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The Rationalistic Method of acquiring knowledge is a method that relies on using reason and logical

deduction to gain knowledge. This method of acquiring knowledge involves starting with general
principles and using logical reasoning to arrive at specific conclusions. The rationalistic method
emphasizes the role of innate ideas or concepts that are present in the mind of the individual and can be
used to gain knowledge. This method is often associated with philosophers such as Descartes, who
believed that knowledge can be acquired through innate ideas and the use of logic.

The Empirical Method of acquiring knowledge, on the other hand, is a method that relies on
observation, experimentation, and data to gain knowledge. This method of acquiring knowledge involves
testing hypotheses through experimentation, observation, and data analysis. Empirical knowledge is
based on evidence that can be observed and tested, and it is often associated with scientific inquiry. The
empirical method emphasizes the importance of sensory experience in the acquisition of knowledge and
emphasizes the importance of testing ideas through experimentation and observation.

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