Solutions Part 1 VATSAL

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Types of Solutions
Asolution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances whose composition can be varied within certain limits.
Depending upon the number of components present in solution, there may be binary, ternary or quaternary solution.
Depending upon the physical states of solute and the solvent., there are nine types of solutions. Among them, three
solutions namely solid in liquid, liquid in liquid and gas in solid are common.
1. Percentage by Mass (w/w):
Mass of solute
Mass percentage of solute = Mass of solution-x100
2. Percentage by Volume :
) Percentage by volume ofa component for a solid dissolved in a liquid (w/v)
Mass of the component in the solution
x 100
Total volume of the solution
(i) Percentage by volume of acomponent for aliquid dissolved in another liquid (u/u)
Volume of the component x100
Total volume of the solution
3. Molarity (M) :
Number of moles of the solute
Molarity (M) =
Volume of solution in litres

Weight in gram of solute 1000
Molecular weight of solute Volume of solution (m)
Molarity of solution changes with temperature.
4. Formality (F): It is used for ionic compounds.
Number of gram formula mass of the solute
Formality (F) =
Volume of solution in litre
It also changes with temperature.
5. Molality (m) :
Number of moles of solute
Molality (m) =
Mass of solvent in kg
It does not change with temperature.
6. Normality (N) :
Number of gram equivalents of solute
Normality (N) Volume of solution in litres
wt. of solute in grams 1000
Equivalent mass of solute Volume of solution (ml)
It changes with temperature.
Relationship between Molarity and Normality :
Normality = Molarity x Basicity of acid or Acidity of base
For oxidising and reducing agents:
Normality = Molarity x Change in oxidation number.
7. Mole fraction (z):
Number of moles of solute (n4)
Mole fraction of solute (XA) Total number of moles in the solution (n,+ng)
Number of moles of solute (n)
Mole fraction of solvent (X) = Total number of moles in the solution (n + ng)

Again xA+XB=1
Mole fraction is independent of temperature.
Relationship between Mole Fraction of Solute and Molality (m):
K x1000
(1-xA)x molecular weight of solvent (M)
Relationship between Mole Fraction and Molarity (M) of Solute :
M= 1000dXA
where d= density of solution in g cm
M= Molecular mass of solvent
M, = Molecular mass of solute
Relationship between Molarity and Molality :
Mx 1000
m =
(1000d) -(mxM)
The density of the solution (d) is in g/cm.

Intensive and Extensive Properties

The properties independent of the quantity of matter present in the system are known as intensive properties. For
example, Temperature, density, specific heat, viscosity, concentration, surface tension etc.
The properties which depend upon the quantity of matter present in the system are known as extensive properties. For
example, Mass, volume, entropy, free energy etc.
Vapour Pressure and Raoult's Law
The pressure exerted by the vapour molecules at the surface of the liquid at equilibrium (rate of evaporation is equal to
the rate of condensation) at a particular temperature is called the vapour pressure of that particular liquid. The vapour
pressure ofa liquid depends upon the nature of theliquid and temperature.
On addition of a non-volatile solute to avolatile solvent, the vapour pressure of the solution gets lowered. The diference
in the vapour pressure of pure solvent (P) and the solution (P) is called lowering ofvapour pressure (AP), ie., AP =PP -P.
Raoult's Law for Solutions Containing
(A) Volatile Liquids (or Solutes) : For a solution of volatile liquids, the vapour pressure of a component at a given
temperature is equalto the product of mole fraction (x), of that component in the solution and the vapour pressure (P")
of that component in the pure state.
i.e, p=Px
If the solution consists of two volatile components Aand B, the vapour pressure of the resulting solution will be the sum
of their partial pressures.
Non-ideal Salutions Ideal
Interaction than or,
Non-idealA the straight
Relationship As or, or, Two (iv) (i) (ii)examples solutions
solution similar change of Apressure Now, As B) 1.his 0r
solution solution A Some
) wi l solution
molecules P temperatures the
that and Chlorobenzene liquids Ethyl Benzene
n-hexane be
fo r Non-volatile law
line structures no in solute
exhibited is is P cannot
can enthalpyy of a is
forcesSolutions Mole bromide
A volume is solution
t he applicable
said said when are said
of between and + +behave is
to th e fraction toluene
n-heptane be solution non-volatile,
lower to constant B
exhibit Pis + formed and
change onand to Solutes
bycomponents be form + as be containing
Raoult's pressure
Partial plotted Bromobenzene Ethyl concentrations.
mixing only
than Showing non-ideal composition
in idealidentical ideal at
gas P=(1-xB)at P= P=PAt ideal
positive PA+ PB chloride
practically on a : for
the particular (Pg-P) solutions. mixing, th e ifparticular its
law. phase= against solutions. completely
interact tw o
it non-volatile vapourdiscussed
ifit in follows
Positive intermolecular
or does of XA XB i.e.,
liquid pressure
Partial Moletemperature, butcomponents, For temperature
B pressure
Total solution or According AHmix ideal Raoult's above,
with not +PÅ PBXB several XA
Ps= miscible
Bmolecular XB solute, P-PÙxAP(1-XA)
Pç= Ps= P_=
pairs from
Deviations onefollow fraction
solutions, P;-Ps (P) PåLA from
another and law P liquids.
showing Raoult's [As to solutionsforces. asi.e., is the
Raoult's composition in the Raoult's the under equal Raoult' +
gas X AVmi x Raoult' s wil P s
interaction above +Xg= components there be ZB
law with phase A to
positive from or
perfect =0 all equal law
law. P=PÅ law, very the
when different equation 1] conditions
and will law
For x mole to
forces. Raoult's Total of dilute there be can zero,
deviation at
non-ideal the A
+ ideal have
any Påx8 no fraction be
forces. pressure vapour is therefore,
composition, of stated
from LawNon-ideal the Vapour pressure (p) of
common solutions, 1.1.
above type th e as,
Raoult's The =1
solute. "the
its solutions the =
examples AVi mx diagram fraction Mole(z) constantTemp. lowering
vapour solution : SOLUTIONS
have c PAt PB P
0 and for Pg
are:pressure ar e and =PA
A of represented ideal
Bmolecular twoAHmiy
is soiution =0
XA =1
higher types # vapour 3
: as as
Non-ideal becausepoints
Thus, after solution For (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Azeotropic is
escaping to Whentwthoe
more vapour (iii) (ii)
(iii)x (ii) Thus, less
In(iv) (iii) (ii)
Azeotropic In The
Therecomposition case ) Cyclohexane Acetone
the Acetone CarbonWater
azeotropic )) Chloroform
Chloroform WaterWater than Amix AHmix Protal PA> mixing forthem. of
solutions AHmix= PtotalPa<PA for than of pressure the such above is VATSAL
are tendency >XA non-ideal
PÀ more +
non-ideal chloroform negative =+ = tetrachloride
two that + +the + XA solutions force +
+ Ethanol
mixtures or
- Hydrochloric A
components types Carbon Ethanol
like Nitric Ve VePåt and than
typesmixtures, of Vve of + + -A of of +
a Pp<PB
+ the of BenzeneAcetone acid deviations th e solutions
X8 Pg Ethanol
pure solutions and of
that disulphide
PB pureeither and PB > attraction are ISC
ofare B-solution Negative
Showing PXB solutions,of +
formed theliquid B XB A relatively pure Benzene
components. acetone of v acid B showing
mole Boiling showing the molecules from and
are for among
fraction liquid B components. the
mixtures: called mixture, Raoult's any are
positive lower
non-ideal component vapour
liquids negative CI-C-H molecules compositionmixed
forces of
azeotropic Consequently, than
their Cl CI hydrogen
deviation, pressureIn
solutions Deviations
ofFor those
which deviation, other
components becomes attraction. the
H-bond such is molecules of
or less
boil the bonding partial purewords, of
showingconstant cases,
at boiling less. Few than the Class
vapour from components the
constant the that decreases resulting
their Therefore,among examples boiling
either point forces XII
expected Raoult'
pressure s
liquid CH3 CH3
positivemixtures. of their
the the are of
phase interaction
molecules Fig.
Vapour pressure
solution vapour as from of
or follows Law 1.2.
negative are Vapour Pressure Raoult's Xg
0 YA
and The
equal =1
XA pressure
increases. between component 1
Fig. takes : p-
distil Mole(z) Temp.
deviations to 1.3.
law, diagrarn fraction
negative constant
Temp. place
that withoutdeviation of Athe constant
The fraction
Mole the and
of as for
p-x solutions well
from their resulting due B positive
change diagram to
vapour as
which deviation Xe
Raoult's are the DO
for solution
in =0
XA =1Xg total
phase. their the are said
The "Thewhere Or, 1S IfsuchWhen inawhere the If hydrocarbons
the the 3.etc.gases, This intempei
same CO2, 1.The soluble TheGases canwhich boiling For oint. com/
| in and show (i) be This lowershow: The are those whic (i)
pressure, partial m' Effect liquidEffect Nature molarity dor.
proportional we solution, solvent solubility existe alsoi exan the Ma tj N
use is can HCI, solubili diss n
c k inimum
nown h
KH a the their bo ommonS of
also in egative
mole case,large Kis iple,OSItion.
ximum until iePpe than an
the of is is of NE
o or of 10t ils boiling or th e
the at Pre so an organic nce olve azeotropic as
Kycalled the mas: a lb e emperature rature T l3the f ty mole Gases be at azeotroplc thatof more
lower pressu fra
oportionality "tl
constant. nu p1 oi lubility exothe:rmic etC, ofa of 108.6°C HCI the example
minimum Boiling
wil to constant
n s ssure:
fa in
separated from deviations
p0int Boiling
ction mber
1e of understood Gas aquatic liquids and 1lhey
I res the mass gas arnd are fraction. gassolvents concentration pure volatile
is be the in
the of partial of of inTheincreases highly and in (381.6K).water are is
Azeotropic composition Azeotropic
for deviations
atm, the of gas a pressure a Liquids th e mIXture
ethanol boiling
solubility th e gases temperature process. :The life to this
law each dissolved solubility liquid SolventGas + thliquid
e known from
bar gas gas by like in form form highest.
pressure soluble. type ingas are with solubility Solvent ethanol,lakes, one This Raoult's cannot
of azeotropes. from
orthe is applying due depends homogeneous another
a as
dissolved mep studied Mixtures alcohol at is Mixtures:
of k dissolved
directly is to maximum
boiling maximum At
the vapour solution of in is increase of Again rivers the Raoult' and s
directly a gases chemical Gases : this bex(H,0)
gas It Thus, th e unit Le-Chatelier's of on ether, law (100°C).
separated mixture and
by a composition reaches the
phase gas in increases gas oxygen, the etc., temperature
completely. and
These : =
clear Henry's as or, volume Henry's in like benzene boiling boiling 0.056 boiling law This
a 1 over a proportional temperature decreases
similarity nature solutions. is of
liquid. a given hydrogen, for to and type
from is measure nitrogen due azeotropic from ethanol
directly the Solution one 95%. and
law of law. with azeotrope azeotropes of at of
The the or,
proportional liquid, m=Kp the principle. of etc. to the th e
or, solution."
with the dissolution Almost is intermediate After y(CHeOH) one azeotropic a
may increase It between The higher and certain
proportional of solvent states
to especially and
oxygen, gas, solution
also its Henry's the increase solubility at mixtures anotherthat water.
solubility, But Heat CO,
temperature all
equation of pressure
and that the
than the because composition,
Ky be of nitrogen
are the it = at
p=X=K' p to law in of that
also completely
becomes As that
stated its pressure.
p "the infew composition composition, are 0.944
increases ingasmuch oxygengases shown
to partial is is non-aqueous temperature and of of they boils definite
the then th e mass cases formed
that as: applicable of etc., gas pure at
the the more and are
mole "mole pressure Quantitatively in gas have at an by a in their are
withhigher pressure gas of as solvent.dissolve pressure. liquid soluble water constant azeotrope.temperature
composition formed
a exception soluble of x(H,0) a th e by
fraction fraction ingas the vapour
solvents because composition those figure,
increase the to equilibrium of can and vapour
each dissolved in air in temperature by
of the in water =
value of
be in HCI. 0.889 non-ideal distillation those
ofthat of gas the like ethanolwater ofthe pressures
of the like th e expressed water. This pressure 78°C wil
the gas them boiling
temperature. ofgas in pereffect hydrogen dissolution to to and
having a non-ideal
Ky gas equilibrium with alcohols, different type
in than small gases
Some are (351 minimum. are
at the in separately inthe the
unit of x(HCI) withoutsolutions because point
a the pressureon of is higher
particular in
extent in azeotrope the K)
solution." solution mixture." solution." volume acetone, and
water terms which
diagram solutions
of extents. = changelowest 5
with inert a 0.111 which it They than
and gas but can
of at of is
Limitations of Henry's Law
This law is valid only if :
() Pressure of the gas is not too high.
(ii) The gas is only sparingly soluble.
(ii) The temperature is not too high.
(iv) Gas does not react chemically with the solvent.
(V) Gas does not dissociate or associate in the solvent.

Applications of Henry's Law

1. To increase the solubility of CO, in soft drinks, soda water etc., the bottles are sealed under high pressure . When the
bottle is opened in air, the pressure inside the bottle decreases and the CO, comes out with a fizz sound.
2. Decompression sickness called "bends' is related to this law. When a sea-diver comes to the surface too quickBy,
nitrogen and oxygen that have dissolved in his/her blood at high pressure are suddenly released in the forn of bubbles
in the blood vessels causing extreme pain. To avoid this, the tanks used by divers are filled with air diluted with helium
(11.7% helium, 56.2% nitrogen, 32.1% oxygen) because helium is less soluble than nitrogen in blood. Morer Tver because
of small size of helium atoms (unlike nitrogen molecules), they can pass through cell walls without damagi ng them. The
excess oxygen dissolved in the blood is used in metabolism and the condition of bends does not arise.
3. At high altitudes, the partial pressure of oxygen is less than at the ground level. As aresult, there is alow concentration
of oxygen in the blood and tissues of the people living there. As a result, they feelweak and are unable t Tthink known
as 'anoxia'.

The properties of very dilute solutions which depend upon the number of particles of solute in solution t vut not upon the
nature of solute particles in solution, are called colligative properties.
There are four colligative properties:
) Relative lowering of vapour pressure
(i1) Elevation in boiling point
(ii) Depression in freezing point
(iv) Osmotic pressure
(6) Relative Lowering of Vapour Pressure
We know that the vapour pressure of a volatile solvent gets lowered after addition of non-volatile sol ute to it. If P° is the
vapour pressure of pure solvent and P, represents the vapour pressure of the solution, we have, lowe ring of V.P. =po- Ps
p°- Ps
and relative lowering of V.P. po
According to Raoult's law,
p°- Ps = Xsolute
Determination of molecular mass of solute from lowering of vapour pressure :
As we know, po- P; = Xsolute or,
po po

where n, = number of moles of solute and n, = number of moles of solvent

p°- Ps
Or, po W1 + W2
If the solution is very dilute, i.e., less than 5%, the approximate formula is used. In such cases
p° - Ps
nË+ n n1 or,

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