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 Emergence of APMSO: In response to perceived grievances of Muhajirs, the All-

Pakistan Muhajir Students Organization (APMSO) was established in 1978 due to the
fragmentation of existing student unions along linguistic and regional lines.
 Formation of MQM: APMSO evolved into the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in
1984, with its leadership centered around Altaf Hussain. The party gained momentum
with a strong focus on urban representation and empowerment.
 Cult of Personality: Altaf Hussain cultivated a powerful cult of personality within
MQM, which played a significant role in uniting members under his leadership.
 Non-elite Legitimacy: MQM's leadership, primarily composed of non-elite individuals,
allowed the party to claim legitimacy as a representative of the underprivileged and urban
middle class.
 Progressive Rhetoric: MQM espoused progressive ideals, promising to dismantle the
influence of traditional elites and empower the majority poor and middle class through
political participation and representation.
 Lack of Concrete Policies: Despite its rhetoric, MQM lacked substantial legislative
initiatives, reform programs, or a well-defined policy framework, raising questions about
its ability to deliver on its promises.
 Ideological Components: MQM's ideology encompasses ethno-nationalism, urban
representation, secularism, pluralism, social justice, and political participation, with a
focus on advocating for the rights and empowerment of marginalized communities.
 Urban Issues Advocacy: MQM positioned itself as a champion of urban issues,
particularly in Karachi, advocating for equitable distribution of resources, improved
infrastructure, and better services for urban populations.
 Promotion of Tolerance: MQM historically promoted tolerance, coexistence, and
pluralism, opposing religious extremism and sectarian violence while advocating for a
moderate and inclusive society.
 Focus on Marginalized Communities: MQM emphasized social justice and
empowerment for marginalized communities, including the urban poor and minority
groups, through policies aimed at improving education, healthcare, employment, and
 Grassroots Mobilization: MQM's approach to politics involved grassroots activism,
community organizing, and active participation in electoral processes to represent the
interests of urban populations effectively.
 Exploitation of Unrest: The MQM capitalized on the sentiments of unrest among
Muhajirs, leveraging it to portray itself as the defender of Muhajir interests. Altaf Hussain
emerged as a prominent figure during this period, gaining popularity within the
 Militant Approach: Hussain advocated for a militant stance, suggesting that political
authority could only be established through forceful means. This aggressive approach,
coupled with ethnic appeals, contributed to the MQM's growing influence.
 Military Crackdown: In response to MQM's militant activities, the army launched
Operation Clean-up in June 1992, targeting the party. This crackdown led to the
fragmentation of MQM, giving rise to MQM Haqiqi.
 Reorganization: Following the crackdown, MQM underwent reorganization, aiming to
broaden its appeal beyond Muhajirs. The party shifted its focus from ethnic nationalism
to more inclusive and pragmatic politics.
 Shift in Ideology: MQM moved away from Muhajir nationalism towards a more
generalized discourse of oppression and poverty. This ideological shift caused internal
factionalism within the party.
 Coalition Building: MQM formed alliances even with its traditional adversaries,
including the military-bureaucracy, demonstrating a pragmatic approach to politics.
 Name Change: In July 1997, MQM altered its name, signaling a departure from its
original doctrine and a move towards appealing to a wider social base. Altaf Hussain
emphasized this as a significant step towards the party's evolution into a national
 MQM gained prominence in urban Sindh by addressing socioeconomic issues of
Muhajirs and urban residents.
 It established a strong organizational structure and grassroots mobilization efforts.
 Enjoyed electoral success, particularly in the 1990s and early 2000s, dominating
Karachi's politics.
 MQM's electoral dominance led to significant influence in coalition politics at federal and
provincial levels.
 Participation in coalition governments allowed MQM to influence resource allocation and
policymaking, especially in urban development.
 Recent years saw a decline in MQM's political clout due to internal conflicts, leadership
disputes, and accusations of illegal activities.
 Other parties, like PTI, are gaining ground in urban Sindh, diminishing MQM's support
 Despite electoral setbacks, MQM continues to wield influence, advocating for urban and
minority concerns.
 Its involvement in coalition governments and support in urban areas have shaped
Pakistani politics at national and provincial levels, impacting policies and political


 Complex Relationship with Military and Civilian Institutions: The MQM has a history of
cooperation, confrontation, and negotiation with Pakistani military and civilian
institutions, depending on its political objectives.
 Partnerships and Cooperation: MQM has formed alliances with ruling authorities,
especially during military-led administrations or times of martial law, in exchange for
political concessions, electoral support, or immunity from legal scrutiny.
 Crackdowns and Repression: Both military and civilian authorities have cracked down on
the MQM, citing concerns about national security or the party's challenge to the status
quo. These actions have included targeted operations, arrests, and detentions of MQM
leaders and workers.
 Negotiation and Bargaining: Despite confrontations, the MQM and the establishment
have engaged in negotiation and bargaining to maintain stability and protect their
interests. Political concessions and agreements have been made to address governance,
security, and power-sharing issues.
 Karachi as Battleground: Karachi, the MQM's stronghold, has been a political
battleground due to its strategic importance, economic significance, and ethnic diversity.
Tensions between the MQM and other parties have escalated during military incursions
and operations targeting criminal elements linked to the party.
 Influence in Urban Politics: The MQM's ability to mobilize support in urban areas,
particularly Karachi, has made it a major force in Pakistani politics, impacting elections,
policies, and governance.
 Fragile Relationship: Despite its political clout, the MQM's relationship with the state
remains fragile, marked by repression and difficulties, even during periods of cooperation
with the ruling class.
 Declining Influence: MQM's influence in Pakistani politics has been waning, attributed to
leadership problems, internal divisions, and fragmentation within the party. Resolving
these disputes is crucial for maintaining political relevance and stability.
 Legal Obstacles: Allegations of violence and criminal activities have tarnished MQM's
reputation, hindering its political standing and trustworthiness. Addressing these legal
challenges is necessary for improving its image.
 Emergence of New Players: Urban areas have witnessed the rise of new political parties,
challenging MQM's traditional dominance. To remain relevant, MQM must adapt to this
changing political landscape.
 Inclusivity and Appeal: With Muhajirs constituting the majority of its support base,
MQM can enhance its political standing by promoting inclusivity and reaching out to a
wider range of ethnic groups.
 Strategic Alliances: MQM can expand its political influence by forming coalitions and
strategic alliances with other parties, particularly outside its historical strongholds.
 Youth Engagement: Utilizing innovative tactics and platforms to engage with the youth
population can help MQM regain and sustain its relevance in the evolving political
 Strategic Planning and Adaptation: Strong leadership, strategic planning, and a
willingness to adapt to changing conditions are essential for MQM to overcome these
challenges and succeed in Pakistani politics in the future.

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