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Task 1: The charts show the percentage of volunteers by organizations in 2008-2014.

The pie charts compare and contrast the changes in the perception of volunteers in different
organizations in a 7-year-period, measured in percentage. Looking closer at the diagram
highlights the fact that Enviromental, Sport and Healthcare members increased in 2004, while
the others illustrated a falling trend. Additionally, healthcare still had the least members despite
recruiting more people in 2014.
More specifically, in 2008, Education held the top position with 24% of volunteers, standing
behind are environmental and art with 21%,18% respectively. Beside that, Art and Sport share
the same amount of people with 15% for reach. Health care illustrated a number of about 7% in
the same year, although this number has increased to 8% in the next 7 years but the health
organization was still the least favorite of all. The rising phenomena was also witnessed in
Enviromental and Sport which takes up 29% and 25% in consecutively. On the other hand, Art
and Others organization share the same 6% falling while Educational dropped to 17% in 2014.

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