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Grade 8 Individuals and Societies (INS)

Who Are You?
Who am I?
Who are We?
Why am I here?
Who Are You?

Mr. Naylor
Who is this Teacher...Mr. Naylor…?

Skip to Who am I?
At the UN Rohingya Refugee School
A bit about me...and Max (Grade 12)

now at Uof
My Interests, hobbies and passions...
Essential Agreements - our ‘Constitution’
Every civilisation remains civil due to their belief Your activity
in a set of fundamental, basic guidelines.
Starting with “In a world-class classroom, …” finish
A classroom is no different. the sentence. These should cover a range of topics,
such as:
Together, we are going to create a set of
guidelines to maintain a civil classroom. ● Technology use
But beyond that, we want our classroom to excel ● Classroom participation and
- therefore, we need a set of guidelines that will behaviour
lead to a world-class learning environment. ● Preparation for learning
● Work completion
● Communication amongst
● More???
Essential Agreements - our ‘Constitution’
Now that the brainstorming is complete - the essential agreements require

Volunteer Scribe???

Advise the scribe of the final set of essential agreements to add to the poster
paper to be displayed on the wall throughout the year.

This can be modified and added to as needed

Open the Google Doc and
predict the topic of the
new unit using the images

I see …, I think …, I wonder ...
I see …
I think …
I wonder ...
Unit 1: Political Ideologies
Statement of Inquiry:

“Political ideologies and their forms of governance

continue to have the power to help or harm the
development of a society”
Using a device, find synonyms and other descriptions for the words used above - write on the whiteboard. When
finished, as a pair, rewrite the statement of inquiry on a post-it note in way way to be explained to a Grade 6
student and place on the board. Then go to the Concepts Google Doc
Make a poster on A4 paper (Landscape) that
includes your chosen key term from above in
large font. This can be digital or handmade.
The A4 poster should then also include:

Contexts and - image(s) that relate to the key term

- a definition of the term

Concepts - synonyms and related words of the term

- the term used in a relevant sentence (in
context to humanities)
Political Ideologies - be creative!

Explain in detail how the statement of inquiry
connects to one of the chosen concepts

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