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PG: M.B.A.


Total 100 x 6 = 600 Marks

I. CORE COURSE [CCMBA401]: (Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations

Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours
Course Objective:
The objective of the subject is to acquaint the students with the various laws of business so that they can handle
the business judiciously and decisions should be appropriate. For this purpose at least 5 cases is to be
delivered in the semester.

Unit-1 Indian Contract Act 1872

• Meaning and Nature of Contract, Essentials of a Valid Contract,
• Types of Contract, Performance and Discharge of a Contract, Remedies for Breach of

Unit-2 Special Contracts

• Indemnity- Concept, Rights and Duties of Parties, Guarantee- Concept, Difference Between
Indemnity and Guarantee. Bailment- Concept, Sale, Duties and Rights of Parties,
• Pledge- Concept, Duties and Rights of Parties, Agency- Introduction and Essentials. Nature of
Relationship- Test of Agency, Agent and Employee

Unit-3 Indian Partnership Act 1932

• Meaning and Nature of Partnership, Essential Elements of Partnership, Partners and Firms,
Registration of Firms,
• Types of Partners, Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Partners, Dissolution of Partnership Firm,
Session 2018-20 Onwards

Unit-4 Companies Act 1956

• Meaning, Salient Features and Types of company, Lifting of Corporate Veil, Difference
between Public and Private company
• Formation of Company, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Prospectus.
Unit-5 Company Management
• Directors- Appointment and Duties. Managing Director and Board of Directors.
• Meetings- Board, Statutory, Annual General and Extra Ordinary General

Unit-6 Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

• Definition and Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments, Essentials of Negotiable Instruments,
Negotiation and Discharge of Negotiable Instruments, Crossing of a Cheque.

Unit-7 Sale of Goods Act 1930

• Introduction and features, Distinction Between ‘Sale’ and ‘Agreement to Sell’,
• Subject matter of Contract of Sale, Conditions and Warranties.

Essential Readings
Bare Act with short notes/comments( For each Different Laws)- Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
Commercial Law Publishers( India) Pvt. Ltd.
Business Law Including Company Law S.S. Gulsan & G.K. Kapoor, New Age International Publishers.
Business Law, Satish B Mathur, McGraw-Hill
Business Law: One should Know, Ajay Garg, Navi Publication
Indian Business Laws, S.K.Aggarawal & K. Singhal, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Legal Aspects of Business, Akhileshwar Pathak, Tata McGraw Hill
Mercantile Law, M.C.Kuchhal, Vikash Publications

Session 2018-20 Onwards


II. CORE COURSE [CCMBA402]: (Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations


Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours
Course Objective:
The basic objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the broad contours of the subject and its
implications for the ethical approaches in business.

Unit-1 Introduction
• Concept, relevance and importance, Ethical principles and relevance in business,
Normative and Justice & Fairness .
Unit-2 Ingraining Ethics in Life
• Ethical processes in life, Code of conduct - Managers, public servants, Lawyers, Engineers,
Academicians and Medical Practioner.
Unit-3 Environmental Ethics
• Sustainable Development, Industrial Pollution & Environmental Issues.
Unit-4 Corporate Governance
• Introduction to corporate governance, Importance, Issues and Obligations.
Unit-5 Consumer Protection
• Consumer & Consumer protection and Legal Protection to consumers.
Unit-6.Employee Issues
• Rights & responsibilities of employees, privacy issues and Ethical Decision making
Unit-7 Functional Ethics & Social Responsibility
• Concept of Ethics in Marketing, Finance, Human resource & Information Technology. Social
Responsibility, Theories & benefits of social responsibility.
Essential Readings
Business Ethics Concepts & Cases ,Velasquez, TMH Publication.
Business Ethics text and Cases Viswanath Ghosh, Vikas Publication
Business Ethics, S.K.Chakravorty, TMH Publication.
Ethics & the conduct of Business, Boatright, Pearson Publication
Session 2018-20 Onwards

III. CORE COURSE [CCMBA403]: (Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations


Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours

Course Objective:
This course will take students through a variety of issues related to managing technology and innovation in the
context of a technology‐based organization. It is about managing know‐how and innovation processes as well
as creating an organizational culture that fosters and supports innovation.

Unit1: Conceptual Foundation

• Concept & Meaning of Technology, Elements of Technology, Characteristics, Evolution &
Growth – A-U Model, Thomas S Kuhn’s Model,
• Impact of Technology on Society & Business, Technology Typology, Drivers, Role of CTO

Unit2: Technology Strategy

• Introduction, Competitive Advantage, Technology as Value Creator, Impact on Management
Layers, Roles of Technology in Innovation, Role of Government,
• Impact of Technology on Business Strategies, Managing R & D, Managing Intellectual

Unit3: Technology Management

• Needs for Technology Management, Characteristics and Components, Choosing Strategic
• Lifecycle of Technology and Its Impact on Technology Management, Value Creating, Value
Enabling, Ecosystem Technology Management

Session 2018-20 Onwards


Unit4: Innovation Management

• Innovation defined, Theories of Technological Change, Sources of Innovation, Innovation
Dimensions, Types of Innovation, Process of Innovation, Innovation Life Cycle
• Disruptive and Continuous Innovation, Open and Closed Innovation, Factors promoting
Innovation, Impediments to Innovation, Technological product and process innovation,
Technological Innovation system

Unit 5: Strategic Alliances & Networks

• Strategic Alliances, Go-It-Alone Strategy, Octopus Strategy, Complementary Capabilities,
Embedded Technologies, Forms of Strategic Alliance: Licensing, Supplier Relations,
Outsourcing, Joint Venture, Collaboration, R & D Consortia, Industry Clusters, Innovation
Networks, Virtual Company

Unit 6: Technology & Sustainability

• Three pillars perspective of technology & sustainability – Government, Service Provider and
Technology User
• Enterprise Green Tech Strategy (ETGS), Diffusion of Green Technology & IP Rights, Impact
of Technology in Education, Retail and Healthcare

Essential Reading
Azad, R. R.(2000). Technology Transfer & Joint Ventures Abroad. Deep & Deep Publications, India.
Betz Fredrick. Managing Technological Innovation- Competitive Advantage from Change, Second Edition.
John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
Jones T. (2003). Innovating at the Edge: How Organizations Evolve and Embed Innovation Capability.
Butterwork Heinemann, U. K.
Narayanan V.K. Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Pearson Education.
Sanjiva Shankar Dubey, Technology & Innovation Management, PHI Learning (2017)
Szakonyi Robert. Handbook of Technology Management. Viva Books Pvt. Ltd. CRC Press 1999.
Tushman, M.L. & Lawrence, P.R. (1997). Managing Strategic Innovation & Change. Oxford University
Press, USA, New York.
Trott, Paul. Innovation Management & New Product Development, PHI.

Session 2018-20 Onwards



(Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations


Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours

Course Objective:-
This course aims to provide adequate knowledge for wide range of financial derivatives having pivotal role in
enhancing shareholders value by ensuring access to the cheapest source of funds. At the end of the course the
students are expected to take appropriate judgmental decisions for sensible control and to execute management
strategy to deploy sophisticated derivative strategies successfully.

Unit 1: Introduction to Derivatives

• Meaning and Definition, Features of Financial Derivatives, Classification of Derivatives.
• Types of Derivative Contracts or Instruments, Uses of Derivatives, Critiques of Derivatives.

Unit 2: Forward Contract

• Meaning, Features, Classification of Forward Contract.
• How do Forward Contract works?, Advantages & Disadvantages.

Unit 3: Futures Contract

• Meaning & Definition, Features, Difference between Forward Contract & Futures Contract.
• Types of Futures Contract, Futures market trading mechanism.

Unit 4: Option
• Meaning & Definition, Types of Options, Basic concepts or terms used in Option trading.
• Difference between Options & Futures contract, Value of an Option, Option Positions
• Pay-off profiles of Option Position.

Session 2018-20 Onwards


Unit 5: Option Pricing

• Introduction, Determinants of Option Pricing, Lower & Upper limit of Call Option Price.
• Lower &Upper limit of Put Option Price, Put- Call Parity.

Unit 6: Swaps
• Meaning & Definition, Features, Advantages & Disadvantages of Swaps
• Difference between Forward Contract & Swaps, Types of Swaps.

Reference Reading:

Derivatives Products and Pricing, Satyajit Das, John Wiley and Sons
Financial Derivatives: Pricing and Risk Management, Robert W. Kolb, John Wiley & Sons
Financial Derivatives: Theory and Concepts & Problems, S.L. Gupta, PHI
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management, Dom M Chance, South Western Cengage Learning
Introduction to Futures and Options Market, Hull John C, PHI
Prafulla Kumar Swain, Fundamentals of Financial Derivatives, Himalaya Publishing House
Risk Management and Financial derivative, Satyajit Das, McGraw Hill

Session 2018-20 Onwards



(Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations

Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours
Course Objective:-
The course aims at familiarizing students with the investment environment in India and imparting the necessary
skills to manage portfolio.

Unit 1: Portfolio Construction

• Approaches in Portfolio Construction.
• Determination of Objectives.
• Selection of Portfolio.

Unit 2: Portfolio - Markowitz Model

• Simple Diversification.
• The Markowitz Model.
• Risk and Return with different correlation.
• Markowitz Efficient Frontier.

Unit 3: The Sharpe Index Model

• Single Index Model.
• Corner Portfolio.
• Sharpe’s Optimal Portfolio.
• Construction of the Optimal Portfolio.
• Optimum Portfolio with Short Sales.

Session 2018-20 Onwards


Unit 4: Capital Asset Pricing Theory & Arbitrage Pricing Theory.

• The CAPM Theory.
• Assumptions.
• Arbitrage Pricing Theory.

Unit 5: The Securities And Exchange Board Of India.

• Objectives of SEBI.
• Functions of SEBI.
• Organization of SEBI.
• SEBI’s Role in the Primary Market.
• Secondary Market & SEBI.
• Mutual Funds & SEBI.

Suggested Readings
Fundamentals of Investments, Alexander, Gordon, Jeffery, and Sharpe Williams
Investment & Portfolio Management, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill
Investment Analysis and Management, Charles P Jones, John Wiley
Modern Investment Theory, Haugen Roberts, PHI
Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, Elton, Gruber, Brown and Goetzmann
Security Analysis & portfolio Management, S Kevin, PHI Learning
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Fischer & Jordan, PHI
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Punithavathy Pandian, Vikas Publishing

Session 2018-20 Onwards


(Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations

Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours
Course Objective:-
Firms of nearly all types have come to the realization that one of the most valuable asset have is their brand.
This syllabus explores branding across goods and services and intro relevant theory used to design effective
branding strategies. Besides discussing appro theories and models, the course contents will also incorporate
practical branding cases, students would be trained to make and evaluate branding decisions in the future.

Unit-1 Introduction
• Concept of Brand, Significance of Branding for Consumers and for Firms, Branding Chall &
Opportunities, Concept of Brand Equity, Cost based, Price based and Customer based Equity.

Unit-2 Customer Based Brand Equity

• Sources of Brand Equity- Brand Awareness & Brand Image, Keller’s CBBE Model-Ide
Meaning, Response & Relationships.

Unit-3 Brand Positioning

• Definition of Target Market & Market Segmentation, Defining the Competitive Fram
Reference, Establishing the Points of Parity & Points of Difference. Brand Audit Brand
Inventory & Brand Exploratory.

Unit-4 Building Brand Equity

• Identifying the Criteria and Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity
• Brand Tracking
• Need for Brand Tracking, Designing Brand Tracking Studies.

Session 2018-20 Onwards


Unit-5 Measuring Brand Equity

• Need for Measuring Brand Equity, Brand Asset Valuator Model, Aaker Model, Meas Return
on Brand Investment (ROBI)

Unit-6 Brand Extension

• Advantages & Disadvantages of Brand Extension, Evaluating the Opportunity for Brand
Extension, Brand Extension Guidelines

Unit-7 Branding and Marketing Communication

• Developing Integrated Marketing Communication Programs for Brand Building, Advertising
& Brand Building
• Managing Brands over time
• Reinforcing & Revitalizing Brands.

Suggested Readings
Brand Asset Management, Scott M Davis, McGraw Hill
Brand Management, Kirti Dutta, Oxford Publishing
Brand Management,Y L R Moorthi, Vikas Publishing
Managing Brand Equity, David Aaker, New York Free Press
Strategic Brand Management, Keller, Parmeswaran & Jacob, Pearson

Session 2018-20 Onwards


(Credits: Theory-04)

Marks: 30 (SIA: 20 IAT, 1Hr + 5 CBA + 5 CAPS) + 70 (ESE: 3Hrs)=100 Pass Marks (SIA:17 + ESE:28)=45

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Assessment (SIA):

The Semester Internal Assessment (SIA) shall have three components. (a) An Internal Assessment Test (IAT) of 20 Marks,
(b) A Course Based Assignment (CBA) of 05 marks, and (c) Class Attendance cum Performance Score (CAPS) of 05
The IAT shall have two groups of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall have a case study based/
analytical/ descriptive type question of 5 marks. Group B shall contain descriptive type five questions of five marks each,
out of which any three are to be answered.

End Semester Examination (ESE):

The End Semester Examination shall have two group of questions. Group A shall be compulsory and shall
contain two questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question
No.2 will be of a short answer type of 5 marks. Group B shall contain six descriptive type questions, each of fifteen
marks, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in each question asked in Theory Examinations

D. SERVICES MARKETING Theory: 45 Lectures; Tutorial: 15 Hours

Course Objective:-
This course aims to provide an in-depth appreciation and understanding of the unique challenges inherent in
managing and delivering quality services.

Unit 1: Introduction to Services Marketing

• Evolution of services marketing, Characteristics of services and the implications on marketing
strategy - The Service Marketing Mix – The Gaps model of service quality
Unit 2: Consumer Behaviour in Services
• Customer expectations of services – customer perception of services – Listening to customers
through research
Unit 3; Service recovery
• Service development and design – Customer defined service standards – Physical evidence and
the servicescape.
Unit 4: Employees Roles in Service delivery
• The Customer as Co-Producer - Self-service technologies - Components of the servicescape -
Complaint Handling and Service Recovery- Elements of service quality - SERVQUAL scale
Unit 5: Managing demand and capacity
• Delivery services through Intermediaries and Electronic Channels – Integrated Services
Marketing Communication – Pricing for services
Books for Reference:
Adrian Payne The essence of Services Marketing 7th Prentice Hall of India Indian reprint
Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz, Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 6th ed.,
Prentice Hall.
Rajendra Nargundkar Services Marketing 2nd ed, Tata McGraw Hiil
Ravi Shanker Services Marketing the Indian Perspective Excel 1st ed reprint
Valarie Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, Dwayne Gremler and Ajay Pandit Services Marketing: Integrating
Customer Focus Across the Firm, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
Session 2018-20 Onwards

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