Today Starter Unit 4

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. · Lesson aim:
� · identify people's
•2 clothes
A It's Lily's T-shirt.

- v
They're here. Wow! Your shoes are
huge, Robbie!
�./ listen and read. Robbie:,These aren't rny shoes. These are
Robbie: Where are my jeans? Dad's shoes! They're size 44!
Lily: J don't know.
Mum: They're here. What's this? ls it your T-shirt, Listen and repeat the dialogue.
Robbie: No way! It's pink. It's Lily's T-shirt.
Mum: Sorry! And this �s your dress, Lily. But where
are your white jeans? •No way!

t ., .. ."',\;. ...
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Vocabulary: Clothes
\4 1
�._ •. Listen and repeat. Then match. w�
dress hat jacket jeans jumper
shoe(s) skirt trainer(s) trousers �\ /�
This is your dress.

1 hat

These are Dad's shoes.

() Talk about your clothes and your

partner's clothes.
This is my T-shirt and these are myjeans.
This isjarek'sjacket and these are his trainers.

Look at the people in Exercise 3 and ask
Sarah and answer about their clothes.
Billy 1 A: What's this?
B: It's Jack's hat. It's purple.

,,. Look at the clothes in Exercise 3. About you

Ask and answer.
A: What's number one? ·�:� Draw you and a friend. Write about
B: It's a hat. What's number eight? your clothes.
A: They'rejeans.

It's Lily's T-shirt.
They're Dad's shoes.


Look at the photo on page 36.

Ask and answer. This 1s me ,;, ""'Y --f�vuur,fe. clof-lies.
%,'s ,s my.,C(llv-r:,z,,,-ife T-shir-1-. I-f� gr-ee"'.
A: What's number one? And i'nese ,,.,.e my jeans. Tne.y'r-e hl"' e·
B: It's Mrs Baker'sjumper.
7h,'5 15 my/r/end, Rober--ro l?ober--1-o's
A: What colour is it?
Jacke,f /s Y-ed an,:,( h,'s jeans are hlac..k..
B: It's blue. %ey'r-e f11s -favcrunfe. clo+he.s.

> Now turn to Unit 4A in the Activity Book. Start on page 37.
·················· ··· ··········
Is he under the bed? : · Lesson aim:
� • ask and say where people j
,_ " _ • -■= \ and things are .:
Presentation -....,, -�';';··••,•.•·•• .... ,,...•.'°i.

\4 1. Listen and read.

At Grandad's house. The children are playing
'Hide and seek'.
Lily: ... 18 ... 19 ... 20! Here I come! Robbie!
You're in the cupboard.
Robbie: No, I'm not.
Lily: Yes, you are. Don't be silly!
Robbie: Oh, OK. Now, where's Alex?
Later ...
Robbie: He isn't in the living room and he
isn't in the bathroom.
Lily: He's here! He's in the bedroom.
Robbie: Where is he? Is he under the bed?
Lily: No, he's in the bed, under the duvet.
Robbie: Alex! What's the matter? Are you tired?

\5 1
Listen and repeat the dialogue.

Vocabulary: Rooms and furniture • Here I come!

• Don't be silly!
0 �/ Listen and repeat. Then match.
Rooms: bathroom bedroom kitchen living room
Furniture: bath bed chair cooker cupboard fridge sofa table

1 bathroom

0 Look at Exercise 4 again.
Grammar Ask and answer.
Where's the cat? 1 A: Is Robbie in the bedroom?
B: No, he isn't. He's in the bathroom.
1 Robbie/ bedroom
2 Asha/ kitchen
It's in the box. It's on the box. 3 Raj/ bedroom
4 Lily/ kitchen

C, Look at the picture. Ask and answer.

1 A: Where's the cake?
It's under the box. B: It's on the table.


0 ,� Listen and tick(✓) the correct

pictures. Then say where the
people are.
1 Where's Robbie?
He's in the bathroom.

-�Bl✓ •t tci:as/1/
1 cake
2 apple
2 Where's Asha? 3 hat
4 book
5 umbrella

II I I "\d 1--1 1 -�i1 1B
f) B: Look at the picture in Exercise 6.
3 Where's Raj? Choose an object. A: Ask and answer.
Guess the object.
A: Is it on the chair?
B: No, it isn't.
A: Is it under the table?
B: Yes, it is.
4 Where's Lily? A: It's the umbrella!
B: That's right!

> Now turn to Unit 4B in the Activity Book. Start on page 41.

Speaking: Look for things
va . ·-513_ .· Listen and read.

Asha and Lily are at the swimming pool.

Asha: Oh no! Where's my jacket? Lily: Look, Asha! Is this Woman: Is your jacket blue?
Lily: What's it like? your jacket? It's under the bench.
Asha: It's blue. Woman: No, it isn't! It's my Asha: Yes! There it is! Thank
Lily: Hmm ... It isn't on the jacket! you!
bench ... Lily: Oh! Sorry! Woman: You're welcome.
Asha: Oh no! It's lost! Woman: That's OK.

5�,..,, Complete the dialogue. Listen and check.

,... .

lost \Vhere Thank Sorry welcome What's

Oh no! 1 ...W'1�rn.........s my jumper?

Raj: 2
it like? ,,

Robbie: It's red. I

I Look for things
Raj: OK. Hmm ... It isn't on the sofa ... ' I
• Where's my ... ?
Robbie: Oh no! It's 3 ',
• What's it like?
Raj: Look, Robbie! Is this your jumper? • It's lost!
Lily: No, it isn't. It's my jumper. • There it is!
Raj: Oh! 4 .•.................•..........•....•. • Thank you!
Lily: That's OK. • You're welcome.
Mum: Is your jumper red? It's in your bedroom.
Robbie: Yes! There it is! 5 ............................... you!
Mum: You're 6 .....................................

,,5 Listen and choose the correct places.
Your turn
Then ask and answer.
1 A: Where's my mobile phone? 0 Use the phrases in English
B: It's on the sofa. today to write a dialogue.
1 on the sofa/ under the chair Act it out.
Student A: Your favourite T-shirt is
Student B: Ask your friend questions
2 in the cupboard / on the table
to find it.
Student C: You find the T-shirt. Say
where it is.
3 under the bed I under the desk A: Oh no! Where's my ... ?
B: What's ... ?

Writing: Find a lost pet

0 Read the poster. Which rabbit is Snowy?

. I: .
,, ....... .
Your turn

:: -�-.-�,..

_,,. �;::
0 Imagine that your pet is lost.
Make a poster to find your pet.
1 Find or draw a picture of your pet.
2 Make your poster. Draw or stick a
.• Read the poster and answer the questions.
picture of your pet on the poster.
1 What type of animal is the pet? It's a rabbit. 3 Write about your pet. Include a
2 What's the problem? phone number.
3 How old is Snowy?
4 What colour is Snowy?
5 Where's Snowy's house? > Now turn to page 45 in the Activity Book.



p--___, _ _
_ - -"----- _ ,____ ---�-

These are typical

homes in the UK.
In a typical home,
there are two or
three bedrooms.
A lot of bedrooms
are for two children.
Their beds are often '
�--,-------------�-------- �--------·
bunk beds - one
bed under the other.
------------.-� �
, They're really fun!
l __ ------------·--- --·-·- - - .

- -
•. .'"! - - - � -
- -
- - -

- - _.
I'm George and I'm from Newcastle. This
isn't my bedroom. It's my brother's room.
My name's Kavya. My parents are from India His name's Toby. His clothes aren't in
but my home is in Bristol in the UK. This is the wardrobe. They're on the bed and on
my room. Well, it's Nadia's room, too - she's a chair. His posters are on the floor. My
my sister. Our room is small but it's cosy. brother's bedroom is a mess! The clothes
My computer is on the desk. The bunk beds in my room are in the wardrobe. My room
are really cool: My bedroom is my favourite is tidy!
room in the house. George, 10, Newcastle
Kavya, 11, Bristol

New words
bunk beds cosy desk floor C) 5\ . Listen to Alice and choose the
mess poster small tidy correct answers.

.5 1. Listen and read.

Read the texts again. Match the objects
1 She's from<fiiijjf)I Bristol.
2 It's Alice's I Alice and Jane's bedroom.
with the rooms.
3 Jane's bed is blue I yellow.
1 a wardrobe ... b ..... 4 A TV I computer is in their bedroom.
2 posters ...........
3 a computer ........... Speaking
4 bunk beds
Ask and answer about your bedroom.
a Kavya's bedroom
A: What's your bedroom like?
b George's brother's bedroom
B: It's small but it's cosy.
A: What's in your room?
Read and answer True(✓) or False (x).
B: A desk, a computer ...

Project: My room
.• Write about your room and make
a poster.

1 My room isn't small. 0
2 My computer is on the desk. D

1t ! �,1 Barte.k and J'm from

:Po-zna.n in :fhlm-td. � 1"00rrL Lo�­

Jt'� 1YL'c} brother◊ ravm, ton.
0½, b-rothe.r� comr.u±.er L'.> crn. the. d.eJ<.. ·
George 0½ clotko are an the. :fiov, I.rut -�
3 My bedroom is tidy. D �� c1oth.iz.,� ore m thz. UJU.n:Uabe.
4 My brother's clothes are in his wardrobe. D JU'� � � Lru1 J'm !

• •
Label the clothes. Then point and say.
1 It's a dress. 2 They're trousers.





r 3 .................................. 8
._ ........ ,... 0♦-♦40000.♦H00 ...0.. t :1

1 .. dress.._.............. 2 .. trousers·······-···· 4 6 7

Look at the picture. Choose the

correct words. Then ask and answer.
1 The sofa is in the living room/�
A: Where's the sofa?
B: It's in the kitchen.
2 The bath I bed is in the living room.
3 The cupboard I cooker is in the bedroom.
4 The fridge is in the kitchen I bathroom.
5 The cooker I bed is in the bathroom.
6 The cooker I cupboard is in the living room.

0 Draw your house and talk about it.

The sofa is in the living room . . .

� �
·, • Find and write.
1 ..Jt'.�Jf�,iL ...... jumper.
2 trainers.

/_ -: ;: .: : : _- _ .:=f; ;:; ;� z: ;_: ·:--:r- ---------·

3 .................................. jeans.
4 hat. . ,;>

-- ---

,,' ' ,, .. 'J'..... ... ; .....
: '-,________ ,:(
: -
. --\''.....___ _ --------:,;•:�


Write in, on or under. Then ask your Rap: Where's my blue hat?
partner to close his or her book and
play a guessing game.
. 5 Listen and complete. Then listen

1 The books are ....Jn ............. the cupboard.

a'nd rap.

A: They're in the cupboard. Where's my blue 1 .. h.�.L............?

B: The books! Where, oh where?
It isn't on the 2 ............................
It isn't on the chair.
It isn't on the table.
Or 3 ............................ my bed.
Oh, silly me!
It's on my head!
Where's my 4 ...........................?
Where, oh where?
It isn't in my 5 ...........................•
It isn't here or there.
It isn't in the 6 .......................... .
2 The bags are ...................... the table.
It's lost - oh dear!
3 The mobile phone is ...................... the chair.
Oh, silly me!
4 The photos are ...................... the cupboard.
Myjumper's here!
5 The camera is ...................... the table.
6 The ruler is ...................... the bag.

0 �· Complete the dialogue. Listen and Pronunciation: /r1/

check. Then act out the dialogue. �t Listen and repeat.
Asha: Oh no! 1 ...W��r!f�............... my hat? Who are they? Who's this? Who's that?
Lily: What's it like? They're my brothers, Dan and Matt
Asha: It's 2 •• ..•••••••un•u•••••••••••••••••••••••••
And that's my mother with the cat!
Lily: OK. Hmm ... It isn't under the bed ...
Asha: Oh no! It's 3 ...........................................•
Lily: Look, Asha! Is this your hat? My progress
No, it 4 ...........................................• It's my hat.
Oh! 5 ...........................................
0 Read and tick (✓).

Raj: That's OK. - - ..
Robbie: Is your hat black? It's in the living room.
identify people's clothes.
Asha: Yes! There it is! Thank you! It's Lily's T-shirt.
Robbie: You're 6 ...........................................
ask and say where people and

1 A What's B¼'here's CWho's things are.
2 A black B sad C tired A: Is Robbie in the bathroom?
B: No, he isn't. He's in the bedroom.
3 A orange B happy C lost
4 A isn't Bis C aren't A: Is it on the chair?

B: No, it isn't.
5 A Hello B Sorry CCool
6 A lost B nice C welcome look for things.
Oh no! Where's myjacket? It's lost!

> Turn to Unit 4 Check in the Activity Book on page 46.


·� J�1/ ,,---,
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.. -.. ' _I

Where's Sparky?
Amy Mrs Morris

1 l;;;;/ Hi, Mrs Morris! r--1--�

(He's fine,SJ
__,,-- "-;_

He isn't in the garage and he

isn't under the car.

Mum Dad ( Oh look! It's Mrs '\

© I'm sorry, Mrs Morris.

Sparky isn't in our
Morris's cat! Sparky!


� Poor Sparky! He's lost.

It's OK, Mrs Morris. Here's Sparky!

New words
car doorbell storm tree ,.__. Match the sentences with the people.
1 I'm sorry, Mrs Morris. a Amy
2 Look at the storm! � b Mrs Morris
Reading c Dad
3 Sparky's my friend.
\�!,. · Listen and read. 4 Poor Sparky! d Mum

i• Learn the story and act it out.


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