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General Instructions:
1. Question number 1 to 10 are MCQ type and carry one mark each.
2. Question number 11 to 15 are Very Short Answer type and carry one mark each.
3. Question number 16 to 20 are Short Answer type and carry two marks each.
4. Question number 21 to 25 are Long Answer type and carry three marks each.
5. All questions are compulsory. Internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to
attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.

Q. No Question Marks
1. To sharpen the blade of a knife by rubbing it against a surface, which of the following will
be most suitable?
(a) Stone
(b) Plastic block
(c) Wooden block
(d) Glass block
2. A pendulum oscillates 20 times in 4 seconds. Find its time period.
(a) 0.05 sec.
(b) 0.001 sec.
(c) 0.2 sec.
(d) 0.1 sec

3. Boojho’s uncle has set up an electroplating factory near his village. He should dispose off
the waste of the factory
(a) In the nearby river.
(b) In the nearby pond.
(c) In the nearby cornfield.
(d) According to the disposal guidelines of the local authority.
4. If I am 13 years old, I have gone round the sun ___ times.
(a) Never gone round
(b) 13 1
(c) 26
(d) Shall go round the sun when I shall be 15
5. Human can hear sound in the range of
(a) 200-2000 Hz
(b) 2-20000 Hz 1
(c) 20-20,000 Hz
(d) 2000-200000 Hz
6. Which of the following situation, a person experiences more friction?

(a) Person walking on ice

( b) Person walking on marble floor

( c) Person walking on tar road

(d) Person walking on oily floor

7. The process of transferring charge from a charged body to earth is called

(a) Transferring
(b) Processing
(c) Charging
(d) Earthing

8. In a Kaleidoscope, the mirrors make an angle of __________with each other.

(a) 20°

( b) 45°
(c) 90°

(d) 30°

9. While sieving grains, small pieces fall down. Which force pulls them down?
(a)Electrostatic force
(b)Gravitational force 1
(c)Magnetic force
(d)Frictional force
10. Karthik wants to deposit a layer of silver on an iron spoon. He took silver nitrate solution
in a beaker and set up a simple circuit for electroplating. Which terminal of the battery
should the spoon is connected?
(a)Negative terminal
(b)Positive terminal
(c)Both terminals

11. Two blocks A and B of iron masses are kept on a cemented floor as shown in the figure.
Which one of them requires a larger force to move it from the rest position?

12. If the air and cloud are good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning could occur?
13. Why it is advised that industries should switch over to the cleaner fuels like CNG and
LPG in the Tajmahal zone, Agra?
14. Tripura saw full moon on a particular day. After how many days will she be able to see the
full moon again?
15. In the following statements, the underline words are jumbled up. Write them in their
correct form. ½+ ½
Carbon dioxide, thaneme, nitrous oxide and water vapor are known as heengrouse sesga.
16. What is lateral inversion?
(or) 2
Draw the diagram of an image formed by a plane mirror.
17. A marble is allowed to roll down on an inclined plane from a fixed height. At the foot of
the inclined plane, it moves on a horizontal surface.
On which surface the marble moves the shortest distance. Give reason.
a. Covered with silk cloth 2
b. Covered with a layer of sand
c. Covered with a glass sheet.

18. The bulb does not glow in the setup shown in Fig. 14.6. List the possible reasons.
(any 2)

19. Observe the following circuits carefully. In which circuit will the bulb glow? Write ‘Yes’
or ‘No’ in the blank space provided along each of the circuit given in Fig. 14.6

20. Name the pollutants released from refrigerators, air conditioners. Which layer will be
damaged by that pollutant in the atmosphere?
What are the main reasons for air pollution? Mention any two reasons.
21. a) Two Astronauts are floating close to each other in space. Can they talk to each other
without using any special device? Give reason.
b) Mention any two sources of noise pollution in your locality.

22. What is reflection? State the two laws of reflection.


23. Write the names of the all planets in the given figure from B to I.

24. How can you prove that, liquids exert pressure on the walls of a container?

Observe the vessels A, B, C and D in the given figure.
Volume of water taken in each vessel as shown. Arrange them in the order of decreasing
pressure at the base of each vessel. Explain.

25. You might have observed, on a dry day that when you touch the screen of a television or a
computer monitor, you get a slight shock. Why does this happen? 3




1 TO 10 1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (c) 10x1= 10

6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (a)

11. A larger force will be required to move the heavier block - B, with 1
the mass of 2 units. It would take a greater force to move it from its rest
12. No, lightning will not occur because the separation of charges cannot take place 1
13. Pollutants in air are discoloring the white marble of Taj Mahal. Or – pollutants 1
may be causing marble cancer. ( any relevant answer)
14. She will be able to see the full moon after 29 days. 1
15. Methane, Green house gases ½+½
16. The phenomenon of left appearing right and right side appearing left on 2
reflection in a plane mirror is called lateral inversion.
Text book page No: 202 Fig.16.5
17. It will move the shortest distance on the layer of sand. The other two surfaces- 2
silk fabric and glass sheet, will exert a lesser frictional force.
18. The battery might be already exhausted. 1+1
Sufficient electric charge to light the bulb is not present.
There might be any loose connection in the circuit ( any 2 reasons)
19. No, yes, No , Yes 4*½
20. CFS’s .Ozone layer 2

The burning of fossil fuels, Industrial emissions
Indoor air pollution , forest fires
Dead decaying matter, Transportation
Garbage wastes, Construction etc ( any 2)
21. a) They cannot talk to each other because vacuum is present in-between them. In 1+2
vacuum there is no matter or particles and sound cannot travel without matter.
b) High volumes of televisions and transistors. Bursting of crackers.
Loudspeakers in parties .( any 2)
22. The phenomenon of sending back of light rays when they fall on an opaque or 1+2
translucent surface is called reflection.
Laws of reflection are –i) The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal ray
at the point of incidence, lie in the same plane. ii) The angle of incidence is
equal to the angle of reflection.
23. The names of all the existing planets in order of their distance from the Sun are 3
as follows: B to I
B. Mercury
C. Venus
D. Earth
E. Mars
F. Jupiter
G. Saturn
H. Uranus
I. Neptune
24. Text Book Page No. 138. Activity. 11.9
(OR) 1+1+1
D, B, A, C
Because the pressure of a liquid column depends upon the height of the liquid
column and not on the volume of the liquid.
25. It occurs because the television screen or computer monitor is charged and has 3
static charges accumulated on it, and when we contact them with uncharged
hands, the charges pass through our hands and we get a minor shock.

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