Digital Communication

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Jerraine Mae Del Rosario

Jetro Fawas
John Ceriel Supnet
Aleah Florentino
Jennilyn Mostoles
Grace Cinco


I. What is Digital Communication?

 Digital Communication is any message passed through digital devices

 Digital communication is any type of information sent digitally.
 Digital communication is the electronic exchange of information, data, or messages. It takes many forms and has
become the communication standard for individuals and organizations over the past few decades.
 When you send an email, text a friend, or post on social media, you're using digital communication. And with the
introduction of new technologies, it's become a mainstay for our everyday interactions.


 The manager wanted to meet all his team members in the conference room to discuss their key responsibility
areas and areas of expertise. He didn't have the time to go to their workstations and invite them individually.
Instead, he opted for an easier and cheaper mode to communicate his idea. He sent an email marking a cc to all
the participants, inviting them to the meeting.

II. Types of Digital Communication

A. Email

 It's one of the most popular digital communication mediums, allowing you to send and receive messages,
documents, and other files over the Internet. Even if you don't use email in your personal life, it's probably one of
the primary ways you communicate at work.
 email is a store and forward method of writing, sending, receiving, and saving messages through computers
 an electronic mail message consists of two components,
o the message header
o and the message body, which is the email’s content.
 The message header contains control information, including, an originator’s email address and one or more
recipient addresses. Usually additional information is added, such as a subject header field. Lastly, the at sign, a
part of every email address (@)

B. Instant Messaging

 Instant messaging enables you to send and receive messages over the internet using apps like WhatsApp,
Facebook Messenger, and iMessage.

C. Video Conferencing

 With the rise of remote work, this has become absolutely essential. Remote workers, businesses, educational
institutions, and more use video conferencing to collaborate and communicate across time zones.
 A videoconference (also known as a video-teleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies
which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously.
 It has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware.
 Video conferencing can transmit pictures as well as voices through video cameras and computer modems

D. Social Media

 59% of the world's population uses social media. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are just a few examples of
social media platforms where users share information, photos, and videos with friends and followers.


 These apps use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, which allows you to place and receive calls over
the Internet — a cost-effective alternative to long-distance telephone calls.

F. Chatbots

 These are often powered by AI chatbots that use instant messaging to provide customer service support.

G. SMS (Short Text Message Service)

 The technical difference between SMS and instant messaging is that it uses your cellular data rather than the
internet to send and receive messages.
 The common term for the sending of "short" messages from mobile phones or portable devices is called texting.
 Texting works using the Short Message Service (SMS)
 SMS is a method by which messages can be sent to a cell phone via another cell phone, a computer connected to
the Internet, or a regular landline.

III. Benefits/Positive Impact of Digital Communication

A. Faster

 Emails, instant messages, and text messages can be sent and received within seconds, making communication
faster and more efficient.

B. Accessible

 With an internet connection or a mobile device, people can reach one another anywhere and at any time.

C. Increased Productivity

 Digital communication enables people to collaborate quickly and efficiently. It's handy for companies and
organizations working across different time zones.

D. Employee Engagement

 Email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and collaborative tools like shared documents and project
management software keep teams connected in-house and around the world. Digital communication has become
the business norm, especially in a remote-first environment.

E. Customer Service

 The rise of new tools and technologies has also shaped how businesses interact with customers, suppliers, and
partners. These digital communication tools include email, social media, chatbots, and online customer service

F. E-commerce
 E-commerce businesses rely almost entirely on digital communication to sell products, accept payments, and send
order updates and confirmations.

G. Customer Engagement

 These digital communication tools (and others!) have made it easier than ever for businesses to reach and engage
with their customers.

H. Improved Communication

 Even if you’re a city or two away from your friends and family, you can reach them with a tap of your phone. No
matter the distance, we're more connected than ever.

I. Globalization

 This enables people from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds to communicate seamlessly, paving the
way for greater globalization.

IV. Negative Impact of Digital Communication

1. Digital Divide

 Not everyone has equal access to digital communication technologies, creating a "digital divide"
between those who have access to digital tools and those who do not, exacerbating existing social and
economic inequalities.

2. Information Overload

 The abundance of information available through digital communication can lead to information
overload, making it challenging for individuals to discern credible sources and overwhelming them with
irrelevant or conflicting information.

3. Isolation and Disconnection

 Over-reliance on digital communication may lead to decreased face-to-face interaction, contributing to

feelings of isolation, loneliness, and a decline in social skills.

4. Privacy Concerns

 Digital communication platforms often collect vast amounts of personal data, raising concerns about
privacy breaches, data misuse, and surveillance by governments and corporations.

5. Cyberbullying and Harassment

 The anonymity and ease of communication in digital spaces can facilitate cyberbullying, harassment,
and online abuse, causing psychological harm and trauma to victims.

A. Advantages

 It is fast and easier.

 No paper is wasted.
 The messages can be stored in the device for longer times, without being damaged.
 Digital communication can be done over large distances through the Internet and other things.
 It is comparatively cheaper.
 It removes semantic barriers because the written data can be easily changed to different languages using
 It provides facilities like video conferencing which saves a lot of time, money, and effort.

B. Disadvantages

 It is unreliable as the messages cannot be recognized by signatures.

 The establishment of Digital Communication causes the degradation of the environment in some cases.
-"Electronic waste" is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone and cell phone towers are so
strong that they can kill small birds.


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