10 - Coord Geo-MCQ - Ques and Ans 2023

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Class 10 Coordinate Geometry MCQs

1. The points (-5, 1), (1, p) and (4, -2) are collinear if the value of p is
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. -1

Answer: D

2. The line segment joining the points (3, -1) and (-6, 5) is trisected.
The coordinates of point of trisection are
A. (3, 3)
B. (- 3, 3)
C. (3, – 3)
D. (-3,-3)

Answer: B

3. The line 3x + y – 9 = 0 divides the line joining the points (1, 3) and
(2, 7) internally in the ratio
A. 3 : 4
B. 3 : 2
C. 2 : 3
D. 4 : 3

Answer: A

6. If (a/3, 4) is the mid-point of the segment joining the points P(-6, 5)

and R(-2, 3), then the value of ‘a’ is
A. 12
B. -6
C. -12
D. -4

Answer: C

4. The points (1,1), (-2, 7) and (3, -3) are

A. vertices of an equilateral triangle
B. collinear
C. vertices of an isosceles triangle
D. none of these

Answer: B

5. Two vertices of a triangle are (3, – 5) and (- 7,4). If its centroid is (2,
-1), then the third vertex is
A. (10, 2)
B. (-10,2)
C. (10,-2)
D. (-10,-2)

Answer: C

6. If the points P(1, 2), B(0, 0) and C(a, b) are collinear, then
A. 2a = b
B. a = -b
C. a = 2b
D. a = b

Answer: A

7. The coordinates of the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (0,

6), (8,12) and (8, 0) is
A. (4, 6)
B. (16, 6)
C. (8, 6)
D. (16/3, 6)

Answer: D

8. If the distance between the points (x, -1) and (3, 2) is 5, then the
value of x is
A. -7 or -1
B. -7 or 1
C. 7 or 1
D. 7 or -1

Answer: D
9. The distance of the point P(2, 3) from the x-axis is
A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
D. 5

Answer: B

10. The distance between the points A(0, 6) and B(0, -2) is
A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2

Answer: B

11. The distance of the point P(-6, 8) from the origin is

A. 8
B. 2√7
C. 10
D. 6

Answer: C

12. The distance between the points (0, 5) and (-5, 0) is

A. 5
B. 5√2
C. 2√5
D. 10

Answer: B

13. The perimeter of a triangle with vertices (0, 4), (0, 0) and (3, 0) is
A. 5
B. 12
C. 11
D. 7 + √5

Answer: B
14. The points (-4, 0), (4, 0), (0, 3) are the vertices of a
A. Right triangle
B. Isosceles triangle
C. Equilateral triangle
D. Scalene triangle

Answer: B

15. The point which divides the lines segment joining the points (7, -6)
and (3, 4) in ratio 1 : 2 internally lies in the
A. I quadrant
B. II quadrant
C. III quadrant
D. IV quadrant

Answer: D

16. The point which lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line
segment joining the points A(-2, -5) and B(2, 5) is
A. (0, 0)
B. (0, 2)
C. (2, 0)
D. (-2, 0)

Answer: A

17. The fourth vertex D of a parallelogram ABCD whose three

vertices are A(-2, 3), B(6, 7) and C(8, 3) is
A. (0, 1)
B. (0, -1)
C. (-1, 0)
D. (1, 0)

Answer: B

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