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Assistant Professor / Civil Engineering Assistant Professor / Civil Engineering Assistant Professor / Civil Engineering
Christ The King Engineering College Christ The King Engineering College Christ The King Engineering College
Coimbatore,Tamilnadu Coimbatore,Tamilnadu Coimbatore,Tamilnadu
Prof. AKILA.S4
Assistant Professor / Civil Engineering
Christ The King Engineering College

This paper presents a systematic approach 2. DATA COLLECTION METHODS
to environmental management of pollution and/or  Data was collected using questionnaire
hazards caused by construction projects. It survey, distributed to all project managers involved
proposes a qualitative approach to assess and in managing major capital projects and experts in
control the problem and a method to calculate the construction industry. Data was also collected
Construction Pollution Index (CPI) which provides through focus group interviews conducted with the
a quantitative measurement of pollution and/or selected project decision-makers and expert
hazards caused by the construction projects. interview method.
Questionnaires were distributed to the  Focus group interviews considering the
organization and the results were made into nature of the study, a convenience sample method
percentage, level of readiness index and regression was used to conduct a group focus interviews with
test to analyze the organizations responds. Results Engineers designated as Project Directors,
was analyzed through Statistical Package for the contractors and consultants.
Social Sciences tools  The focus group interview helped finalize
Environmental impact assessments (EIA) the design and content of the questionnaire. This
and environmental management systems (EMS) was decided by the researcher given the time
enable organizations to identify, access and constraints for the study completion.
manage environmental impacts throughout a  Describe this as a group of individuals
development's lifecycle, improving overall selected and assembled by the researcher to discuss
environmental performance. Based on the analysis and comment on, from personal experience, the
and discussions, the paper further proposes that topic that is the subject of the research.
major construction companies should obtain ISO  The main purpose of the focus group
14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) research according to respondent’s attitudes,
certifications. feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in a way
Keywords: environmental management, hazards, which would not be feasible using other methods,
Environmental impact assessments (EIA), e.g. observations, one-on-one interviews or
environmental management systems (EMS). questionnaire surveys.
1. INTRODUCTION  Comparing this to individual interviews,
1.1 General which aim to obtain individual attitudes, beliefs
For data collection purpose the and feelings, focus group elicit a multiplicity of
quantitative method of data collection is adopted. views and emotional processes within a group
The collected data is further used for analysis context.
purpose. The collected data is used to know the  In conclusion, the article goes on to say
variations in task, as well as for knowing the that a focus group enables the researcher to gain
individual causes of variation. The individual larger amount of information in a shorter period of
causes are grouped in main cause groups depending time. The advantages of focus group interviewing
on their characteristics and nature of occurrence on are much cheaper and quicker to run than intensive
site. The onsite interviews are taken for this one-on-one interviews and respondents tend to be
purpose. In which the care is taken that the all more complete and less inhibited.
levels of authorities are involved in this process. 2.1 IDENTIFICATION OF RISKS &
The necessity of involving all levels of authorities PROBLEMS
is to consider the perspective of all levels of  The identification of each source of risk,
authorities towards the delay problem. And also it problems and components allow the risk item to be
gives the exact causes of the variation in separated from others. Consideration of each
construction tasks. influencing factor will simplify the analysis and
Data collection process is carried out on management of risk. The key questions to ask is
construction sites from the Coimbatore and erode ‘what are the discrete features of the project (risks
region. The ten weeks data is recorded for data & problems) which might cause such failure?’
collection. And this data is used for data analysis.

 The early identification of risks and Considering the nature of the study, a
problems, it focuses the attention of project convenience sample method was used to conduct a
management on the strategies for the control and group focus interviews with Chief Engineers
allocation of risks. designated as Project Directors and the project
 Identification of risks and problems are engineers in construction field.. The focus group
analyzed from project managers, engineers and interview helped finalize the design and content of
experts in construction industry. Each and every the questionnaire. These five senior employees
factor should be identified from group discussions were excluded from the census. This was decided
between project management team in construction by the researcher given the time constraints for the
industry. study completion.
2.2 QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN: The main purpose of the focus group
Questionnaire is prepared with, the site research according to Social Research Update is to
information, interviewer position and his authority draw upon respondent’s attitudes, feelings, beliefs,
towards work, type of task and factors causing experiences and reactions in a way which would
delay for that task. The questionnaire is divided not be feasible using other methods, e.g.
into two main parts. First part is related to general observations, one-on-one interviews or
information for both the company and respondent. questionnaire surveys. Comparing this to individual
Second Part includes the list of the identified interviews, which aim to obtain individual
causes of delay in construction project. These attitudes, beliefs and feelings, focus group elicit a
causes are classified into three groups according to multiplicity of views and emotional processes
the main sources of delay i.e. client, contractor and within a group context. In conclusion, the article
consultant related issues in construction firms. goes on to say that a focus group enables the
For each cause group two questions were researcher to gain larger amount of information in a
asked i.e. what frequency of cause occurrence is. shorter period of time.
And what is the degree of se-verity of this cause on
project delay? Both the frequency of occurrence 2.5 QUESTIONNAIRE FORM PART-I
and severity were categorized on a five-point scale First part is company and respondent
system. Frequency of occurrence is categorized as profile. This part is designed based on the skills,
follows: strongly agree, agree, average, disagree experience and company details in respondent.
and strongly disagree (from 5 point to 1 point on
scale respectively).From which the severity index Company and Respondent Profile
and the frequency index of the cause occurrence on 1. Organization/Company Name :
site has came to know and which can further used 2. Name of the person contacted :
in preparation of the risk assessment matrix. 3. Type of job/position :
2.3 SITE SELECTION FOR DATA 4. Age ( Years ) :
COLLECTION (a) 20 – 29 (b) 30 – 39 (c) 40 – 49(d)
In this the variation survey will be done at Above 50
three residential construction sites and then root 5. Yours experience in construction fi :
causes of these variations will be found through (a) Less than 2 years (b) 2 to 5 years
questionnaires at different level of management. (c) 5 to 10 years (d) 10 to 15 years
The site selection process is done with following (e) 15 years and above
criteria: 6. company experience in building and
• The site should be residential and commercial construction business :
type. (a) Less than 5 years (b) 5 to 10 years
• Scheduled bar chart should be prepared for the (c) 10 years and above
work and the work is followed with scheduled bar 7. Respondent sign & seal
• The site should cover maximum activities within Second part is questionnaire survey
data collection period. factors. This part is designed depending on the
The sites are selected based on the criteria for risks and problems in construction industry.
data collection purpose in Coimbatore and erode The survey was designed based on the 75
region. The sites are with well-prepared bar chart. causes of delay shown in below to which
Those data’s are collected from top and participants were asked to indicate the level of
middle level companies, contractors, consultants importance of each cause. These causes were
and clients. categorized into three major groups namely client,
All data’s and details are gathered from contractor and consultant.
residential and commercial type of projects. Each
and every activity process, risks and problems are Client Related issues for construction delays
effectively monitored from site and group 1. Delay in progress payments to contractor /
discussions. consultant
Observed information are verified and 2. Conflicts between joint-ownership
finalized from experienced project managers, 3. Change orders by client during construction
engineers and contractors. 4. Delay in revising and approving design
documents by client

5. Delay in approving shop drawings and sample 28. Preparing the method statement for each work
material by client activity & Work permits
6. Poor communication and coordination from 2.7 FINAL FORMAT OF QUESTIONNAIRE
contractor / consultant Final questionnaire formats are prepared
7. Slowness in decision making process with the support of experts in construction industry,
8. Conflicts between consultant / client & project manager/engineer and construction
contractor / client management people.
9. Technology changes & modification from client This risk factor will be finalized based on
10. Difficulty in requirement of supervisors and the focus group interview, feelings, experience and
site engineers performance of working people in construction
11. Stop work orders because of infringements of industry.
government regulations by client 3. ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS /
12. Poor selection of contractor / consultant THEORETICAL CONCEPTS
13. Poor scheduling and co-ordination 3.1 PROBLEM ANALYSIS
14. Mode of financing and payment for completed This chapter explores the problem further
work with theoretical concepts. The focus of this study is
15. Long waiting time for approval of drawings to analyze the root causes of major project issues
16. Late supply of information and late decision and it is therefore appropriate to begin with a
making thorough account of the theoretical aspects of
17. Routine of government authorities and project management as a management approach.
approvals The concept of project management will be
18. Irregular attending of weekly meetings theoretically researched in this chapter to have a
19. Duration is not enough for constructing the better understanding of the importance of project
project failure or success and the themes identified in
20. Project objectives are not very clear chapter two will be further explored.
Contractor Related issues for construction
1. Difficulties in financing the project by contractor The project management body of
2. Conflicts in sub-contractors schedule in knowledge defines a project as "A temporary
execution of project Endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or
3. Rework due to workers mistakes service (outcome or result). Temporary means that
4. Conflicts between contractor and other parties every project has a definite beginning and a
5. Poor communication and coordination of labor definite end. Unique means that the product or
6. Low efficiency & shortage of equipment. service is different in some distinguishing way
7. Improper construction methods & from all similar products or services." Table 3.2
implementation below indicates some of the special features of a
8. Delays in sub-contractors’ work project.
9. Poor qualification of the contractor and technical Table 3.2.1 Special features of the project:
10. Delays in site mobilization Start and finish A project has a clear start
11. Administration problem during work and finish
12. Inadequate contractor’s work Life cycle A project has a beginning
13. Frequent change of sub contractor and an end with a number
14. Understanding and study of site drawings & of distinct phases in
execution method between
15. Delays in material delivery & procurement Schedule and timeline Projects are often time
16. Shortage of Technical, managerial and limited. This means they
supervisory personnel must finish by a certain
17. Lack of responsibilities & Contract date
Management Budget Projects have a clear
18. Improper equipment delivery budget, often broken down
19. Labor Un availability And Absenteeism At to a budget per work
Worksite package
20. Lack of labor Non – repetitive Activities are essentially
21. Congested work area unique and non-repetitive
22 .Construction planning errors & equipment Resources Resources may be sourced
failure from different functional
23. Mistakes and discrepancies in contract departments and need to
documents be co-ordinate
24. Supply of poor quality material Single point of The project manager or
25. Price level changes of material in market responsibility leader is responsible for
26. Centralization with top management whole project
27. Unexpected weather conditions Inadequate site Teams Project teams are formed
investigation to complete the project

3.3 DETERMINATION OF SUCCESS OR Deliverables are measurable outcomes,
FAILURE OF A PROJECT measurable results, or specific items that must be
In order to measure the success of any produced to consider the project or project phase
project; goals, requirements and deliverables must completed. Deliverables, like goals, must be
be clearly defined at the onset. Project goals should specific and verifiable. Hence, identifying whether
follow the SMART rule: or not a project is successful can be easily
Table 3.3.1 SMART Rule: accomplished if these parameters are clearly
defined at the onset of the project.
 The project goals
should be stated in The new success criteria involve four
clear, concise and dimensions developed from two data sets of major
understandable projects.
terms and should be
documented in the Table 3.3.2 SUCCESS DIMENSIONS:
S Specific project charter.
 Projects exist to Success Measures
bring about a dimensions
unique, specific Project efficiency  Meeting schedule
product or service goal
that has not existed  Meeting budget goal
before. Impact on the  Meeting functional
 The deliverables of customer performance
the project should  Meeting technical
M Measurable be measurable performance
against verifiable  Fulfilling customer
outcomes or results. needs
 The verification and  The customer is
measurement of using the product
requirements and  Customer
deliverables are satisfaction
used to determine Preparing for the  Creating a new
A Accurate
accuracy and to future market
ascertain if the  Creating a new
project is on track product line
according to the  Developing a new
project plan. technology
 Projects are unique Business success  Commercial success
and produce
 Creating a large
tangible products or
market share
services. The triple
constraints (time,
cost, scope) of any
Uncertainties and risk cause the range of
R Realistic project help to
problems during the implementation of
define realistic
construction project. In this part of article three
goals and realistic
parts are presented with description of uncertainty
requirements based
sources and possible consequences. Sources and
on the limitations
consequences are combined in three groups to
the constraints
clarify the type of uncertainty source.
place on the project.
preformed in The matrix organizational structure
specific time illustrates how the project structure overlays the
T Time-bound frames, with a functional structure and outlines the relationship
definite beginning between the project manager, functional manager
and definite end and their subordinates. In this case the vertical lines
date. represent the functional department’s responsibility
and authority while the horizontal lines represent
Project requirements are not the same as the project’s responsibility and authority The
goals and objectives. Requirements are matrix structure is considered by many
Specifications of the goals or deliverables. If a practitioners to be the natural project organization
project delivers on specification and the structure and can be applied at different levels
prerequisites that make up the product or service, ranging from weak to strong.
then the project is deemed successful. The project manager's role is more one of
a coordinator or expediter than that of a manager.

In a similar fashion, strong matrices have many of
the characteristics of a project organization that is 3.7 PROJECT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT
full-time project managers with considerable A portfolio of projects is said to ‘have a
authority and full-time administrative staff. It is business scope that changes with the strategic goals
widely agreed that the choice of management of the organization and success is measured in
structures used to implement innovative, terms of aggregate performance of portfolio
temporary, cross-functional and complex project components’ (PMI, 2006).
endeavors has important implications. Project portfolio management is a
“successful organizations will have to methodology providing the necessary mechanism
change their business processes from being to bridge the divide between project and strategy
hierarchical, functional organizations to being fast execution. However, for project portfolio
tracking, entrepreneurial enterprises made up of management to be effective, certain degrees of
portfolios of projects that are ever changing and project management maturity levels need to be
renewable. This needs a faster, cheaper, better way achieved before real benefits can be derived.
of doing business embodied in a project Common challenges that face organizations not
management culture”. utilizing a project portfolio management
methodology due to lack of visibility into their
3.6 CROSS FUNCTIONALITY portfolio are:
In traditional hierarchical organizations,  No formal process for aligning
each functional area works in isolation on their part investments with business strategies
of the process and then passes the activity to the  Not able to priorities project requests from
next department in a serial decision making businesses competing for scarce
process. The cross functional project team is Resources
typically comprised of people from several  Inefficient and over allocation of the
functional areas who, at one time or another are scarce resources (money. people. time)
involved in the design, engineering or marketing of  Allocation of scarce resources to “urgent"
the product or service. projects instead of 'important" projects
The following key factors to building and  No accountability of the business benefits
maintaining cross functional project teams. through project life cycle through to post
Project sponsorship and upper implementation level (only important
management support: the project sponsor requests while project is in execution stage):
the project and holds the budget and resources for  Projects high project failure rate
getting the project accomplished. In addition to full  Projects regularly exceeding available
commitment of the project sponsor, management budget, time overruns and other tying
support from all affected areas is crucial in order down of the resources.
for the team to have the time, resources and
 While project management may help to an
recognition to accomplish their goals.
extent in executing a specific project
 Project goals/ scope/ objectives: the within budget and time, it is ultimately the
project’s merit to the organization and its management of the portfolio that is
link to the corporate strategy and responsible for selecting and prioritizing
objectives must be clear to the entire the right amount of projects that should be
organization and particularly to the project carried out.
 Leadership: the project manager must A Project Management Maturity
have a positive attitude, commitment to assessment model is a tool for establishing project
the project, effective leadership skills and management excellence, which is considered a
be in a position of authority with respect condition for success.
to the project and the project sponsor. Level 1 – Common Language: the organization
 Membership/ resources: adequate team recognizes the importance of project management
staffing and membership with and the need for a good understanding of the basic
complementary skills are critical to the knowledge on project management along with the
success of any cross functional project accompanying language and terminology.
team. Level 2 – Common Processes: at this level, the
 Communication: communication is key to organization recognizes that common processes
breaking down functional and physical need to be defined and developed such that project
boundaries when cross functional teams successes on one project can be repeated on other
first form. Good communication with a projects. Also included in this level is the
high level of trust, honesty and respect is recognition that project management principles can
critical in building and maintaining high be applied to and support other methodologies by
team performance. the company.
 Performance/ reward system: Cross Level 3 – Singular Methodology: in this level, the
functional team, member’s performance organization recognizes the synergistic effect of
must be evaluated and rewarded within the combining all corporate methodologies into a
team context and with equal weight to the singular methodology, the centre of which is
work they do outside of the project. project management. The synergistic effect also

makes process control easier with a single Xi - number of responses of the factors
methodology than with multiple methodologies. Yi - the value of rating
Level 4 – Benchmarking: this level contains the Zi - total number of responses to the
recognition that process improvement is necessary factors
to maintain competitive advantage. Benchmarking
must be performed on a continuous basis. The
company must decide whom to benchmark and 4.3 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS
what to bench mark. Root cause analysis of the top most
Level 5 – Continuous Improvement: at this level critical factors is determined and gives suggestions
the organization evaluates the information obtained and recommendations in construction industry.
through benchmarking and must then decides This method will be helpful to minimizing
whether this information will enhance the singular the project delays and reduce problems in
methodology. construction industry. This approach will be mostly
All companies desire to achieve maturity useful for project managers, engineers, contractors,
and excellence in project management. clients and consultants.
Unfortunately, not all companies recognize that the This process will be able to get reduce
time frame can be shortened by performing risks, problems and projects delays in construction
strategic planning for project management. industry.
4. CRITICAL FACTOR FINDINGS & This thesis was studied and gathered
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS information about issues and cause of construction
delays in construction field. Based on this research
4.1 CAUSAL ANALYSIS paper information and details are collected from
experts in construction industry and focus group
The goal of the analysis approach was to interviews.
identify common ‘root’ causes and establish a Finally questionnaire format was
regime of measures that might be implemented to determined and finalized. This questionnaire
mitigate them in future projects. Through the format was prepared based on the three categories
analysis process, it emerged that the following like client, consultant and contractor related issues
categories were recurrent. in construction delays.
1. Client related issues in construction Each and every risk factor was identifying
industry based on the construction project manager/engineer
2. Contractor related issues in construction and experts experience, feelings and problems in
industry construction field.
3. Consultant related issues in construction Questionnaire survey, analysis and
industry identification of top ten risk factors and root cause
Based on the questionnaire survey and respondent analysis of those ten factors are determined in
ranking the top ten critical factors are determined effectively and give possible solution to reduce
and analyzed. Those problems and risks will be problems and project delays in construction
analyzed based on the feelings, attitude and risks in industry.
project managers, engineers and project consultant
and contractors. REFERENCES
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