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‘SERVING GOD ACCEPTABLY Hebrews 12:28-29 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God ‘acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” GETTING THE FUNDAMENTALS RIGHT (new Song Festival Orchestra 2021; BJMBC Music) Posture: Watch out for tension in posture (pretend you are a tree swaying in the wind) Be able to hold the violin with your chin and shoulder without help from your hand. You should be able to reach your left hand, under the violin and over to your right shoulder while holding the violin. Left hand: Your left hand should have two points of reference on the neck of the violin. Do not press them, but if they don't touch, you will have major intonation problems. The fingers should be round, not too steep not too flat. The hand and arm should adjust to what is comfortable to the fingers. Ahr WEE fot tan 8 ‘Watch out for pancake hand, but don't push the wrist too far out either. RUMEE ta nn we aes Between the thumb and first finger, there should be a round shape. If the hand is too tense, this can cause the natural hole to disappear. The hand should be shaped like itis holding a mandarin. Right hand: The bow arm is a series of springs or gates that open to form a straight bow pull. It should be parallel to the bridge throughout the stroke. Watch out for rising shoulders. Make sure the shoulder is relaxed at all times. The wrist is the balance point between the elbow and the hand (fulcrum). On the bow hand, the thumb and the second finger should form an oval or circle. This is the main stay of the bow hold. The other fingers are for balance. If the fingers are too close together, then the fingers will not be able to control the bow. If the fingers are too far apart, the fingers will fee! strained and unnatural. The key to a good bow hold is to be able to transmit the weight for your arm on to the bow without being tense. Bow hold teaching method: 1. Hold a pencil and have your student hang the weight of their arm on the pencil through their four fingers. Let the thumb hang by itself. Make sure the student's arm is completely relaxed. (Step 2 bow hold) ‘Music Camp: May 9-13, 2022 Day 1 1 SERVING GOD ACCEPTABLY Hebrews 12:28-29 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God ‘acceptably with reverence and godly fear For our God is @ consuming fr. 2. Try to pull the pencil away from the student. The students should be able to grip the bow without tensing the arm muscles. 3. Pretend the wind is blowing on the hand. The fingers should be angled on the bow with the weight of the arm falling on the pointer finger. 4, Put the student's pinky on top of the bow. Make the pinky sit on the bow. Make sure the pinky is round ee 5, Finally, let the thumb lightly come under and support the other fingers. For the first few weeks, have the beginner put their thumb under the frog to prevent them gripping the bow too hard. After a few lessons you can have them put their thumb under the stick of the bow. ‘We start bowing in the middle of the bow where the arm forms a right angle with the bow. This will be the most comfortable place for the student to bow. As the student grows more comfortable with the correct bow grip, ‘extend the space he uses on the bow until he is comfortable with the whole bow. Here are some kinds of bowing you can do to get student to handle his bow more comfortably. 1. Wizard Bow: Ask the students to play from the frog to the tip. At the tip, have them raise their bow in the air and circle to the frog. Repeat the process until the student can pull the bow confidently. Then do the same things with the down bow. Have the student start at the tip and pull the bow all the way to the frog, then circle back in the air. 2. Donkey Bow: Have the student play a light fast up bow starting at the tip and going all the way to the frog, Then have them play a heavy slow down bow on the open A-string, 3. Frog Bow: Instruct the student to let the bow drop on the string from a distance and let the natural springiness of the bow cause it to jump up and down. The student's arm must be completely relaxed for this to bowing to be effective. I your student has a tense sound, here are some things to check for: tension in the right shoulder, a stiff bow ‘arm, tension in the thumb of the left hand, fingers that are pressed to hard against the finger board, tension in the knees, tension in the back, etc. Because the body is interdependent, tension in one area can spread to ‘another and will always show in the sound. If the thumb of the left hand is tense, have the student tap it against the neck. If the knees are tense, have the student flex their knees. If their fingers are pressed against the fingerboard, have them imagine that their fingers are feathers falling on the string. Make them show you how lightly they can touch the string and still create the right pitch. When relaxing the left hand, don't let the right hand go on a vacation from producing the sound, Music Camp: May 9-13, 2022 Day 1 2 ‘SERVING GOD ACCEPTABLY Hebrews 12:28-29 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.” Bowing Techniques 1. Arco a. Definition: The bow is played on the string. b, Example: This term will be used after a pizzicato passage in the music, mY Il, Pizzicato a. Definition: The notes are plucked. b. Example: This term will most likely be used in its abbreviated form, "pizz.” TI. Martale a. Definition: An accented, energetic stroke marked much of the time using accents. The bow is set on the string with a short, strong “click,” and then released with a quick stroke. b. Example: > Sus. > ov IV. Legato a. Definition: The most basic bow stroke using smooth, connected bows. b. Example: V. Detache a. Definition: A springing how stroke using quick how speed. The English word “detached” is derived from this term. In determining whether or not to use the Detache, the performer should analyze both the style of the piece and the era in which it was written, b. Example: = Music Camp: May 9-13, 2022 Dav 3 3 SERVING GOD ACCEPTABLY Hebrews 12:28-29 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.” VIOLIN PLAYING TECHNIQUES (@ new song Festival Orchestra 2021; BJMBC Music) VI. Staccato a. Definition: A short bow stroke that remains on the string, creating separation between the notes. a, eon yey os o Se 5 SSS oS b. Examples: VII. Spiccato a. Ashort, fast bow stroke that, due to the speed of the piece, flies off the string. momentarily. b. Example: VIII. Loure a. Definition: Slurred notes which are marked with a legato line and bowed with momentary separation to create the fecling of a moving, flowing linc. b. Example: IX. Hooked a. Definition: Slurred notes which are marked with staccato dots. The bow is set on the string with a firm bow “click,” and released with a short stroke. b. Example: sy 4 X. Ponticello a. Definition: The bow stroke is played right next to the bridge. b. Example: This term will be marked in the music to create an unusual effect. XI. Sul Tasto a. Definition: The bow stroke is played on top of the fingerboard. b. Example: This term will be marked in the music to create an unusual, light, and breathy effect. Music Camp: May 9-13. 2022 Dav 3 4 SERVING GOD ACCEPTABLY Hebrews 12:28-29 “Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.” XII, Col Legno a. Definition: The bow is turned upside-down and played on the stick. b. Example: This bow stroke will be marked in the music to create a percussive sound. XIII. Double Stops a. Definition: Two or more strings, with or without fingered notes, played imultancously. b. Example: XIV. Harmonics a. Definition: The fingered note is touched lightly to the string with or without a secondary finger placed beneath it, and the bow stroke is drawn quickly and firmly across the string. b. Example: a XV. Slurs a. Definition: Two or more fingered notes connected with one bow. b. Example: — o XVI. Ricochet a. Definition: The bow is dropped quickly on the string and allowed to lightly skate across the string, creating a quick, percussive sound, b. Example: ——__ a>. : f= ~~ ~~ Music Camp: May 9-13. 2022 Dav 3

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