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ESL worksheet 2

1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 互联网是当今世界所有知识和信息的关键。

The Internet is the key to all knowledge and information in the

world today.

2. 在这场比赛中他们防守得很好。

They defended very well in this game.

3. 所有这些因素或许可以证明巨大的收入是合理的.

All these factors may prove that a huge income is reasonable.

4. 我们发现他很适合做这项工作。

We found that he is very suitable for this job.

5. 他们把伦敦作为他们从事研究工作的基地。

They made London as their base for conducting research work.

6. 船长命令他的船员们向海关官员出示护照。
The captain ordered his crew to show their passports to the

customs officials.

Captain —— crew

2. Watch the video to figure out :

a. The concept of determinism is __ a state that we have no control

over our actions ____________________,

and its consequences are ______ we are mainly passive responders

to our past or biology and that we have no free


b. People believing in free will think that ____ humans have

freedom to act all times_________________.

c. What are the strengths and weaknesses are of determinism?

The strength of determinism is that it makes the world more

understandable and predictable. The absence of free will is a

weakness of determinism.

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