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Dig Dis Sci (2008) 53:436–442

DOI 10.1007/s10620-007-9861-x


Decreased Histamine Catabolism in the Colonic Mucosa

of Patients with Colonic Adenoma
Michael A. Kuefner Æ Hubert G. Schwelberger Æ
Eckhart G. Hahn Æ Martin Raithel

Received: 4 August 2006 / Accepted: 30 April 2007 / Published online: 12 June 2007
 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007

Abstract Conclusions Histamine catabolism is decreased in the co-

Introduction Alterations in mucosal histamine degrada- lonic mucosa of patients with colonic adenoma.
tion play an important role in various gastrotinestinal dis-
eases including colonic adenoma. In humans, histamine can Keywords Histamine N-methyltransferase  Diamine
be catabolized either by oxidative deamination by diamine oxidase  Colorectal adenoma  Histamine metabolism
oxidase (DAO) or by ring methylation by histamine N-
methyltransferase (HNMT). The significance of HNMT in
this context was investigated for the first time in this project. Introduction
Methods About 94 colonic biopsies were endoscopically
obtained from 23 patients suffering from colonic adenoma Colorectal cancer represents one of the most frequent
and 26 biopsies from six healthy individuals. Each sample malignancies in industrialized countries. The incidence in
was mechanically homogenized, homogenates were cleared the United States is about 135,000 per year, with 57,000
by centrifugation and used for determination of protein and related deaths in 2001 [1]. The lifetime risk of this tumor
histamine concentrations and enzyme activities of DAO and approaches 6% in both men and women [2].
HNMT by radiometric assay. Today several etiologic factors, such as cigarette
Results In adenoma patients DAO activities were slightly smoking, alcohol consumption, nutrition rich in lipids or
and HNMT activities were significantly decreased in normal red meat, advanced age or genetic factors, are known [3, 4].
mucosa compared to controls. Activities of both enzymes Intestinal disorders such as ulcerative colitis, familiar
were significantly lower in adenoma tissue than in healthy adenomatosis, and colonic adenoma are well known as risk
mucosa in the same patients. A significant correlation was factors for colon cancer [5]. During recent years evidence
found between HNMT and DAO in all investigated samples. has arisen that more than 70% of colorectal carcinomas
Histamine concentrations were elevated in adenoma patients. develop from adenomatous polyps in a stepwise progres-
sion, a process which is described by the term adenoma-
carcinoma sequence [5, 6]. In postmortem studies an
M. A. Kuefner (&)
incidence of adenoma between 30% and 60% in Western
Radiologisches Institut, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Maximiliansplatz 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany countries was reported [5]. Colonoscopy is the most-
e-mail: sensitive screening method for colonic polyps and histo-
logical analysis of colonic biopsies is important to confirm
H. G. Schwelberger
the diagnosis. However, there are miss rates of up to 25%
Labor für Theoretische Chirurgie, Universitätsklinik für
Chirurgie, Universität Innsbruck, Schöpfstraße 41, 6020 due to the technique [7]. Many studies have been per-
Innsbruck, Austria formed to investigate biomarkers for early detection of
colon cancer and genes like APC, p53, and Ki-ras could be
E. G. Hahn  M. Raithel
identified but presently no routine method is available for
Funktionelle Gewebediagnostik, Medizinische Klinik I mit
Poliklinik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Krankenhausstraße distinguishing patients with a high risk for developing
12, 91054 Erlangen, Germany colonic adenoma from those with a low risk [8].

Dig Dis Sci (2008) 53:436–442 437

Several investigations have shown that the biogenic In the control group six individuals were examined who
amine histamine (2-[4-imidazolyl]ethylamine) and altera- underwent colonoscopy due to constipation, rectal bleed-
tions in its metabolism play an important role in pathogen- ing, working-up of anaemia or abdominal pain without any
esis of colorectal adenoma and carcinoma [9, 10]. Histamine endoscopic or histologic finding in the lower gastrointes-
functions as a neurotransmitter, a mediator responsible for tinal tract and without allergic diseases (50% male, median
inflammatory processes, and regulator of hydrochloric acid age 56.5, range 22–74 years, Table 1).
secretion from gastric mucosa by stimulation of different Bad general condition, age younger than 18 or older
types of histamine receptors [11]. Since histamine was than 80 years, diagnosis of celiac disease, inflammatory
attributed a mitogenic effect [12] and investigations of the bowel disease, gastrointestinal allergy, carcinoma, and
human colonic mucosa showed increased histamine levels lymphoma were criteria to be excluded from the study.
in patients suffering from colonic adenoma [10], this bio- Since various drugs can inhibit DAO and HNMT, indi-
genic amine seems to play an important role in the vicinity viduals with a medication with antibiotics, histamine
of these lesions and might have a function in the regulation antagonists, corticosteroids, antidepressants, neuroleptics,
of cell proliferation [13, 14]. cloroquin, and verapamil were also excluded [17, 18]. This
In humans, histamine can be catabolized by the two study complies with the standards of Declaration of Hel-
enzymes diamine oxidase (DAO, EC and histamine sinki and current ethical guidelines and was reviewed and
N-methyltransferase (HNMT, EC DAO deaminates approved by the institutional review board.
histamine oxidatively forming imidazoleacetaldehyde.
HNMT methylates histamine with S-adenosylmethionine Biopsies
(SAM) as a cosubstrate, forming Ns-methylhistamine (2-[4-
(N1-methyl)imidazolyl]ethylamine) which is then further About 94 biopsies were obtained endoscopically from the
deaminated by monoamine oxidase (MAO, EC or by terminal ileum, different segments of the large bowel such
DAO [11, 15]. as from adenoma tissue from patients with colonic ade-
Investigations on the large bowel of rats showed that noma, and 26 samples from controls (1–9 mg wet weight,
only differentiated nonproliferating mucosal cells express median 4 mg). They were immediately frozen in liquid
high amounts of DAO whereas in proliferating cells lower nitrogen and stored at –75C prior to analyses. Each
enzyme activities were found [16]. In animal experiments sample was homogenized for 3 · 10 s in 1 ml 20 mM
an increased carcinoma rate in the colon and rectum of rats bis.tris.Cl pH 7.0 with an Ultra-Turrax T8 using an S8N-
after inhibition of DAO was found [16] and evaluation of 5G probe (Janke und Kunkel, Staufen, Germany) at
DAO in the human colonic mucosa showed decreased 20,000 rpm. The buffer contained 1 mM phenylmethan-
DAO activities in patients with colonic adenoma [10]. sulfonyfluoride (PMSF) as protease inhibitor. Homogen-
These results may possibly indicate an involvement of ates were centrifuged for 10 min at 23,000g at 4C and
DAO in regulation and termination of human colorectal supernatants were used for determination of protein con-
epithelial cell proliferation and an antiproliferative effect centrations and enzyme activities.
of this histamine-degrading enzyme. The significance of
HNMT in this context has not been studied yet and was Determination of protein concentrations
simultaneously investigated for the first time in this project.
The aim of the study was to analyze the histamine Protein concentrations of the homogenates were measured
catabolism in the colonic mucosa of patients suffering in duplicate with a commercially available micro-BCA
from colonic adenoma. Enzyme activities of DAO and protein assay reagent kit (Pierce Chemical Company,
HNMT were determined in tiny endoscopic biopsies of
patients suffering from colonic adenoma and the results
were compared to the values of healthy controls.
Table 1 Study population
Patients with Controls
Methods histologically (healthy
confirmed adenoma individuals)
Patients Number of patients 23 6
Median age 61.5 years 56.5 years
Biopsies were obtained from 23 patients in whom diagnosis
Age (range) 23–77 years 22–74 years
of colonic adenoma was confirmed histologically (50%
Male/female 11/11 3/3
male, median age 61.5 years, range 23–77 years). Histologic
Number of biopsies 94 26
reports revealed 34 tubular and three tubulovillous adenoma.

438 Dig Dis Sci (2008) 53:436–442

Rockford, USA) according to Smith [19]. All procedures extraction of 14C-Ns-methylhistamine was performed
were performed following the instructor’s manual. with 1,600 ll of toluene/isoamylalcohol (1:1) containing
0.17% PPO as a scintillator. After vortexing each tube for
Determination of diamine oxidase activities 30 s and centrifugation for 2 min at 10,000g at 25C,
1,400 ll of the organic phase was transferred to a vial and
DAO activities were determined with a radiometric micro the radioactivity was determined by liquid scintillation
assay based on the conversion of 14C-putrescine (1,4-dia- counting. For HNMT enzymatic activities were also calcu-
mino-[1,4–14C]butane) to c-aminobutyraldehyde which is lated in international units per milligram of protein (U/mg).
spontaneously converted to D1-pyrroline [20]. This com-
pound can be extracted into an organic solvent consisting Determination of histamine concentrations
of toluene and the radioactivity can be measured by liquid
scintillation counting. The method has been described in Histamine concentrations were determined in 34 samples
detail earlier [21]. Subsequently the activities of DAO in of nine adenoma patients and in 17 biopsies of five
homogenates of human colonic biopsies were determined. controls using a commercially available radioimmunoassay
In a total volume of 100 ll, a 50 ll sample (H2O as con- according to the manufacturer’s instruction (Beckmann
trol) was incubated for 30 min at 37C in 100 mM sodium Coulter, Krefeld, Germany). Concentrations were calcu-
phosphate pH 7.0 after starting the reaction by addition of lated in lg histamine/mg protein.
C-putrescine (0.222 Ci/mol; 1 nCi/ll; final 450 lM).
The reaction was stopped by addition of 10 ll perchloric Statistics
acid (1% final) followed by alkalization with 50 ll sodium
carbonate pH 12.2 (187.5 mM final), and extraction of Statistical analysis was performed with Graph Pad PrismTM
the reaction product D1-pyrroline into 1,600 ll toluene 2.0 using the nonparametric U-test for independent data
containing 0.35% 2,5-diphenyloxazole as a scintillator and (Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon test). P < 0.05 was criteria for
determination of the radioactivity by liquid scintillation statistic significance. Results of enzyme activities and
counting. Specific enzyme activities were calculated in protein concentrations are shown as means ± standard
international units per milligram protein (U/mg) where 1 deviation, wet weights of biopsies as medians.
unit converts 1 lmol substrate per minute at 37C.

Determination of histamine N-methyltransferase Results

Protein concentrations
Measurement of HNMT activity is based on the trans-
methylation from S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-14C]methionine Protein concentrations were determined in homogenates of
(14C-SAM) to histamine [22]. The product, radioactively all biopsies and calculated in mg protein per ml homoge-
labelled Ns-methylhistamine, can be extracted at an nate. Concentrations ranged between 0.03 mg/ml and
alkaline pH into an organic solvent consisting of toluene 0.60 mg/ml (median 0.21 mg/ml) in biopsies from patients
and isoamylalcohol. Since the published procedures differ with adenoma and between 0.08 mg/ml and 0.30 mg/ml
considerably regarding assay conditions [23–25] the (0.16 mg/ml) in controls. Values were used for calculation
method was optimized and a reliable assay suitable for of enzyme activities.
endoscopic samples was established [26]. Analogous to
the DAO assay, a total incubation volume of 100 ll Diamine oxidase activities
containing 50 lM histamine as a substrate, 14C-SAM as a
cosubstrate (50 lM, 2 Ci/mol, 1 nCi/ll), 100 mM sodium Intraassay variation of the radiometric DAO assay was
phosphate buffer pH 7.5, and 50 ll sample was chosen. 3.8%; interassay variation was 12.0%. Mean DAO activi-
Since both histamine and methylhistamine are potential ties were calculated for adenoma tissue, healthy colonic
substrates for DAO and other soluble copper amine mucosa of adenoma patients, and controls and compared to
oxidases present in certain tissues, these enzymes were each other. Activities ranged between 0.04 mU/mg and
inactivated by preincubation with 100 lM aminoguanidine. 1.58 mU/mg protein in the mucosa of patients with ade-
The reactions were incubated at 37C for 30 min and noma and between 0.18 mU/mg and 1.38 mU/mg protein
stopped by addition of 60 ll of a solution of 500 mM boric in controls. Activities were slightly higher in controls
acid and 1,000 mM sodium hydroxide (final pH 13.9) (0.54 ± 0.26 mU/mg protein, mean ± standard deviation)
causing a pH shift which rendered the extraction step than in adenoma patients (0.48 ± 0.36 mU/mg protein), but
according to the DAO method described before. The these results did not reach significance. Activities in

Dig Dis Sci (2008) 53:436–442 439

left and right hemicolon and for each of the colon segments
ascending, transverse, descending colon, sigmoid and rec-
tum. HNMT activities ranged between 0.01 mU/mg and
1.66 mU/mg protein in biopsies of adenoma patients and
between 0.19 mU/mg and 2.94 mU/mg protein in controls.
In patients with colorectal adenoma HNMT activity was
significantly decreased (0.55 ± 0.38 mU/mg protein,
mean ± standard deviation) compared to controls (1.01 ±
0.61 mU/mg protein, P = 0.0006, Fig. 2). HNMT was also
Fig. 1 Activities of diamine oxidase in healthy colonic mucosa of significantly diminished in adenoma tissue compared to
controls and adenoma patients and in histologic-confirmed adenoma healthy mucosa in adenoma patients (0.18 ± 0.14 mU/mg
tissue (means ± standard deviation)
protein versus 0.55 ± 0.38 mU/mg protein, P < 0.0001,
Fig. 2). In addition, HNMT was diminished in terminal
ileum (0.54 ± 0.36 (n = 9) vs. 0.94 ± 0.30 mU/mg
adenoma tissues were significantly diminished compared to
protein (n = 4)), right (0.57 ± 0.39 (n = 17) versus
those in healthy mucosa in the same patients (0.15 ±
0.94 ± 0.33 mU/mg protein (n = 9), P = 0.0165) and left
0.07 mU/mg protein versus 0.48 ± 0.36 mU/mg protein,
hemicolon (0.55 ± 0.39 (n = 42) versus 1.01 ± 0.71 mU/
P < 0.0001, Fig. 1).
mg protein (n = 11), P = 0.0261) in adenoma patients. No
typical topographic distribution of HNMT activities was
Histamine N-methyltransferase activities
found in both groups, but activities were lower in all colon
segments of adenoma patients than in healthy individuals
Intraassay variation of the radiometric HNMT micro assay
(Fig. 3).
was 4.3%; interassay variation was 16.5%. Activities were
determined in all samples and compared between adenoma
Linear regression
tissue, healthy colonic mucosa of adenoma patients, and
controls. Furthermore, mean activities were calculated for
A significant correlation was found between DAO and
HNMT activities in adenoma tissue (r2 = 0.22, n = 25,
P = 0.0188), in healthy mucosa of adenoma patients (r2 =
0.36, n = 67, P < 0.0001) and in the mucosa of controls (r2
= 0.26, n = 23, P = 0.0127). r2 = 0.40 was calculated for
all investigated biopsies as shown in Fig. 4 (n = 115,
P < 0.0001).

Histamine concentrations

Mean histamine concentrations were higher in homogen-

Fig. 2 Activities of histamine N-methyltransferase in healthy colonic
ates biopsies of adenoma patients (5.5 ± 3.8 lg histamine/
mucosa of controls and adenoma patients and in histologic confirmed mg protein) compared to healthy individuals (4.3 ± 2.5 lg
adenoma tissue (mean ± standard deviation) histamine/mg protein). These results did not reach

Fig. 3 Topographical
distribution of HNMT activities
in the terminal ileum and the
colon in adenoma patients and
in healthy controls
(mean ± standard deviation)

440 Dig Dis Sci (2008) 53:436–442

in adenoma patients. Regarding activities of this enzyme in

different segments of the colon, no topographical distri-
bution was found in either the adenoma group or in the
DAO and HNMT reached with approximately 0.5 mU/
mg protein similar levels in adenoma patients. Taking into
account that histamine is converted by DAO less efficiently
than putrescine used as a substrate for the assay human
colonic mucosa appears to have a greater capacity to
inactivate histamine by methylation than by direct oxida-
tion. It is important to note that DAO has features of a
secretory protein [28] and may therefore function extra-
Fig. 4 Correlation between enzyme activities of DAO and HNMT cellularily whereas HNMT is a cytosolic protein [29] that
(n = 115) can convert histamine only inside cells.
Elevated histamine levels in the distal segments of the
significance. No significant correlation between histamine large bowel of adenoma patients have been reported pre-
concentrations and DAO or HNMT activities were found viously [10]. In this present study histamine concentrations
(r2 = 0.02 and r2 = 0.03, respectively). were also elevated in adenoma patients compared to con-
trols. These results did not reach significance but the
number of samples was small. Comparing enzyme activi-
Discussion ties between adenoma patients and controls substantial
changes in histamine metabolism in these lesions are
The establishment of reliable and sensitive assays for the obvious. The strong correlation between DAO and HNMT
determination of the activities of the histamine-degrading activities indicates that diminished DAO activities are not
enzymes DAO and HNMT in extremely small human tis- compensated by HNMT and therefore histamine degrada-
sue samples is a prerequisite for the application of these tion is completely decreased in such tissues, resulting in
methods in the routine assessment of the histamine higher histamine concentrations and a prolonged effect of
degradation capacity in patients suffering from colonic this biogenic amine. Additionally, in previous experiments,
adenoma. The assays used in this study give highly elevated histamine release from colonic biopsies in ade-
reproducible results, and provide an accurate estimate of noma patients was described [30, 31]. In our present study
the histamine degradation in human colonic mucosa [21, no correlation between histamine concentrations and en-
26]. zyme activities were found, indicating that higher enzyme
In a previous study diminished DAO activities were activities in controls are not triggered by higher amounts of
reported in patients with colonic adenoma [10]. Topo- histamine. High mucosal histamine concentrations seem
graphical distribution showed a gradient with higher rather to be caused by increased release and decreased
activities in and close to an adenoma and decreasing catabolism of this compound.
activities with longer distances to the lesion [unpublished Since the first genetic polymorphisms on DAO and
data]. HNMT genes in adenoma patients were found evidence has
Here for the first time HNMT and DAO activities were arisen that alterations in histamine degradation may be
determined simultaneously to evaluate histamine catabo- involved in the pathogenesis of these benign tumors [32].
lism in the large-bowel mucosa of patients suffering from However, large patient populations should be investigated
colonic adenoma. in the future to evaluate a correlation between enzyme
In the mucosa of adenoma patients mean DAO activities activities and genetic polymorphisms.
were lower than in controls. Furthermore they were sig- These results will eventually complement the diagnostic
nificantly diminished in adenoma tissue compared to repertoire for colonic adenoma and may lead to new
healthy mucosa. screening methods. A routine evaluation of the activities of
The obtained HNMT activities in bioptic samples cor- histamine-catabolizing enzymes DAO and HNMT in
respond well with the values obtained for human colonic addition to genetic analysis might enable us to detect areas
mucosa in previous studies where larger tissue samples had in the large bowel where adenoma may grow due to a
been processed [27]. Surprisingly HNMT activities were reduced histamine catabolism, even if there is no macro-
significantly diminished in patients with colorectal ade- scopic or histological finding. These patients with an
noma compared to controls. HNMT was also significantly increased risk could be examined periodically by colo-
diminished in adenoma tissue compared to healthy mucosa noscopy in order to enable early detection of new polyps,

Dig Dis Sci (2008) 53:436–442 441

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