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World Wildlife

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an international organization dedicated to nature

conservation and environmental protection. Headquartered in the United States and operating
in over 100 countries, WWF has become a leading voice in advocating for biodiversity and
global sustainability. Over the past 60 years, the organization has achieved significant
accomplishments in its conservation and environmental protection efforts. It has played a
crucial role in the conservation of iconic species, The organization has worked to safeguard
vital habitats worldwide, this includes efforts to protect diverse ecosystems.


UNICEF works in the world’s most difficult places to protect the rights of all disadvantaged
children and adolescents.In more than 190 countries and territories, UNICEF does what it
takes to help children survive, thrive and reach their potential. According to UNICEF
Webpage nowadays the world faces a crisis in child health and what this NGO does is a
series of campaigns to help all those affected by this problem. Despite notable challenges
around the world, UNICEF staff fight for the rights of all children seeking safe shelter,
nutrition, protection from disaster and conflict, and equality. In order to cover all the required
expenses, UNICEF resorts to donations from both private and public entities.

Conservation International

Conservation International has worked to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature
provides to humanity. By combining work in the field with innovations in science, policy and
finance, they have helped protect more than 6 million square kilometers of land and sea in
more than 70 countries.Conservation International seeks to Protect forests, double the world's
ocean area, and Promote a self-sustaining economy based on conservation in areas of greatest
importance to people and nature.

Group members:
- Alva Ghiggo, Gabriela Lucía
- Rojas Lozano,Melanny Johana
- Sandoval Durand, Brisa Mercedes

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