2 - Causes of Muslim Separation

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MA (Wstry) _Potetn Movement ands Backrounds_389, ‘Question No. 22 Why dd the Musims of Indo-Pak subcontnent demand a sept amelie frtemselves? ‘Answer No. 22 Introduction indy and Musis Rad fved poacouly tgater in ln or Handa ut aftr ho Bish ivesionn South Asia and a et = ae bocame very cit for isan Musas, In Supper tres wore separa ration who aays adored ea {oa te Mey, tho Bren and we Hncus m ste! Se a ae na puta wedge eo fe Musi unty and ee cits cout act Te ceaon of Paisln owe much 10 Ratt aderocerrtona ep anew Sey ‘Tho Musims of Indo Pak Sib Con Fomeland onthe fllwig ‘Desire oeatabsh an Islamic State od of ie for ho Mass and YF ate portal and colctve He ‘agar to mplen Pree Sage ie ot sie 100 Seoaty 1. sam i a complete nami a amc Soom eo Horn a ter nie i te i Th, usre 1 eral” a sam oa as semen Sie aes homelans. Te er ts oe es amaning 8 Sepa esrons and bereore hay cannot Ne re aes toh Bg in te san towns and Higa om Ne bem vended oer ran, They wero wig wo separa eres. seine ade sou have sear Sao hr ey coud ome urmgvl ar coe crane wih the fame panels ‘3. Historical Collision eds and Muti Nitra eosin stared wen Mutarmod “ae r'Gacim cetating Pan Dah, founded islamic government A atry) Patan Movement nds Beckgrounes 0 ‘nthe subeontner. Many bats wero fought Between Hinds ie ime, under Masi Ao. Tho sional colin enced also dung he Erin Reeve. Hindus, cooperating ‘ait tin tet ah Vasu cro anc the way ce Sire ian, Tha yf Maing wos dvs 9 Sim crater alow they Soe Goma Ye 4 Hindus and Bet Soa eer oe a, met to haar ol Muss son Serherua mea tia Sar Sey reser yea ath Sr soe are ena ears ‘Ssteaonal ya was Shestonl un nas faced by Bah ono, Thon usin 99 te rekion 1 Chany er wee ir te hy we ato dectoee wa ‘erand or spare hametg 6 Shudd and Sangsthan overen =o a a yo trees BT esas FPS" eT ond Sa eemOts Decker jn oven ue woeied rs et Fete saute wharoas oe Sage fs awn MA.Qton) Patton Movement onde Backgrounds _ 395, 0 ‘tivities of Maha Sabha Maina Sabha was esblshed i 1900. 1 was a non pot fy et he. Shuddn! and. Sangathan Novemert sats. Frage movements motvated Mahe Satha to be Hvoled Fouics't prod tobe the worst enamy of asi. The ary Bedared Musins a outdo and sald Wat Musims ave ro ‘Satin wih nga. tay want to lave then Hey cous ev {Catpy but thoy want fo lave ttn toy cou leave ae Butt ney want ove na, oy wl have to coop reer Sot was poesia fo Hindus and Muli 1090 Ira cout footer Protection of Ud Language Urs was cortored fob te language of Muse he wn 67. en-as conor bez wh Fea rasa iemage. Tm npr erry bas cout gene. The spoons fr deere snarl sus merece te Mana Nt) Seen 48 a antoray sprees He. we ngnaet eects re and mote cca. Mos GOs) ee nan At 1900 UP Covera SAony Mae caer ocr aa ot Natons enquage wi Us Perr ass oe om ose poica ar. Teh Tera vlded Secon oo Al aha aon ab ‘Sccicea 1908 su Aad Ramo (1701031) at ‘ty ca, Urs Langue paced ho tt ck a {Sram tans oy at was one of ma ‘easone davai a sop COU Protein of Musi Cuture finds, wth the cogent Bish aig the, Conse Hiss" Su and ts opie ard hese Hse Moreover ttt sims, pst ey ee ‘tinaed “Eocatea! Sets wos changed, ws ‘eae Ha ad Mat sot wore eo 1 isi ehusee Gants m the swan, Te Mays & Wn", Soto the urn cae cu pretend ra oa an aeparate Mos St arrow mindedness of Hinds indy is narowemindad nition who does not belive te Bhosophy oF equay, Tey considers Dersahs supe Sid used o cal Muss "Maleocr (impure). There Was Me ALQisry) Pain Movement and te Bacorns —_29 ccncopt ot eatng ane ining ote. Furr Mang concent lean a yi ood temo es: There wy 8 ow nt mand aspera hanes, 11, Eeonomie Hardshios 1 Brtish Goverment, Hincs pracy Ae hk of ade and sty. A he Prem oa ni and wervicos opportune Wore Ci by Fines and some eos wor fr the Mins by Hind and rece, te pola slave of Brith od cee tae of nda To come out om his cous oc, SPIRE MoSins decd demand ora separate homelang 12, Congress Ministries During the peed of Congress Ministies (1997-1800). da BaGen pose louon vin tucims, The Haus ot ere‘unl ung te Congees rue. BanceeNaan, {free cowed fag and tbe of Gandhi were insoaind & atone ove Uru wag rplacea by Hind ad slug ‘ow was Banned, Musi fears showed ta resewnet felore Gana and Jawahar ll Noha Ganchi showed Ne helpless wo Neu play and opnly sar at hee wee ‘aly tw naons Fina, Congress and Brith and th Shi alow ine. Ar the Satan, nating 1" a ‘fas ato prec Pakisan esoluon In 1940 ‘conclusion (nth basso bow montonad faces and bitrate ot ‘Sr Songros to Musi apprehended ht hey wou ose 8 ‘Gonty toy remained pan of Hd society, "Terese (Gites Conizss and Gamanded soparata land on tho runs ‘hoy wore ferent rao rm Minds: Ascoring Wo Quai A" “The Musi Gomanded Patan wore toy can rule in access Tre Mae own sjsom ol Wo, thir curl ~ ny evn, system He, Wace develop raion Question No. 23 wnat serve 1 8 Talon ware ordre ro Me see eS enmes Seca a nana

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