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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:05/May-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868


Prof. Sheetal Waghchawar*1, Supriya Bhoir*2, Sakshi Sonawane*3,
Omkar Nalawade*4
*1Guide, Keystone School Of Engineering, Pune, India.
*2,3,4Keystone School Of Engineering, Pune, India.
Gesture commands freely trainable by the user can be used for controlling external devices with handheld
wireless sensor unit. In this project, we have developed an automatic robot which helps in removing unwanted
weed on agricultural fields using gesture to control. The user just needs to wear a gesture device in which a
sensor is included. The sensor will record the movement of hand in a specific direction which will result in the
In the field of agriculture, various operations for handling heavy materials are performed. To overcome this,
many technological innovations are trying to reform and create new techniques based upon automation which
performs in a highly efficient manner and less time-consuming. In this project, we develop trainable-automatic
equipment which will do the things which are taught to that by gesture control with high precision. The main
purpose of gesture recognition research is to identify a particular human gesture and convey information to the
user pertaining to individual gesture. We use motion and flex sensors to detect the hand movements.
Corresponding DC motors are activated according to the motor driver controller. The arm is mounted on the
Bluetooth rover, which is controlled by an android application. Weeds of natural ecosystems are difficult to
eradicate due to variety of reasons, including deeper roots, spreading rapidly, and manual weeding is time
consuming and labour-intensive. We can overcome this by implementing gesture control in with crops for
sunlight, water, nutrients and space as well as they harbour insects and pathogens attacking the plants.
Objective is to eradicate the weeds from agriculture field, to build trainable automatic robot which helps in
removing unwanted weed on agricultural fields, to implement gesture control in the robot. Implementing
gesture to control a three-axis robotic arm to do the necessary work.
Robots are widely used in machineries, industries, medical field etc. which are automated robots. Even in
agriculture robots are used to perform mission like fruit picking, ploughing and harvesting. In [4], hand gesture
controlled robot is being proposed by V.Sathananthavathi, C.Arthika. The requirements for gesture interfaces of
robots operating in the real world and vision-based techniques for tracking the head and hands of a person, as
well as for the analysis of hand shapes taking these real world requirements are discussed in [3]. In [1],
investigation in gesture, sign language and concept of language is proposed. In paper [5], a system is proposed
to construct a sensor based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot. It can be moved in any direction by making simple
The system architecture of the proposed glove, harvester, and interface. The glove is the Human Control
Interface (HCI). The user wears the glove which is embedded with an accelerometer, gyrometer, and flex
sensors. The harvester is the rover over which the arm is fixed. The sensors are embedded in the hand glove
and are interfaced to the microcontroller unit (MCU). Three accelerometers to control the 3 links of the 4 DoF
arm and two flex sensors to control the cutter are embedded in the glove. The user HCI is the transmitter and
the robotic harvester is the receiver. The transmitter block contains all the sensors, Bluetooth, and an MCU, all
integrated into a wearable device. The wearable device transmits real-time joint angles of the user’s arm to the
robotic arm. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:05/May-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868

1. Arduino board
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and
software. Surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators

2. Accelerometer
Chip model: MPU-6050

Power supply: 3-5 V

Communication protocol: I2C
Gyroscope range: ±250, 500, 1000, +2000°/s
Accelerometer range: ±2, 14, 18, ±16g
16-bit AD converter/16-bit data output
Motor Driver L293D @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:05/May-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868
3. Transmitter/receiver module

The nRF24L01+ is a single chip 2.4GHz transceiver with an embedded baseband protocol engine (Enhanced
Shock Burst™), suitable for ultra-low power wireless applications.
4. Voltage regulator
A voltage regulator is an integrated circuit (IC) that provides a constant fixed output voltage regardless of a
change in the load or input voltage.
Motor Driver ICs are commonly used in robotics to drive DC motors from microcontrollers. They are an
essential component in controlling motion in autonomous robots, and so are widely used in automation.
6. Robot Chassis &wheels
The chassis is the structural component for the robot which contains the drivetrain and allows the robot to be
mobile by using wheels, tank treads, or another method. Wheeled robots are robots that navigate around the
ground using motorized wheels to propel themselves.
7. Flex Sensor

A flex sensor, also known as a bend sensor, is a low-cost, simple-to-use sensor used to measure the amount of
deflection or bending. Usually, the sensor is stuck to the Surface, and resistance of sensor element is varied by
bending the surface.
V. FLOWCHART @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:05/Issue:05/May-2023 Impact Factor- 7.868
Gesture control is achieved by using the accelerometer which uses MEMS technology and by using the Flex
Sensor. The gestures control the arm according to the user’s wrist and the forefinger movement. The Sensors,
controllers and the transmitters are fixed on the wearable hand glove. The arrangement in the glove will be
powered by the separate power source. The Motors which are attached to the wheels of the rover are driven by
the motor driver IC LM293D.
Advantages include replacement of man power by using the digital control. Here components and experimental
setup takes much less amount when compared to others and handling and operation of process is very easy and
accurate. It doesn’t need a skilled person to operate the control, therefore manual steering difficulties will be
1. Remote surveillance, military etc.
2. Hand gesture controlled robot can be used by physically challenged in wheelchairs.
3. Hand gesture controlled industrial grade robotic arms can be developed.
4. Gesture controlled seed sowing robot for agriculture.
5. Entertainment applications –Gesture recognition can be used to truly immerse a players in the game world
like never before.
6. Automation systems – In homes, offices, transport vehicles and more.
The aim of our proposed system is to construct a sensor based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot for Weeding
Purpose. The working of the arm is repetitive and so the rover moves and removes the weed in the field. The
device is designed to remove the weeds from the ploughed land automatically in an easy manner i.e. no
manpower required. This project aims to improve the yield of the agricultural products and to minimize the
cost and time of operation.
Future work will build upon the improvement for correctly recognizing the more complex gestures and precise
movement of robots. One approach might be implementation of gyroscope into the system, in order to separate
the acceleration due to gravity from the inertial acceleration other approach might install a GPS in the system in
order to track the position of robot. The use of more servos is another possibility. The working model of hand
gesture controlled machine is proposed in this project. The further improvements can be made to implement it
in the automobiles and other machines.
[1] 2004, Adam Kendon Gesture: Visible Action as Utterance.
[2] Cambridge University Press
[3] 25-27 July 2008 Amsterdam, Reza Hassanpour, Stephan Wong, Asadollah Shahbahrami, Vision based
Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction: A review, IADIS International Conference
on Iterfaces and Human Computer Interaction. Netherlands.
[4] 1997: Jochen Triesch and Christoph Von Der Malsburg : A STUDY ON GESTURE CONTROL ARDIUNO
ROBOT – ijsdr [] “Robotic Gesture Recognition ” Hand Gesture
Controlled Robot []
[5] Feb 2019, Bazila Zain, Shaika Hassan, Basil Mir, Rashid Hamid Dar: Robotic Hand Control using Hand
Gesture Recognition for its Operational Behaviour-IRJET [ ] @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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