B205 Param Dalal Eob Asmt 4

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B 205

PARAMDALAL 10022000122


Typs of proteins
Ihey arc clongatcd.
lheyare static in naturc with simplc structure
Less have biological fvncn

Simple cg: keratin, elastin, coilagc

Fibrov Scleroprotcin or albuminoids
Iney make animal sktlkton
and are water insoluble.

Conjvgatcd Lg pigment presknt in

FibrouS chickcn feather
They arc sphcrical or globular in shape
Axial ratio is always lcss than jo.
Havc varicty of biological funca
g: nzymes hormones ctc
Homoglobular Composcd ot amino allds onls
cg albumin, histinc ctc

Complcx protein which are linkcd by non protcin1

4o bccomc funcn so +hcy arc conMpos cd
of protcin and non- protcin
I+ is prosthcti group.
Lg chromoprotcin.

Derived --
Incy are derivatives of eithicr simplL or
Complex protcinresvlting from action of
hiat and cnzymcs.
Artificially produLed protein are also in
+this groOup

It is a proLcss whcre glucosc is brokcn_down
into 2 molcLules of_psrumic acid.-
It oLCvrs in cytoplasm in 2 phascS

Preparatory phaSC
GlucosC is ph0sphorylated twice by USing2
ATP moleules and a Molcculc_of frvctos.
I+ is then
clcavLd into 2 molcculcs of glycer
aldchydc -3phosphatc and dihydraxy atctonc
phosphate Incse 2_molcculcs arc 3-L Larbohy--
dratesand arC isomcrs of cach other

Dihydroxy aetonc phosphate is isomeriscd to

Lclass lime
2nd MolccvIC of glycer. 3- phos
2 molcLUICs of qlyter - 3 1iSformed.

Payoff Phasc
I n this both molecules arL convrtcd to 2
molccule.s of 1,3-biphoglyceratc by oxidn and
phosphorylation. Hcnce, phos phorylatlon is
b0Vght by inorganicphosphate ins+cad of ATP.
Both Molccules of 1,3- biphos p are convcrtcd
into pyrimit acid thouah a serics of reacn
aLcompanicd dith release of cncrgy

(3) (UIture mcdia

I is a specal Mcdivm uscd inmicrobiological

grow diff. kinds_of micro - orgnGrowth of
CUlturc MLdia is compoScd of diff. nutricnts
that are Lssential for microbial grooh.
La)PrCServation cultvrL Mcdia
It 1cts micro- orgn grow safcly in ensured cnvir
onment that has all imp. nutricnts arnd to
proteCt thcm against any environmcntal damaqe.
Cb)Enrichment cultvre Media
It is liquid medivm which allows Micro-or to
muItiply and has cssential nUtricnts req for it
Sclcctiv CUturemedia
Special type of media +hat allows growth of
certain mic. orgn while inhibit growth of

Vscd for diff b/n_ bacteria by Usin ana
identification_marker for SpE.cifiL mic -or.
e)Gcncral purposz
I+ has muItiple c£fect It can bé usLd as
selective diff. mcdia.

(AStructur ofProte ins -

Large, Lomplex molculcs +hat play many

critical roles in bodyThcy do moSt ork
in ells and arc req for strvzturL funcn
and reguln of body


I+ bind to spccific forcign particlcs like virvs
+0 pro+eLt bodu
Lg immuno globin.
hcy carry allof 1000 'S_of chcm. rns in cells.
They also assist with forrmn of new MolcculcS
by rcading gcnetic info.
Lg phcnylalinc hydrocylase

C Messenger
Somc hor moncS, transit signals to coordinate
biological proccsS blw diff. cell tissuLs and
growth horrMoneeS

Tncy providt structurc and component support
for cells. On a large scale +hCy also allow he
body to Move
Lg Actin

Le Transport
Tntse protein bind and carry _atomsand smal
molczulLs within dlls and throughout body.
eg: ferritin_

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