AITT Assignment-1

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Department of Artificial Intelligence

Assignment Submission Details

AY-2023- 24

Subject: CORE /Open Elective / Discipline Elective / SOC

Subject Code: 20CAI108

Subject Name: AI TOOLS, Techniques and Applications

Name of the Student B.Meghana

Roll. No. 22691A3191

Year /Sec II – CAI – B Sec

Assignment No. I // II

Marks( **Max 5 Mark)

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1. The TIV Telephone company provides long-distance
telephone services in an area. According to the
company’s records, the average length of all long-
distance calls placed through this company in 2009
was 12.44 minutes. The company’s management
wanted to check if the mean length of the current
long-distance calls is different from 12.44 minutes. A
sample of 150 such calls placed through this company
produced a mean length of 13.71 minutes. The
standard deviation of all such calls is 2.65 minutes.
Using the 2% significance level, can you conclude that
the mean length of all current long-distance calls is
different from 12.44 minutes?

A. We can play out a speculation test utilizing the given

information model to decide if the ongoing normal of all
significant distance calls is not quite the same as 12.44 minutes.

1.Null Speculation (H0): The ongoing typical span of all

significant distance calls is 12.44 minutes.

2.Alternative theory (H1):The current normal term of all

significant distance calls is 12.44 minutes.


• Test mean( x )=13.71 minutes

• Populace mean(μ)=12.44minutes

• Populace istandard deviation (σ)=2.65 iminute

• Test isize(n)=150

• Importance ilevel(α)=0.02

Presently ilets icalculate ithe it-measurement I:

t= i(x ̅-iμ)÷(σ/√n)


t i≈ i1.27/0.216


Presently we want to find the basic t-esteem from the t-

dispersion table

Since it is a two-followed test and the importance level is 0.02,

the basic t-values will be i±t_(α/2). Df around i±2.626.

Since |t|=5.88 > 2.626 so we reject invalid theory H_0

Hence, at the 2% degree of importance , we have adequate

proof to reason that the mean length of throughout the entire
current distance calls is not quite the same as 12.44 minutes.

2. Cluster the following eight points (with (x, y)

representing locations) into three clusters using K-
means algorithm.
A1(2, 10), A2(2, 5), A3(8, 4), A4(5, 8), A5(7, 5), A6(6,
4), A7(1, 2), A8(4, 9)
A. To Bunch Focuses Utilizing K-Means Calculation With
Arbitrary Centroids:

• Start three group centroids haphazardly.

• Assign each highlight its nearest centroid.

• Recompute centroids by finding the typical point per


• Rehash the past two stages until arriving at intermingling

where centroids settle.

Beginning Centroid Positions:

1. Centroid 1: ( 2, 5)

2. Centroid 2: ( 8, 4)

3. Centroid 3: ( 1, 2)

Focuses Dissemination In view of Centroids:

• Group 1: A1(2, 10), A2(2, 5), A7(1, 2)

• Group 2: A3(8, 4), A5(7, 5), A6(6, 4)

• Bunch 3: A4(5, 8), A8(4, 9)

Refreshed Centroid Positions:

1. New Centroid 1: ( 5/3, 17/3) i≈ (1.67, 5.67)

2. New Centroid 2: ( 7, 13/3) i≈ (7, 4.33)

3. New Centroid 3: ( 9/2, 17/2) i≈ (4.5, 8.5)

Reassignment of focuses to Closest Centroids:

• Bunch 1: A1(2, 10), A2(2, 5), A7(1, 2)

• Bunch 2: A3(8, 4), A5(7, 5), A6(6, 4)

• Group 3: A4(5, 8), A8(4, 9)

Combination is accomplished as centroids stay unaltered.

Last grouping results:

1. Group 1: A1(2, 10), A2(2, 5), A7(1, 2)

2. Bunch 2: A3(8, 4), A5(7, 5), A6(6, 4)

3. Group 3: A4(5, 8), A8(4, 9)

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