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Microplastics in air: Are we breathing it in?

Johnny Gasperi1,a, Stephanie L. Wright2,a, Rachid Dris1, France Collard1,
Corinne Mandin3, Mohamed Guerrouache4, Valérie Langlois4,
Frank J. Kelly2 and Bruno Tassin1

Abstract marine, and more recently, continental environments.

The annual production of plastic textile fibers has increased by Worldwide plastic production increases annually by
more than 6% per year, reaching 60 million metric tons, about approximately 3%, and, excluding plastic fiber produc-
16% of world plastic production. The degradation of these fibers tion, reached 322 million metric tons in 2016 [1]. Whilst
produces fibrous microplastics (MPs). Such MPs have been the ubiquity of MPs, and especially of fibrous MPs in
observed in atmospheric fallouts, as well as in indoor and out- both marine and freshwater ecosystems has been
door environments. Some fibrous MPs may be inhaled. Most of demonstrated, the dynamics of their sources, pathways
them are likely to be subjected to mucociliary clearance; how- and reservoirs are not well documented. Among the
ever, some may persist in the lung causing localized biological sources of microplastics, urban inputs such as waste-
responses, including inflammation, especially in individuals with water treatment plant effluents are increasingly studied
compromised clearance mechanisms. Associated contami- while the atmospheric comportment is mostly neglec-
nants such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) could ted. If present in sufficient quantity, the question of
desorb and lead to genotoxicity while the plastic itself and its their inhalation and associated health risks will be an
additives (dyes, plasticizers) could lead to health effects important issue. Focusing on fibrous MPs, this paper
including reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. addresses both issues by reviewing work undertaken on
the occurrence of MPs in the atmospheric compartment
Addresses as well as discussing human exposure and the potential
Université Paris-Est, LEESU, 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle,
for subsequent health risks.
94010, Créteil Cedex, France
MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health, Analytical and Envi-
ronmental Sciences, King’s College London, London, SE1 9NH, United Occurrence of microplastics in the
Université Paris-Est, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment
atmospheric compartment
(CSTB), 77447, Marne-La-Vallée, France Airborne MPs: is there an issue?
Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris Est, CNRS-UPEC- In air, different kinds of fibers can be found. A general
UMR7182, 2-8, rue Henri Dunant, 94320, Thiais, France classification of fibers is given in Table 1. Fibers can be
either natural or man-made. Man-made fibers can also
Corresponding authors: Gasperi, Johnny (; Wright,
Stephanie L (
be classified as inorganic (carbon, ceramic, glass) or
shared first authorship. organic. In this latter category, organic fibers are pro-
duced by transformation of natural products (artificial
fibers) or from synthetic polymers (Table 1).
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 1:1–5
This review comes from a themed issue on Micro and Nano-plastics Worldwide, more than 90 million metric tons of textile
Edited by Dr. Teresa Rocha-Santos fibers were produced in 2016. Two thirds of this pro-
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
duction are synthetic, plastic fibers and production rates
have grown yearly at a rate of approximately 6.6% over
the last decade. Other fibers include cellulosic fibers (6%) and natural fibers (27%, mainly cotton) [2]. The
2468-5844/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. commercial use of fine-diameter (1e5 mm) plastic fibers
has also increased, such as in the sports clothing industry
Keywords [3]. These small fibers may be shed and directly or
Fibers, Microplastics, Air pollution, Health risk, Inhalation, indirectly released as the clothing wears or during
Micropollutants. washing [4,5] and drying. Furthermore, the industrial
chopping or grinding of synthetic material can result in
the formation of fine particles. Fibrous MPs may also
Introduction undergo photo-oxidative degradation in the environ-
Plastic pollution is an emerging concern worldwide, with ment, along with wind shear and/or abrasion against
the majority of studies focusing on microplastics (MPs; other ambient particulates, eventually fragmenting into
plastic particles with a longest dimension < 5 mm) in fine particles. The risk of inhaling fibrous MPs following Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 1:1–5

2 Micro and Nanoplastics

Table 1

General classification of textile fibers.

Textile fibers

Natural fibers Man-made fibers

Animal fibers Vegetal fibers Mineral fibers From organic chemistry From inorganic
Artificial fibers Synthetic fibers

Wool, silk Cotton, jute Asbestos Viscose/rayon, acetate, etc. Polypropylene, acrylic, Glass, ceramic,
polyamide, polyester, polyethylene carbon, etc.

widespread contamination within different environ- calculated. TAF fluxes were systematically higher at the
mental compartments deserves special attention owing urban site than at the suburban one, probably linked to
to both the scale of their worldwide production and their the density of the surrounding population. Rainfall also
potential to fragment into smaller, more bioavailable appears to be an important factor influencing the fallout
fibers. Human exposure to MPs could also occur through flux. Despite no significant quantitative correlation be-
ingestion, for example fibrous MPs can settle on the tween the concentrations of fibers and the characteristic
floor; children e owing to crawling and frequent hand- of the rain events (rainfall depth, intensity, etc.), TAF
to-mouth contact e ingest settled dust, daily. during wet weather periods are always substantially
larger that during dry weather periods.
Can we find fibrous microplastics in the atmosphere?
To date, and to the best of our knowledge, only two What are the characteristics of atmospheric fibrous
studies have demonstrated the presence of fibrous MPs in microplastics?
the atmospheric compartment [6,7], thereby suggesting After chemical characterization, it appeared that 29%
potential human exposure. An earlier study [8] high- of the fibers evaluated in TAF are plastic, with the ma-
lighted the existence of respirable organic fibers in the jority constituting cellulosic or natural origin [5]. The
indoor and outdoor environment but did not discriminate length distribution of fibers collected larger than 50 mm
between natural and synthetic materials. Whilst other was assessed. On measuring fiber length, smaller size
studies have suggested the occurrence of atmospheric classes [200e400 mm] and [400e600 mm] were pre-
MPs, no direct evidence was provided [9,10]. dominant whilst fibers in the larger size ranges were
rare. Few fibers measuring between 50 mm (observation
Dris et al. (2016) evaluated the presence of fibrous MPs limit) and 200 mm in length have been detected. The
in total atmospheric fallout (TAF - including dry and wet diameter of the fibers varied mainly between 7 and
deposition) at one urban site and one suburban site in 15 mm.
the Paris Megacity [6]. TAF was collected continuously
on the roofs of buildings. Fibrous material accounted for Are we exposed to airborne fibrous microplastics?
almost all of the material collected (Fig. 1), the Dris et al. (2017) investigated fibers in indoor and
remaining being rare small plastic fragments (smaller outdoor air, as well as indoor settled dust [7]. Three
than 100 mm). Based on a 1-year and a 6-month moni- indoor sites comprising two apartments and one office
toring period, respectively on two sites, atmospheric were selected within a dense urban area of Paris. Out-
fallout of between 2 and 355 fibers$m2$day was door air was sampled in close proximity to the office
site, which was also where TAF monitoring took place.
Fig. 1
A pump sampled 8 L/min of indoor air onto quartz fiber
filters (1.6 mm). Sampled volumes varied depending on
occupants’ presence. The same method was used for
the assessment of outdoor air. Overall, indoor concen-
trations ranged from 1.0 to 60 fibers$m 3. Outdoor
concentrations were significantly lower, ranging be-
tween 0.3 and 1.5 fibers$m 3. The deposition rate of
the fibers in the indoor environments ranged between
1,586 and 11,130 fibers$m2$day. Settled dust was
collected using a conventional vacuum cleaner and
analysis revealed a concentration of fibers ranging from
Fibrous microplastic observed in atmospheric fallout.
Source: @LEESU. 190 to 670 fibers/mg.

Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 1:1–5

Microplastics in air Gasperi et al. 3

What are the characteristics of fibrous microplastics size for plastic fibers to penetrate the deep lung. His-
in indoor environments? topathological analysis of lung biopsies from workers in
According to chemical characterization, 67% of indoor the textile (polyamide, polyester, polyolefin, and acrylic)
fibers were made of natural material, primarily cellu- industry showed foreign-body-containing granulomatous
losic, while the remaining 33% of fibers contained pet- lesions, postulated to be acrylic, polyester, and/or nylon
rochemicals with polypropylene being predominant [6]. dust [16]. These observations confirm that some fibers
A similar size distribution was determined for indoor air, avoid clearance mechanisms and persist.
outdoor air and TAF with slight differences. These
differences between compartments lie in the size of the Occupational health risks
longest observed fibers: while fibers in the range of Studies among nylon flock (fiber) workers suggest there
4,650e4,850 mm can be found in dust fall, no fiber is no evidence of increased cancer risk, although workers
longer than 3,250 mm is observed in indoor air, which is had a higher prevalence of respiratory irritation [3].
almost double the size of the longest fibers in outdoor air Interstitial lung disease is a work-related condition that
(1,650 mm). Larger fibers are observed in dust fall induces coughing, dyspnoea (breathlessness), and
because they settle more rapidly and accumulate on the reduced lung capacity in workers processing either para-
floor. While fibers under 50 mm were not counted due to aramid, polyester, and/or nylon fibers [17e19]. Workers
the observation lower limit, the size distribution pattern also present clinical symptoms similar to allergic alveo-
suggests that much smaller fibers might be present. litis [16]. These health outcomes are indicative of the
potential for MPs to trigger localised biological re-
Impacts on human health? sponses, given their uptake and persistence.
Are airborne fibrous microplastics breathable?
The likelihood that airborne fibrous MPs enter our Whilst these effects are distinct from those seen after
respiratory system will be dependent upon size. First, it asbestos exposure, the legacy of asbestos toxicology can
is important to discriminate between the terms inhal- in-part help predict health effects of fibrous MPs. In
able and respirable. Particles and fibers able to enter the silicate-based fibers, length and biopersistence in the
nose and mouth and deposit in the upper airway are airway/lung are the characteristics that govern toxicity
inhalable, whilst those able to reach and deposit in the and the mechanisms of that toxicity. Whether the same
deep lung are respirable. Deposition in the airway is a is true for fibrous MPs remains to be determined.
function of aerodynamic diameter and within the res-
piratory zone, deposition falls off above 5 mm diameter What are the potential mechanisms of toxicity?
[11]. Particle effects: inflammation and secondary
The World Health Organisation defines a fiber as any Beyond a certain exposure level/dose, all fibers seem to
particle that has a length >5 mm, with a diameter <3 mm produce inflammation following chronic inhalation [13].
and an aspect (length-to-diameter) ratio > 3:1 [12]. The general paradigm for fibrous particle toxicity, based
Fibrous MPs that exceed these criteria may be inhaled, on asbestos and manmade vitreous fibers is that upon
but are likely to be subjected to mucociliary clearance in cell contact, intracellular messengers and cytotoxic
the upper airways, leading to gastro-intestinal exposure. factors are released leading to lung inflammation. This
Some fibrous MPs may however avoid the mucociliary potentially leads to secondary genotoxicity following the
clearance mechanisms of the lung, especially in in- excessive and continuous formation of reactive oxygen
dividuals with compromised clearance mechanisms. species (ROS). Fibrosis, and in some cases cancer, can
manifest after prolonged inflammation [13]. Toxicity is
Do fibrous microplastics accumulate in the human greater for longer fibers [13] as they cannot be
body? adequately phagocytosed, stimulating cells to release
The biopersistence of inhaled fibrous MPs is related to inflammatory mediators [20] that contributes to fibrosis.
durability in and clearance from the lung [13]. In vitro
tests have found plastic fibers to be extremely durable in Poorly-soluble low-toxicity particles have been found to
physiological fluid: polypropylene, polyethylene and cause lung tumours and inflammation in rats [21],
polycarbonate fibers showed almost no dissolution or however information on whether this translates to
changes to surface area and characteristics in a synthetic humans is lacking. Plastic is typically considered inert,
extracellular lung fluid after 180 days. This suggests yet its biopersistence and the shape of fibrous MPs
plastic fibers are durable and likely to persist in the lung could lead to inflammation.
[14]. Biopersistence is also connected to length, with
longer fibers more likely to avoid clearance [3]. Chemical effects
Associated contaminants
Plastic fibers have been observed in pulmonary tissue Airborne fibrous MPs may carry pollutants adsorbed
[15], suggesting that the human airway is of a sufficient from the surrounding environment due to their Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 2018, 1:1–5

4 Micro and Nanoplastics

hydrophobic surface [22]. In urban environments, where 6. Dris R, Gasperi J, Saad M, Mirande C, Tassin B: Synthetic fibers
** in atmospheric fallout: a source of microplastics in the
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PAHs and transition metals. Detrimental pulmonary In this work, the atmospheric fallout of microplastics was investigated in
two different urban and sub-urban sites. Fibers accounted for almost all the
outcomes could then ensue following desorption of microplastics collected. Registered fluxes were systematically higher at
associated contaminants leading to primary genotoxicity the urban than at the sub-urban site. Chemical characterization allowed to
amongst other effects. For example, stable and unstable estimate at 29% the proportion of these fibers being all synthetic (made
with petrochemicals), or a mixture of natural and synthetic material.
DNA lesions may arise after metabolism of fibrous-MP-
7. Dris R, Gasperi J, Mirande C, Mandin C, Guerrouache M,
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and pigments, many of which could lead to health effects Outdoor concentrations are significantly lower as they range between
0.3 and 1.5 fibers/m3. The deposition rate of the fibers in indoor envi-
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mutagenicity [23], should they leach or volatilize and accumulation of fibers in settled dust (190–670 fibers/mg). Regarding
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