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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 177 (2006) 228–232

Forming process of valve drop forging with three cavities

A. Gontarz ∗
Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland

The analysis of the forming process of drop forging of a valve on a three-slide forging press (TSFP) is presented. The forging process by means
of TSFP can be realized in two ways, which differ in the sequence of the movement of the forming tools. Theoretical analysis based on the FEM
simulation and experimental research were made using lead as the workpiece material. A comparison of selected parameters of the two processes
was made, these include: stress state index, work done by tools during forming and distribution of strain in drop forging. Moreover, the geometries
of the drop forgings were also compared in characteristic phases for both processes obtained from calculation and experiment. On the basis of
these results, both variants were evaluated. The advantages of the forging process of a body valve forging on TSFP, in comparison to the forging
method with flash on a hammer press, are also given.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Valve drop forging; Three-slide forging press; FEM simulation

1. Introduction flash forging method and from limiting machining. This leads
to favorable fibers composition in forging (fiber continuity is
The most widely used method of forming of a valve drop minimally disturbed).
forging is die forging with flash. The main operations include: Taking into consideration the possibilities of forming with
cutting of rod shape charge with circular section, heating, forging three slides and applying of segment dies, valve drop forging
in contour impression, flash cutting, repeated heating, forging in was designed of shape and dimensions shown in Fig. 2. The
forming impression and repeated flash cutting [1]. This process forging process of such a valve drop forging can be realized
is time consuming and is characterized by large material loss. In in two variants, which differ in terms of the sequence of slide
order to improve material effects die forging in a double system movement. The first is based on forming with a vertical slide at
can be used [2]. the beginning, and later with a horizontal slide (Fig. 3a). In the
The forging process of valve drop forging on TSFP (Fig. 1) second variant, at the beginning the horizontal slides move, and
has many advantages in comparison with traditional methods of later a vertical one (Fig. 3b). These require a difference in the
forging with flash [5]. These advantages include: way that the charge is placed. In the first variant, the charge of
rod shape with circular section is put vertically, in the second
- Lower material consumption due to flash absence and possi- variant it is put horizontally.
bility of forming three cavities (in the forging process with
flash on hummer material consumption is at about 63% big-
2. Theoretical analysis
- Forming of drop forging on the press by one working cycle,
The initial phase of research on the forming process con-
there is no necessity of preform forming.
sisted of numerical simulation by means of finite element
- Considerable decrease of the presence of machining in order
method. In calculations commercial software MSC.SuperForm
to make holes in forging.
was used. It is designed for mechanical or thermo-mechanical
simulation of metal forming processes, which take place in flat,
Moreover, it can be supposed that valve drop forging formed
axi-symmetrical or three-dimensional (3D) state of strain. The
on TSFP has better mechanical qualities resulting from non-
remeshing option was used in all simulations. The finite element
size was decreased in the area where the material underwent
∗ Tel.: +48 815381245; fax: +48 815381241. deformity. Calculations were made for lead assuming a 3D state
E-mail address: of strain. For describing the material behaviour, the equation

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Gontarz / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 177 (2006) 228–232 229

- Young modulus, E = 18,000 MPa;

- Poisson coefficient, ν = 0.42;
- density, ρ = 10,340 kg/m3 .

The process simulations allowed for an analysis of the mate-

rial flow kinematics, distributions of deformation parameters in
forging, i.e. values of strain, strain rate, stresses and process force
parameters. In order to maintain technological safety of the pro-
cess in terms of a loss of the deformed material coherence, a
stress state index k was determined and defined as:
k= (2)
where σ m is the mean stress and σ HMH is the equivalent stress
according to Huber–Mises–Hencky hypothesis.
The index k is an important parameter informing about the
possibility of cracks [4]. It is assumed that when k > 0, the value
of stress state index becomes larger, then the possibility of cracks
becomes greater. Hence, the value of this index allows for deter-
mining the process technological safety with regard to fracture.
Fig. 1. Three-slide forging press.
In order to verify the obtained theoretical solutions, experi-
mental research were made of a lead forging on the TSFP. Both
theoretical and experimental results confirmed the possibility
below was used: of forming a valve drop forging in TSFP according to both the
σ̄ = 24.8027ε̄˙
(1) assumed variants.

where σ̄ is the flow stress and ε̄˙ is the strain rate. 3. Forming of valve drop forging by means of variant I
The Coulomb model was used to describe friction condi-
tions for the pair: lead–tool steel, applying a friction coefficient The comparison of theoretical and experimental geometry
µ = 0.20, obtained in an upsetting test of a ring billet without of the formed drop forging at the chosen stages of the process
lubrication [3]. realized according to the variant I is presented in Fig. 4. It can
Other parameters include: be noticed that there is the rightness of forging shape obtained

Fig. 2. Shape and dimensions of valve drop forging formed in TSFP.

230 A. Gontarz / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 177 (2006) 228–232

Fig. 3. Schema of forming of valve drop forging according to variant I (a) and variant II (b); 1 – horizontal slide of hexagonal section, 2 – horizontal slide of circular
section, 3 – vertical slide, 4 – formed material, 5 – segment die, 6 – mounting.

in experiment and in simulations. In the figure are also indicated index k are still positive. These are the areas where at this stage
areas in which stress state index k has positive values. of the process the greatest possibility of a crack exists. At the end
At the initial stage of forming with vertical slide, value of of the process in the material, the state of three-axial squeezing
stress state index is negative. Undesirable state of stress appears dominates and the stress state index has negative values in the
only when the material is squeezed on sides. On the extreme whole drop forging.
free surfaces of the squeezed material, tensile stresses start to
dominate and stress state index reaches the values up to value 4. Forming of valve drop forging by means of variant II
1 (Fig. 4). Hence, these are areas where exists the danger of
cracks. State of stress in these areas changes when the pressure The comparison of the theoretical and experimental results
from horizontal slides appear. Stress state index in the area of of the geometry of the drop forging at the chosen stages of the
tool–material contact is negative. However, on the horizontal process is presented in Fig. 5. The distribution of values of the
free surfaces of material filling the horizontal flanges values of stress state index calculated by means of FEM is discussed in the

Fig. 4. Geometry of valve drop forging formed according to variant I at the chosen stages of process shown in figure: (a) experimental results; (b) simulation results;
(c) enlargement of areas where stress state index has positive values.
A. Gontarz / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 177 (2006) 228–232 231

Fig. 5. Geometry of valve drop forging formed according to variant II at the chosen stages of process shown in figure: (a) experimental results; (b) simulation results;
(c) enlargement of areas where stress state index has positive values.

areas in which it reaches positive values. The calculation results Calculations of external forces work allow for comparison
showed that forging according to this variant was possible. This of energy consumption in both variants. The total work done in
was also confirmed by experimental research. The good agree- variant I is 792 J, which is 1.78 times greater than the work in the
ment between experiments and theoretical results was obtained. variant II, which is equal 444 J. This is connected with the way
This is shown in the comparison of the forging shapes at various of material deformation. In variant I, the vertical slide movement
stages of the process (Fig. 5). caused the side squeezing of large material volumes, while in
On the basis of the values of the stress state index, it can be variant II the volume of the material squeezed in the upper part
stated that the place where exists the greatest danger of fracture of the tool is considerably lower. In consequence, larger values
is the material free surface squeezed in the upper part of the of strain are obtained in the variant I. These values reach up to
impression (at the first stage of forging). However, it should be 6. In variant II, maximal values of strain are not bigger than 4.5,
noticed that the stress state index reaches values of up to 0.8, which is presented in Fig. 6.
lower than in variant I. Due to the fact that in variant I, larger material volumes obtain
larger strain values than in variant II, the work of plastic defor-
5. Comparison of both variants of forging process mation is also larger. This justifies greater total work by tools
in the process according to the variant I in comparison to work
The research results showed that both variants allow for done in the variant II. Considering distributions of stress state
making the valve drop forging of the correct shape, without over- index values (Figs. 4 and 5), it can be stated that in both variants
lapping, with correctly filled edges and corners. Various ways there are areas where this index has positive values, and where
of realising these processes leads to differences between them. the danger of fracture exists. In the variant I, the undesirable
Because of that, it is necessary to compare some technological state of stress appears in two areas of material squeezed in the
aspects. forging side parts. The variant II is more favorable because pos-

Fig. 6. Comparison of strain distributions in valve drop forging formed according to: (a) variant I; (b) variant II.
232 A. Gontarz / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 177 (2006) 228–232

itive stress state index values are obtained in only one area of consumption of the variant II, this variant should be applied as
material squeezed in the vertical part of impression. Moreover, a way of forming of the valve drop forging on TSFP.
in variant II positive values of stress state index are lower than
in variant I. Acknowledgment
It should be also stated that the position of charge in the vari-
ant II is more stable. The charge lies freely in the impression—its The author would like to acknowledge financial support from
position is repeated each time. In the variant I, the vertical posi- The State Committee for Scientific Research, Poland, grant no.
tion of charge with large slenderness ratio based on spherical 3 T08A 024 026.
surface does not guarantee stability. Because of that, buckling
appears in the initial stage of deformation and non-symmetrical References
flow, which may lead to obtaining faulty products.
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