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♙LEJ♙NDRO: Hi Friends! How are you?

CES♙R: Fine but the day is hot.

JORGE: It´s a difficult day, because I have a lot of homework.

. M♙RTIN :For me is a good day, because i passed the english exam.

JORGE: I´m proud of you Martin

DI♙N♙: I'm very stressed because I´m in evaluation week.

CES♙R: How is your day Alejandro?

♙LEJ♙NDRO: A very heavy day

DIANA: And you, Alejandro, what do you do in the afternoons?

ALEJANDRO: I work for the because I need money to buy the English book.

M♙RTIN: Jorge, and you do work?

JORGE: Yes, I work on weekends.

DI♙N♙: Interesting, Do you like you work?

JORGE: Yes i do, its difficult but I like it.

♙LEJ♙NDRO: Diana, Do you go to work today?

DI♙N♙: I don't work, my fathers give me money for the university.

M♙RTIN: Today there are not english class the teacher send me a message

CES♙R: Do we eat tacos?

JORGE: No I do'nt because i don't like tacos.

♙LEJ♙NDRO; Do we eat pizza?

CES♙R: No I don't because i don have moch money, i buy basket tacos

DI♙N♙: You don't worry cesar, I have a lot of money

♙LEJ♙NDRO: Do we go to drink a beer to ♙xx?

JORGE: Yes I do, I have more time.

♙LEJ♙NDRO: It's ok, lets go to eat pizza and after to drink a beer to axx

CES♙R: Lets go, because is late.

M♙RTIN:Ok, but I go to my house at three.

DI♙N♙:No problem martin.

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