Speaking Aptis C1 1

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Part 1: In this part of the test, you are going to answer three personal questions

about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to answer each
question. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.
1.1. Please tell me about your education.
1.2. What is a country that you would like to visit? Why?
1.3. Tell me about your favourite film.
Part 2: In this part of the test, you are going to describe what is happening in a
picture. Then, I will ask you two questions about them. You will have 45 seconds
for each response. Begin speaking when you hear the beep.

2.1. Describe this picture.

2.2. Tell me about a meeting you had with a team.
2.3. Do you prefer one long meeting or several short meetings. Why?
Part 3: In this part of the test, you are going to look at two pictures and I will ask
you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin
speaking when you hear the beep.
3.1. Compare the pictures.
3.2. Tell me about an activity that children enjoy.
3.3. What is better- playing a team sport or an individual sport?
Part 4: In this part of the test, you will look at a picture and answer the questions
below. You will have 60 seconds to prepare before you start speaking. Then, you
will speak for 2 minutes.

Tell me about a time you were late for something.

What made you late?
How did you feel about being late?

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