Seagrass Meadows Differentiated Reading Questions HA

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Seagrass Meadows Comprehension

1. What are seagrass meadows?

2. Where are seagrass meadows typically found?

3. Explain why the water in seagrass meadows need to be clear of sediment.

4. Name two different habitats within the seagrass meadow ecosystem.



5. Explain why seagrass meadows are an ideal habitat for nurseries of juvenile fish.

6. Give two reasons why seagrass meadows are important.



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Seagrass Meadows Comprehension Questions

7. Explain how eutrophication affects seagrass meadows.

8. Describe two ways that humans can have a negative impact on seagrass meadow


9. Explain why seagrass meadows can be described as the ocean’s filtration system.

10. Suggest two reasons why seagrass meadows are classed as biodiversity hotspots.


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Seagrass Meadows Comprehension
Questions Answers
1. What are seagrass meadows?
Ecosystems formed by seagrasses growing in shallow waters. They are home to many
organisms such as dugongs, fish and sea snakes.

2. Where are seagrass meadows typically found?

In shallow clear waters in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions.
They can also occur in the Arctic Circle.

3. Explain why the water in seagrass meadows need to be clear of sediment.

Seagrasses rely on the energy from the sun for photosynthesis. If there is too much
sediment in the water this prevents sunlight reaching the seagrasses.

4. Name two different habitats within the seagrass meadow ecosystem.

Any two from:

• surfaces of the seagrass blade
• sediment on the seabed
• water column

5. Explain why seagrass meadows are an ideal habitat for nurseries of juvenile fish.
They provide slow moving waters, plenty of spaces to hide and abundance of food.

6. Give two reasons why seagrass meadows are important.

Any two from:

• they fix atmospheric carbon dioxide
• they produce oxygen
• they have high biodiversity
• they are home to commercially fished species
• they are home to some endangered species
• they provide coastal protection from storms and hurricanes
• they provide protection from rising tides

Allow any other sensible suggestion.

Seagrass Meadows Comprehension Questions Answers

7. Explain how eutrophication affects seagrass meadows.

An influx of nutrients encourages the growth of algae, which block light from reaching
the seagrasses. When the algae die and fall to the bottom of the seabed, they are
decomposed by microorganisms. Decomposers use the oxygen in the water and produce
high levels of carbon dioxide, causing other organisms to die of oxygen starvation.

8. Describe two ways that humans can have a negative impact on seagrass meadow

Any two from:

• they can use harmful fishing techniques
• they can overfish certain species
• they can dredge and remove areas of the seagrass bed
• they can cause an influx of excess nutrients in the water, e.g. high levels of fertiliser
in run-off from the nearby coast

Allow any other sensible suggestion.

9. Explain why seagrass meadows can be described as the ocean’s filtration system.
The seagrasses absorb excess nutrients from the water as well as taking up harmful

10. Suggest two reasons why seagrass meadows are classed as biodiversity hotspots.
Any two from:
• the habitats are homes to many different organisms, including protected species
• there are several different habitat types which offer suitable environments for rare
• many different communities colonise the seabed
• the seagrass meadows are inhabited by different organisms each season and at
different times of the day
Allow any other sensible suggestion.

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