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PARAM DALAL 70022000 122

a1]Write a note on human cye arnd its defects
and their correction.

Human eye is an organ which enablLS US

to sec. Somc important parts of human ey

Outer white reqion is Called sclera.

Transparent portion of Lyc is cornca.
Circular, thin Structurt made of musclcs
is iris
Par+ loCated at centrc is pupil which allo ws
light to enter.
Biconvcx, transparent structure for rcfrac-
tion of light is lcns
Light sensitivC tissvc Scnding siqnals is
+hc retna.
Optical nervc sends clectric impulscs from


Myopia short sightedness

Distant objccts are not visible clearly

WLaring concavC lenseS Corrects thc

Far objccts cearly visible.
Difficulty in sccing nearby obje cts

Wcar glasses with convcx lens

Clouding of lens which rcsults in prevent
on of torMing of sharp image.

Surgcry artificial lcns

Prcs byopia
Naturally ocCuring dcfect +hat coMts with
old ag

Wear bifocal lens.

Light rays that entcr +hc eye arcn't
foCUSCd on retina.

Wcar spcCial spherical cylindrical lens.

a2] Comparc camcra and human cyeon the
basic of biological knowIedge USed for its
Thc hurman cye ca pturcs imagus just likc
camera docs:

Ci) CorneaLens
BotM cornca and lens havc a sphcrical
apcrturc. and both allow the cameral cyc
to vicw as wcll as providt an incrcased
ficld of view bcca vsC of thci curve.

ciid Iris -Apcrture

Both iris and apcrturc allow a ccrtain
amount of lignt to enter +hc cyc. Tney
change sizt in accordanCC to light

Cii FocUS Camera

Eye and camera both can focus at a
SpCcific objcct and blu surroundings JuSt
lik camera with largc s LOpe yc can focus
on large imag.

Civ Rctina - Film

RCtina sits back and collcc+s light, jvs+
like how film capturcs image clicked
from camcra.

a41 Short notC on relation b/n_scienccand

Scicnce is knowing and enginccring is
applying. Scicnce is all about understand
ing thc conccpt on othcr hand cng. is
app of +hat knowlcdge.


Aircrafts are built on basic knowlcdae

of how birds fly.
SONARis bascd on how dolphins hunt.

Radar wasbuilt on basic knowlcdge o

Chemists Icarned ncw materials propcrty and
discovcrcd manu ncw elements

a] IMportanc Of biology

Biology 1S basic Study ofliving bcings and

thcir vital procesSes

Ci Biology allows VS to understand nature

Study of diff. plants and aniMals hclps US
understand diff actions SUch as reproduction1
Bioloqy has bencfits to humans.
I+ has bénefits like it +ells abovt crops,
ho they shovld be raiscd, for bes+ harycS+
pOSsibl. It also tells about Iivcstock.

Mcdicinc is bascd 11/ on biology as it is

impossible to makc mcdicine for discasc
withoUt understanding 1t

Biology and hvman body.

Constant _changes arc bcing made inside
Our body. Sevcral processcs like brcathing
respiration et. can'+ bc Cxplaincd wlo

a51 Application of Bioloqy

Some imp. applicn arc -

ciHcalthcare biological itcms aid in making

Medicincs hey contain several
plant bas cd ingrcdients.

Cii) Transportation -biology assists Us in Mak-

ing caUIpment such as

wooden_boats tyres ctc.

Ciid Fucls- fos sil fucls have biological origins.

iv) Buildings- many homes arc built _with

plants, w0od, baMboo et.

vClothing cotton provides Materials lik

and lincar, polyester ctc. all are
Textiles biologically obtaincd.
vi) Bcavty and. biology helps US undLr
Personalcare stand skin rcq. 0f body

a6] Explain wit some cgs. how obs. of 1gthc

ed to Major discoveries.

History of biologu i s very vast biological

schcmes cmcrgcd frorm tradition of mcd.
and natvral nistory rcacting back to
ayurvedic, ancicnt caypt.

During carlumodern period biological

hougnt _was revolutioriised in Europ..

i VesalivS and Harvey USCd experim and

careful obscrvation
Lii Cinncaus and Bvffan beganto classify
divcrsity and rccord +hem.
Arntonie van revcaled by mcans of micros-
Copc laying grournd work for ceI| thcory.

a1] Furnd a mental imMp. of Brawnion motionref

+o obS. of Robert Brown
Brawnion Motion is random motion of
particles in fluid due to thcir collisions
with othcr atoms or molceules.

Ro bert Brown observed pollen grains

moving randomly in water.

Initial imp. of +his thcory was hat it

SUpporS modern atoMic +hcory

a] Origin of+hcrmodynamics:

In 1841, hc sgid onc Of oriq. statrMcnts

of consern of energy. which turned ovt
to b 1st version of 1St law of thcrmo.

HC prcScntcd valve in num.+CrmsMCchan

ical cqui of +hat.
He was St to dSCUSS Vital ccm. proccsses
as primary sovrccs of cncrgy for any
Jiving rcature.

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