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An assignment on

The speech given by Chief Guest on Human Rights Day

celebrating at
Green University of Bangladesh

Course code: LLBH-303

Course title: Human Rights

Prepared for
Prof. Dr. Farhana Helal Mehtab
Dean, Faculty of Law, GUB

Prepared by
Kamrul Hasan
ID: 182011021
-Sir said to talk on three issues of human rights.
1.Present 2.Past 3.Future

-Present time of human rights :

In 1941, when the Nazis were brutalizing us, the US president was Franklin Rust
Belt stage of the Union massage. This speech was given on the radio every year on
the second Tuesday of January to the American people.

Franklin Rust Belt was talking about these four things that day
He came that day and said we will build a new world where everyone is equal and
everyone will have their freedom, and we will have four rules for this freedom.
1. Freedom of speech and expressions every men & women in earth.
2. Everyone will worship in their own way/practice religion in their own way
3. Freedom from want (in today's world, he would have said freedom from property)
4. Freedom from FEIR
Freedom should not be afraid of the state, the state should be my friend
Because we love Rastra
- We can describe the complete picture of human rights with these 4 articles that
have 30 articles.

All of a sudden they have become so humane that they understand nothing but
money, they understand nothing but power, they understand nothing but living a life
of luxury. Who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima even after the end of the
- Today India will be independent, Sri Lanka will be independent, Bhutan will be
independent. After independence, you will go as you like and we will not want it to
be 1000 of you. They have introduced human rights.
(It cannot be explained) Sir, it must be researched and said.
>Our mindset has become that everything Europeans are saying is true and what
Europeans are doing is true and on the right path and we have to follow them! Why
don't we think about our past what was in our past?
sir some days ago went to visit the site of Kalinga war where King Ashoka stood
there and said how many people's blood have I taken to make this place red with
blood he said from today we will not fight any war I have chosen Buddhism as the
path of peace.
>Our Prophet SM. spoke about these peaces 1400 years ago and if the thirty articles
of human rights are explained in the Qur'an and Hadith, a thousand articles of human
rights can be found.
Where people like us have thousands of years of culture, why should we call
centuries of peace to Europeans?
Why should I look at human rights aside from our culture?
So we forget to look at ourselves.
- Until a white man is teaching us, why don't we think of it as our education.
Mrs.Ananna is doing a research on human rights where we want to show how our
justice system is better than Europeans.
They gave the declaration of human rights but why the declaration of human
At that time when it was said in front of Mahatma Gandhi that the Rust Belt is doing
the Declaration of Human Rights, what is your opinion here? Then Mahatma Gandhi
said when I was young my grandfather used to say that Mohan you don't think about
your rights you always think about your responsibilities when you fulfill your
responsibilities you will see that your rights are already done. Then the Europeans
in his words They did not agree and said that it means naked fakir.
They said that we would slowly enter them as we talked about rights so that we
would be able to control them later.
Today Human Rights :
They have to apply pressure in the name of Human Rights focusing on a specific
area or a specific group
We know that the root of all the bad things are in two places 1.If they are
discrimination 2.If they are exclusive not inclusive.
If these two things are right, everything will be right in the world

Europeans then chose women as Women's Rights and Human Rights in 1979. Why
would women get any property, why would their testimony be less powerful, etc.
Prophet Mohammed (SM) said fourteen years ago that the child's heaven is under
the mother's feet but we woke up in 1997 because the Prophet (Sm) came from
Arabia and that came from Europe and if it did not come to us from Europe, is it a
Human Rights is a people's power that brings everyone together under an umbrella
that has a tidal force.
President Demecutter for the first time said that whether we will give aid to a
country or not, whether we will give them a loan or not, it will depend on the impact
of their country's human rights, claiming that they have made 85 countries
independent in 20 years. One is to bring out the true beauty with makeup.

Tomorrow Human Rights :

There is no question of re-explaining their lies about human rights
Sir has given two harmony examples there
When thousands of refugees from Syria were going to Europe they are most friendly
country in refuse friendly Sweden,Denmark,Norway,Finland and Germany they all
told us to close our doors for refugees but when thousands of refugees were going
to Europe from Ukraine they called them. They said that come to us, the door is
open for you, they said how beautiful they are like us, how beautiful your culture is
among us, but these Arabs and Rohingyas cannot be given a place. Do they tell us
what is called human rights?
If you want to learn about human rights, come to our country and learn how we
sheltered the Rohingyas.
They have killed 20,000 civilians in our Islamic State of Palestine, 16,000 of whom
were women and children. They are the ones who talk about our humanity again,
and they are the ones who provoke the Israelis to kill civilians.
When the United Nations says to stop the war and America says that the war will
not stop, I have to sell more weapons
They think that if they want the lives of people, especially Muslims, then there is
still value or not? They think we are terrorists
He never said this anywhere for the first time in front of us.
Human rights or any lessons we learn from the West or some intellectuals say that
we could not have learned without the West, they say Europeans are civilized
Who is our justice system you named ADR you have completely changed our
culture the justice system of our muslim society you have destroyed us and now you
have introduced an inhumane justice system so the judge will judge you people who
woke up today Sir ended the speech by saying that we can be in the queue of that

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