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Mendels law of inhcritance

Monohybrid and dihybrid crosS cxp. Icad to

formulation of Mendci'slaw

La) Law of seqreqation:

During production of qamctcs, 1copics of cach
hereditary factor segrcqatc so Offspring acquirc
Allcle pairs segregate during gamct formn and
r write duringfcrtilisn

Lb)Law of Dominancz
Hybrid offsp ring i l l only inherit thc dominant
+rait in hc phenotypc Thc alIcles supp.resscd
arc calICd that determinc trait dominant

Cc Indepcndcnt ASSortmcnt -
Pair of +rait segrcgates indcperidcntly _of _another
pair during gamCte formn As individual
hcredity factors assor+ independcntly diff.
traits qet Lqual opportunity to oCCur toqethcr
(2 Recessivencss and Dorminance

Diff. gene vers ion -allclcs.AlIelCs arc

dominant or recessivcSincc human cclls carruy
2 LopicS of cach chramosorMe +they havc 2
versionS of Cach gen
Dorminant alleles show c£fcct eYen
individval has only Copy of allclc.

Tf both dominant codominancc Here both1

arL expresscd cqually
cg Bl00d group AB
RCCLSsive alleles -if individval has 2 c0pics
o f allcle.
Lg Allcle for blug eycS -reicssive chencc
yOU ncLd to have 2 copicsD

B b
B BB Bb B Bb Bb
Bb bbb b bb bb

B dorminant brown
b reLessivcb l u c
BB b rown
Bb b.rOwn

3GCnc mapping
I+ describes mCthods vSCd to idcntify locUs
of genc and dist. bin gencs. Lo cating spcc.
4cn to particvlar rcgion of chromosome
and de+ermining locn of rel. dist

Locus in genctics is fixcd poSition on chromo

somc likc posn of gen. Each chromosomc
Larrics many gcncs. Human's cstimatcd protcin
coding gencs ar 14000 -20000 on 23 diff.
chromo some

Variant 0f similar pNA SLq. lo cated at givcn

locuS- alleleOrdcrcd loci list is gcnc map
I+'s proLtss of determining loCUS forparticvlar
blo. trait.

I ' s donc by collectinq samplcs of Llood or

tisSUe from family carryin4 promincnt discas
or trait Traitsarc isolatcd and exarmincd
Any scq. featurc +nat can bc faithfully distin:
quishcd from 2 parents Can b VSed as
c n c t i c markcr REpresnted by-tralts that

Lan b faithfully dis+ingvished bln 2 pareats.


It'spre- rcq. to undLrstand funct 0f human

Helpsanalysing nettrogenity and scgrcg
of qenetic disCast
HClps develop genc therapy mthods.

C4)Ca) Allcle

ForMs of samc qcnc with small diff. in Seq.

o f DNA bas Tney contri. 40 pérson's uniquc
fAturees Each of 2 or more attrnatiVC forms
o f gc that _arise by mu+n art found a t
Samplace on chro or diff. alHcrnativC_forms
of gen


Oraanisms full hercditary info, genctlC comp.

Lan'+ b SCen
I+ is dctermincd by makcup of sormctning_callcd.
Allclesaword +hat refcrs to form of enc
producing diff fLcts
It's iMfo_containcd within 2 allcles Gcnctype
is4cnCtiC make up_of oraanism..
Lg 4 , hair- colour
m e
C) Phcnoty pe

Charac. like colo vr, size , form, strUCture

L . tal, short. I+ is _what yoV SLL.
I t i s expression of gcnc info which is obscr
vable witn scnses. I+ can be determincd by
siMplc simplo bscrv n.
cg hair colovr.

s ypcs of allclc gcnc int<ractions.

GeL intLraction
IwO or more gencs affectinq cxprc sion of
cach otmcr in many ways in_dev 0f singlc
char Of organism.

Las Incomplct dominancz
Dom. allclc may not complCtzly sUpprcss
otherallcle. In mirabilus jalops cross bln
pure bred red and whitc flowered plants.
ycild pink.

it. intermcdiate f 2 parcnts

Ird: 2 pink Lwhit

Cb) Co - domi nancc

Here b0th_alClcs of geneCXpresS +hcMse
vLS Lqvally in fi hybrids.
Phcnotypes Of both parents appcar in fi-
hybrid rathcr than imMcdiate

L Singic genC disordcrs

laustd by DNA Changes in part. gene and
hav prcdictable inheritance pattcrns
over 10000 nvman disorders ar cavscd
bymv+" in singlc gene Tnis
i s sinqle
geni disorder


LaDominant discasls
OCLUr inhcterozygous State - whcn an indiv
has on mutant copyof rcleyant gcnnc
Effect S of mutual vcrsion oVLrridd hcaty
Version So mutant alleles cavSL discaSC.
c4 huntington's disLase

CbRLLLssivc discasL
0CLur in homozy g0VS stat. henindiv. carrics
2 mtant versions of rclevant gcnc.
EffLcts of healthy allcle can compcnsatc for
effectS 0f mutant allcle
RiSk of an indiy. having rLcssiVC disorder
in whcn 2 peopl who arc closcly rclatcd
hav child toqethier.
C x- linked disordLr:
Single gcnc: that results froM prcsence of
mVtated gcn on x- chro.
BCOZ females havc 2 copics LxX),_malzs
Lxy) more common i n males
I f x_in male is mutdted, h has no healt
hy Copy to rcstore.
Inheritanie patterms of x_are simplificd by
fact tnat malls always pass hcir X to
+ncir daughter but nLver to their form

Mosis MHosis

Onc ccll division.

RCSVIts in 2 daughter Lclis
Davg. cclls- gcnerally identicalL
Occurs in all organ. CXept CxcCpt virySCS


2 SUCLcssivc ccll div.

daug ccllsdaug. cells genztically _die
OcCUr in animals, fung .
Ty pc of carbohydrate Polymer made of
manosac cMains joincd byglycosidic

Convcntion _polysac consist of morc than

1o mano Sac. units wnile oligosa. consist
of 310 linkLd monosaL

Polysac may be lincar or branchcd

Lincar polysaL Can forrm rigid polymcrs
cg: treC cellulosc.


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