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MSc Management

Programme MSc Management with Project Management

Business Project
Module name

Schedule Term

Student Reference Number (SRN)

"Navigating Challenges and Charting a Course for

Report/Assignment Title
Sustainable Growth: A Consultancy Report on Nike"

Date of Submission
(Please attach the confirmation of any
extension received)

Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my
original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements
of BPP School of Business and Technology.
The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is 5000words.
Student Reference Number: Date:

By submitting this coursework you agree to all rules and regulations of BPP regarding assessments
and awards for programmes. Please note, submission is your declaration you are fit to sit.
BPP University reserves the right to use all submitted work for educational purposes and mayrequest
that work be published for a wider audience.
BPP School of Business and Technology

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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ..................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Challenges/Problems Google is Facing .............................................. 3-4
3. Purpose of the Report ............................................................................ 4
4. Stakeholder Analysis ........................................................................... 5-7
5. Evaluation and Analysis with Secondary Data .................................. 7-12
6. Recommendations / Solutions ......................................................... 12-15
7. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...…….15
8. References ...................................................................................... 16-17

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Executive Summary
Executive summaries condense consultant reports to highlight key findings,
recommendations, and ideas. This section summarizes the issues, report goal,
stakeholder impacts, and critical review conclusions. The Executive Summary begins
with an assessment of Nike's current situation and then examines its challenges, focusing
on global economic and social-political factors. This research highlights supply chain
interruptions, market saturation, and changing customer tastes as affecting Nike's
strategic positioning and operational success. A consultant's perspective is used in this
study to aid Nike's management navigate the unstable business climate. After that, the
Executive Summary describes the report's main objectives and purpose. Our extensive
investigation of Nike's issues emphasizes the significance of strategic decision-making
and forward-thinking to overcome the identified obstacles. When the report's aim is clear,
stakeholders can understand the consultancy engagement and expected results.
All Nike stakeholders and how the study would affect them are included in the exegesis.
Internal stakeholders like owners and employees support operational efficiency and
bottom-line strategies. Nike is reducing its environmental effect for society, workers, and
the earth. Communities, suppliers, and consumers may celebrate. The Executive
Summary outlines the report's findings and their various consequences, highlighting how
strategic decisions will influence Nike's stakeholders.
The Executive Summary provides a concise summary of the findings of the critical review,
which are founded on solid empirical research and thorough theoretical frameworks.
Through the use of secondary data and academic research, this study investigates the
challenges and opportunities facing Nike. This document provides stakeholders with a
comprehensive analysis of Nike's strategic trajectory, which enables them to make
decisions that are grounded in facts and theoretically sound. Patterns, trends, and
correlations that are significant are revealed through analysis. Through the utilization of
the Executive Summary's comprehensive recommendations, Nike may be able to
capitalize on new possibilities and triumph over new challenges. During the course of the
study, recommendations for long-term solutions will be made, including digital innovation,
participation of stakeholders, sustainable integration, and market diversification. In the
Executive Summary, the broad goals of the research are highlighted, as well as the ways
in which the suggested efforts could assist Nike in flourishing and surviving. There is a
condensed overview of the consultant's report that is provided in the Executive overview.
Given the current complex nature of the corporate environment, the Executive Summary
is utilized by Nike's stakeholders. The issues, causes, affected parties, critical evaluation
results, and potential solutions are some of the topics that are discussed in the report.

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1. Introduction
The consultation report begins with background information and Nike issues to set the
stage for the investigation. Consultancy study background is available. It supports the
consultant project and Nike's need to fix issues. This section usually summarizes Nike's
history, industry position, and primary operations. The socioeconomic setting in which
Nike operates comprises regulations, trends, and market dynamics (Park, et al., 2010).
Placing the consultancy report within these greater constraints helps readers understand
Nike's operational context and the intervention's rationale. The next section, "Current
Issues in Nike," details Nike's issues. These may include strategy, operations, and
environmental issues. Nike may face supply chain issues, growing competition, changing
client tastes, or sustainability issues. The analysis shows that Nike must address these
issues to maintain its market dominance (Childs, et al., 2018).
Following the part on current issues, the format of the report organizes all of the
succeeding sections and themes in a sequential fashion. In most cases, a report summary
will provide an overview of the components and organization of the study. There is a
possibility that the recommendations, secondary data analysis, and stakeholder analysis
that were derived from the study will be made available. In addition to this, it provides the
report with a logical framework that the readers can follow in order to acquire a deeper
comprehension of the facts and concepts that are offered. The purpose of this part is to
provide an outline of the structure of the study so that readers can better comprehend
and navigate it. Before moving on to the analysis and discussion, it is strongly
recommended that you read the introduction that is included in the consultant report. The
purpose of this section is to provide context for the consultant project, a summary of the
existing concerns, and the format of the report in order to prepare for a more in-depth
assessment of Nike's challenges and potential solutions (Sichol, et al., 2019).

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2. Challenges/Problems Google is facing

Identification of Issues Connected to Current Affairs:
Nike confronts significant operational challenges due to the interconnectedness of its
current troubles with bigger socioeconomic shifts. Nike's supply chain has struggled with
geopolitical conflicts and trade issues. Since Nike has global production facilities, trade
rules and political ties between states affect its sourcing, production, and distribution. Nike
has suffered manufacturing delays, site closures, and logistical bottlenecks due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, affecting operating expenses, inventory management, and
production deadlines. Environmental sustainability is becoming Nike's main priority. Nike
must adopt more environmentally friendly corporate practices to satisfy society and
comply with laws. This includes reducing carbon emissions, improving waste
management, and educating consumers about ethical sourcing. It would damage its
brand and long-term competitiveness in today's environmentally conscious market, where
customers value sustainability more than ever (Rim, et al., 2022).
Nike must also battle changing client tastes and rapid digital disruption. To stay current
in trend, Nike invents new products, marketing strategies, and distribution methods.
Customer demand for athleisure clothes, environmental practices, and unique shopping
experiences is rising. Social media influencers and e-commerce platforms changed retail.
Nike maintains market supremacy by improving consumer engagement with digital
marketing and omnichannel retail. Other issues that could damage Nike's reputation
include labor policies, DEI, and corporate governance. Nike's credibility has been
tarnished by labor exploitation, workplace discrimination, and shareholder action over
governance issues. Nike must improve stakeholder engagement, transparency, and
accountability across its operations and supply chain to address these concerns and
defend its brand and growth prospects (Kim, et al., 2020).

Examination of Problems from Consultant's Perspectives:

Working as a Nike consultant requires considering the company's difficulties from the
perspectives of its stakeholders, the industry, and its strategic imperatives. The experts
will outline all potential supply chain threats to Nike, including political, trade, and labor
issues. Consultants can improve operational agility and reduce external shocks by
assessing supply chain robustness and risk mitigation. This could help Nike. Nike's
sustainability programmes must also meet all legislation, standards, and stakeholder
expectations, according to the consultants. Specialists can help Nike integrate
sustainability into its supply chain management and core business operations by
identifying the most significant areas for change via materiality evaluations, life cycle
studies, and stakeholder interactions.

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The experts must also assess Nike's digital transformation's impact on sales, consumer
engagement, and brand loyalty. Nike may engage data analytics, AI, and digital marketing
expertise to improve its digital marketing, serve individual customers, and enter new
online marketplaces. The experts evaluate Nike's corporate governance systems and
offer ways to improve the board's performance, accountability, and openness.
Consultants evaluate boards, interact with stakeholders, and study governance to
uncover areas of poor governance and enhance diversity, ethics, and long-term value.
Nike has many issues that require thorough solutions. Consultants' understanding of
current events and realistic advice may help Nike withstand the storm and thrive post-
pandemic (Obolenska, et al., 2019).

3. Purpose of the Report

Justification of Report's Focus:
This study seeks long-term Nike solutions. Nike's long-term survival, competitive edge,
and sustainable development despite market shifts are emphasized in the essay.
This report ranks Nike's main concerns, from environmental issues and supply chain
disruptions to shifting customer preferences and reputational risks. This article will
analyze how these issues may affect Nike's business, brand, and stakeholders. The
secondary goal is to examine how these concerns effect socioeconomic trends,
geopolitics, and legislation (Deegan, et al., 2010). Nike's concerns are contextualized in
current events to discover systemic risks and strategic decision-making opportunities.
The report examines Nike's strategy and operations improvements to address these
problems. The research examines Nike's supply chain resilience, sustainability, digital
transformation, and corporate governance structure to drive strategic realignment and
focused initiatives. Finding inefficiencies, gaps, and misalignments is the purpose. Nike
requires data to weather the storm, minimize losses, maximize gains, and prepare for
success. The research analyzes and advises Nike on how to succeed in today's fast-
paced corporate world. This sustains firm growth, benefiting everyone (Bowers, et al.,

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4. Stakeholder Analysis
Identification of Internal and External Stakeholders:
A complete stakeholder analysis must identify and comprehend Nike stakeholders in its
decisions, activities, and consequences. Nike reduces risk, improves stakeholder
connections, and creates long-term value by listening (Riddle, et al., 2013).
Internal Stakeholders:
1) Employees: Nike employees contribute from varied backgrounds. They enhance
management, product development, marketing, production, and sales. CEOs and
production workers boost Nike's creativity, operations, and reputation. Operations,
product quality, and customer satisfaction depend on position, enthusiasm, and
skill. Happy and connected employees affect organizational culture, performance,
and work satisfaction. Nike management prioritizes people, diversity, and a
pleasant workplace.
2) Management and Leadership: The CEO, CFO, and senior executives set Nike's
strategy, make important decisions, and evaluate performance. Leadership's
handling of complex issues impacts Nike's economics, strategy, and sustainability.
Nike leadership may encourage trust, innovation, and organizational change
through transparency, responsibility, and teamwork. Employees, investors, and
partners must collaborate on strategy.
3) Shareholders and Investors: Success for Nike helps savings accounts and major
institutions. Trust in Nike's leadership, finances, and growth impacts its stock,
market, and funding. Nike leaders prioritize openness, value creation, and
profitability. Nike's reputation, shareholder value, and capital market position can
improve through information releases, shareholder concerns, and investor
engagement (Lee, et al., 2020).
External Stakeholders:
1) Customers: Nike sells to athletes, sports fans, and fashionistas. Their thoughts,
passion, and money influence Nike's marketing, product positioning, and strategy.
To retain customers and increase revenue, understand their preferences, meet
their expectations, and offer value. Beyond that, Nike can differentiate itself and
increase income by building true relationships, using digital technologies well, and
providing excellent customer service.
2) Suppliers: Nike has a global production, raw material, and customer supply chain.
These vendors provide Nike's supply chain with inexpensive, eco-friendly, high-
quality goods. Labor practices, supply chain transparency, and risk affect Nike's

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efficiency, reputation, and sustainability. Suppliers, risks, and brands benefit from
responsible supply chain management.
3) Communities and NGOs: Nike shops impact NGOs, advocacy groups, and
communities. Nike's PR, CSR, and stakeholder engagement focus on
environment, worker, and community development. Nike may build trust,
reputation, and stakeholder value by supporting local communities, funding local
projects, and addressing social and environmental challenges. By working with
NGOs, local groups, and positive change advocates, Nike can boost its social
licence, promote sustainable development, and form enduring relationships with
key stakeholders (Kornum, et al., 2017).

Impact of Current Issues on Stakeholders:

Nike's concerns affect stakeholders' interests, well-being, and company image.
1) Employees: Supply chain interruptions, sustainability challenges, and reputational
threats affect all Nike employees. Supply chain instability can cause layoffs,
reduced hours, and industrial closures. Sustainability scandals and unjust labor
practices may hurt morale, cooperation, and output. If global production is immoral,
Nike employees may lose motivation.
2) Management and Leadership: Nike's leadership must maintain stakeholder trust
throughout setbacks. Leaders manage supply chain disruptions, sustainability, and
reputational risk. Nike's resilience, competitiveness, and sustainability come from
balancing urgent needs with strategic ambitions. Nike must be transparent,
accountable, and agile to react to changing market conditions, government
regulations, and stakeholder expectations to remain a global leader.
3) Shareholders and Investors: Supply chain issues, sustainability issues, and
market volatility hurt Nike's stock and finances. Stock price fluctuations may reduce
investor trust, requiring divestiture. Investors may doubt Nike's leadership and
growth if company has sustainability or governance difficulties. Transparency,
financial stability, and investor participation rebuild confidence and value.
4) Customers: Truthfulness, quality, and social responsibility impact Nike's sales
and loyalty. Sustainability or labor issues could hurt Nike sales. Socially
responsible brands may appeal to supplier chain and product quality concerns.
Open communication, complaint resolution, and brand promises keep customers.
5) Suppliers: Nike suppliers face labor issues, supply chain disruptions, and
regulatory changes. Supply chain delays can delay payments, limit orders, or
terminate contracts for financially struggling suppliers. Environmental and labor
restrictions may burden Nike's infrastructure, training, and compliance resources.

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Collaboration, support, and incentives for sustainable practices improve supply

chain stability and supplier resilience.
6) Communities and NGOs: Communities and NGOs urge Nike to disclose its social
and environmental impacts. Nike may under pressure to address operating area
environmental degradation, labor rights abuses, and community development. If
these concerns are not addressed, Nike may lose its social license to operate and
stakeholder trust, leading to unfavorable headlines, regulatory investigations, or
boycotts. Build relationships and value by supporting communities, local projects,
and sustainability (Lucchini, et al., 2019).

5. Evaluation and Analysis with Secondary Data

Collection and Analysis of Secondary Data:
Collection of Secondary Data:
Nike researchers actively seek, acquire, and synthesise relevant data, research results,
and industry reports during secondary data analysis. This stage is essential to
understanding Nike's issues and future aspirations. Secondary data includes public
information, firm filings, financial records, scholarly articles, and consumer behavior
research. Researchers use several methods to identify secondary data sources to
achieve a broad and complete study. Keyword searches are often utilized during
gathering. Nike's research focuses on supply chain management, sustainability,
consumer behavior, and market trends, thus researchers employ keywords. These
searches leverage web databases, academic journals, and business periodicals to
identify relevant articles, studies, and research. Researchers can utilize Boolean
operators and advanced search filters to identify reputable sources.
During collection, database searches are essential. PubMed, JSTOR, Euromonitor, and
Statista offer secondary data about Nike's concerns and goals. These sources provide
scholarly studies, market reports, and industry evaluations to help academics
comprehend Nike's operations and competition (Stevenson, et al., 2018).
Literature reviews are crucial throughout gathering. Nike finds pertinent studies,
theoretical frameworks, and findings by reviewing the literature. Reading relevant
literature helps researchers understand Nike's difficulties and strategic goals' theoretical
foundations and practical realities. A literature review to identify gaps in the literature
helps researchers narrow their study and create more relevant research topics.
When collecting data, researchers evaluate secondary sources for reliability, correctness,
and application. We verify the writers' credibility, research completeness, and data
timeliness to ensure the analysis is accurate. Double-checking secondary data sources
boosts researcher credibility and objectivity.

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Analysis of Secondary Data:

Nike researchers synthesise and assess secondary data to determine the company's
potential and hazards. This section analyzes secondary data using quantitative and
qualitative methodologies to gain insights. Statistical analysis is common among
researchers. Academics use trend, correlation, and regression analysis to uncover
patterns and relationships in secondary data. Researchers can calculate association
strength, discover patterns, and determine statistical significance using statistical
analysis. Statistics can support academic conclusions and suggestions.
Content analysis is one of many study methods employed at this stage. Researchers
often use content analysis to analyze secondary source materials. Examples include
scientific writings, market research, and internal corporate documentation. Coding and
classification reveal patterns, themes, and concepts in textual material in content
analysis. Researchers can better comprehend Nike's difficulties and future goals by
comparing and contrasting data.
Thematic coding is applied throughout analysis. Thematic coding helps scholars identify
important secondary sources. Thematic coding classifies data segments using thematic
concepts to reveal patterns and themes. Researchers can find insightful answers by
theme coding Nike's complicated difficulties and strategic goals. Researchers can use
charts, graphs, and diagrams to explain their findings. Researchers can simplify difficult
data for stakeholders and decision-makers via data visualization, which can help spread
discoveries. Academics can utilize data visualization to get insights from secondary
sources and make better strategic judgments by showing patterns, trends, outliers, and

Application of Theoretical Frameworks:

Analyzing Nike's difficulties and developing a long-term plan requires theory. These
frameworks help academics comprehend Nike's business operations, market trends, and
stakeholder relationships. They can foresee these things more accurately. Strategic
management, corporate social responsibility, consumer behavior, and supply chain
management can help academics understand Nike's difficulties.
Porter's Five Forces Framework:
Every researcher studying industry competition needs Michael Porter's Five Forces
model. Nike's competitive landscape can be analyzed methodically utilizing this
paradigm. Supplier negotiating power—their ability to influence supply terms—is the first
factor. Nike's raw material suppliers, particularly shoe sole rubber and garment textile
manufacturers, may have significant bargaining power due to their specialization or
scarcity. Nike's input costs may grow, lowering profits. Second, buyers' bargaining power
affects product quality and price. Nike offers a huge selection of shoes and apparel for

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businesses and people. If they can find comparable or cheaper goods, this may help them
bargain (Boldt, et al., 2016).
Third, consider new market entries or competitors. Newcomers to the athletic apparel
industry face many challenges. Economy of scale, consumer loyalty to existing brands,
and large marketing spending are needed to launch a successful brand. E-commerce and
direct-to-consumer channels loosen these limits, making new competitors more
dangerous. Threat of replacements, the fourth force, evaluates product availability to
meet similar needs. Nike may compete with other sportswear brands or even unrelated
industries. Nike's pricing strength and market dominance are threatened by competitors
that offer similar products at lower prices without losing quality or style.
Finally, competitive rivalry measures industry participants' ruthlessness. Nike competes
with Under Armour, Adidas, and other established and emerging brands. To attract
customers, companies may use price wars and constant promotion.
Applying Porter's Five Forces model to Nike's competitive environment helps identify
opportunities, threats, and solutions. Understanding competitive dynamics can help Nike
strengthen its supplier relationships, product diversification, and market position.

Stakeholder Theory:
Academics interested in Nike's stakeholders and how to rank their interests, expectations,
and impacts can use stakeholder theory. According to this concept, Nike must serve its
numerous stakeholders—workers, consumers, suppliers, communities, and investors.
Nike's stakeholders can be studied using stakeholder theory to examine trustworthiness,

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timeliness, and power disparity. Stakeholder theory helps analyze Nike's ecosystem's
stakeholder influences and relevance. Large investors and suppliers may influence Nike's
strategy and operations. Nike's factory communities and other stakeholders have
legitimately complained about the company's actions and consequences. Researchers
can also use stakeholder theory to rank urgency by stakeholder group. Consider that
communities may value social and environmental responsibility more than investors. Nike
should tailor stakeholder engagement techniques to each stakeholder group's goals. It
will help them address each group's issues (Ma, et al., 2022).
Nike may use stakeholder theory to engage factory communities. This effort may improve
community empowerment, occupational safety, and environmental protection. Nike may
build trust, credibility, and mutually beneficial connections with stakeholders by actively
listening to their comments. Nike can achieve long-term prosperity and meaningful social
impact by adapting its business methods to stakeholder needs. This helps the company
benefit everyone.

Sustainability Frameworks:
Sustainability frameworks can improve Nike's CSR, bottom line, and environmental
impact research. The triple bottom line method considers Nike's social, environmental,
and financial impacts. This view emphasizes balancing social equality, environmental
responsibility, and financial viability and believes sustainable business practices are
essential to long-term success. Nike has several sustainability efforts to reduce its
environmental impact, waste, and community impact. The triple bottom line technique can
help academics evaluate these undertakings. This detailed research allows professionals
to calculate Nike's sustainability initiatives' financial and stakeholder worth.
The planetary boundaries concept helps explain environmental sustainability by setting
key limits that must not be broken to maintain global stability. Global warming, animal
loss, and water scarcity threaten ecosystems worldwide. Nike's corporate sustainability

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strategies must be linked to planetary boundaries to reduce environmental threats, boost

resilience, and meet global sustainability goals. Nike can prioritize environmental
protection, biodiversity, and water conservation worldwide. Nike can limit its
environmental effect and maintain important resources by obeying environmental rules.
Finally, scholars may assess Nike's sustainability initiatives and make better ethical and
environmentally friendly strategic decisions using sustainability frameworks. These
models can help researchers understand Nike's CSR, financial, and environmental
impact. This shift will benefit everyone, including society (Dmytriyev, et al., 2021).

Comparison and Contrast of Different Data Perspectives:

Nike secondary data researchers face many perspectives, methodologies, and
interpretations. Research differs because different groups use distinct theoretical
frameworks, analytical approaches, sample populations, and methodologies.
Researchers must compare and evaluate data views to find parallels, disparities, and
ambiguities (Fung, et al., 2020).
Meta-analysis may help researchers gain data insights. Integrating findings from multiple
research or papers on the same topic requires rigour and thoroughness. This strategy
lets researchers look beyond individual studies to find patterns, abnormalities, and gaps
in the literature. Nike gains significant strategic decision-making insights from this. A
meta-analysis tries to reveal insights and trends that individual research would miss.
Integrating data from multiple sources may help researchers overcome the limits of
individual studies and achieve a more complete picture. Nike's strategic decision-making
knowledge is improved by this comprehensive review, which helps researchers uncover
subtle trends, outliers, and areas of agreement or disagreement.

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Through meta-analysis, researchers can determine the statistical significance of findings

across datasets and quantify impact. Statistical methods like impact size calculations and
significance testing help researchers draw conclusions and make informed decisions from
the facts. This quantitative strategy makes the study more trustworthy and accurate while
giving Nike stakeholder’s real metrics for strategic decision-making. Meta-analysis also
helps discover and reduce research literature biases. Researchers can identify
publication bias and methodological heterogeneity by carefully evaluating study
protocols, sample characteristics, and reporting standards. Overcoming these biases will
ensure the legitimacy and honesty of researchers' studies and provide a more
sophisticated view of the topic.
Nike researchers use meta-analysis to simplify complex data views into actionable
insights for evidence-based decision-making. Meta-analysis helps researchers get the
most out of current study material. This will improve strategic decisions and help Nike
develop sustainably.
Triangulation Techniques:
Researchers can utilize meta-analysis and triangulation to validate their findings. A study
strategy called "triangulation" uses several researchers, data sources, or methods to
corroborate and validate each other's findings. Researchers may utilize data,
methodological, and investigator triangulation. Data triangulation supports study
outcomes with several data sources to increase reliability and validity. Comparing data
from multiple sources to find patterns that coincide or disagree improves study credibility.
Methodological triangulation is using multiple research approaches to study the same
topic. We can better understand the research challenge and reduce methodological
biases by broadening our perspective. Investigator triangulation also requires three
analysts or researchers to collect and analyze data. Researchers can eliminate bias and
improve validity and reliability by including multiple perspectives and interpretations.
Researchers use triangulation methods to improve analysis rigor and trustworthiness,
giving Nike better strategic planning and decision-making insights.

6. Recommendations / Solutions
Nike's problems can be solved with several strategic proposals to meet this consulting
study's goals. The suggestions are practical and will help the company solve its problems.

Enhance Supply Chain Transparency and Sustainability:

Nike requires a comprehensive plan if it wants to realize its vision of a more transparent
and environmentally friendly supply chain. To make the supply chain more transparent,
traceable, and socially and environmentally conscientious, Nike might begin by
encouraging tighter cooperation among its suppliers. We can accomplish Nike's

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sustainability goals by maintaining open communication, regularly evaluating our

suppliers, and implementing rigorous monitoring methods. If Nike wants to find and
eliminate risks in its supply chain, it needs auditing and monitoring procedures that are
strong. Nike is able to swiftly resolve concerns including hazardous working conditions,
environmental non-compliance, and labor violations by doing audits and evaluations on
a regular basis. Data analytics and blockchain technologies allow Nike to monitor its
supply chain in real-time. Anomaly detection, product origin verification, and material
tracing are all made easier with this (Dominique-Ferreira, et al., 2021).
Nike might do much more to lessen its influence on the environment if it switched to
renewable energy and started using greener manufacturing processes. Solar and wind
power are examples of sustainable energy sources that Nike might use to lessen its
negative effects on the environment. Nike may aid in environmental preservation and
sustainability through the use of sustainable production practices such as water recycling,
waste minimization, and energy-efficient technology. If Nike could increase the
transparency and sustainability of its supply chain, it might reduce risk, make sure the
company follows ethical and environmental standards, and win over environmentally
sensitive consumers. The long-term results of Nike's sustainable business activities
include cost savings, improved operations, and benefits for stakeholders. Sustainable
business practices in the athletic apparel market can be led by companies like Nike, which
priorities supply chain transparency. The event occurred as a result of the company's
CSR efforts (Meyer, et al., 2019).

Strengthen Brand Reputation and Consumer Engagement:

Nike needs a holistic approach that covers all operations and communication platforms
to improve brand image and consumer engagement. In today's always-on, always-
connected culture, consumers' opinions of corporations strongly affect their purchasing
decisions, especially for ethical and environmentally friendly products. Thus, Nike should
prioritize customer trust, brand loyalty, and genuine connections. Nike must regularly
inform the public about its sustainability, social effect, and ethical business practices to
maintain its reputation. Nike should be honest and truthful in their marketing, company
websites, and social media accounts. Nike can show its commitment to social and
environmental responsibility and improve its reputation with customers by being
transparent about its sustainability efforts, both achievements and mistakes.
Nike has to max out its social media presence to spread its brand messages and establish
true customer interactions. Nike can communicate with customers and grow its audience
on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Nike may grow their online presence and fanbase
by posting engaging material, replying to customer inquiries, and participating in relevant

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Nike may employ social media and influencer collaborations to build brand trust and reach
specific demographics. Nike can enhance brand awareness and sales by reaching out to
influencers who share its values and target audience. Nike can reach more people and
engage with them by working with influencers who share their passion for sustainability,
fitness, and lifestyle. Experiential marketing will also help Nike give customers more
exciting brand experiences. Nike can establish customer loyalty and leave a lasting
impression with pop-up shops, interactive activations, and events. Nike enthusiasts can
interact with products, learn about sustainability, and participate in community-building
events to develop brand loyalty. To attract different consumers, Nike might emphasize
inclusive marketing efforts, personalized experiences, and fresh product designs. Nike
expands their consumer base and differentiates itself in the competitive athletic gear
market by making items for varied preferences, finances, and lifestyles. Diversity,
empowerment, and inclusivity-focused marketing efforts can strengthen brand loyalty and
promote brand advocacy (Kreutzer, et al., 2020).
To conclude, Nike can stand out in a competitive market, gain customers' trust and loyalty,
and strengthen its brand image by stressing consumer interaction and reputation. Nike
can interact with consumers and strengthen its brand reputation through inclusive
branding, influencer alliances, smart social media use, open communication, and
effective social media use. All of these things boost Nike's market position and long-term

Connection to the Purpose of the Report:

Finding Nike's problems and coming up with long-term solutions to fix them is our main
goal in doing this consulting research. We want to help the firm expand and generate
value. We address the identified concerns with solutions that correspond with Nike's
objectives for the future after conducting a comprehensive assessment of Nike's
operations and market dynamics. If Nike can streamline and improve its supply chain, it
can save money, increase brand trust, and decrease the risk of unfavorable incidents.
The proposal states that insisting on supplier cooperation to guarantee environmental
and ethical compliance is of the utmost importance. The supply chain is further
guaranteed of transparency and compliance thanks to this joint effort's use of strong
monitoring methods and technology to trace and monitor the flow of items. Nike is even
more committed to lowering its environmental effect and conserving our valuable natural
resources by using renewable energy sources and using eco-friendly production
processes. In addition to fixing problems with sustainable production and ethical sourcing,
these projects boost Nike's image as an ethically sound business (Brown, et al., 2012).
Improving customer satisfaction, cultivating loyalty, and preserving a competitive edge
are all consistent with the suggestion to fortify the brand's image and customer
involvement. Customers that value ethical and ecologically conscious business practices

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may rally behind Nike if the company were more forthcoming about its sustainability
efforts. In order to create authentic relationships with their customers, Nike uses
experiential marketing, influencer collaborations, and social media. Nike can reach a
wider audience and get more trust as a reliable brand if it promotes and develops products
that are inclusive of other perspectives. Such suggestions are not based on pure
speculation but on an exhaustive evaluation of Nike's relative merits. Nike will be able to
overcome present obstacles, grab opportunities as they arise, and conquer tough market
competition with these plans in place. These recommendations are critical for Nike to
achieve its strategic objectives and encourage the creation of value in the long run. Their
alignment with the objective of this consultant report makes them all the more crucial.

7. Conclusion:
In conclusion, this consulting research analyses Nike's problems thoroughly and suggests
solutions that are in line with its overarching goal. A more sustainable and transparent
supply chain, a better reputation for the brand, and customer participation are the primary
determinants. An examination of Nike's business processes and market dynamics has
shown these problems as critical areas that require addressing if the firm is to sustain its
growth and value creation. In order to improve operational efficiency and reduce supply
chain risks, Nike can implement the many suggestions made in this article. Some
examples of these include investing in sustainable energy, increasing supplier
engagement, and making the most of technology. In addition, it is emphasized that Nike's
creative advertising campaigns, astute use of social media, and open communication are
critical tactics for establishing credibility, motivating devotion, and setting oneself apart
from competitors. These suggestions are based on an examination of Nike's potential and
threats and are in line with the report's overall objective. By implementing these
strategies, Nike may better position itself to thrive in the future, take advantage of new
opportunities, and solve existing problems in the worldwide market. Last but not least, we
wish these suggestions will help Nike achieve its long-term goals and satisfy its

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