19 has stopped many activities causing environmental always has desirable weather and I can go out any days I like, I
pollution. For example, people don't allow to go outside so there is would rather stay at home than go outside. I just do not want to
a decrease of using transport that can effect the atmosphere. bring the sickness to my house. ― ANONYMOUS
Moreover, factories have stopped working so they can't emit
polluting gases to environment. ― HƯƠNG THIÊN
Xuân Danh: When the weather is great, i prefer to go outside.
Because of the pandemic, I have to stay at home for a long time
In my point of view, the weather in my country is become worse. and now, when the pandemic is a bit fewer, the weather become
It's getting hotter than before. The consequences may be from the bad, it rain everyday, so if the weather is great, i'll go outside and
burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, factories releasing toxic have fun with my friend. ― ANONYMOUS
substances into the environment ― NGUYEN KHANH DUNG

As I see, the weather in my country is better. According to my

memory, when I was a child, the weather in the summer days is What parts of your country are colder than
very hot, but it also rain heavily in the afternoon and at night. As a others?
result, the streets were always full of water and difficult to move
after rain. The winter is very cold, too. I usually got sick due to it.
Therefore, I felt bad and uncomfortable in those seasons. However,
today, the weather is cooler. It's just a little bit cool in the winter
and less rain in the summer. I don't know if it is better or because
of climate change, but it's really nice for me. ― ĐOAN NGUYỄN

Would you like to stay at home or go outside

when the weather is great?

Gia Mẫn: I think those are the high mountains in the north of my
country. The temperature often drops very low, even with
snowfall, so people often choose to go there for tourism and mainly
to avoid the heat. ― ANONYMOUS

The North in Vietnam is much colder than the South, but there are
a few locations in the South with high terrain such as Da Lat. In
here the climate is also colder and it's one of the most famous
tourist destinations in Vietnam ― KIM TRẦN
Hồng Hải: The North is the coldest part of Vietnam. In the winter, What do you think of when you hear the
the average temperature is about 17 degree and the lowest is 2,7
degree. Besides that there are also some mountain parts in the term extreme weather?
South have cold weather like Da Lat or Đak Lak ― ANONYMOUS

What type of climate do people from your

country like?

Phuong ThaoIn my opinion, I think I feel scary when I hear the

word "extreme weather". This is the terrible climate that causes
many people to lose houses. For example, floods, drought, or
tornadoes can be considered as extreme weather. It also cause
many disadvantages like hindering traffic, damaging many trees
and spolling the house. ― ANONYMOUS
Tường Quân: In recent years, the climate in my country has been
changing more hotter and hotter. I think almost people like cool Quỳnh Anh: In my opinion, the term "extreme weather" refers to
with light sky. The atmosphere is not too scorching or freezing, the severe conditions that the weather cause to the environment
which makes people feel comfortable. ― ANONYMOUS and human's lives. Moreover, some kinds of extreme weather such
as flood, earthquakes, drought, thunderstorms and tornado have a
great damage on the nature. Therefore, the whole regions where
Phuong Anh: Because my country only has 2 seasons, the rainy
those extreme weather pass have to suffer from huge various
season and the dry season, people rarely see winter, so I think
difficulties and will not survive longer. ― ANONYMOUS
that's the season they really want to experience. They will see
snow and enjoy the cold climate that is rare in my country.

Phuong Thao: I think it will depend on each person. With elderly

people, they wil choose pleasant climate, it is not too hot or not too
cold. However, many young people might prefer to cold weather.
They will feel comfortable and enjoy the climate, maybe in some
places have snow and I think they really enjoy and discover it


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