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Seat No…………..


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION – 2023, S.Y. Basic B. Sc. (Nursing)
SUBJECT: Applied Microbiology
DATE: 10/06/2023 TIME: 3 :00 pm To 5 :00 PM TOTAL MARKS: 50
Section – A
Q.1 Multiple choice question (MCQ) (3x1= 3)
1) Dengue virus transmitted by which vector
(A) Aedes albopictus (B) Aedes aegypti (C) Female Anopheles (D) None of above
2) Write the name of Retroviruses
(A) Hepatitis A Virus (B)Adeno virus (C) Human Immunodeficiency virus (D) Polio virus
3) Kala – azar virus also known as …
(A) Black water fever (B) Yellow fever (C) Congo haemmorhagic fever (D) Japanese fever

Q. 2. Essay type Question. (Any One) ( 1 x 10 = 10 )

1. Write about laboratory diagnosis of Polio viruses.
2. Describe the life cycle of Plasmodium Vivax and the laboratory diagnosis of malaria
caused by this parasites .

Q. 3. Write short note. (Any Two) (2 X 5 = 10)

1. Write notes on Dermatophytes
2. Write notes on Aspergilosis
3. Cultivation of Viruses

Q. 4. Very short answer .(Any one ) (1 x2 =2 )

1. What is Rota viruses
2. What is Parasites ? Write name of different type of host .

Section B

Q. 1. Multiple choice question (MCQ) (3x1= 3)

1) The specimen of CSF should not be refrigerated because …

(A) It clots (B) It gets contaminated (C) Cells are destroyed or lysed (D) All of above
2) What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection ?
(A) Covering your mouth when you cough (B) washing your hands (C) Wearing face mask
D ) Avoid sharing drinks or food
3) IPSG Stands for ?
(A) International Patient Surgery Goal
(B) International Patient Safety Goal
(C) International Public safety Goal
(D) International Police Station Goal

Q. 2. Essay type Question. (Any One) ( 1 x 10 = 10 )

1. What is PSI ? Discuss about levels of PSI & Describe restrain policy . ( 1+4+5 )
2. What is CAPA ? Describe adverse event reporting in hospital & role of nurse in surgical
safety . (1+4+5 )

Q. 3. Write short note. (Any two) (2 X 5 = 10)

(1) WHO hand promotion .
(2) Role of nurse in prevention of communication error.
(3) Role of nurse in standard safety measures .
Q. 4. Short answer (any one ) (1 X 2= 2)
(1) Iatrogenic injury (2) Principles of Specimen collection

Seat No…………..
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION – 2023, S.Y. Basic B. Sc. (Nursing)
SUBJECT: Pharmacology & Pathology
DATE: 11/06/2023 TIME: 3.00 PM To 05.00 PM TOTAL MARKS: 50
Q.1 Multiple choice question (MCQ) (3x1= 3)
1) Verapamil increase toxicity of all except …
(A) Digoxin (B) Phenobarbitone (C) Atropine (D) NSAIDS
2) Antidote of heparin is …
(A) Dipiridamole (B)Aspirine (C) Protamine sulphate (D) Desferioxamine
3) Which of the following is orally effective ?
(A)TSH (B) FSH(C) Thyroxin (D) Insulin
Q. 2. Essay type Question. (Any One) ( 1 x 10 = 10 )
1. Define Hypoglycemic drugs ? Classify oral hypoglycemic drugs with example & role of
nurse while administered insulin .( 1 + 4 + 5 )
2 .Define Antihypertensive drugs ? Classification of Antihypertensive drugs with example & role
of nurse while administered it . ( 1 + 4 + 5 )
Q. 3. Write short note. (Any Two) (2 X 5 = 10)
1.Antithyroid drugs .
2. Antiarrythmatic drugs.
3. Role of nurse while administered topical agents.
Q. 4. Very short answer .(Any one ) (1 x2=2 )
1. Plasma expander
2. Hypolipidemics

Q.1 Multiple choice question (MCQ) (3x1= 3)
1)Leucocytes are …
(A) A red blood cell (B) Platelets (C) White blood cells (D) Toxins
2) Angina results from a blockage of the :
(A)Popliteal arteries (B)Medial arteries (C)Aorta (D) Coronery arteries
3) An osteoblast is :
(A) A cell that causes bone cancer (B) A cell that is responsible for formation of bone
(C)A cell that is responsible for break down of bone (D) A mutant cell
Q. 2. Essay type Question. (Any One) ( 1 x 10 = 10 )
1. Define Myocardial infarction ; Describe causes & patho physiology & role of nurse in
caring patient with MI . ( 2 + 4 + 4 )
2 .Define Rheumatic heart disease ; Describe causes & patho physiology & role of nurse in
caring patient with RHD . ( 2 + 4 + 4 )

Q. 3. Write short note. (Any Two) (2 X 5 = 10)

2. Diabetic malitus
3. Transfussion reaction

Q. 4. Very short answer .(Any one ) (1 x2=2)

1. Prothombine time
2. DVT

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