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1. What is a map?
A map is like a picture of the Earth that shows us places, like countries and cities.

2 . What helps to make accurate maps?

Tools like GPS and cameras from above help us to make maps accurate

3. Why is it important for maps to be accurate?

Accurate maps help us to find our way and plan things better

4. If a scale in a map says 1 cm = 150 kilometre, what does this mean?

It means that 1 centimetre on the map represents a distance of 150 kilometres in real life.

5. Explain in two sentences how colours and symbols in maps are useful.
Colors and symbols on maps help us understand things faster – like blue for rivers, green for forests.

6. Which are the four main directions and the four additional directions?
The four main directions are north, south, east, and west.
The four additional directions are northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.


What is the occupation of most people in these states of east India?

Rice cultivation is the occupation of most people in these states of east India

Why is the land around Patna very fertile?

The land near Patna is very good for farming because the Ganges River brings rich soil during the rainy

Why is natural vegetation so varied in West Bengal?

West Bengal has different kinds of plants because it has hills, plains, and the sea nearby.

What trees do the forests of Odisha have?

The forests of Odhisha have different trees like sal, teak, and bamboo.

What kind of natural vegetation does Assam have?

Assam has tall grasses, Bamboo and Teak trees

What is the axis of the earth?

Axis is the imaginary line running through the center of the Earth

How long does the earth take for 1 rotation?

The Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation

What does the rotation of the earth cause?

Rotation of the Earth causes day and night

What is the earth’s revolution?

The Earth goes around the Sun, this is called earth’s revolution.

How long does the earth take for 1 revolution?

The Earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution

Write a short paragraph to explain why a leap year has 366 days
A leap year has 366 days because Earth's revolution around the Sun takes slightly longer than 365 days, This
extra time adds to one extra day every four year causing a leap year of 366 days

Give the two reasons why summer and winter happen

Summer and Winter happen because the Earth's axis is tilted. When one hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun,
it is summer and when it is tilted away, it is winter.

Why is the northern hemisphere hotter than the southern hemisphere during summer and colder than the
southern hemisphere during winter?
The northern hemisphere is hotter than the southern hemisphere during summer and colder than the southern
hemisphere during winter as it gets more direct sunlight because of the Earth's tilt and orbit.

What happens in the North Pole during summer?

During summer the North Pole gets continuous sunlight for several weeks
It doesn’t gets completely dark
This is called midnight sun
This occurs because of the earth’s tilt

Write two or three sentences to explain what natural vegetation means

Natural vegetation means the plants and trees that grow on their own
They are not planted by humans
Forest is an example of natural vegetation

What are the three divisions of the Himalayas?

The three divisions of the Himalayas are the Eastern, the Central, and the Western Himalayas.

Name the three ways in which the Himalayas are useful.

They are like a big wall protecting us.
Their rivers give us water for farming
They are good for tourism and adventure

Write four sentences to describe the Northern Plains.

The Northern Plains in India are large flat areas
They have fertile land for growing crops
Lot of people live in northern plains
There are big cities and farms

Which are the hill ranges that surround the Southern Plateau?
The hill ranges that surround the Southern Plateau are the Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats

How are coral islands formed?

Coral islands are made by little sea creatures called coral polyps.

Why do the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have thick forests?

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands have thick forests because they get a lot of rain, they have good soil and a
warm climate.

Name two ways in which rivers are useful.

River give us water to drink
Rivers are useful to grow crops

Why is jam-making an important occupation in the mountain states?

jam-making is an important occupation in the mountain states because Mountains provide favourable climate
and soil for fruit cultivation.

What is alluvium? Why is it important?

Alluvium is the dirt found near rivers
It is important because it is full of nutrients so it helps to grow plants.

What is interesting about saffron?

Saffron is a special spice because of its high price
People love its colour and flavour

Give two ways in which Chandigarh is different from other cities.

Chandigarh is the capital of two states, Haryana and Punjab
It is a very organized city with modern buildings

What does the name Punjab mean? Name the rivers from which it gets its name.
The name Punjab means "Land of Five Rivers"
Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej are the five rivers

How are the water buffaloes useful to the farmers in Haryana?

They give them milk
They help them in farming

Why does Delhi have many government buildings?

Delhi has many government buildings because it is the capital of India.

Which is the most well-known monument in Uttar Pradesh? Write a few sentences about it.
Taj Mahal in Agra is the most well-known monument in Uttar Pradesh
It was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal
It is made of white marble with beautiful carvings
Millions of people visit Taj Mahal every year
It is a symbol of love and beauty

Why are the states in the north-east so green?

The states in the north-east are very green because it gets a lot of rain and has a warm climate

What is the difference between jhoom and terrace farming?

Jhoom farming means moving around and burning to grow crops
Terrace farming means to make stairs on hills to keep soil steady.

Name the neighbouring countries the north-eastern states share a border with.
The neighbouring countries which share a border with the North-Eastern states are Bhutan, China, Myanmar, and

What are the common occupations of the people in the north-eastern states?
The common occupations of the people in the north-eastern states are farming, fishing, and weaving

What is sericulture?
Sericulture is growing mulberry plants, feeding silkworms, and collecting silk.

Why is there a fruit preservation industry in north eastern states?

There is fruit preservation industry in north eastern states because lot of fruits are grown and preserving them helps
keep them for longer periods.

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