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Chapter 1: Theoretical basic

I. Definition of crisis and media crisis

1. Crisis
A crisis is an event that has little chance of taking place. However, if it does, it will
have dramatic and dangerous consequences on the organization. On the other hand, the
causes of the crisis or even the ways to resolve it are unknown, but they should be
eliminated as soon as possible. Crises are products of several factors. These are failures
and pathologies within the organization that provoke a crisis, external threats that affect
the natural course of events, and the crisis managers themselves who skillfully deal with
the crisis.
2. Media Crisis
This type of crisis, as the name implies, concerns external factors, in this case – the
image and opinion of the public. It disseminates negative information about an organization
can tarnish the brand, company, or individual’s reputation . Moreover, the media channels
are now extremely in-demand for people, and the posts can be published a huge number of
times and with its high speed of transmission, with this, the media crisis is an extremely
complex and serious problem. Therefore, it is difficult to eliminate it in time. In conclusion,
in the field of media management, companies must develop plans in advance for
overcoming media crises.
II. Some features of media crisis
The media crisis has the primary impact as the following. In the first place, the media
fiascoes were seemingly uncertain and unpredictable. The organization may face this issue,
when the expected or planed is not, has come, so to speak. Such an exacting time and reason
are hard to foretell. Owing to the development of the Internet and social networks, negative
information can spread at breakneck speed, reaching many users in a brief time from one
media channel to many other channels, creating a domino effect. Thus, media crisis
information management usually becomes arduous, because of the growth of social
networks. The third point is that confusion, and anxiety can be seconded to the
communication crisis among employees, customers, partners, and other external parties of
the organization. Likewise, communication crises have to be proven effective speedily and
smart evolution plans have to be designed to limit the negative impacts. However, if not
successfully handled a communication crisis can cause lasting damage to a company's or
organization's reputation and credibility that will be difficult to restore trust with the
general public.
III. Crisis management process
The crisis management process involves several crucial steps to effectively handle
situations and minimize negative impacts. Initially, establishing a crisis management team
comprising individuals from various departments with diverse skills and a designated
leader is essential. Once formed, the team conducts a comprehensive assessment of the
crisis, gathering information and identifying immediate risks to develop an appropriate
response strategy. Subsequently, a detailed crisis management plan is developed, outlining
specific actions, roles, communication tools, and resource allocation. Effective
communication channels, both internally and externally, are established to maintain trust
and credibility. Implementing the plan swiftly involves using emergency procedures,
coordinating efforts, and monitoring the situation for adjustments. Post-crisis, a thorough
review and debriefing help evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement,
crucial for resilience and preparedness in facing future challenges.
IV. Media crisis management process
The media crisis handling process mirrors common crisis management procedures
but with distinct characteristics. It begins with accurately recognizing and assessing the
crisis's severity, followed by proposing appropriate solutions, gathering information,
analyzing impact, and defining treatment goals. Establishing a crisis management team is
crucial, comprising individuals with experience and strong communication skills. A
communication plan must be promptly developed, tailored to the crisis's severity,
encompassing effective messaging and resources. Public notification via press conferences
and releases is paramount, adjusting communication strategies as the crisis evolves.
Continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential for learning and enhancing future crisis
management processes.

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