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In personality psychology, the self can be defined as the individual as a whole, including all
characteristics, attributes, mentality, and consciousness A person may define themselves based on their
opinions, beliefs, past experiences, actions, place of origin, or religion. The philosophy of the self
includes a person's consciousness of their physical self and character, as well as their emotional life.


Culture is an integral part of any society, and it plays a significant role in shaping the way people live their
lives. The world is divided into two major regions, East and West, with distinct cultural differences.
Eastern culture includes the countries of Asia and the Middle East, while the Western countries,
including those in South and North America, European countries, New Zealand, and Australia have their
unique cultural traits. The East and West have many differences based on their culture which is reflected
in people’s attitudes and behavior. The differences between these two cultures are evident in various
aspects, including social behavior, lifestyle, beliefs, and values. In this article, we will explore the Eastern
vs Western cultures and highlight some of the key differences.

The Essence of Western Culture: A Glimpse into Western Countries

Eastern Culture: Unveiling Eastern Values

West vs East: The Differences

1. Social Behavior

Social behavior is one of the most significant differences between Western countries and Eastern
cultures. In Western countries, individualism is highly valued, and people tend to be more direct and
assertive. In contrast, Eastern cultures place greater emphasis on collective harmony, and people tend to
be more indirect and avoid conflict.

2. Lifestyle

Western culture places a greater emphasis on personal achievement, independence, and self-
expression. In contrast, Eastern culture places more emphasis on family, community, and communal
harmony. As a result, Western societies tend to be more fast-paced and individualistic, while Eastern
societies are more relaxed and family-oriented.

3. Beliefs and Values

Western and Eastern cultures have different beliefs and values. Western culture places a greater
emphasis on personal freedom, democracy, and human rights. In contrast, Eastern culture values social
harmony, duty, and respect for authority.

4. Communication Style
Communication style is another area where Western and Eastern cultures differ significantly. In Western
cultures, people tend to be more direct in their communication style, while in Eastern cultures, people
tend to be more indirect and use nonverbal cues to convey their message.

Can There Ever Be Similarities Between Eastern And Western Cultures?

Many schools of thought believe that there is not enough common ground between Eastern and
Western cultures for them to ever share similar characteristics. Some features are so different, like the
types of religions in Eastern cultures, such as Islam, Hinduism, Shenism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Taoism.
Clothing and rituals are so different in Eastern cultures, like Indians paying respect to parents or elders by
touching/their feet. East Asians bow down as a gesture used when welcoming guests, saying thank you,
and apologising. When it comes to ideologies and beliefs, eastern cultures find it difficult to question
them despite what they might feel.

Elders Are The Decision-Makers in Eastern Cultures

The difference between Western countries and Eastern cultures can be seen by looking at the role of
elders. In Eastern cultures, elders are the leaders in the home, so children do what the elders say
without questioning them. Any important decisions to do with a child are generally made by an elder.
When parents grow old, children are often the ones who take on the responsibility of caring for them.
Often in Western countries, an elderly person’s welfare becomes the responsibility of the state in
collaboration with children or other close relatives.

Arranged marriages commonly take place in Eastern cultures. They are usually arranged by a couple’s
parents or another elder. They believe that love follows marriage, not the other way around.

Education Has Few Similarities Between Eastern and Western Cultures

The comparison between Eastern and Western cultures shows that Western education focuses on
creativity and allows individuals to develop as much as possible. In Eastern education, achievement is
linked to struggle and hard work. This means you can achieve anything if you work hard enough.

Students in Western countries are encouraged to participate in debates and ask questions actively. This
is not so much the case in Eastern cultures where what the teacher says is always right. Added to this is
the extra effort in Western cultures to integrate children who are classified as special needs. Oftentimes,
they sit in classrooms alongside other students. This doesn’t often happen in Eastern cultures where
special needs children are taught separately.
Western culture and Eastern culture stand as intriguing reflections of human civilisation, each with its
unique characteristics. In Western countries, individualism, direct communication, and personal freedom
take center stage, while Eastern cultures prioritise collectivism, indirect communication, and social
harmony. Embracing these distinctions fosters cross-cultural understanding and builds bridges between
Western and Eastern cultures. In today’s comparison of Western countries and Eastern culture, the
disparities are evident, emphasising the importance of respecting and celebrating their respective values
and achievements in this ongoing dialogue of West vs. East. When seeking to bridge these cultural gaps,
consider hiring professional translation services to ensure effective communication and mutual

REFERENCES: The Self: Meaning, Concept & Psychology | StudySmarter

Eastern VS Western Cultures - The Migration Translators

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