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The Temple’s

Ancient Secret
Adventure One of
The Song of Amhep Campaign

An 8-hour adventure for 3-5 1st to 3rd

level characters

by C.M.G

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon
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Table of Contents
Introduction – P. 3

Part I: Meeting with Solon – P. 6

Part II: Leaving Phokea – P. 7

Part III: The Village of Manay –

P. 11

Part IV: The Huntsman’s Path –

P. 15

Goblin Lair – P. 23

Part V: The Ancient Temple – P. 26

Part VI: Loose Ends and New

Threads – P. 30

Conclusion – P. 32

Appendix A: Monsters – P. 33

Appendix B: Items – P. 35

Appendix C: Deities – P. 36

Appendix D: Maps and Images – P.


Credits – P. 49

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mountains, a few bands of elves in the northern
Introduction forests, and some wandering gnomes and halflings.
The island has many dangers; the Blood Plague, a
The simple task of investigating disappearances from
an insignificant farming village turns into a race horrible disease which has wiped out numerous
against time as the characters brave the dangers of villages, a clan of cyclops who roam the northern
the wilderness and rush to try and stop an evil ritual hills and an ancient race of scaled humanoids, the
in the ruins of an ancient temple, deep within the Scaled Ones. They once inhabited Melanthis an now
forest. attack lone wanders during the night, capturing
them for their evil rituals.
Thanks for downloading this adventure! This
Adventure, The Temple’s Ancient Secret, is designed The island of Melanthis has its own pantheon of
for 3-5 level one adventurers. This adventure can be a powerful and influential deities. However, one can
stand-alone adventure easily adapted into your replace the deities with those of the Forgotten
campaign or can be used as the start of a new Realms or your homebrew setting.
campaign. The Song of Amhep, a collection of
Adventures set on the Island of Melanthis.

Adventure Setting
The Temple’s Ancient Secret begins with the
adventurers in the city-state of Phokea, the largest
and most prosperous city on the island of
Melanthis. Melanthis is a small island 75 miles
south of Flamsterd, the southwestern most island in
the Moonshae Isles. The Moonshae Isles lie off the
Sword Coast in the Forgotten Realms but this island,
Melanthis, could fit into any setting you like, for
example it could be a small island just north of
Stormreach in Eberron, or adapted anywhere within
your homebrew setting.

Phokea, where this adventure will start and the

later campaign will focus on, is the largest city on the
island of Melanthis. Phokea leads the island’s loose
confederation of city-states and is located on the
Thymis River. It is made up of around 40,000 people,
mostly humans with a small dwarven, halfling,
gnome, and elven population. The Tyrant Agies, a
warlord, rules Phokea with the help of the local
clergy, who have a great deal of power and influence.
The clergy are made up of priests from Phokea’s two
dominant gods, Sydyk, god of messengers and wine,
and Amurru, goddess of the waves.

Background Information Phokea is the main trading Port of Melanthis and has
extensive trading networks to far off lands. The
The Island of Melanthis is a forested, mountainous
Acropolis and the city’s two temples are heavily
island with numerous small rivers and deep natural
defended, protected by high white walls, made by an
harbors which dot its coastline. Melanthis is roughly
ancient race before the city was settled by humans.
the size of the real world’s island of Cyprus. This
There is a second wall which surrounds the wealthy
Island is mostly inhabited by humans, with a small
districts of the city, with sprawling slums on its
dwarven population living in the southern

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exterior. The city is supported by profitable wine, An order of warrior alchemists called the Vigilant
fishing, and olive industries, which the numerous Flame, police the city’s mages. There have been
small villages around Phokea specialize in. many instances of them overstepping their power
and being cruel to the city’s mages. Their new leader,
The village of Manay, where the party will travel to Diak Left-Handed, seeks to stop this violence
in Part 2 of this adventure, is one of these small against mages but he has been unable to control the
surrounding villages. Located just north of Phokea it more zealous members in his order.
is on the border with Dimini, the rival city-state of
Phokea. The city-states of Phokea and Dimini have For more detail on the gods of Melanthis please go to
been engaged in border skirmishes for the last Appendix C.
twelve years, ever since the Tyrant Agies overthrew
Phokea’s oligarchy, which was ruled by the city’s
most powerful mages. Dimini, which is ruled by
three sorcerer kings, took in many of the mages who Campaign Overview
fled Phokea after the Tyrant Agies’ uprising. Optionally, this adventure can be part of a larger
campaign, The Song of Amhep, if you wish.
Currently in Phokea, magic is not allowed to be
practiced in public, except in cases of self-defense. In this campaign the Island of Melanthis will come
Upon entering the city mages must register with under attack by the Dog Headed Men of Ctesia,
Phokea’s Mages Guild, where they are given deep fiends serving Amhep, the Prince of Darkness and
crimson cloaks that they must always wear in the the Lord of Murder, who is the Demon Lord of the
city. The Mages Guild is led by the great sage 502nd plain of the abyss. The campaign begins with
Mitheras, who seeks to protect Phokea’s Great the adventures unaware of the incoming Ctesian
Library. invasion. In Adventure One they will find a piece of

For a larger and Printable Version of this map please see Appendix D

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an ancient weapon broken up into seven parts, the In Part IV the party delves into the forest in which
Sunbeam. Throughout the campaign the they may encounter twelve unique events, some of
adventurers will have to travel across Melanthis to which can be beneficial and some of which can be
acquire all of the pieces. In each adventure within deadly. The party may also choose to branch off and
this campaign the adventures will learn more about investigate a goblin lair, in which a hobgoblin leader
Amhep’s evil plans and the powerful weapon, the has been corrupted to serve a demon lord due to a
Sunbeam, which they can assemble to defeat him. cursed staff he found in the forest’s ruins.

Besides the Invasion of the Ctesians, the adventures In Part V the party arrives at a ruined city within the
in The Song of Amhep will have to deal with the forest and makes their way to a ziggurat from which
Phokean Dimini conflict, the emergence of the Scaled they can hear evil chants emanating. Entering the
Ones from their ruined temples, and a multitude of ziggurat, the party learns the fate of the previous
other horrors threatening the Island of Melanthis. party, who died due to a trap which creates a
magical barrier, protecting the Scaled Ones as they
perform a dark ritual. The party will then solve the
Adventure Overview puzzle, dissipating the magical barrier. They then
In The Temple’s Ancient Secret, the party is tasked must fight the Scaled Ones and stop their ritual,
with investigating the disappearance of the village of saving Alf’s son. After defeating the Scaled Ones and
Manay. In the village of Manay the party discovers saving Alf’s son the party finds a piece of a powerful
signs hinting at the awakening of evil monsters, the weapon, the Sunbeam.
Scaled Ones, once thought to be just a myth. The
party then sets out to brave the dangers of the forest In Part VI the party returns to the city of Phokea,
and eventually stops an evil ritual deep in the forest. collecting rewards from Alf, for returning him his
On their way the party learns of other threats facing son, and from Solon for completing their mission.
the island of Melanthis and finds a piece of the They are then tasked with delving into Phokea’s
Sunbeam which they may later use to save or Great Library, an ever-changing labyrinth of
destroy all of Melanthis. forgotten knowledge in order to learn how to
harness the power of the Sunbeam and learn where
In Part I the party meets with Solon, an archon of the six missing pieces are.
Phokea. Here they learn about their mission to
investigate Manay and are told that another group of Adventure Hooks
adventurers was sent out before them, but there has Prior to starting the adventure, each adventurer, or
been no word from them since. their group, was approached by Verus, a young half-
elf man and the servant of Solon, an Archon of
In Part II the party leaves the city of Phokea. The Phokea. Solon wishes to assemble a group of capable
players walk through the city’s streets, learning adventurers to investigate the mysterious
more about the issues facing Melanthis, such as the disappearance of the villagers in the town of Manay.
war between Dimini and Phokea, and the strife Two days prior Solon sent another party of
between the citizens and the mages of Phokea. The adventurers to the village, who have yet to return.
party then leaves the city, possibly facing dangers or
beneficial events on the road to the Village of Manay. This adventure will start with the adventurers in a
meeting discussing the job they have all accepted.
In Part III the players arrive at the village of Manay,
finding it eerily quiet and full of looted corpses. They Possible Character Motivations
find hints suggesting that the previously sent
adventurers spent a lot of time looting valuables in • The character frequents a rowdy tavern, the Blue
the village rather than looking for any survivors. The Goose, and is well a known as a tavern brawler.
party will most likely find the survivors, Alf Solon will pay off the character’s many
Brightspear, and his daughter. Alf offers the party his outstanding debts in exchange for accepting the
family sword, which happens to be magical, if they job.
can find his son who was dragged off into the woods • Solon offers the character patronage of their art,
by the monsters, the Scaled Ones, who attacked music, or poetry so that they can perform in the
Manay. upcoming festival to Sydyk.

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• The character is a petty criminal who was caught by One of the four Archons of Phokea, a man
Solon’s house guards. In exchange for not informing only second in power to the Tyrant Agies,
the city guards the character can do this job for stands before you. He wears a modest grey
Solon. tunic emblazoned with the emblem of a
• Mitheras, leader of the Mages guild, recommended cyclops, marking his station.
the character as a gifted magic user, capable of
assisting in Solon’s task. He appears lost in thought as he gazes
• The character lost their family due to the Blood out of the window at the throngs of
Plague and is offered a home and a position in people milling about in the streets
Solon’s personal staff if they complete this mission. below.
• The character is from a religious order, and believes
He takes a deep, pained breath and turns
it is their holy mission to find the missing villagers.
to face the party. The man looks as if he
They could have received a message from their god
was once a soldier or an athlete, but you
or their temples leader, imploring them to assist in
see that his left sleeve is tied in a
this mission.
tight knot where his arm once was. He
Running This Adventure smiles at his servant and motions for him
to leave. Despite his simile his eyes
Monsters, items, and NPCs have their corresponding show signs of great worry.
page numbers listed. MM stands for Monster Manual,
and DMG stands for the Dungeon Masters Guide. All Looking over the party and nodding he
homebrew monsters and items used in this says in a booming voice, “The city of
adventure are listed in the Appendix. Phokea needs your help adventurers.” Then
making a fist with his one hand he

Part I: Meeting with Solon mournfully declares, “These are truly the
darkest of times. I hope you will help to
Each character has been approached by Verus, a bring some light into this time of
young half-elf in Solon’s service. They have all darkness.”
accepted his offer to help with Solon’s task of
investigating the village of Manay. All the party
currently knows about the mission is that they must Solon will give the party the following information
investigate the village of Manay. The villagers of about the village of Manay and their task:
Manay, a small farming settlement fifteen miles • The way to the village of Manay is a fifteen-mile
north of Phokea, have apparently disappeared and journey if one takes the road leading north out of
no trader nor farmer from the village has been seen Phokea.
in five days. The characters were promised 75 gold • The village of Manay is a small farming village of
pieces each for completing the mission, as well as around fifty people and is on the bank of a small
any additional favors that may have motivated the river.
characters due to their background.
• A large forest borders the village. Many of the locals
fear the forest and tell stories of demons and ghosts
The characters have made their way to a richly
but Solon expects that to only be local superstition.
decorated meeting room in an upper floor of Solon’s
mansion, which looks over the city’s harbor and • Five days ago, a group of wounded Phokean soldiers
sprawling streets. Verus will warmly greet the who were passing by the village, reported seeing
characters as they make their way into the room, smoke coming from the village center. There has
while Solon can be seen pacing off in a corner, his been no word from the village since then.
brows bent in contemplation. Players can be given • Two days ago, Solon sent another group of
time to introduce their characters as they wait for adventurers to investigate the village. They should
the meeting to start if they have not already met. have returned by now.
After a minute Solon will stop his pacing and address • A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Solon is
the party as they sit around a table on comfortable hiding something. If questioned he will reveal that
chairs. some of the adventurers he hired seemed like shady

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individuals; they were solely interested in how much These rumors and events are meant to show the
gold they would receive for the task. mistrust many Phokeans have toward mages, the
• Solon believes that the party can be trusted because belief by many that the Tyrant Agies’ uprising was
his faithful servant Verus personally found each unjust, the war exhaustion felt after many years in
member of the party and has vouched for their great conflict with the city-state of Dimini, and to hint at
ability. the coming invasion of the demon lord Amhep.
After he has answered all the players’ questions and
A cleric, Severard, recently kicked out of the temple
explained their mission Solon will shake the hand of
of Sydyk, stands on several crates on one of the city’s
each player and hand them a small silver badge in
busy street corners. With great fervor he speaks of
the shape of an eye, a Seal of Phokea, he will then
how mages are a curse upon the world. He says how
bid the party good luck. This badge can be shown to
all mages in the city could be spies for their enemy,
any soldier or guardsman of Phokea to guarantee
the city-state of Dimini, and riles up a growing
free and safe passage in the surrounding land.
crowd of peasants and wealthy merchants alike. A
Solon, Archon of Phokea, human player walking by wearing the crimson cloak of
(Noble MM p.348) Phokea’s Mages Guild will receive dirty looks and
jeers from the gathered crowd.
Solon is tall, well built, middle aged man with a well-trimmed
beard full of grays which makes him appear older and wiser
A human man, Jonas, calls out from an alleyway at
than he truly is. He is missing his left arm up to his shoulder.
the passing adventurers. If they come closer, they
If questioned about himself, he will be able to give this see his face is disfigured with burn scars and he is
information: missing both of his legs. A DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check allows the party to see that he
• He is a close friend of the Tyrant Agies.
wears a cloak with the insignia of the city guard. The
• He lost his arm to a mage’s fireball in Agies Rebellion and is former soldier, veteran of the conflict with the city-
fearful of most magic users. state of Dimini, begs the party members for spare
• His chief duty as one of the Archons is to protect and coins and will thank them saying that Sydyk will
manage the many villages surrounding the city of Phokea. watch over the, if they assist him. If he sees a
member of the party with the red cloak of the Mage’s
Guild he will scurry back into the alleyway,
Part II: Leaving Phokea frightened. DM Option: give a player a point of
Verus, Solon’s Servant, can accompany the party to inspiration if they chose to help the injured soldier
the gates and provide additional helping navigating to act as the ‘blessing’ of Sydyk.
to the village if requested by the players. Solon will
provide the party with any rations or simple A wanted poster bearing the likeness of a
equipment that may be necessary for the journey. particularly ugly hobgoblin reads, “Buboc: Wanted
Dead or Alive! Reward: 100 Gold Pieces”. If the party
Note to the DM: The primary purpose of this section questions anyone of Buboc they would know that he
is providing the players with rumors, and has been leading a small group of goblins who have
information about current events and happenings on been harassing the Phokean army’s supply lines.
the island of Melanthis. If you do not wish to include
any of these flavor events to your game then this The adventurers pass through an alleyway and see
part may be excluded, and you can skip to the “Death to The Mages”, “Agies Lord of Murder”, and
section, The Journey to Manay. “Agies the Bastard King” crudely painted on the

Rumors and Events Leaving Phokea As the party makes their way through the city’s
slums, they notice roving bands of malnourished and
Feel free to include as many of these as you feel disheveled children. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
nessecary to create a sense atmosphere or start check will alert a player that one of these children
roleplaying opportunities for your party. These attempted to pickpocket their character. If caught
events can be introduced as the characters are the child will attempt to flee, and his small gang will
leaving the city, exploring, or heading to the market.

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flee along with him. If the check is failed the The Journey to Manay
character loses 1d6 gold pieces.

A minstrel sitting on a street corner strums a lute Looming above you are Phokea’s White
and in a strong somber tone sings, The Song of Walls. They look to have been assembled
Amhep: from stones impossibly large and stand
higher than ten men.
“First son, he sails, he’s on his way.
The Prince of Darkness, he’ll come today. Before you, a great crowd of people
Go warn them all, please don’t delay. stream in and out of gate of cold iron
For Amhep rises, he’s on his way. and dark wood. Guards with shields
adorned with the symbol of Phokea, a
With him he brings soldiers of ten. great eye, stand at attentions or collect
Monsters, fiends, the dog headed men. tolls from those entering the city.
The Dread Fleet sails, to be our end.
All people fear Soldiers of Ten. Extending out from the gate and winding
its way north through the many farms
But this, our land. Retreat? Not here! which surround the city is the Northern
We must stand tall, hold back our fear. Road, leading to the village of Manay.
They come for us, all we hold dear.
Raise spear and shield. Retreat? Not here. The Northern Road is worn and shows signs of the
war between Dimini and Phokea. Once kept in great
Go ring the gongs and sound the bells, condition to facilitate trade between the two cities, it
For on this day, I wish thee well. now shows signs of heavy traffic from the soldiers of
Since he who sails, a lord of hell, Phokea and their baggage trains.
Will not relent. Now sound the bells.
The fifteen-mile journey to the village of Manay
First son, he sails, he’s on his way. should take just under four hours, traveling at a
Be off, fight your best in the fray, normal pace by foot.
I wish to see you the next day.
For Amhep rises, he’s on his way.”
Northern Road Optional Encounters
The song is sung in a long, short pattern.
Dice Roll (1d6) Optional Encounter
A character who passes a DC 12 Intelligence 1 Broken Wagon Ambush
(Religion) check would recognize the name Amhep. 2 Traveling Riddler
They would know that Amhep, the God of Murder, is 3 Hungry Wolves
worshiped by some of Melanthis’ evil cultists and 4 Goblin Scouts
monsters. Amhep is believed to have been wounded 5 Cyclopes Sighting
in a great battle long ago between the gods. His 6 Phokean Patrol
followers pray for his good health and his eventual
return. A character who passes a DC 12 Intelligence Some or none of these optional encounters may be
(History) check would know that this is one of the added to the journey on the Northern Road.
oldest songs sung on Melanthis and was originally 1: Broken Wagon Ambush
sung in Elven. Later verses of the song tell the tale of
a ‘mythical’ battle between the people of Melanthis A wagon sits to one side of the Northern
and the armies of Amhep, which is made up of Road. It lists badly on one side, and you
monsters with jackal head and the body of a man. notice that the spokes of the left wheel
This song is commonly sung by the island’s soldiers are broken. A small lock on a large
as they march into battle. wooden chest, which sits in the wagon,
glimmers from the bright light of the
afternoon sun.

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A DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check will reveal Answer: Footprints
footprints leading from the cart to a nearby Riddle Two: I can crush a man, but I am scared of
outcropping of rocks and bushes. While a DC 12 snakes. What am I?
Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal that Answer: A horse or elephant
the lock seems much newer than the wagon, and if Riddle Three: Always moving I can carry thousands,
shaken makes a strange metallic noise. but I have no arms. What am I?
Answer: A river, an ocean or the wind
The chest is trapped, the lock can be easily picked or
broken and is merely for show. A character who If all the riddles are answered one character may
quickly open the chest will trigger a fire trap which pick an item without looking from Gnemka’s
deals 1d6 damage to anyone within five feet. A backpack, rolling on the chart below.
character suspicious of the chest being trapped can
disarm the chest by slowly opening it and cutting a Dice Roll (1d6) Item
sting with a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) 1 Healing Potion (DMG p.187)
check. 2 Potion of Water Breathing (DMG p.188)
3 Potion of Growth (DMG p.187)
There are also five bandits (MM p.343) concealed 4 Keoghtom’s Ointment (DMG p.179)
behind some nearby rocks and bushes, three of 5 Bag of Beans (DMG p.152)
which are armed with scimitars and two of which 6 Decanter of Endless Water (DMG p.161)
brandish light crossbows. They wait for someone to
trigger the trapped chest before they attack.
3: Hungry Wolves
Four hungry looking Wolves (MM p.341) converge
on the party, two from each side of the road. They
will attempt to approach quietly and get a jump on

A ranger or experienced hunter, or a character you

succeed a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check can skin
the wolves. The wolves’ pelts can be worth 3 gold
pieces if the party finds a buyer.

4: Goblin Scouts
Four Goblins (MM p.166) hide in the woods nearby
the Northern Road. They have been attacking small
groups of Phokean soldiers as well as their supply
lines. They are armed with fine iron simitars, which
are much too large for them.
Treasure: The party can find 10 gold pieces and a
Potion of Healing (DMG p.187) hidden in the roots
of a nearby tree.

2: Traveling Riddler
A traveling Gnome woman, Gnemka, wearing a large
green cloak will approach the party on the road. She
will wager an item from her backpack for one gold
piece that the party will not be able to solve her
three riddles. The party will get three guesses and
will have a two-minute time limit for reach riddle.

Riddle One: The further you walk the more of me

you leave behind. What am I?

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Approaching Manay
If captured and questioned they will reveal that their
leader, the Hobgoblin Buboc, received weapons and
gemstones from ‘the city of mages’, in exchange for As you turn east, leaving the Northern
Buboc and his minions raiding the Phokean supply Road for a well-worn dirt path, the wind
lines. If questioned they will say that their camp is in blows in your direction carrying with it
the forests to the north, by a small village. The the scent of burning wood.
goblins do not know that the name of the village is
Manay. Walking further, past sprawling olive
orchards, you can faintly make out smoke
A character who succeeds a DC 12 Wisdom rising in the distance, over what you
(Survival) or a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) presume is the Village of Manay.
check can find the goblins’ camp, just a small
distance off of the Northern Road. They will find two As the party approaches Manay on the small worn
azurite gems worth 10 gold pieces each and a spell path with a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check they
scroll of sleep. will notice that it is eerily quiet, not even the sound
of a bird can be heard as they approach the village.
In addition to this with a DC 12 Intelligence
5: Cyclopes Sighting (Investigation) check a character will notice tracks
With a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) a character can leading toward the village, most likely made recently
make out a young cyclops (Appendix A), far off in by the group sent here before the party. There are
the distance to the east knocking over some trees as no tracks leading out of the village.
it makes its way through the forests. A character
familiar with the island of Melanthis or a character
that passes a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check
would know that seeing a cyclops is extremely rare;
they hardly ever can be seen outside of the northern
hills. It is probably best to warn someone about the
monster and to stay clear of its path.

6: Phokean Patrol
A Phokean patrol lead by the Lochagos, the squad
leader, Memnon, approaches the party on the road.
Memnon and his squad would be weary of any
mages in the party but will share information with
the party as long as they show their Seals of Phokea,
given to them by Solon. Memnon’s squad was
ambushed by some of Dimini’s mages who were
further south than they had expected. Many
members of the patrol were injured in the ambush
and can be seen limping or in bandages, which were
hastily applied to cover gruesome burns sustained
from the fight with the Dimini mages.

Memnon will tell the party that on their return to

Phokea they sighted a small stream of smoke rising
in the distance, over the village of Manay.

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Part III: The Village of
attempt by the scaled ones to awaken their god,
Mashashtar, the god of hunger and gluttony, from
his slumber because they sense and fear the coming
Manay of Amhep to Melanthis. Two days ago, the other
The Village of Manay lies upon the bank of a river, party sent by Solon traveled here and looted most of
which was used by many of the villagers to carry the valuables they could find before setting off into
their grain, olives, or grapes to trade. The village the forest in search of more treasure.
consists of a small inn, a trading post where produce
is stored and sold, as well as a few houses. If night has fallen as the players leave each building
roll a d20. On a 1-5 1d4-1 Scaled Ones (see
Turning one final bend in the road you Appendix A) will emerge from the woods and rush at
are face to face with the village of the party. For a battle map of the village please see
Manay. Appendix D.

The village is deathly quiet, there is

not an animal in sight and the only noise
that can be heard is the gentle breeze of
the wind and the faint rumbling of the
nearby river.

Looking to the center of the town you are

shocked to see bodies littering the
street. At least a half dozen corpses,
all of which look to have been local
villagers, lay still on the road. They
all bear similar wounds, long slashes
down their backs.

Around the massacre loom the shabby wood

and mud brick buildings of the village,
an old inn leaning on its side, due to
rot, a large but simple storage building,
and four modest homes, one of which is An image without the numbers is provided in the
now only a smoking husk and is the source appendix if you wish to provide it to the players.
of the smoke you saw.
Village Center
Note to the DM: As a reminder, Solon’s task for the Taking a closer look at the bodies in the center of
party was to find out what happened to the village. If Manay, they appear to be more than a couple days
anything was wrong, he said to help find the old. An experienced healer or someone who
survivors as well figure out what happened to the succeeds a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check would
previous party that was sent out. In this part of the be able to identify that these people have been dead
adventure the party will learn that five days ago the for five days. The wounds on the bodies are also
Village of Manay was attacked by monsters from the quite unusual, as they appear to be claw marks, like
woods called the Scaled Ones. The Scaled Ones were that of some animal. A DC 12 Intelligence (Nature)
believed by many to not exist but due to an unknown check will reveal that it seems to be from no animal
force have just now risen once again from their that the character would know of. Something else of
ruined cities and temples, in the deepest darkest note is that the characters, if they search the bodies,
parts of Melanthis’ forests. In the attack, all of the will find that there are no coins or any other
villagers with latent magical abilities were carried valuables on them; they have all been looted. Lastly,
off to the Scaled Ones’ temple deep in the forest, for a character looking for footprints, if they succeed a
an evil ritual. The rest of the villagers were killed, DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check, will find
with the exception of Alf and his daughter Ay who many sets of tracks with three great claws that
are hiding in Area 6, the cellar. This evil ritual is an appear to have come from and went back towards

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the forests. In addition to this a character who A wide circular building is attached to a
passes a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check small store front, both of which are
will find long drag marks across the ground, hinting built of solid stone. This building would
that some of the villagers were dragged off into the have been used by the villagers to store
forest by the monsters. and trade their produce. A large flat
raft and poles for navigating the small
1: The Inn, The Ever-Full Flagon river rest against the back of the
This two-story building sags greatly off
to the left, likely due to rot and a poor This building contains food, torches, rope, as well as
foundation. A large wooden sign hangs farming equipment. A bronze lockbox similar to the
from a post, decorated with an image of a one within the inn looks to have been smashed open
Flagon, full to the brim. On the bottom by repeated hits from a hammer or club and has
of this sign in red and yellow chipped been looted. Along with this, the raft at the rear of
paint the words, “The Ever-Full Flagon” the building seems to be in good condition and could
are written. be used to journey deeper into the forest.

There is nothing much of note on the exterior of the 3: Huntsman’s House

inn. The small stables next to it, once used to house
the village’s team of oxen and horses from those This building is of the same design as
visiting the village but now stands empty. As the next two in its row. Built by early
elsewhere in the town it is eerily quiet here. settlers of Phokea it is a squat but
sturdy building of mudbrick and wood.
Inside the inn there are hints of a fight. Furniture is However, the living in the bottom of this
pushed around and, in many cases, smashed to building seems to have been converted
pieces. Long scratches can be seen carved into the into a small fletcher’s workhouse. In
wooden floor. A character who passes a DC 12 addition to this there are a few targets
Intelligence (Investigation) will notice that one and discarded arrows around the exterior.
table in the corner of the room has less dust than the
others and has five chairs which are placed neatly
around it. It is likely from the group who was sent The first floor of this building contains a small forge
here by Solon before the party. There are a few dead as well as all of the materials nessecary for a fletcher
bodies in the tavern with similar wounds to those to make arrows. Arrows in different stages of
outside. They have also been looted of their completion lie in a great heap. The walls of this
valuables. workshop are decorated with the horns and skulls of
beasts. Besides the arrows there is nothing of much
Characters who wish to investigate the second floor value besides one large set of antlers hanging on the
will find a hastily constructed barricade, evidently wall worth about 5 gold pieces.
where one of the villagers made their last stand. A
bronze lockbox with a sturdy lock can be found in The second story of the building is separated into
the back of one of the rooms. It has dents in it and a three rooms and looks like it was the dwelling of a
chipped piece of the wall hints that someone tried to few families. One of these rooms, filled with warm
open it up but was unsuccessful and very enraged. A but shabby pelts, has a makeshift map laid out
player can unlock the box with thieves’ tools and a across a table. The map, drawn in charcoal on the
DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Treasure: back of a wolf pelt, does not have any writing but
The bronze lockbox contains a Ring of Feather- rather crude symbols for animals and shows a few
falling and 20 gold pieces. paths through the forest. In the corner of the map a
strange triangle marked with three claws. The claw
2: Trading Post drawn is strikingly similar to those left by whatever
attacked the village. This room and the others seem
to have been picked clean of their valuables.

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times of old they used to carry off people for evil
rituals in their temples, hidden deep in the forests.

A character who passes a DC 10 Wisdom (Nature)

check will be able to identify the slime covering the
Scaled One as partially protective and partially
poisonous. You would also be able to identify that, in
combination with the monster’s claws, it would deal
poisonous damage.

The Huntsman’s Map

4: House
This simple mudbrick house contains nothing of
much note. Once the dwelling of a few families it is
clear that it has been picked clean of all of its
valuables. Furniture is smashed and clothes litter the
floor. A DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) will
reveal that there is not the layer of dust that one
would expect after almost a week. It looks as if it was
recently abandoned and then looted.

5: Alf’s House

Approaching this building the smell of

Scaled One
rot is overwhelming. The pungent sent of
slime and filth seems to emanate from the
This building is similarly looted, like the others.
squat building. Getting closer, just past
Further in the house they are two more dead Scaled
the threshold you see the source of the
Ones, bearing similar slashing wounds. A DC 12
horrible smell.
Intelligence (Investigation) would reveal that
these cuts were delivered by a longsword, and by
Lying dead, evidently from a stab to the
someone who was skilled and familiar in the use of
chest, lies a twisted humanoid figure.
one. Unlike the other houses in this village this
Its arms and legs are incredibly long,
house has a cellar, sealed by to sturdy wooden
the hands of feet of which extend into a
doors. The body of a Scaled One lies over the cellar
three boney claws. Its body is covered in
patches of grey scales and its black eyes
stare unblinkingly at you from above a 6: The Cellar
row of razor-sharp teeth.

Another clawed monster lies dead over two

A character who passes a DC 10 Intelligence sturdy wooden doors. Deep scratches on
(History) check can identify this corpse as a the cellar doors show that the monster
monster of legend, a Scaled One. On Melanthis, was after something below.
parents warn their children to not venture into the
forests alone, for fear of the Scaled Ones. However, it Now its long taloned arms fall limp to
was long thought that the monsters were only a either side and its blood slowly drips
story to scare children. Clearly, it was not a myth and between a small opening in the doors.
the Scaled Ones have returned to attack this village.
Stories told about the Scaled Ones say that they lived
on Phokea long before the first settlers and that in If a character succeeds a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth)
check they will hear a faint hushed whisper coming

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from the cellar, too quiet to make out. Approaching strange beasts in the woods but has not been in
the two sturdy wooden doors of the cellar and town for two weeks.
touching the Scaled One you can tell that its blood is • The Scaled Ones came at night killing some and
still warm to the touch, it was recently killed. dragging off others. Alf will tear up recounting how
they dragged off his son, Ay’s twin brother Imos into
The two doors are sealed from the other side by a the forest. Alf used his grandfather’s sword as best
sturdy piece of wood, however a concerted effort by he could but was wounded and could only limp to
the adventurers could easily break through. In the the cellar with Ay. Alf begs the party to rescue Imos
cellar a middle-aged human farmer Alf Brightspear from the monsters.
and his five-year-old daughter Ay hide. Alf is on the
• Two days ago, another group came by, battering at
verge of death; he was wounded in the first attack by
the cellar door. Alf and Ay kept quiet until they heard
the Scaled Ones on Manay and most recently
an argument and scuffle break out above. The
received another wound on his leg from the Scaled
One that lies dead on the doors above the cellar. Ay people were arguing about how they would split the
is uninjured but very scared. If the party tries to loot from the village and after exchanging some
break in the cellar without saying anything Alf will blows with one another decided to leave behind the
attack them as they descend into the cellar, in an cellar and look for more loot in the forest.
effort to defend Ay. However, if the party explains • Alf says he does not know why some of the
that they are friendly, Alf will quickly open the cellar villagers were killed and others were dragged off,
doors, as he is scared that in his current state he will but a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that
not be able to defend his daughter for much longer. he is hiding something. If questioned further, he
If helped Alf will share information with the party will say how he thinks they carried off those with
and Ay will stare up at them with through big purple some magic blood in them. Alf’s wife, who passed
eyes. away five years earlier when the Blood Plague
ripped through the countryside, was a mage and
he thinks some of her abilities could have been
passed down to their children.
Alf begs the party to find his son Imos and offers
them his grandfather’s longsword, if they can bring
him back. With a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
check a character can read the magical runes written
on the blade and identify the longsword as a Giant
Slayer Sword (see Appendix B).
7: Burned House

Embers burn red in the ashes and ruins of

this house as a small stream of smoke
rises towards the clouds.

One corner of this building appears to

have stored items in glass jars and
vials, many of which are now melted or
smashed to pieces from the heat of the

Alf Brightspear A character who succeeds a DC 12 Intelligence

(Investigation) check can find a Potion of Growth
Alf can provide the party the following information and a Potion of Poison Resistance in the ruined
about the attack on the village of Manay: building. There is nothing else of note.
• Five days ago, the Scaled Ones attacked from the
woods. The village huntsman warned of seeing some After Exploring the Village of Manay the characters
should reach level 2.

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Part IV:
The Huntsman’s Path
The players have a few options as to how they will
find the Scaled Ones’ lair. With a DC 12 Wisdom
(survival) check they can find tracks of the Scaled
Ones, taking them on Path One (see The Huntsman’s
Map Key below). Following Path One after 2 random
encounters the party will reach a fork in the road
where a DC 12 Wisdom (survival) check reveals
goblin footprints going to the south, leading to Path
Two. If the party choses to continue to follow Path
One, then there will be three more random
encounters before they reach the Scaled Ones’ Lair.
On the other hand, if they chose to follow Path Two
than after two encounters, they will reach the
Goblin Lair, after which they will have one
encounter before reaching the Scaled One Lair.
However, the party has a third option, using the
Huntsman’s map from Area 3 and the raft from Area
2, they can navigate down the river to Path Three,
on which will have two encounters before the party
reaches the Scaled Ones’ Lair. For a simple
explanation please view the image below.

Navigating the River

If the party decides to navigate the river as they
approach Path Three, they will come across some
small but turbulent rapids. Have one character steer
the raft and navigate through the rapids. This
character must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival)
check, or the party will hit a rock, breaking the raft
and adding one encounter to Path 3, as the party will
now have further to walk.

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Encounters in the Forest of Manay one pocket the characters can find 2 bundles of
herbs. A DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check would
Dice Roll (1d12) Encounter reveal that these herbs could be used to heal 2d4+2
1 Scaled One Hunting Party hit points. The body also has a silver necklace worth
2 Ambush in the Ruins 5 gold pieces.
3 Fog and Spiders
4 Goblin Camp 2: Ambush in the Ruins
5 Trees Fight Back
6 Will-O’-Wisp To one side of the rough path heaps of
7 Bear Den stones are piled. Looking closer you
8 Druid notice that three crumbling towers are
9 Glowing Mushrooms concealed behind a screen of vine, bush,
10 Crumbling Tower and tree, all of which look to have once
11 Cabin in the Forest been a sturdy bastion. One of the towers
12 Healing Herbs must have collapsed long ago; the debris
spread out far, leaving only a stone
Note to the DM: Encounters 1-7 will likely be circle ten feet tall at the highest
combat encounters, while 8-12 are likely helpful, point. The other towers are in a much
depending on the player’s choices. One option you better state. Stretching forty feet into
have when rolling for these encounters is to reroll if the sky they are connected by a bridge.
the same encounter if it has already been rolled. In the highest tower of the crumbling
Another option is to not have an encounter if the bastion you notice a metallic sparkle
same number is rolled twice and to say that that part coming from it’s highest window.
of the journey was uneventful. If you do not wish to
roll for encounters, I recommend choosing The metallic sparkle comes
encounters 2, 3, 4, 10, and 12 in which ever order from the silver gem inlayed in
you chose. the helm of a Scaled One Chief.
One Scaled One and a Scaled
1: Scaled One Hunting Party One Chief (see Appendix A)
hide in the highest tower and
With a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) a character can
are making a sacrifice to their
hear growls and the scraping of claws coming from
god Mashashtar. They are at
the path ahead. Three Scaled Ones (see Appendix A)
first unaware of the party but if
have picked up the party’s sent and are running full
at any point a character
tilt down the path towards them. The party has half
climbing one of the towers fails
a minute before the Scaled Ones will be upon them.
a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth)
The party would be disadvantaged if an attempt to
check, then the Scaled Ones will
hide was made because the Scaled Ones already
know there are intruders and
have their scent. A character who succeeds a DC 12
will wait to attack until the
Intelligence (Arcana) or (History) check can
party is on the bridge between
identify the Scaled Ones as being a type of changed
the two towers.
Exploring the ruins, a character
After defeating the Scaled Ones further down the
who passes a DC 12
path, the party will find a rotting corpse, a healer or
Intelligence (History) check
someone who succeeds a DC 12 Wisdom
would be able to identify the
(Medicine) check would be able to identify that this
ruins as originating from the
corpse is around two weeks old. This is the body of
ancient human culture which
the Huntsman who according to Alf went missing
lived on the Island of Melanthis
two weeks earlier. His wounds show that he was
thousands of years ago, the
killed by the Scaled Ones.
same people who constructed
the White Walls in Phokea.
Treasure: The body has three knives on it, and a
These people spoke and wrote
broken shortbow can be found a few feet away. In

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in elven. Within the smallest, the most ruined tower, two other Giant Wolf Spiders are hiding in the fog,
a character who knows elvish can find an inscription just far enough away so that the characters cannot
in the stone reading: “They came by sea, but the see them. Alternatively, they could be hidden in the
weapon worked. The sacrifice was too much… there trees, hanging right above the party.
are few of us left”. Note to the DM: This inscription
was made by the ancient people of Melanthis after The fangs of the Giant Spider can be sold to an
the ritual in which an attempted to power the alchemist for 10 gold pieces. After the party defeats
Sunbeam, a powerful weapon, went wrong. the spiders and continue down the path the fog
Although the Sunbeam destroyed the invaders, those around them will slowly begin to fade.
closest to the Sunbeam were changed and turned
into the Scaled Ones. The few survivors split the 4: Goblin Camp
weapon into seven different pieces, hiding them in
various locations across the island. The party will As you continue to walk down the path you
learn more of this in the second adventure. are suddenly hit with the sent of
charcoal and the smell of roasting meat.
Treasure: The silver helm of the Scaled One Chief is In the distance you hear the murmur of
fitted with small hematite gemstones; in total it is voices cutting through the quiet air in a
worth 30 gold pieces. A character who passes a DC language you do not at first recognize. A
12 Intelligence (Investigation) check will be able small way off the path is a camp of some
to search through the rubble and find a small box, sort.
containing Goggles of Night (Basic Rules p.172).
Four Goblins (MM p.166) led by one Goblin Boss
3: Fog and Spiders
(MM p.166) have made a camp by the forest path.
One goblin is on lookout duty and the rest argue
As you journey deeper into the forest a
around a campfire over who can have the best piece
low fog around you slowly begins to rise,
of meat. The party does not have to fight the goblins.
greatly obscuring your vision. Trees now
If they wish they can simply sneak by and continue
appear to pop in and out of the fog.
on their way.
From behind you hear a faint clicking, as
Treasure: The Goblin Boss has a pouch containing
if someone walking with a staff was
thee banded agates worth ten gold pieces each. In
coming your way. Looking back, all you
addition to this he has a note written in common
can see is the fog, growing denser every
tucked away in one of his pockets that reads: “Old
Big Ears took many of the goblins south to raids
those humans, I back at camp with my guard, six
After a few more minutes of walking the
scouts and Grub. When you return, we head further
clicking sound begins to grow and then
south and raids some more. – Buboc”
multiply. From all around you faint
clicks cut through the fog-heavy air.
If the party captures some of the goblins and decide
to question them, they can learn of the precise
Suddenly out from the mist, only a few
location of the Goblin Lair. In addition to this they
feet from you, emerges a massive wolf
can learn that Buboc found a strange staff in one of
spider, its fangs hungrily snapping
the forest’s ruins. After which, he has recently
together, making a faint clicking sound.
turned from the goblin’s chief deity Maglubiyet in
favor of the worship of the demon lord Amhep.
The party’s vision is greatly obscured by the fog. A
character can only make out their surroundings
within 20 feet.

One Giant Spider (MM p. 328) and three Giant Wolf

Spiders (MM p.330) hide in the fog. The party
should only be able to see one of the Giant Wolf
Spiders as combat starts. The Giant Spider and the

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5: Trees Fight Back 6: Will-O’-Wisp

The forest begins to grow particularly You come across a fork in the path. Both
dense as vines cover the path before you. paths bear the faint claw marks of the
One member of your party pulls out a Scaled Ones. However, to the left a dull
sword and begins to slash their way yellow light blinks in and out from
through the dense vines, leading your behind a stand of trees.
party further down the path.
A Will-O’-Wisp (MM p.301) attempts to lure the
A DC 18 Wisdom (Nature) check reveals that one of party down the left path. There is a spike pit
the vines on the path before the party is in reality concealed on the path. A character who passes a DC
the arm of a Twig Blight. If a character does not 15 Wisdom (Perception) check will notice that the
notice this and slashes the vine before them then middle of the path has very few tracks. The spike pit
two Twig Blights, two Needle Blights, and one pit is a 5ft x 5ft square in the center of the path that
Vine Blight (MM p. 32), will attack the party. if stepped on will collapse. The pit is 10ft deep and
characters who fall take 6(1d10) piercing damage
and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw,
taking 11(2d10) poison damage on a failed save and
half that much damage on a successful one. If the
party notices or falls into the spike pit the Will-O’-
Wisp will attack.

If the party choses to steer clear of the left path, then

they will continue on as normal, the Will-O’-Wisp
will not attack.

After defeating the Will-O’-Wisp and making it past

the trap if the party continues down the left path,
they will come cross the skeletal remains of another
party who traveled here long before them. Describe
skeletons as mirrors of the party members. For
example, if you have a dwarf who wears chain mail
and wields a mace in your party make one of the
skeletons that of a dwarf with a rusted coat of chain
mail and a battered old mace. Treasure: Among the
skeletons the party can find 15 gold pieces as well as
a Quiver of Ehlonna (DMG p.189).

Twig Blight

After defeating the Blights, the path will slowly begin

to clear of vines. Treasure: Within the Vine Blight
you find a bronze dagger with an intricate silver
inlay down the spine shaped like two snakes
intertwined with one another. The blade itself is
shaped like a fang and its handle appears as if it is
made from scales. This is a Dagger of Venom (DMG

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7: Bear Den He will then jog over to the party
grasping the hand of the first person in
sight and yelling out, “Welcome to this
The path you have been following takes
forest travelers! It has been a long time
you down a small ravine. Vines hang from
since I have seen some friendly looking
the rocky out cropping’s on either side
folk. Would you care for some
of you and slender trees wind their way
up from the darkness towards daylight.

As you come to the bottom of the ravine Paulus, a druid (MM p.346), has 10 Goodberries,
and begin your assent upwards you notice which restore 1hp each, that he offers to the party.
a cave opening in the rocky wall. From Paulus was sent south by El`Inprilidil of the
the corner of your eye, you make out a Druidic Order of Virildur, an order of Druids based
glimmering bronze helm resting within the around the central forests of Melanthis. El’Inprilidil,
cave. However, as you get closer you hear the leader of his order, sent Paulus to investigate the
a low growl emanating from the mouth of disturbances in this forest. Paulus found out that
the cave. here, as well as elsewhere on the island of Melanthis,
the Scaled Ones have reemerged from their ruined
cities and temples. Paulus makes great haste to
A Cave Bear (MM p. 334 Polar Bear variant) growls
return to his order and spread the news so that the
from inside the cave. The party can choose to simply
druids can mobilize to defend their forests.
pass the cave by, if they wish and the bear will not
pursue them. A character may try and sneak into the 9: Glowing Mushrooms
cave to steal the glimmering helm but must roll a
higher Dexterity (Stealth) check than the Cave The path you have been following begins
Bear’s Wisdom (Perception) check, which is +3 and to lead you into the deepest part of the
has advantage. On the other hand, a character who forest. Large trees spread out their
rolls a DC 18 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check branches high above you, obscuring the
can hold back the bear as another character quickly sunlight and plunging you into near
loots the cave. darkness.

Treasure: The Glimmering bronze helm in the cave As the canopy above you grows denser and
has an inscription written in Elven which reads: the sunlight begins to fade you notice
“Sturdiest of All”. The helm is a Sturdy Helm (See around you many bioluminescent mushrooms.
Appendix B). In addition to the helm there are 10 At first these glowing mushrooms are
gold pieces scattered throughout the cave. small and only give off a dull glow
8: Druid however, as you walk further, they grow
larger and brighter, the largest of which
reach around five-feet tall.
An elderly human man with a long brown
beard, walks down the road with the help
You ask yourself, “What is causing these
of a sturdy staff as he hums a tune to
mushrooms to emit such a powerful glow.”
himself. Three songbirds, one green, one
blue, and one yellow fly around him and
join in with his song. A character who passes a DC 12 Wisdom (Nature)
check would recognize these glowing mushrooms
Seeing the party, the old man stops and are the extremely rare Magiphages, a type of fungus
waves. He looks up to the three birds which feeds upon magical energies of the earth. One
flying around him and says, “Look Magiphage would be very valuable if not for the fact
friends, we have visitors to our forest”. that once they are removed from their source of
The three songbirds fly in tight circles energy, which they feed on, they quickly wither up
and chirp excitedly. and die. Due of the abundance and size of these
Magiphages you would assume that there must be a
powerful source of magic in this part of the forest.

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A character who passes a DC 12 Intelligence they preformed a horrible ritual which went wrong,
(Arcana) check would feel the powerful magical turning many into the Scaled Ones.
energy emanating from these glowing mushrooms
and would know that if they were to siphon off some
of their energy, they could restore some of their own
magic. If the party passes both skill checks allow
them to siphon off some of the magical energy of the
Magiphages, restoring their used spell slots.

If the party choses to look for the magical source,

feeding the Magiphages than passing a DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check the party will notice a
great cluster of the growing mushrooms in the
distance which seem to glow the brightest. If the
party choses to venture closer read the following:

A circle of massive mushrooms, glowing

shades of blue and yellow illuminate the
dark forest around them. As you approach
the circle a bright light suddenly
flashes in the center and a spectral form
of a woman, illuminated by a light-green
glow,rises from the earth.

The spectral women appears to slowly look

over your party, after which she appears
to let out a great sigh. You hear in your
head a gentle, tired yet musical voice
say, “You look a bit like those long
eared green folk or perhaps more like
those scaled clawed beasts, but I sense
you have good in your hearts and do not
wish to destroy my forest as they do. Why
then have you come into my forest, good
hearted ones?”

The spectral woman is The Spirit of the Forest an

ancient being of immense power. If the party has
been respectful to her forest than she will answer
some of their questions in a vague manner. The
Spirit of the Forest is enraged by the goblins living in Spirit of the Forest
her forest. She can explain how they are led by a
hobgoblin necromancer who reanimates her forest’s
creatures. She would also know that the Scaled Ones
have been emerging from their ruined cities and
temples once again. She has felt them preforming
magical rituals which has disrupted the delicate
balance of the forest. If the party is suspicious that
the Scaled Ones were once humans, perhaps after
finding the inscription in 2: Ambush in the Ruins,
and question her about this she will say how
thousands of years ago a great evil, was pushed back
by the humans of Melanthis but in order to do so

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10: Crumbling Tower from the others and that there are faint scorch
marks below the statues of the dragons. The last
To one side of the path is a wide stone on the path leading to the tower’s door is a
perfectly circular clearing, at the pressure plate that if stepped on will cause the two
center of which is a slender travertine dragon statues to spew fire. This fire spreads out
tower. The tower stands tall but is in a from the door in a 30ft cone and each creature in the
poor condition. Many stones, having blast must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity saving
fallen from the tower, litter the grass throw, taking 10 (2d10) damage on a failed save, or
of the clearing. half as much damage on a successful save. The trap
can be avoided by wedging something under the
Ancient stones mark a winding path to the pressure plate, destroying the statues from a
entrance of the tower, a sturdy wooden distance, or by using a successful dispel magic spell
door flanked by two small statues of (DC 13).
dragons in flight.
The second trap is a powerful illusion spell inside
As you get closer it appears that the the tower on the staircases. The party will see one
tower emanates a faint hum of energy that staircase on the west wall with a broken section
faintly rustles the earth below your thirty feet in the air, which requires a small 3ft jump.
feat. After this broken section, the staircase appears to
lead up to a door. In reality the east and west walls
each have a staircases however, the staircase on the
The tower is sixty feet tall and is protected by three west wall only extends 30 ft up, to the broken
magical traps. A character can avoid the traps and section. The upper half of the staircase, on the west
reach the treasure at the top floor by climbing the wall is a powerful illusion. The party can see it but it
tower. However, the tower is extremely brittle and is not actually there, it cannot be walked on.
difficult to climb and requires a DC 12 Dexterity Meanwhile, on the east wall there is a staircase that
(Acrobatics) check for every 15 feet climbed. A is hidden by an invisibility spell. The invisible
character who falls takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage staircase has a broken section 30 ft up, just like the
for every ten feet they fall. western staircase, however the upper portion of the
staircase although invisible is real and would lead
the characters to the door at the top of the room. The
image below can help to explain the trap.

The first trap is at the entrance of the tower. A Upon entering the tower characters who succeed a
character who passes a DC 15 Wisdom DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will feel a
(Perception) check will be able to notice that the powerful magic emanating from the east wall. A
last stone on the path looks out of place, different character who passes a DC 15 Wisdom

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(Perception) check would notice that the upper half passes a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
of the west staircase appears not to have any dust on will notice a flimsy floorboard, under which is a
it. Also, any character simply walking on the east leather pouch containing three Moss Agates worth
side of the room may bump into the invisible 10 gold pieces each.
staircase. If the characters climb the west wall and
attempt to jump to the upper illusionary stair they 12: Healing Herbs
would fall and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and As the characters are walking, they come upon a
realize that the upper half of the west staircase is grove of exotic looking plants of many shapes and
nothing but an illusion. If the characters throw a sizes. Have a character make a Wisdom (Nature)
rope or something else to cross the west wall, they check and with a 1-10 they find useful herbs
will see the item appeal to fall through the floor, equivalent to one Potion of Healing (DMG p.187),
again revealing to them the illusion. Meanwhile, on with a 11-15 they find a rare plant which acts as a
the east staircase, if careful the characters would be Potion of Greater Healing (DMG p.187), with a 15-
able to notice the similar broken section 30 ft up and 20 they find a small circle of interwoven green vines,
would easily be able to use an item to cross the small the size of a ring, which repeatedly move about in a
gap or simply jump. However, if the character is not wave like pattern. This is a Ring of the Forest (see
cautious on the east staircase, they could fall through Appendix B).
the broken section 30 ft up and take 3d6
bludgeoning damage from the fall as well.

The upper room containing a large plain looking

chest can be entered after passing the two traps or
by climbing through the window from the outside.
This room is entirely unadorned and bright light
shines in from the windows, pointing directly at the
plain chest. If the characters did not enter from the
windows, then the chest is trapped. The light shining
from the windows is extremely hot and will deal 1d6
damage to anything within the beam of the light.
This light will burn wood and other flammable
materials but not stone, metal, or the chest. To get to
the chest the party will have to use their creativity to
either block the light from the windows or to pull the
chest out of the light.

Treasure: The chest contains a Robe of Useful Items

(DMG p. 195), a Driftglobe (DMG p. 166), and two
Zircon Gems worth 50 gold pieces each.
11: Cabin in the Woods

A lightly worn path leads off of the main

road to an obscured but quaint wooden
cabin. Covered in vine, grass, and trees
it appears as if part of the forest
itself and looks like a safe place to

This little cabin was built by the huntsman of Manay.

His cabin is stocked with a week’s supply of dried
meat as well as a large store of heavily watered-
down wine. Two unstrung short bows and two
dozen arrows rest on a plain table. A character who

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Goblin Lair
eventually phase out any use he still has of the
goblins. The goblins will not fight Buboc, because
The party will come across the Goblin Lair after two they so greatly fear him, but they will leave the cave
encounters on Path 2. After initially picking up the if a character comes up with a convincing argument
tracks of the goblins they are easy to follow. The and pass a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
party would notice that this path seems to have a
large amount of goblin traffic going both ways.
1: Cave Entrance
The party has the option of convincing the goblins to
turn against their leader. The goblins within the cave You have been following the goblin
greatly fear the Hobgoblin Buboc and only serve him footprints for some time. Eventually, the
because of this great fear. Buboc and his goblin forest path leads you to a cliff face.
followers all used to worship Maglubiyet (Forgotten The wall of stone, dirt, and vine cuts a
Realms Deity). Conflict between Buboc and his jagged line through the forest and its
Goblin followers arose after he found a cursed staff numerous caves cause your footsteps too
called Silence, The Staff of Fallen Souls (see echo out into the distance. As you
Appendix B). After which Buboc abandoned continue walking your path leads you to
Maglubiyet and started to worship the demon lord one of these caves jutting into the cliff
Amhep. With the cursed staff he gained new power face.
and the ability to raise the dead. The goblins still
wish to worship their chief god Maglubiyet but Shrill voices and cackling laughs emanate
Buboc has forced them to construct a temple to from the cave’s entrance. From a
Amhep, deeper in the cave. Buboc is an effective distance, peering into the cave you make
leader, bringing in many spoils from the raids on the out the dancing flames of a crackling
Phokeans, however the goblins believe that because fire and you see small green shapes
of his worship to Amhep and his new undead darting in and out of the light.
minions he has been creating, Buboc could

For a larger, numbered, and Printable Version of this map please see Appendix D

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In his arrogance Buboc has not posted any guards
outside of the goblin lair. Along with this, an odd Treasure: The Goblin Boss Grub wears an
assortment of discarded animal bones lie in a great Adamantine Chain Shirt (DMG p.150). In addition
heap to one side of the cave’s entrance. Buboc has to this 5 gold pieces can be found on the goblins.
been killing creatures of the forest and stitching
together parts of them to create undead 3: Storage Alcove
monstrosities. This pile of bones is some of his
In this small offshoot of the cave two goblins are
discarded experiments.
asleep on sacks of flour, snoring loudly.
2: Goblin Camp One side of this room is filled to the brim with crates
Inside the cave three goblins (MM p.166) and Grub and sacks of rations and supplies. Rope, torches,
(see Appendix A), a Goblin Boss with a particularly shovels, candles, and other simple supplies, clearly
long drooping nose, gorge themselves on rations not made by the goblins, are organized in wooden
stolen from their many raids on the Phokean army. barrels. The other side of the room is empty, with
They all sit around the cave’s only source of light, a the exception of a small shrine decorated with the
large fire, and are very preoccupied eating, joking, symbol of a black battle-axe. Small bones,
and jostling around one another. All of the Goblins presumably offerings are strewn in front of the
with the exception of Grub, who remains somewhat shrine. A character who passes a DC 12 Intelligence
vigilant, would be disadvantaged on a Wisdom (Religion) check would recognize this a shrine to
(Perception) check. the goblin deity Maglubiyet.

In addition to these four goblins two more goblins Treasure: Other than the common supplies in this
are asleep in the nearby storage alcove. If a fight alcove the only other object of any value is an onyx
breaks out, they will wake up and rush into combat. gemstone worth ten gold pieces, which adorns the
small shrine.

4: Shrine

This section of the cave appears to have

been expanded, chiseled out of the soft
stone. The room is largely open space,
and your eye are drawn towards an altar
flanked by two columns. The altar looks
wholly unnatural. It is made up of
swirling jagged patterns of carved stone
shaped like teeth or claws. Floating just
above the center of the unnatural altar
is a dark purple flame, which appears to
not give off any light.

Two Hobgoblins (MM p.168) are in this room. If

they hear a fight break out in area 2 or 3 then one of
the hobgoblins will go into area 5 and open the cell
door, while the other hobgoblin will go into Area 6 to
warn Buboc and prepare for a fight.

A character who passes a DC 12 Intelligence

(Religion) check can identify the deity this altar is
for, the demon lord Amhep. While a character who
passes a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check will
feel magical energy emanating from the purple flame
Goblin Boss Grub floating above the altar.

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If a character approaches the altar than the purple
flame will transform into warped head of a jackal
that will let out a horrible laugh. All characters
within a 30ft cone of the altar must then make a DC
13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure a character
drops whatever they are holding and becomes
frightened for one minute or until they make a
wisdom saving throw. The purple flame can be
destroyed by using a successful dispel magic spell
(DC 13) or by a bless spell.

5: Prison
There are two Zombies (MM p.316) sealed behind
cell doors. These zombies have an assortment of
different body parts from creatures of the forest, and
they were made by Buboc. If the hobgoblins from
area 4 heard a fight break out, then one of them will
have released the zombies and will be in this room
waiting for the party to enter.

Treasure: If the hobgoblin is in this room, then he

will have one Potion of Healing (DMG p.187) on his
body. Nothing else of note is in this room.

6: Buboc’s Quarters

Sitting on a carved stone throne in the

same unnatural swirling jagged pattern as
the altar you say earlier is a lean and
muscular hobgoblin who appears to stare
off into the distance with glassy eyes.

In both hands the hobgoblin leader Buboc

grips a staff, topped by a semicircle of
spikes and a glowing blue orb which is
trailed by a purple flame, which gives The Hobgoblin Necromancer Buboc
off no light.
After defeating Buboc the characters will begin to
hear the whispers of two soft shrill voices speaking
The leader Buboc (see Appendix A) sits on the stone over one another and saying, “Take me”, “I will make
throne. If the hobgoblins in area 4 were alerted, then you powerful” coming from Buboc’s quarterstaff
there will be one hobgoblin in this room. In addition Silence, The Staff of Fallen Souls (see Appendix B).
to this Buboc would have cast the spell mage armor A character who passes a DC 13 Intelligence
using a spell slot, and the spell animate dead using (Arcana) check tell that the staff is clearly cursed
the charge on the quarterstaff Silence, The Staff of and seems to eliminate power from the Abyss. A
Fallen Souls (see Appendix B), and will have character who touches the quarterstaff feels
summoned one Zombie (MM p.316). If the compelled to keep it and feels that it can be useful.
hobgoblins in area 4 were not alerted then Buboc For more information of the effects of the
will be alone in this room and his first action in quarterstaff see Appendix B.
combat will be to cast animate dead using his staff,
summoning a zombie.

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Part V: The Ancient Temple
Having made it through the encounters on Paths 1,2,
or 3 the party will arrive at the Scaled Ones’ lair. If
the party left Phokea in the morning, then it should
now be just a few hours until nightfall.

The forest around you grows denser. Large

trees block out most of the sunlight
above you and long green vines hang down
from twisted branches. As you walk you
see a huge hill down the path before you.

To either side you start to see small and

then large stones strewn about on the
path and the nearby forest. Later,
instead of just stones you start to see
great heaps of rubble and ruined walls
The Staff of Fallen Souls all about the forest. It appears as if a
great city from ages ago was swallowed up
Treasure: Besides the staff in these room there is by nature itself.
also a small hoard or treasure, containing 60 gold
pieces, two Blue Quartzes and two Azurites worth
ten gold each, as well as a Scroll of Protection from With a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
Fiends (DMG p.199). check a character notices that among the ruins it is
eerily quiet, similar to the Village of Manay. Animals
instinctively fear the presence of the Scaled Ones
and have fled the area. A character can also make of
the scuff marks of boots, human sized, on the path,
accompanying the scaled one’s footprints with a
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check. If a
character wishes to identify the ruins and if succeeds
a DC 12 Intelligence (History) check they would
notice that these ruins are strikingly similar in their
construction to the White Walls of Phokea and
therefore must have been constructed by the elven
speaking humans, who lived on Melanthis thousands
of years ago.

As the party walks, the path will begin to widen and

the ruined buildings around them will grow taller as
they approach the hill. The ruined city appears to
have been constructed along two intersecting
straight lines, with well-planned streets.

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of more treasure. However, upon arriving they
argued over how much of a cut each person would
receive. A subsequent fight broke out, leaving one of
the looters dead, while the other three climbed up
the ziggurat in search of more treasure.

The camp at the base of the ziggurat, has three tents

arranged around a campfire. The left tent holds a
great deal of supplies, a couple weeks supply of
rations for a party of four as well as a large amount
of simple equipment, such as rope and torches.

The central tent is completely empty with the

exception of one large locked wooden chest. A
character with thieves’ tools can easily open the
simple lock with a DC 8 Dexterity (Slight of Hand)
If the party did not travel down Path 2 then a check while a character who succeeds a DC 14
character with a successful DC 12 Wisdom Strength (Athletics) check can smash open the
(Survival) check will reveal goblin tracks, heading chest. The chest contains a great horde, 40 gold
south towards the Goblin Lair. pieces and a mix of poor-quality silver jewelry worth
20 gold pieces in total. With a DC 10 Wisdom
Eventually you make it to the base of the (Insight) check a character can infer that this
large hill at the end of the path. A camp treasure was loot taken from the town of Manay.
with three ragged looking tents circled
about a campfire, whose embers still burn The final tent, the one to the right has a dead body.
a faint red, sits at the base of the Pinned to the corpse’s cloak is a silver badge, the
great hill. However, having gotten same Seal of Phokea that was given to the party by
closer, you notice that the hill is not a Solon. A character who succeeds a DC 12
hill at all, but rather a large four- Intelligence (Investigation) check will observe that
sided pyramid or ziggurat. Large white the mortal wound inflicted on this person was from
stones jut out from the earth and vine a stab of a knife to the back. In addition to this the
covering of the massive, multitiered players would be able to make out swirling blue
building. And reverberating from an wave tattoos covering the man’s arms and legs,
opening in the top of the great building identifying him as part of the Sons of the Waves
you hear a shrill repetitive chant. gang, who are an infamous band of thieves,
smugglers, and cutthroats operating out of Phokea.
The large pyramid-like building partially concealed The ziggurat looks quite steep and difficult to climb
by nature is called a ziggurat by the people of due to the mess of dirt and vegetation covering
Melanthis. Stories are told of explores who delve much of it. Luckily for the party a long rope is tied to
deep into ziggurats and awaken sleeping evils, which a hefty looking stone near the top of the ziggurat.
rest inside its ancient walls. A character who Using the rope, the party should easily be able to
succeeds a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check climb their way up to the top.
would have would have read a scroll in the Great
Library of Phokea theorizing that the ziggurat was a The Ritual
center of worship for the ancient inhabitants of
Melanthis. As the party climbs up the side of the ziggurat the
shrill chants grow louder, and they will begin to see
The Camp a faint blue light shing past the rectangular opening
in the top of the building. At the top of the ziggurat a
Note to the DM: The camp at the base of the ziggurat second rope is tied to a large stone and hangs 15 feet
was made by the party previously sent by Solon. down into the entrance room below. If the party
They filled a chest with all the loot they could find in enters the ziggurat read the following:
the town and then traveled into the forest in search

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For a larger and Printable Version of this map please see Appendix D
Dropping down into a large open room you
immediately notice three charred humanoid
corpses but are drawn to look for the
source of the hideous shrill chants,
which are now almost painfully loud.

The source of the noise comes from the

hallway leading out of this room. It is
blocked by a massive wall of blue
swirling energy, behind which a dozen
humanoids, with bony claws and long thin
teeth chant in unison with their
elongated limbs raised to the ceiling.
One of the monsters wears a chain round
his neck, which holds a shining shard of
rock which looks like a piece of orange
obsidian. A man, appearing to be
paralyzed, lays atop a large flat stone
altar in the center of the room. His eyes
dart around in great panic. Behind him
you see stacks of undecorated clay jars
and in the far back you see a boy who
looks to be unconsious or sleeping.

The room you are in is supported by seven

columns. One of which seems to have small
groves carved in it. A large bronze bowl
containing colored glass beads placed

Next to the three charred corpses are

three marble statues of humans which all
wear strange armor. The first statue, a
tall woman holding a sword in one hand
with a billowing cloak at her back, has
orange gemstones for her eyes and she amount of color according to the fingers each statue
holds up five fingers. The second statue holds up. For example, red and yellow make orange.
is of a short man in heavy looking plate So, the party needs to place 5 yellow beads and 5 red
mail who holds up a longbow in one hand. beads in the column, because the orange eyed statue
This statue has purple gemstones as eyes holds up five fingers.
and holds up three fingers. The last
statue is of another well armored man. He As a reminder, the first statue, with orange eyes
has eyes made from a green gemstone and holds up 5 fingers, the second statue with purple
holds a battleaxe in one hand while his eyes holds up 3 fingers and the third statue, with
other hand holds up two fingers. green eyes holds up 2 fingers. To solve the puzzle
the party will need to place 7 yellow beads, 8 red
The party will have to solve a puzzle to disarm the beads, and 5 blue beads into the column to dissipate
magical barrier and stop the ritual. The column next the magical barrier.
to the bronze bowl has twenty slots in it. The bronze
bowl contains glass beads which are yellow, red, and The previous party tried to solve this puzzle as well.
blue and fit into the slots on the column. In order to The party will find random beads scattered around
solve the puzzle, the party needs to place colored the base of the column with the slots in it. While a
beads in the column that, if combined, will create the character who passes a DC 12 Intelligence

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(Investigation) check will notice small circular
openings on the ceiling every five feet, with
corresponding burn marks on the floor. The
previous party failed the puzzle, meeting their doom
by activating a fire trap.

If the party places the incorrect beads in the column

than the fire trap will activate and every character
within the room will have to make a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 fire damage on
a failed save and half that much damage on a
successful save.

If the party is taking a while to solve the puzzle have

a character roll a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check. On a success the character would notice that
the man on the large stone in the center of the room
appears to be shriveling up or shrinking as the ritual If the party was quick in solving the puzzle than in
progresses. If the party is taking an exceptionally the center of the room, on the altar, lies a man, while
long time solving the puzzle have the Scaled Ones Alf’s son Imos is unconsious in the back of the room.
remove the man from the stone altar and start to If the party was not quick in solving the puzzle, then
bring the boy over. The boy is the son of the man the Imos lays on the altar and the man that was there
party most likely met in the village; it is Alf’s son before him is off to one side, looking like nothing
Imos. more than a husk. If the party kills the eight Scaled
Ones than the ritual will be stopped and the person
Optionally, if the party fails the puzzle one time, or if in the center will wake up. However, another way to
they are really struggling to figure out what to do, end the ritual is for the party to pick up or move the
have one player roll a D20 and with a 10+ or another person on the altar, in that case the Scaled Ones still
number of your choosing give them a hint that will performing the ritual would explode/burst, like
help them along. balloons, from the backlash and energy they were
putting into the ritual.
Stopping the Ritual
After the fight, the man who was first on the altar
will be dead, as the ritual progressed too far to save
As the magical barrier dissipates all of
him. Imos will be unconsious, only to awake after the
the clawed monsters shudder. The largest
party makes it out of the forest.
of them, the one wearing the orange shard
on a chain around its neck, shrieks at
Treasure: There are a great deal of ornamental
three others. The four of them charge the
golden objects in this room stylized with intricate
space where the magical barrier once was
natural patters and worth in total 80 gold pieces. In
while the other eight continue their
addition to this the party would find two
harsh shrill chants.
Bloodstones, worth 50 gold pieces each, a Stone of
Good Luck (DMG p. 205), and the Zepher Shield
Three Scaled Ones and a Scaled One Chief (see (see Appendix B). The party should also pick up the
Appendix A) charge the party while eight other orange shard from the Scaled One Chief, which is the
Scaled Ones attempt to continue the ritual. The eight first part of the Sunbeam. If you wish to hand this
Scaled Ones preforming the ritual will ignore the out to the players print out Appendix D, The
party and any attack rolls made against them have Sunbeam, and cut out the piece corresponding to the
advantage. At half health have the Scaled One Chief one labeled number one.
says, “You are all wrong” in Elven, and before his
death says. “He is on his way”, also in Elven.

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In the back of the room there are small clay jars,
three of which are full. These three jars contain a Part VI: Loose Ends and
shimmering gold liquid. A character who succeeds a
DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check feels that the New Threads
gold liquid is magical essence itself. The Scaled Ones As the party exits the ziggurat, they will immediately
captured the few people of Manay with magical notice that the forest once again seems alive. It is no
abilities and through their ritual extracted their longer deathly quiet, as birds sing, frogs croak, and
power from them into a sort of fuel. other animals rustle around in the foliage. There are
no Scaled Ones in the immediate area and the
A character who succeeds a DC 15 Intelligence animals that innately fear them have returned to the
(History) check would recognize the orange shard forest ruins.
as a piece of the Sunbeam. They would know that if
assembled it is a weapon of great but unknown The party is most likely carrying Imos with them,
power and the entire party can feel the shard pulse who remains unconsious unless forcefully woken up.
with magical energy, as if it has a heartbeat. If he wakes up, he is extremely weak. The Scaled
Ones cast an enchantment on him that kept him
paralyzed, but alive. If questioned about what
happened to him, he will remember that he was
taken at night in Manay, carried through the woods
at a quick pace, and that the biggest of the Scaled
Ones screamed in some language he did not know
which caused him to fall asleep. Imos will be
noticeably quiet except for occasionally saying that
he wants to see his dad, Alf, and his sister, Ay.

Leaving the Forest

The party can return to Manay following one of the
three paths through the forest. If the party is very
wounded after stopping the ritual, I recommend
having them only roll for an encounter once (see
part IV) or simply saying that the journey back was
uneventful. Additionally, if the party chose to walk
past an encounter and now wishes to return to the
encounter, they can do so now.

If the party has not stopped at all to rest, then they
will arrive at Manay in the dead of night. A character
who succeeds a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
notices that, like the forest around the ziggurat, it is
no longer silent as it was before. Because the Scaled
Ones are gone the animals are once again making

The party can find Alf and his daughter hiding out in
cellar. Alf will be overjoyed to see his son once again
and with tears of joy going down his face will offer
the party his sword, Giant Slayer Sword (see
Appendix B). Alf will return to Phokea with his
family to seek out his brother in the Eastside
District, who runs a small fishing enterprise. Alf will

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thank the party profusely and will offer to help with a breakoff faction of the Vigilant Flame and
anything they may ever need in the future. murdered the woman. This breakoff faction calls
themselves the Knights of Justice and they seek to
The Road remove all mages from the city of Phokea. Myrine
and Vasillios, were sent by the leader of the Vigilant
The way back to Phokea is relatively uneventful. The
Flame, Diak Left-Handed, who seeks to destroy the
party may come across a few small patrols of
Knights of Justice and atone for their wrong doings,
Phokean soldiers as well as a couple merchant
as the Knights of Justice were once members of
caravans on their way.
Diak’s order.
As the party starts to see the White Walls of Phokea Phokea
in the distance read the following:
When the party arrives at the city of Phokea they
Within sight of the city walls a red find it in a panic. Citizens crowd the streets rushing
cloaked figure hangs from a tree, swaying to stores, buying up food and supplies even at
gently in the wind. A sign hangs from her unreasonable prices. After the party makes it
neck written crudely and reading “witch”. through the White Walls, they will see Verus, Solon’s
half-elf servant pushing his way through the throngs
A man and a woman, wearing wide brimmed of people in the street, making his way towards the
hats with one side pinned up and many party.
pocketed jackets filled with a great
assortment of vials, hold shovels. They Verus will lead to party to Solon’s office, so they may
dig a shallow grave bellow the tree. Next explain how things went and collect their reward. On
to the grave lays two ornamental the way Verus will explain why the city is in a panic.
scabbards, each holding a longsword. The fleet of Phokea’s closest ally, Salsmore, was
ambushed while on patrol by an unknown enemy,
who either damaged or destroyed half of their navy.
Myrrine and Vasillios, two members of the Vigilant
Salsmore’s admiral came to Phokea to meet with the
Flame an order of warrior-alchemists in Phokea,
Tyrant Agies. Agies recently took half of the fleet,
take down the deceased mage and prepare to burry
leading them himself to face the unknown threat
which attacked Salsmore. Rumors run rampant
throughout the city that The Dread Fleet sails for

A character who passes a DC 15 Intelligence

(History) check would know that in old stories The
Dread Fleet carried the armies of the demon lord
The woman branded a witch was a young wizard
Amhep during his invasion of Phokea long ago and
from Phokea’s Mages Guild. A mob was stirred up by

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that it was only though the power of a terrible of great use to not just the party but all of
weapon, the Sunbeam, that they were turned back. Melanthis.
• Lastly, Solon will thank the party once more and
Another Meeting with Solon tell than that he has no doubt that he and the city
When Verus leads the party up to Solon’s office they of Phokea will once again need their help. He says
will find him sitting at a desk, brow furrowed, he will make sure to find the party when that time
looking down at maps and ledger. of need comes.
If the party chooses not to share the fact that they
Solon intently looks down at the maps and found the Sunbeam fragment with Solon then have
ledgers before him. He waves a hand each character roll a DC 10 Intelligence (History)
dismissively, wishing to return to his check. On a success a character would know that
work, believing that it is only Verus who Phokea’s Great Library may have information about
has entered the room. Verus clears his the Sunbeam’s use and the location of the other six
throat and meekly says “Solon sir, the fragments.
adventurers you sent to Manay, they’ve
Looking up from his desk Solon’s stern For having completed their quest the characters
stressed expression is immediately should now have reached level three.
replaced as a warm smile spreads across
his face. Solon gets up from his chair to
shake the hands of each member of the
party, smiling all the while and says
“You may have heard that the city is in a
bit of a panic, I hope that you can bring
us all some sorely needed good news”

Solon will ask the party the following as well as

provide them 75 gold pieces each for completing
their missions:
• Solon will ask if it was the armies of Dimini who
destroyed Manay. He will be shocked to hear that it
is the Scaled Ones who attacked.
• If the party says that the Scaled Ones were
responsible Solon will hesitantly believe the party.
He, like many others, thought the Scaled Ones were
What Next
just the monsters in stories told to scare children. The Song of Amhep continues in the next adventure.
• If the party says how they found Alf and his family In Adventure 2: Forbidden Knowledge the party will
and saved them from the Scaled Ones. Then, Solon to delve into the treacherous and everchanging
will provide the group an additional 150 gold pieces. Great Library of Phokea to find a tome which
• Solon will be greatly troubled by the actions of the explains the use of the Sunbeam and the location of
previous party and will thank Varus for choosing its six other fragments. In addition to this, this
your group of trustworthy and capable adventurers. adventure will have a few side missions, such as to
• If the party talks about or shows Solon the piece of help Alf’s brother retrieve stolen property from local
the Sunbeam, they found in the ziggurat then Solon smugglers, and to choose a side in the conflict
will advise them to meet with the great sage and between the Vigilant Flame and the Knights of Holy
Justice. In addition to this, the second adventure will
leader of Phokea’s Mages guild Mitheras. Mitheras
provide more information about the city of Phokea,
is responsible for protecting Phokea’s Great
its districts, shops, NPCs, and factions, providing a
Library, which may hold information about the
sandbox for your party to explore in this campaign
Sunbeam and its six other fragments that may be
or to insert into your own campaign.

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Appendix A: Monsters Spellcasting. The Scaled One Chief is a 1st-level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
Young Cyclops (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The
Huge giant, chaotic neutral Scaled One Chief has the following wizard spells
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) prepared:
Hit Points 88 (8d12+40)
Speed 40 ft Cantrips (at will): acid splash, dancing lights
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1st level (3 slots): witch bolt, frost fingers, grease
18 9 18 8 6 10
Senses Passive Perception 8 Actions
Languages Giant Poisoned Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) reach 5ft, one creature. Hit: 5(1d4+3) slashing
damage and 2(1d4) poison damage
Multiattack. The cyclops makes two attacks with its
greatclub. Grub, Goblin Boss
Medium humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach Armor Class 17 (adamantine chain shirt, shield)
10ft, one creature. Hit: 17(3d8+4) bludgeoning Hit Points 25 (6d6+4)
damage. Speed 30 ft
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 12 14 12 10 8 10
30/120ft., one target. Hit: 26(4d10+4) bludgeoning Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9
damage. Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Scaled One Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage
Medium humanoid (scaled one), chaotic evil or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 11 (3d8-1) Actions
Speed 35 ft Multiattack. The hobgoblin makes two with its
12 16 8 6 10 6
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 10 Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft,
Languages – one creature. Hit: 6(1d8+1) slashing damage
Challenge ½ (100 XP)
Actions Redirect Attack. What a creature the goblin can see
Poisoned Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, targets it with an attack, the goblin chooses another
reach 5ft, one creature. Hit: 5(1d4+3) slashing goblin within 5 feet of it. The two goblins swap
damage and 2(1d4) poison damage places, and the chosen goblin becomes the target
Scaled One Chief
Medium humanoid (scaled one), chaotic evil
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 22 (6d8-2)
Speed 35 ft
12 16 8 14 12 6
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 10
Languages Elven
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

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Buboc, Hobgoblin Leader
Medium humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 28 (5d8+8)
Speed 30 ft
14 14 12 14 15 10
Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Spellcasting. The Scaled One Chief is a 2nd-level

spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The
Scaled One Chief has the following wizard spells

Cantrips (at will): prestidigitation, true strike,

shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): false life, mage armor,
thunderwave, charm person

Multiattack. The hobgoblin makes two attacks

Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach

5ft, one creature. Hit: 6(1d8+2) bludgeoning

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Appendix B: Items Silence, The Staff of Fallen Souls
Staff, rare (requires attunement), Cursed
Giant Slayer Sword This weapon can be wielded as a magical
Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement) quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and
You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made damage rolls made with it
with this magic weapon.
This quarterstaff has one charge of Animate Dead
When you hit a giant with this weapon, the giant (PHB p.212) per long rest. This quarterstaff before it
takes an extra 3d6 damage of the weapon's type. is attuned will whisper in two distinct soft shrill
voices speaking over one another and saying, “Take
me”, “I will make you powerful”. If a character
Sturdy Helm
touches the quarterstaff, they feel compelled to not
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
let it go. After the staff is attuned, the whispers will
You gain +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while
only be heard by the character welding the
you wear this helm.
quarterstaff, upon which the whispers will tell the
character that they must serve Amhep. The whispers
This bronze helm appears untarnished despite its
will say that only those faithful to Amhep will
great age and appears to slowly mend itself of any
survive his coming wrath. A character who attempts
dents. It has an inscription written in Elven which
to ignore the staff’s whispers must pass a DC 8
reads: “Sturdiest of All”.
Charisma saving throw at a random time of the
DM’s choosing each day or suffer from a short-term
Ring of the Forest madness effect (DMG p.259).
Ring, uncommon
This ring has one charge which recharges each day.
A character with this ring can spend the charge and
use an action to heal a target by 2d6 hit points.

This ring appears to be a small circle of interwoven

green vines which repeatedly move about in a wave
like pattern.

Zepher Shield
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to
your AC. This bonus is addition to the shield’s
normal AC bonus. Also, the character attuned to this
shield may use a bonus action to release a great gust
of wind from this shield which pushes a creature
within 5 ft of the character 15ft away. This ability
has 1d4 charges per day.

This large circular shield is incredibly light and

moves through the air with no resistance.

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Appendix C: Deities
The Goddess Amurru is given a sacrifice by
fisherman and sailors each time they leave
Melanthis’ Shores and is believed to be a kind yet
Deity Alignment Symbol fickle goddess, bringing about storms if she is
slighted but manipulating the tides to help those
Sydyk, Wine and Messengers G Robin
faithful to her.
Amurru, Ocean Storms and Waves CG Dolphin
Amhep, Murder and Sorcery LE Gold Dagger
Mashashtar, Hunger and Gluttony CE Open Maw Priests and initiates to the worship of Amurru are
extremely secretive and do not hold communion in
Sydyk large temples, like other worshipers on Melanthis.
Instead, worshipers of Amurru gather on the beach,
God of Wine and Messengers, Prince of Melanthis, and under the light of the stars, to perform sacrifices and
The Lord of Song give worship to their patron Goddess.

Sydyk, like the other lesser deities of Melanthis, is An Idol of the Goddess Amurru can be found in her
the son of The Earthmother, the goddess who small temple within the city of Phokea but is often
watches over the Moonshae Isles in the Forgotten paraded to the beach before she is worshiped.
Realms. In ages long forgotten The Earthmother had
many children with a now deceased god known as
The Father or The Forgotten One. The Father, who
looked after the Island of Melanthis as the
Earthmother looks after the Moonshae Isles, was
murdered by one of his sons, Amhep.

After the murder of The Father, The Earthmother

gave up her influence over the Island of Melanthis
and left it to her children. Of all her children Sydyk is
the most widely worshiped god on the Island of
Melanthis, with his worship centered around the
City State of Phokea.

Traders as well as grape farmers revere the god

Sydyk. Phokea holds a large cathedral dedicated it
Sydyk on its acropolis, which contains a wooden idol
of the god. Pilgrims throughout the island travel to
see the idol and pray for the god’s blessing.

Goddess of the Ocean Storms and Waves, Queen of
Dolphins, and the Lady of the Sea

Amurru was extremely close to The Father or The

Forgotten One before his murder. Upon his death
she called upon the tides and brought a great storm
to the sea around Melanthis for many years, isolating
it’s people from the rest of the world. This caused
the people of Melanthis to develop a culture unique
from their northern neighbors on the Moonshae
Isles. However, Amurru was eventually urged by
Sydyk to stop the ocean storms after Sydyk
convinced her it was harming the people of

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Amhep their lost golden age. Those humans left on
Melanthis were warped and enslaved by
God of Murder and Magic, The Prince of Darkness, The Mashashtar, being changed into the Scaled Ones. The
Dread Admiral, Lord of The Ten Scaled Ones, like their god, are always hungry and
especially seek out the blood of magic users.
Amhep, the Demon Lord of the 502nd plain of the
abyss, was once a lesser deity and brother of Sydyk With the Island of Melanthis left in ruins Mashashtar
and Amurru. For reasons unknown Amhep turned went into the sea where he has slumbered ever
against The Father, murdering him and attempting since. Upon doing so the Scaled Ones retreated to
to take his place as the chief deity of Melanthis. their temples where they too slumbered for many
However, The Earthmother and other deities years, leaving space for the peoples who now inhabit
wounder Amhep, after which he retreated to the Melanthis.
Abyss to gain power and eventually rose to Demon
lord of the 502nd plain.

In an ago long forgotten Melanthis was invaded by

Amhep, who led his host of fiends, The Ctesians to
the Island. With The Earthmother gone the
remaining deities of Melanthis could do nothing to
push back Amhep’s armies, led by his commanders,
The Soldiers of Ten. The local inhabitants of
Melanthis, elvan speaking humans, were pushed
back to the interior of the island but had one great
weapon, The Sunbeam. The Sunbeam would have
been able to harness the magical abilities of every
magic user on Melanthis and fire a bolt of pure
energy at Amhep but one of Melanthis’ mages, an
agent of Amhep, shattered the Sunbeam as it was
about to fire. Still, the Sunbeam succeeded in
wounding but not killing Amhep who was forced to
return to the abyss with his armies. Due to the
damage Sunbeam being shattered thousands were
killed in the blast and those that were left would be
forever changed. The death of thousands combined
with the excess of magical energy due to the
shattering of the Sunbeam coalesced to form
Mashashtar, the God of Hunger and Gluttony.

Today there are few worshipers of Amhep on the

island of Melanthis, however Amhep continues to
corrupt the vulnerable to make way for his coming
invasion of the island.

God of Hunger and Gluttony, The Leviathan, The Great
Serpent, The Ever-Hungry, Master of the Scaled Ones

Upon his creation, after the shattering of the

Sunbeam, Mashashtar devoured everything in his
path. Taking the form of a great sea serpent
Mashashtar destroyed the civilization inhabiting
Melanthis, who only leave their ruined cities and
walls made of fine white stone as a monument to

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Appendix D: Maps and Images
The Sunbeam with Numbers

The Sunbeam, you may print out this image and cut out the pieces of the Sunbeam, giving them to the players as
handouts when they find each piece.

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Melanthis In Relation to the Moonshae Isles

Manay With Numbers

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Manay Encounters

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The Huntsman’s Map

The Huntsman’s Map Key

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Forest Path Encounters

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Ruin Encounters

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Goblin Lair

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Goblin Lair with Numbers

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The Ziggurat

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Part IV Image – Taken from DMGuild Creator
Credits Resource (Treasure Art) Staff
Cover Image - Taken from DMGuild Creator
Part V Image – Taken from DMGuild Creator
Resource (Eberron Scenes and Symbols)
Resource (Eberron Heroes and Villains Art Pack)
Table of Contents Image - Taken from DMGuild
Creator Resource (Eberron Scenes and Symbols)
Part V Image Stopping the Ritual – Taken from
Forest Explorers
DMGuild Creator Resource (Eberron Heroes and
Villains Art Pack) Scaled Ones
Adventure Setting Image - Taken from DMGuild
Creator Resource (Eberron Scenes and Symbols)
Part VI Image The Road– Taken from DMGuild
Creator Resource (Allies & Enemies Art) Myrrine
Background Information Image– Taken from
Part VI Image Phokea – Taken from DMGuild Creator
DMGuild Creator Resource (Allies & Enemies Art)
Resource (Allies & Enemies Art 2) People
Conclusion Image - Taken from DMGuild Creator
Part II Image Broken Wagon Ambush - – Taken from
Resource (Eberron Scenes and Symbols) Tavern
DMGuild Creator Resource (Allies & Enemies Art 2)
All other images were made by me and the map of
Melanthis was made using the software
Part II Image Goblin Scouts – Taken from DMGuild
Creator Resource (Creatures 1) Goblin

Part III Image – Taken from DMGuild Creator Thanks for reading, hope you and
Resource (Creatures 1) Scaled One your party enjoyed! :)
Part IV Image - Taken from DMGuild Creator
Resource (Eberron Scenes and Symbols) Forest

Part IV Image Forest Ruins Ambush Image - Taken

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
from DMGuild Creator Resource (Eberron Scenes
Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand,
and Symbols) Elven Runes Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon
Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Part IV Image Glowing Mushrooms – Taken from Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
DMGuild Creator Resource (Allies & Enemies Art 2) respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
Spirit of the Forest in the USA and other countries. All characters and their
distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the
Part IV Crumbling Tower Image - Taken from Coast. This material is protected under the copyright
DMGuild Creator Resource (Adventurers) Ranger laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction
in tower or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without the express written
Part IV Trees Fight Back Image - Taken from permission of Wizards of the Coast.
DMGuild Creator Resource (Plant Art) Wood Woad
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707,
Part IV Image Goblin Lair – Taken from DMGuild Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by
Creator Resource (Allies & Enemies Art 2) Grub Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont,
CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Part IV Image Buboc’s Quarters – Taken from Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
DMGuild Creator Resource (Allies & Enemies Art 2)

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